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Impact of Review, Reviewer and Hotel Characteristics on Ewom Helpfulness: An Empirical Study(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: eWOM helpfulness review parameters reviewer parameters hotel parameters Econometric Modelling

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۷۰ تعداد دانلود : ۹۹
Electronic word of mouth (eWOM) has been gaining popularity pertaining to its numerous benefits and ability to be applied in various fields. It helps consumers in making informed decisions and aids service providers in delivering an enhanced service or product. Despite all these benefits, dealing with the huge amounts of eWOM is a consistent problem. eWOM helpfulness comes handy in order to address this issue. In this study, we utilize 16699 hotels related eWOM written by 1099 reviewers which are collected from TripAdvisor.com. Our main objective is to analyze which factors impact eWOM helpfulness and how. For this purpose, eight unique variables belonging to three different categories are selected (eWOM length, eWOM subjectivity, eWOM polarity, eWOM readability, eWOM recency, hotel rating, reviewer badge and reviewer helpfulness) and are analyzed using econometric modelling. Our findings show that hotel rating as well as reviewer badge and helpfulness enjoy a positive significant relationship with eWOM helpfulness. It also suggests that eWOM length, readability and subjectivity positively influences eWOM helpfulness though eWOM polarity and recency are found to have an inverse relationship with the helpfulness of eWOM. Thus, our study reports that review, hotel and reviewer characteristics impact eWOM helpfulness in different ways. This study is summarized with the discussion of theoretical and practical implications.

شناخت اینرسی نوآوري در شرکت هاي دانش بنیان و پیامدهاي آن؛ تحلیل عوامل پیشایندي و پسایندي با نقشه شناختی فازي(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: نوآوری اینرسی اینرسی نوآوری شرکت های دانش بنیان

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۱۰۹ تعداد دانلود : ۱۱۲
در محیط متلاطم جهان امروز، اگر شرکت یا سازمانی قابلیت انطباق با تغییرات و تحولات جهانی را نداشته باشد، محکوم به سقوط و نابودی است. بنابراین شرکت ها و سازمان ها، اگر خواهان آن هستند که بقای آن ها تهدید نشود، باید خلاقیت و نوآوری را به عنوان کلیدواژه اصلی راهبردها، برنامه ها و سیاست های اصلی خود بپذیرند. از این رو پژوهش حاضر با هدف شناخت و فهم اینرسی نوآوری در شرکت های دانش بنیان انجام شد. این پژوهش بر پایه پژوهش آمیخته و به صورت کیفی و کمی است که از نظر هدف، کاربردی و از حیث ماهیت و روش، توصیفی پیمایشی است. جامعه آماری پژوهش مدیران و اساتید شرکت های دانش بنیان هستند که به عنوان خبرگان، نظرات آن ها در بخش کیفی و کمی پژوهش مورد بررسی قرار می گیرد. اعضای نمونه آماری این پژوهش به وسیله روش نمونه گیری هدفمند انتخاب گردیدند. در بخش کیفی پژوهش ابزار گردآوری اطلاعات مصاحبه نیمه ساختاریافته است که روایی و پایایی آن با استفاده از ضریب CVR و آزمون درون کدگذار و میان کدگذار تایید شد. ابزار گردآوری اطلاعات در بخش کمی نیز پرسشنامه است که روایی و پایایی آن با استفاده از روایی محتوا و آزمون مجدد تایید شد. در بخش کیفی، داده های کیفی بدست آمده از مصاحبه با استفاده از نرم افزار Atlas.ti و روش کدگذاری تحلیل شد و عوامل ایجاد کننده اینرسی نوآوری در شرکت های دانش بنیان ایران شناسایی شدند. به علاوه در بخش کمی پژوهش، با استفاده از روش FCM عوامل ایجاد کننده و همچنین پیامدهای اینرسی نوآوری درشرکت های دانش-بنیان ایران اولویت یابی شده و مهمترین عوامل ایجاد کننده و پیامدهای اینرسی نوآوری در شرکت های دانش بنیان شناسایی شدند. نتایج پژوهش نشان دهنده آن است که حاکمیت فرهنگ تقلید به جای فرهنگ نوآوری، گرفتاری به سندروم آرتروز فکری، ترس و روحیه محافظه کارانه، انجماد فکری و استفاده از تجربیات قبلی در حل مسئله جدید، مهمترین عوامل ایجاد کننده اینرسی نوآوری هستند همچنین چهار عامل از جمله، کاهش کارایی و بهره وری، ضعف در یادگیری و حل مسئله، اخذ تصمیمات نامطلوب و مخاطره بقای سازمان و پدیدایی انسداد و بن بست استراتژیک پیامدهای بسیار مهم اینرسی نوآوری در شرکتهای دانش بنیان هستند.

