
آرشیو شماره‌ها:


نظام بهره برداری دهقانی، واقعیتی انکارناپذیر در اقتصاد روستاهای ایران و درآمد و معیشت بسیاری از خانواده های روستایی بر این نظام کشاورزی استوار است. با وجود مشکلات و تنگناهای فراوان، کشاورزان دهقانی به دلیل شناختی که از روستا و کشاورزی دارند، مهم ترین عامل در رسیدن به توسعه کشاورزی و روستایی محسوب می شوند. در این پژوهش، این موضوع بررسی می شود که مشکلات و چالش های بهره برداران دهقانی در استان زنجان چیست. این پژوهش، ازلحاظ هدف، کاربردی و به لحاظ ماهیت، توصیفی و تحلیلی است. گردآوری داده های موردنیاز برای پژوهش با استفاده از شیوه پیمایشی (پرسش نامه، مصاحبه و مشاهده) انجام گرفت. جامعه آماری، 40 روستا از 8 شهرستان دارای کشت دهقانی انتخاب و درنهایت340 پرسش نامه (با استفاده از فرمول کوکران) به صورت تصادفی بین خانوارهای روستایی توزیع و برای تجزیه و تحلیل از تحلیل عاملی اکتشافی استفاده شده است. ضریب آلفای کرونباخ پژوهش برای کل پرسش نامه تحقیق (873/0) به دست آمده است که پایایی کلی پرسش نامه را تأیید می کند. نتایج تجزیه وتحلیل عاملی نشان دهنده آن بود که درنهایت 5 عامل (اقتصادی، مدیریتی، زیربنایی - محیطی، اجتماعی و جامعه محلی) توانستند 66 درصد از واریانس چالش های بهره برداران دهقانی را توضیح و تبیین کنند. در عامل اقتصادی، «درآمد کم و ناخوشایند ناشی از کشت وکار برای بهره برداران» (773.)، در عامل مدیریتی، «نبودِ حمایت به موقع و مناسب دولت و نهادها از کشاورزان» (715.)، در عامل محیطی- زیربنایی، «تخریب و تغییر کاربری باغات و زمین های کشاورزی» (746.)، در عامل اجتماعی، «ضعف اعتمادبه نفس، مهارت و خودباوری در کشاورزان» (695.) و در عامل جامعه محلی، «کیفیت پایین و پراکنده بودن زمین های کشاورزی» (609.)، مهم ترین و اثرگذارترین چالش ها ازنظر بهره برداران کشاورزی محسوب می شوند. براساس نتایج گفته می شود، بیشتر چالش ها و مشکلات روستایی در استان زنجان با مدیریت اصولی و برنامه ریزی هدفمند و کاربردی حل می شوند.

Assessing Peasant Farmers’ Challenges for Achieving Sustainable Rural Development in Iran (Case study: Zanjan Province)

