مصون سازی امنیتی: تحلیلی بر راهبرد چین در مواجهه با آمریکا در جنوب شرق آسیا (مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
درجه علمی: نشریه علمی (وزارت علوم)
روابط چین و آمریکا به عنوان دو قدرت بزرگ، یکی از پرفراز و فرودترین روابط میان کشورهای جهان قلمداد می شوند. این روابط طیفی از رقابت شدید تا همکاری پیچیده را در برمی گیرد. در حالی که این دو کشور خود را رقبای استراتژیک قلمداد می کنند؛ همزمان همکاری اقتصادی با یکدیگر را نیز یک ضرورت استراتژیک می دانند. در سال های اخیر علاقه به «رقابت استراتژیک» به جای «تعامل استراتژیک» از سوی آمریکا بیشتر شده است و نمود این مهم را می توان در استراتژی مهار واشنگتن در جنوب شرق آسیا علیه چین ملاحظه کرد. پرسش این است که با توجه به تمایل چین به توسعه اقتصادی و در نتیجه تعامل استراتژیک با واشنگتن، پکن چه استراتژی را باید در پیش گیرد تا در مقابل فشار ایالات متحده و هم پیمانانش در جنوب شرق آسیا دچار آسیب نشود؟ مقاله این فرضیه را مطرح می کند که چین اساساً استراتژی مصون سازی را در دستور کار قرار داده است تا ضمن تضمین منافع استراتژیک خود، از رویارویی مستقیم با آمریکا پرهیز نموده و فرصت مناسبی را برای توسعه خود و استفاده از ظرفیت تعامل با آمریکا فراهم نماید. یافته های پژوهش نشان می دهد که پکن پس از جنگ سرد متناسب با درک خطرات علیه منافع ملی خود، طیف متنوعی از استراتژی ها از جمله مصون سازی را اعمال کرده است.Security “Hedging”: An Analysis of China's Strategy in Confronting the US in Southeast Asia
The rise of China as a major power is one of the most significant developments in global politics in the 21st century. As a result, this has sparked concerns from the United States and Southeast Asian countries. In response, Washington has implemented its grand strategy to enhance deterrence and maintain the balance of power in Asia through the "Pivot to Asia" and "Indo-Pacific" strategies. Chinese leadership, on the other hand, views these American strategies as intensifying the security dilemma in the region, which not only increases the likelihood of direct confrontation, but also poses a serious challenge to China's growth trajectory.
Given the current situation and China's desire for economic development and strategic engagement with Washington, the question is “What strategy should Beijing adopt to avoid being harmed by pressure from the United States and its allies in Southeast Asia?” China's actions suggest that it has adopted what is known as a "hedging" strategy to secure its strategic interests while avoiding confrontation with the US. Indeed, it seeks to foster its development by leveraging its strategic engagement with the US. In other words, Beijing has endeavored to respond decisively but with strategic caution, to avoid conflict with the US, prevent anti-balancing coalitions (by Southeast Asian countries), and ensure the continuation of its power growth.
The hedging strategy is a thoughtful approach that manifests as a cautious response to risks in a constructive, peaceful, and non-confrontational manner. It closely aligns with Beijing's peaceful diplomacy in the region, aimed at maximizing benefits and minimizing threats. In general, China's hedging strategy is based on two pillars: first, reassuring its surrounding environment (Southeast Asia) regarding the benign consequences of Beijing's growing power; and second, indirectly balancing the US through soft competition.
The article's hypothesis is examined through a descriptive-analytical method and involves two main variables: First, the independent variable, which includes the "Pivot to Asia" strategy—a form of rebalancing by the United States against China—and the "Indo-Pacific" strategy, which represents an aggressive policy by the United States towards China. Second, the dependent variable is China's hedging strategy.
Result and Discussion
The relationship between China and the United States, as two major powers, has ranged from cooperation to competition over the past two decades. Throughout this period, Chinese political leaders (from the second generation of leadership to the present) have sought to secure their interests and respond to threats by addressing structural and domestic factors. In essence, China's foreign policy has been based on economic growth aimed at peaceful development and strategic caution in the face of security risks. This approach has enabled Beijing to take steady steps towards continued economic growth and, in parallel, enhance and stabilize its power in the region as it entered the new millennium.
In the meantime, China's increasing role in Asia and its high potential to become a hegemon prompted the United States to operationalize its strategy to enhance deterrence and contain Beijing through the "Pivot to Asia" and "Indo-Pacific" strategies. In response, Beijing adopted the hedging strategy as its Asian policy.
Beijing's hedging strategy is structured in two layers. The initial layer itself has two dimensions. The first pertains to the mutual dependency between Beijing and the United States, which China seeks to maintain and exploit to sustain its power growth. The second relates to China's growing security concerns regarding threats from the US, which may lead to a confrontation. These considerations have driven China to manage its relations carefully and avoid geopolitical competition with the US. The subsequent layer concerns Beijing's response to US actions in its surrounding environment, namely Southeast Asia. In this regard, Beijing has attempted to overcome challenges posed by the US by adopting a "reassurance approach" to weaken any coalitions against China.