Social Media Value Creation Practices and Interactivity of Electronic Word of Mouth Systems(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: social media Value Creation Social media marketing Consumer engagement Online shopping

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۸۵ تعداد دانلود : ۷۶
The main drivers of value creation in a ‘brand community’ are social networking, community engagement, impression management, and brand use. Marketers are therefore interested in determining which factors affect the value creation practices. This study examines the impact of the Interactivity of Electronic Word of Mouth (EWOM) systems on value creation practices in a brand community, which in turn influences the loyalty of the customers. In this regard, a conceptual model was developed and tested by the researchers of the current study. The results indicate that perceptions of the users regarding the interactivity of EWOM systems, highly impact only three of the four value creation practices including community engagement practices, impression management practices, and brand use practices. Furthermore, the researchers found that collective value creation practices could significantly and directly enhance brand loyalty. Several theoretical contributions and managerial implications were also discussed

Assessing the performance of Co-Saliency Detection method using various Deep Neural Networks(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: CNN Co-Saliency detection SGDM Adam RMS VGG19 Inceptionv3 ResNet MobileNet and PoolNet

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۵۷ تعداد دانلود : ۴۰
Co-Saliency object detection is the process of identifying common and repetitive objects from the group of images. Earlier studies have looked over several state-of-art deep neural network methodologies for co-saliency detection approach. The Deep CNN approaches rely heavily on co-saliency detection due to their potent feature extraction capabilities both deep and wide. This article assess the performance of several state-of-art deep learning model (VGG19, Inceptionv3, modifiedResNet, MobileNetV2 and PoolNet) for the purpose of co-saliency detection among images from benchmark datasets. All the models were trained on   70% part of the dataset and remaining were used for testing purpose. Experimental results show that modified ResNetmodel outperforms getting 96.53% accuracy as compared to other state-of-the-art deep neural network models.

Stress-Testing Technologies of Financial Stability of Financial Corporations: Aspect of Insurance Companies(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: insurance company risk Financial Stability Stress Testing technologies Insurance Rates Reinsurance

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۴۹ تعداد دانلود : ۴۷
The purpose of the article is to perform stress-testing technologies of the financial stability of an insurance company based on the constructed mathematical model of the insurance company's activity, which would meet the established requirements (adequate reproduction of the main parameters of the insurance company's functioning; taking into account the stochastic nature of insurance processes; flexible management of model parameters describing company's behaviour; the ability to influence the intensity of flows; suitability for algorithmization and construction of computational simulation model. The relevance of this study is due to the need to address the problem of changes and complications, the growing variety of strategies and products implemented by insurance companies. There is a need for innovative methods to assess and monitor the vulnerability of these institutions to various types of risks. One of these methods, which is gaining widespread recognition both among regulators and financial corporations, is stress testing. It has been established that stress testing as a risk management tool is used both to assess the insurance company's readiness for a crisis situation, and to develop a plan of adequate measures to counteract and eliminate its negative impact. The development and application of the proposed mathematical and simulation model of stress testing of the financial stability of the insurance company allows to solve issues of ensuring sufficiency of capital level, control of financial stability and solvency, reliability of efficiency of activities, taking into account the probabilistic nature of insurance activities, various typical insurance risks and time horizons.

