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جابه جایی فضایی جمعیت صرفاً یک پدیده کالبدی نیست؛ بلکه مسائل جدایی اجتماعی، اقتصادی، گسست پیوند های طبیعی و عاطفی جمعیت از محیط قبلی، مشکلاتی را در سازگاری با محیط جدید و کیفیت زندگی ایجاد می کند. در همین راستا پژوهش حاضر درصدد بررسی تأثیر اسکان مجدد بر کیفیت زندگی از طریق شاخص های ابعاد اقتصادی، اجتماعی- فرهنگی، زیست محیطی و کالبدی در روستاهای جابه جا شده استان خوزستان است. روش تحقیق، توصیفی - تحلیلی و جامعه آماری شامل سرپرستان خانوار چهارده روستای جابه جا شده است. داده های مورد نیاز با استفاده از پرسش نامه محقق ساخته به دست آمد. نمونه گیری از جامعه آماری از طریق نمونه گیری تصادفی و از نوع طبقه ای بود که با استفاده از شیوه انتساب متناسب از میان 1816 سرپرست خانوار به تعداد 112 نفر در سال 1401 تعیین شد. در نهایت داده ها در قالب نرم افزار  SPSSو با استفاده از رگرسیون و تحلیل عاملی مورد پردازش قرار گرفت. نتایج نشان داد که بیشترین میزان رضایت خانوارهای جابه جا شده در حوزه های محیط زیست انسانی و کمترین رضایت در ارتباط با ساختار کالبدی بود. بر اساس تحلیل عاملی، جابه جایی روستاهای واقع در معرض خطر سوانح طبیعی در بهبود کیفیت زندگی روستاییان استان خوزستان مؤثر بوده است.

Investigating the Relocation of Rural Settlements at Risk of Natural Disasters - the study of Khuzestan Province

IntroductionSpatial displacement of the population is not only a physical phenomenon, but also of view point of social, cultural, economic issues, the disconnection of their natural and emotional ties with the previous environment creates problems in adapting to the new environment and quality of life. In this regard, the current research was conducted with the aim of investigating the impact of resettlement on the quality of life through economic, social, cultural, environmental and physical indicators in the displaced villages of Khuzestan province. And in that, the settlement of 14 villages of Khuzestan province that were displaced due to natural disasters such as floods were considered. The questions raised for this purpose included: How many percent of the variance of the quality of life do the different realms of life explain? Which of the economic, social, environmental and physical indicators has the least and most positive and negative impact on the quality of life of displaced villages?Materials and MethodsThe current research is an analytical and applied research. According to the nature and purpose of the research project, information was collected by documentary method and the questionnaire was completed through questions made by the researcher. According to the information received from the Housing Foundation, the statistical population under study includes all displaced villages of Khuzestan province, which consists of the heads of households of 14 displaced villages, totaling 1816 heads of households. For this purpose, a total of 14 villages in the province were identified due to the reason of their displacement. Sampling from the statistical population was done by stratified random sampling and using proportional assignment method. First, the total number of statistical samples was estimated using Cochran's adjusted formula, then according to the population of each village, the number of samples proportional to the population of that village was determined, which included 112 household heads in total. The collected information was analyzed using regression analysis and factor analysis techniques through SPSS software to determine the true picture of the villagers' quality of life and their level of satisfaction with the displacement phenomenon.Results and DiscussionTo measure the level of satisfaction of displaced households in Khuzestan province, four domains: environment, economic factors, social and cultural factors, and physical factors were studied. The results showed that the environmental factor with the highest factor load explained about 32.65% of the variance of the quality of life of the displaced villages. The economic factor by being placed in the second rank of satisfaction determined about 15.536% of the variance of the quality of life, and the social and cultural factors also showed the third level of satisfaction among displaced villagers by expressing 10.883% of the variance for a specific reason. Finally, the physical factor has the lowest level of satisfaction of the relocated households with 8.529% of the variance of the quality of life.ConclusionsThe highest level of satisfaction in the displaced villages of Khuzestan province is related to the environmental field and the lowest level is related to the physical field. The factor analysis of the studied areas determined the level of satisfaction of the villagers on different aspects of the quality of life at an average level. In addition, comparing the results with the research background showed that in other countries, especially third world countries and developing countries, resettlement was often forced and had negative consequences in terms of social separation, employment problems and lack of access. However, resettlement in Khuzestan province is voluntary and has shown 67.6% satisfaction to achieve the studied indicators.