Information Systems in Fiscal Administration and Modeling of Excise Tax(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: information systems Fiscal Efficiency Tax Administration Excise Tax Functions of the Excise Tax Modeling Methods Brewing Industry

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۸۶ تعداد دانلود : ۵۱
The purpose of the article is to substantiate the fiscal role of the excise tax by studying its information and functional potential and to model the dynamics of its payment by the brewing industry. Excise tax occupies a special place in a tax system of each state because, in addition to significant fiscal importance, it has a considerable regulatory impact on the production and consumption of certain categories of goods. Based on information systems in the article analyses and monitors the indicators of the excise tax payments on goods produced in Ukraine on the example of a particular enterprise in the brewing industry. By means of the initial data analysis of autocorrelation functions of volumes’ indicators of the accrued excise taxes on beer the expediency of modelling realization of such indicator dynamics on the basis of ARIMA model is proved. The analytical and statistical approaches to the formation of models for the implementation of forecast for the calculation of excise tax on beer of brewing industry enterprises are improved. The proposed approach is based on the values of autocorrelation of balances and partial autocorrelation, as well as methods of analysis of time series with gaps, which allows to use it in the economic activity of enterprises to make forecasts for the calculation and payment of the excise tax. This will produce financial effects for the brewing industry in terms of cost optimization and minimization of the excise tax risks.

نقش واسطه ای تسهیم دانش در تاثیر جو نوآورانه بر رفتارهای نوآورانه (نمونه پژوهش: معلمان شهر کاشان)(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: جو نوآورانه رفتارهای نوآورانه تسهیم دانش معلمان آموزش و پرورش

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۱۳۳ تعداد دانلود : ۱۳۵
درک اهمیت رفتار نوآورانه و خلاقانه معلمان در مدرسه، موضوع حیاتی و چالش برانگیزی برای مسئولان آموزش و پژوهشگران می باشد، زیرا مدارس به عنوان اجتماعات یادگیری حرفه ای وظیفه دارند حامی رفتارهای نوآورانه باشند. در واقع، از آنجایی که از مدارس و معلمان انتظار می رود دانش آموزانی را تربیت نمایند که در آینده، نیروی کاری خلاق و نوآور باشند، اهمیت رفتار نوآورانه معلمان به عنوان عاملان تغییر و الگوی دانش آموزان در این مسیر، امری مبرهن است. لذا هدف پژوهش، بررسی تاثیر جو نوآورانه بر رفتارهای نوآورانه معلمان با نقش واسطه ای تسهیم دانش بود. پژوهش حاضر از نظر هدف، کاربردی و از نظر اجرا، توصیفی-همبستگی بود. جامعه آماری، شامل معلمان شهر کاشان به تعداد 3252 نفر بود که با استفاده از فرمول کوکران و به روش نمونه گیری تصادفی طبقه ای 351 نفر به عنوان نمونه انتخاب شدند. جهت گردآوری داده ها از سه پرسشنامه جو سازمانی نوآورانه سیگل و کایمر (1978)، تسهیم دانش واندن هوف و دریدر (2004) و رفتار نوآورانه کانتر (1988) استفاده شد. روایی پرسشنامه ها به صورت صوری و سازه (تحلیل عاملی تاییدی) انجام شد. از طریق ضریب آلفای کرونباخ، پایایی پرسشنامه جو نوآورانه 88/0، رفتار نوآورانه 90/0 و تسهیم دانش 77/0 بدست آمد. تحلیل داده های پژوهش با استفاده از نرم افزارهای آماری SPSS و اسمارت در دو سطح توصیفی و استنباطی انجام گردید. نتایج نشان داد میانگین جو نوآورانه (96/2) کمی پایین تر از حد متوسط (3)، میانگین رفتار نوآورانه (95/3) بالاتر از حد متوسط (3) و میانگین تسهیم دانش (11/4) بالاتر از حد متوسط (5/2) بود. ضرایب مسیر نشان داد جو نوآورانه با (425/0=Beta، 001/0=P) روی رفتار نوآورانه، تسهیم دانش با (15/0=Beta، 002/0=P) روی رفتار نوآورانه و جو نوآورانه با (40/0=Beta، 001/0=P) روی تسهیم دانش معلمان، تاثیر مثبت و معنادار دارد و نقش میانجی تسهیم دانش، در تاثیر جو نوآورانه روی رفتار نوآورانه معلمان تایید شد. در واقع، هنگامی که معلمان جو سازمان را جوی حمایتی و حامی نوآوری ادراک می کنند، تمایل بیشتری به تسهیم دانش و تبدیل دانش ضمنی به دانش آشکار خواهند داشت و در حقیقت، بستری مناسب برای توزیع دانش بین معلمان فراهم می شود، تبادل اطلاعات صورت می گیرد و همین مسئله، زمینه ساز و پتانسیل بالقوه ای است برای بروز رفتار نوآورانه.

The Effect of COVID-19 on Information Technology (IT) Marketing and Digital Business in Global Market(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: Information Technology Marketing Advertising COVID-19 pandemic

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۱۲۱ تعداد دانلود : ۹۶
The worldwide Covid-19 epidemic while affecting numerous places, has had a profound effect on virtual advertising and advertising and, globally, in the provinces and at the neighborhood level. except, this effect for the most element become positive, in contrast to what has seen in exclusive sectors which include economy, human sources, etc., whilst contamination reasons a variety of incapacity amongst clients and advertisers alike, in phrases of welfare, social work, inflation, business, and many others., the equal shifted conduct goes as a long way as running. , investing strength, getting into self-schooling, adopting new programs from the internet, expanding social and hygiene concerns, retaining distance strategies from complete regions, internet-based media willpower, get right of entry to online sources, etc., and this has greatly impacted the display and endorsed efforts. The moral movement has moved past the PC and digital international, which places open doors for advertisers and products to connect with clients more efficiently than ever before. With the arrival of expanded online media and the call for pc-generated content material, the evolved Media have given advertisers a part of the monetary freedom. At the equal time, this has, in turn, enabling advertisers to be extra proactive and to engage with the public at the same time as appearing excessive excellent demonstration programs. The purpose of this study is to explore, investigate, and recognize the effect of coronavirus on the digital market and businesses.

A Glance to Develop an Emotional-Persuasive Habit-Change Support Mobile Application for Heart Disease Patients (BeHabit)(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: Heart disease mHealth Habit-change Persuasive Emotional features Mood Medical Information System

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۲۹۹ تعداد دانلود : ۱۲۲
Heart disease is stated as the world's biggest killer. The risk factors of this deadly disease are due to some bad habits such as being overweight, bad eating diet, smoking, assumption of alcohol, etc. Nevertheless, patients can live a healthy lifestyle if they have the proper guidance of persuasive-emotional featured technologies. In line with this, this study focuses on developing an emotional-persuasive habit-change support mobile application called BeHabit to improve heart disease patients’ lifestyles. Persuasive-emotional features are two different features that are integrated with BeHabit to distinguish this application from the existing ones. The proposed system is designed, implemented, tested, and evaluated by 10 users. In conclusion, the users are satisfied to used BeHabit to change their bad habits. Emotional and persuasive features that are integrated into BeHabit are the key to help patients to change their bad habits. BeHabit and the integrated feature can be used as a guideline for healthcare developers and providers for the improvement of mHealth services.

A Literature Review of Technology Adoption theories and Acceptance models for novelty in Building Information Modeling(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: Building Information Modeling (BIM) Systematic Literature Review (SLR) technology acceptance BIM Adoption

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۲۱۷ تعداد دانلود : ۱۷۸
Building Information Modeling (BIM) is the backbone of the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industry. BIM is the collection of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), interacting policies, and procedures. BIM generates a methodology to manage the project data in digital format throughout the building's life-cycle. Despite the numerous benefits and features of BIM, its proliferation remains limited and facing adoption issues. Although many existing studies discussed BIM adoption from contextual lenses, discipline-focused, there is still a scarcity of a comprehensive overview of technology adoption models and frameworks in BIM research. The purpose of this Systemic Literature Review (SLR) is to evaluate the current status of BIM adoption, technology acceptance theories, models used and find the research challenges. Furthermore, to identify the roles of independent constructs, dependent construct, moderators, and mediators in BIM adoption research. Also, the findings provide an in-depth description of the different stages of BIM adoption. Finally, this SLR will help the researchers for further research in the field of BIM adoption.

Filter-Based Feature Selection Using Information Theory and Binary Cuckoo Optimisation Algorithm(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: feature selection Filter-Based Binary Cuckoo Optimization information theory

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۴۰۲ تعداد دانلود : ۱۱۸
Dimensionality reduction is among the data mining process that is used to reduce the noise and complexity of features in various datasets. Feature selection (FS) is one of the most commonly used dimensionalities that reduces the unwanted features from the datasets. FS can be either wrapper or filter. Wrappers select subsets of the feature with better classification performance but are computationally expensive. On the other hand, filters are computationally fast but lack feature interaction among selected subsets of features which in turn affect the classification performance of the chosen subsets of features. This study proposes two concepts of information theory mutual information (MI). As well as entropy (E). Both were used together with binary cuckoo optimization algorithm BCOA (BCOA-MI and BCOA-EI). The target is to improve classification performance (reduce the error rate and computational complexity) on eight datasets with varying degrees of complexity. A support vector machine classifier was used to measure and computes the error rates of each of the datasets for both BCOA-MI and BCOA-E. The analysis of the results showed that BCOA-E selects a fewer number of features and performed better in terms of error rate. In contrast, BCOA-MI is computationally faster but chooses a larger number of features. Comparison with other methods found in the literature shows that the proposed BCOA-MI and BCOA-E performed better in terms of accuracy, the number of selected features, and execution time in most of the datasets.

Internet of Things Care Device for Visually Impaired and Old People(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: Blind Assistive Device IoT Rasp-Pi-Pi Wearable Systems Obstacle detection Cab Booking Emergency Contact Fall Detection

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۲۵۹ تعداد دانلود : ۱۲۶
Focusing on the problems faced by blind people, this paper has come up with the technology solution for the assistance of blind people. The solution is based on the intelligent data transmission to the earphone of a person based on task associated. The solution consists of a jacket to detect the obstacles along with a wearable box with task priority switchs. The system helps in detection of the obstacle and its height, one-touch cab booking and support of relatives, Ambulance services, Police services, etc. in the case of emergency. Either wired and wireless headphones or speakers can be interfaced with the device (box) to get audio notifications. The various tasks are triggered using multiple switches. The system will use a definitive SOC (System on Chip) platform recognized as Rasp-Pi-Pi along with ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04, Neo-6M GPS (Global Positioning System) module, and different switches. The system uses a 20,000 mAh lion battery for the power supply. The voice signals can be provided in more than fifty languages. A fall detection system is also discussed in this paper. This system will be beneficial not only for blind but also for care of old aged people

The Evaluation of an Improved Model of the Agile Kanban Using Focus Group(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: Agile Kanban Software development Software Project Monitoring Task evaluation Focus Group

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۲۵۴ تعداد دانلود : ۱۲۳
The improved model of the Agile Kanban (i-KAM) is developed to enhance the software project monitoring task when employing Agile project management (APM) approach. The i-KAM have been initially verified by 11 knowledge and domain experts. In consequence, it has been reconstructed and enhanced based on the remarks and recommendations provided by the experts. This paper aims to present the final evaluation results of i-KAM achieved from seven software practitioners participated in a focus group. The focus group method was selected because it is an empirical approach used in the evaluation studies conducted in the software engineering (SE) domain. Therefore, this method was employed to obtain the practitioners’ feedback on the proposed model. Results confirm the effectiveness of i-KAM, in which it can assist the project managers and team members in monitoring their projects’ progress effectively. In addition, it is indicated that i-KAM is an applicable model with easy and practical implementation. This study contributes to improve the task of monitoring software development projects within the APM environment. Accordingly, this would systematically facilitate the top managements’ work, and assist in making meaningful decisions regarding to the management of projects’ workflow. Practically, case studies will be carried out in different software development organizations (SDOs) to implement i-KAM in actual projects within real environments

Cryptocurrency: Value Formation Factors and Investment Risks(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: cryptocurrency Digital currency Bitcoin Blockchain risk Financial Services financial asset Investment

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۱۱۲ تعداد دانلود : ۹۱
Scientific sources demonstrate different attitudes of researchers to cryptocurrencies because they treat them as a category of currency, virtual money, commodity, etc. Accordingly, the relation to the valuation and risk of cryptocurrency as an investment object is different. The purpose of the article is to identify cryptocurrency value formation factors and determine the risks of investing in cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency is simultaneously considered a currency, an asset with uncertain income, and a specific product, the price of which is determined by the energy costs for mining new cryptocurrency blocks. Thus, the paper examines the risks of investing in cryptocurrency from several positions. First, the study identifies the factors of formation of the value and risk of cryptocurrency as ordinary money based on comparing cryptocurrency with traditional money. Unlike traditional money, cryptocurrency is not tied to the economic performance of a particular country; also, central banks do not control or regulate their mining. Instead, the cryptocurrency emissions depend on the computational capacity of the equipment used for their mining. As a financial asset, cryptocurrency can be a “financial bubble” because their value increasing often exceeds the cost of mining. On the other hand, given the emergence of cryptocurrency as a phenomenon of the information economy, the paper analyses the impact of specific technical features (cryptographic hashing algorithm, the complexity of creating new blocks, the technology of verification of mining operations, etc.) on the risk of investing in cryptocurrency assets.

Blockchain-Based ERP System: Architecture and Opportunities for Future(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: Blockchain Blockchain-based ERP ERP Smart contract

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۲۵۸ تعداد دانلود : ۱۱۰
Although Blockchain can significantly change the future of ERP systems as an innovative tech-nology, few researchers have gone into the details of this development. Most have given an overview of the changes ahead. Therefore, in this research, we have tried to use the method of Exploratory Content Analysis (ECA) by reviewing more than three hundred scientific articles in the field of Blockchain to analyze the effects of this technology on ERP system modules such as supply chain management, maintenance, finance, project management, manufacturing, and hu-man capital management. The result of this exploratory research is an architectural model for a blockchain-based ERP system. The researchers describe the functions of this system carefully, and the role of supporting technologies such as Smart Contract, IoT, Digital Wallet, Cloud Com-puting, and Building Information Model is clarified. We genuinely believe that this research could use as a reference model for ERP vendors and researchers in information systems and business process management

Policy Factors Affecting the Technological Catch-up of Electronic Health Services in Iran through Blockchain Technology(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)


کلید واژه ها: Blockchain catch-up E-health services

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۳۴۳ تعداد دانلود : ۱۰۰
Blockchain technology is one of the revolutionary technologies in service-based industries. E-health services are considered as a major economic and social activity in the world in which patients, the medical community and service providers such as insurance organizations play a key role. In Iran, e-health services have been introduced for more than a decade, but it is seriously lagging behind the leading countries. According to the Blockchain Opportunity window, a technological and economic catch-up is possible in e-health services in the country. Decentralization, data transparency, security and privacy are the key features of Blockchain technology. Therefore, in this research, through case study strategy and using documents, scientific articles, evidence, statistics and events and opinions of experts, policy factors were presented to catch-up through the Blockchain technology opportunity window. The dimensions of the proposed policy framework were presented in 4 categories: macro policies, market, financing, and technology learning and development. This study presents technological catch-up policy framework by Blockchain technology to policymakers for using in e-health services.

Enhanced Lightweight and Secure Session Key Establishment Protocol for Smart Hospital Inhabitants(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: Session Key Cryptanalysis Smart Hospital Environment WSN (Wireless Sensor Network) BAN (Body Area Network)

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۱۸۳ تعداد دانلود : ۱۲۲
In the era of internet technologies, to provide wireless communication and transfer the information in seconds from one place to another has arrived because of the need to consume information technologies. All users desire to quickly access the smart world’s life and interact with the entire world socially. This paper proposed an environment for the safe and secure smart patient’s room connected to the WSN, BAN, and RFID. All the data will be transferred to the session key, secure and contains the patient’s information. The network connected through WSN and data will be sent through the session key to make an smart hospital’s patient cabin. The small token is there that will be transferred throughout the network to get authenticated by each network. This proposed scheme is secure enough to overcome the drawbacks of the other protocol in such a way as to make the protocol more secure from the entire adversary’s attack may occur.

Reconstruction of Simple and Complex Three Dimensional Images Using Pattern Recognition Algorithm(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: Syntactic approach construction reconstruction 3D images

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۳۴۲ تعداد دانلود : ۹۸
The reconstruction of 3D images is always a difficult task for the researchers. The 3D reconstruction of the image is a core technique of various fields such as Computer graphics, computer vision, CAD systems, medical science, computer application, etc. Reconstruction of the 3D image allows us to gather the quantitative features of the objects such as the shape, size, and volume of the objects. The existing computer algorithms need spatial dimension information to make the distinguished inference from the given 3D image which is not always possible. This paper simplifies the 3D reconstruction of the image. This research paper introduced a novel algorithm for the representation of the Three Dimensional images into a textual form.  The syntactic approach is used for the extraction of the features of the image and these are called knowledge vectors. The knowledge vector consists of the direction information and length information. This a new approach in the field of image processing where images can be represented as a knowledge vector and it could be a great contribution in the field where security is a major concern. Further, the knowledge vector is used for the reconstruction of the 3D image. The performance of the algorithm is evaluated on the PASCAL 3D + and example-based Synthesis of the 3D Object Arrangements dataset. According to the obtained results, the proposed methodology is having better accuracy, and the processing time of reconstruction of the original 3D image is 1.02 Seconds. Single-pass is sufficient for reconstructing the original image

Analysis of Different Path Loss Propagation Models Based on 4G Walk Test Data(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: Path Loss FSPL Okumura Model Okumura-Hata Model COST 231-Hata Model

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۱۵۲ تعداد دانلود : ۹۸
The study of path loss propagation is of high importance in telecommunication, for optimizing the efficiency of wireless communication networks. In this paper, four path loss propagation models; free space path loss (FSPL) model, Okumura model, Okumura-Hata model, and COST 231-Hata model were compared. The models were compared using measurement data from Choba, Port Harcourt, Nigeria. The data is gotten from a 4G walk test using two mobile applications. The first mobile application Network, Signal Info (version 5.68.07), was used to acquire the received signal strength in and the distance between the BTS antenna and the mobile antenna. While the second mobile application, G-NetTrack Lite (version 14.8), was used to map out the track path followed during the test. Choba, the study area, is a coastal suburban area with map coordinates 4.8941° N, 6.9263° E. The measured distance range was from 0.09 km to 0.45 km, and a path loss range of 69dB to 81dB. While the BTS and mobile antenna heights were 32 m and 1m respectively, with a carrier frequency of 800MHz. BTS transmission power of 23 dBm was assumed, based on 3GPP eNodeB recommendations. A graph comparison of the studied models showed that Okumura-Hata model and COST 231-Hata model had the closest predictions to the measured path loss. The need for better path loss models for 4G and 5G propagations was observed

تحلیل رابطه رهبری دانش محور، رفتار مدیریت دانش و عملکرد نوآوری (نمونه پژوهش: شرکت های کوچک و متوسط استان چهارمحال و بختیاری)(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: رهبری دانش محور رفتار مدیریت دانش عملکرد نوآوری جهت گیری هدف کارکنان شرکت های کوچک و متوسط

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۳۱۷ تعداد دانلود : ۱۵۶
هدف از تحقیق حاضر، بررسی تحلیل ارتباط رهبری دانش محور، رفتار مدیریت دانش و عملکرد نوآوری در شرکت های کوچک و متوسط استان چهارمحال و بختیاری با تعدیل گری جهت گیری هدف کارکنان بوده است. تحقیق حاضر از لحاظ روش تحقیق همبستگی و از لحاظ هدف از نوع کاربردی بوده است. ابزار تحقیق بر اساس پرسش نامه های استاندارد دونات و پابلود (2015)، ژنگ و همکاران (2017)، شمیم و همکاران (a2017) و سوجان و همکاران (1994) می باشد که پس از سنجش روایی (همگرا، واگرای فورنل و لاکر و واگرای یگانه دوگانه) و پایایی (آلفای کرونباخ، ترکیبی و دایسترا)، از طریق مشارکت 140 نفر از مدیران شرکت های کوچک و متوسط در صنعت نرم افزاری استان چهارمحال و بختیاری که با روش نمونه گیری تصادفی و از طریق جدول مورگان انتخاب شدند، اجرا گردید. روش تجزیه وتحلیل اطلاعات، در دو سطح توصیفی و استنباطی و از طریق نرم افزارهای «SPSS25» و «WarpPLS8» اجرا شد. نتایج تحقیق نشان داد رهبری دانش محور بر تمامی ابعاد رفتار مدیریت دانش (کسب، انتقال، مستندات و کاربرد) تأثیر معناداری داشته است. همچنین یافته ها نشان داد که رهبری دانش محور از طریق تمامی ابعاد رفتار مدیریت دانش بر عملکرد نوآوری تأثیر داشته است. نهایتاً اینکه جهت گیری هدف کارکنان، توانسته است رابطه بین رهبری دانش محور با مستندات دانش و همچنین کاربرد دانش را تعدیل نماید.

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