The peasant exploitation system is an undeniable fact in the rural economy of Iran. Many rural families’ incomes are based on this agricultural system. Despite many problems, peasant farmers are considered as the most important factor for achieving agricultural and rural developments due to their knowledge of the countryside and agriculture. In this research, we studied the problems and challenges of peasant farmers in Zanjan Province. This research was an applied one in terms of purpose and descriptive and analytical in nature. The data required for the research were collected by using a survey method (questionnaire, interview, and observation). The statistical population of this study included 40 villages from 8 cities with peasant cultivation. Finally, 340 questionnaires were randomly distributed among the rural households by using Cochran's formula and the exploratory factor analysis was used for analysis. Cronbach's alpha coefficient for the entire research questionnaire was obtained to be 873., which confirmed its overall reliability. The results of factor analysis showed that the 5 economic, managerial, infrastructure-environmental, social and local community factors were finally able to explain 66% of the variance of the rural farmers’ challenges. In the above-mentioned factors, farmers’ low incomes from cultivation (773.), lack of timely and appropriate government support of the farmers (715.), destruction and change of using orchards and agricultural lands (746.), the farmers’ lack of self-confidence and skills (695.), and low quality and dispersion of agricultural lands (609.) were the most important and influential challenges for the agricultural operators, respectively. Based on the results, it could be said that most of the challenges and rural problems in Zanjan Province could be solved with principled management and purposeful and practical planning. Keywords : agriculture, sustainable development, peasant exploitation, Zanjan Province 1.Introduction: The features of agriculture convert it into a unique instrument for progress. Agriculture can be contributive in other sectors of the economy and actualize faster development, reduce poverty, and cause stability in environmental issues. It can be an economic source for providing investment opportunities in the private sector and an initial driving force in the related industries (Iravani and Varmarzyari, 2008). Land exploitation systems determine the human-environment correlations for proper land use, which in turn make natural grounds and sources to be advantageous in the socio-economic dimensions and stability of agriculture. Considering a specific system in agricultural land exploitation without considering technological advances, industrial ranking, socio-economic-strategic opportunities, employment issues, probability of absorbing skilled farmers, etc. is not a rational procedure (Motiei-Langroudi & Shamsaei, 2009). Land exploitation in an area is the result of a set of historic events, interactions of economic forces with the environment, and social values. Despite initial distribution from a geographical area and exploitation manner therein, the present concern for ecological and cultural aspects is evident. All these provide a proper opportunity to assess the relationship between land exploitation and the environment (Sing & Dillon, 1995). Peasant exploitation system in Iran is a basic principle in rural agriculture. The incomes, employments, and livelihoods of many rural families are based on this agricultural system. Yet, despite the existence of many problems, peasant farmers are considered as the most important factor for achieving agricultural and rural developments due to their knowledge of the countryside and agriculture. Agriculture forms the basis of Iran's rural economy and rural economy is heavily dependent on and affected by agriculture. This sector with its existing system has major problems for various reasons, such as increasing farmers’ ages and inabilities to farm, lack of desire of the young generation to live in the village and continue agricultural activities, migration from villages and abandonment of lands, lack of knowledge and agricultural tools, lack of attention and proper management, and lack of organization, which should be considered and treated properly.   Methodology: This research aimed at analyzing challenges of the peasant farmers in Zanjan Province with the aim of removing barriers to rural development. It was an applied research in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in nature. The statistical population included the farmers' households working in peasant exploitation systems. 340 households were selected as the sample size by using Cochran's formula. All the questionnaires were prepared by the villagers from rural areas and the researchers. The research data were collected through library and field methods (questionnaire and interview). The questions were based on a 5-point Likert spectrum for the indicators of 10 economic factors, 7 managerial factors, 6 environmental-infrastructure factors, 7 social factors, and 4 local community factors. The data were analyzed by using factor analysis technique in SPSS software. Factor analysis was applied to analyze the interrelationships between a large number of variables and explain them based on their common sub-dimensions. The KMO value was specified to confirm validity of the questionnaire (0.847).   Discussion: The result of applying factor analysis to the peasant farmers’ challenges was reduction of the 34 factors to 5 final factors. The number of the extracted factors, along with the special values, ​​indicated the share of each factor in the total variance of the variables and the larger the value was, the greater the importance and role of that factor could be. In this study, a total of 5 factors were able to explain about 66% of the total variance of the peasant farmers’ challenges. The economic (16.995%) and local community (6.718%) factors had the highest and lowest shares in explaining the total variance of the variables, respectively. The managerial, environmental-infrastructure, and social factors with the values of 15.831, 14.2292, and 12.994% were able to explain the total variance as well. According to the research findings and from the rural people’ points of view, the 5 resulted factors as the most important factors in the challenges of peasant exploitation were as follows: 1) economic factor; 2) managerial factor; 3) environmental-infrastructural factor; 4) social factor; and 5) local community factor. The economic challenges included the farmers’ low and unpleasant incomes from cultivation, presence of brokers and intermediaries in buying and selling products, and lack of guaranteed purchase of products and price stability in the market; the management challenges included lack of timely and appropriate governmental support and inputs for farmers, weak product processing and packaging industries, poor performance of institutions in relation to reconstruction, and protection and monitoring of natural resources; the environmental-infrastructure challenges included destruction and change of using orchards and agricultural lands, long distances from villages to cities and service centers, and excessive use of groundwater and chemical fertilizers and toxins; the social challenges included the farmers lack of self-confidence and skills, lack of access to the information and statistics required by the farmers, and lack of job opportunities for women and youths in rural communities; the local community challenges included traditional farming methods in rural areas and unwillingness to change the methods of cultivation and low quality and fragmentation of agricultural lands.   Conclusion: In Iran, the first need for cultivation by peasants to be able to continue and return to their main positions in the Iranian economy is providing a legal framework and technical infrastructure with proper management and planning. To organize this system, assistance from Ministry of Jihad Agriculture, Property and Deeds Registration Organization, and Engineering System and Land Owner Organization should be sought for peasant agriculture and the duties of each of the mentioned organizations should be clearly defined. Considering that the exploiters in Iran do not have any guilds and organizations, a special guild or enterprise should be formed for the exploiters so that they can use these enterprises as a database for their regional conditions, potentials, and shortcomings. It can provide farmers with the requirements they need and they can solve their problems by referring to it in cases they are in trouble. Cooperatives can also be used as an institution to educate the exploiters. In other words, cooperatives can form an organization for exploitation of water and soil resources. They can provide the required services, including education and promotion, as well as the inputs needed by the users. To reduce the farmers’ risks in Iran, a credit-financial platform providing credit lines and facilities should be created for farmers. Other measures to be taken for the peasant exploiters are establishment of institutions and enterprises, to which the villagers and old farmers can entrusted their lands after improving them based on infrastructural conditions. These lands should be leased to farmers for rent so that the exploiters do not have to sell their lands and they can have their incomes from renting them. A fundamental problem in Iranian agriculture is fragmentation of lands and inability to implement integration plans and new programs with new systems for cultivation and irrigation. To solve this problem, financial and psychological supports, as well as a proper plan, must be provided. Various and continuous measures should be taken to guide and inform rural people so that they can be assured.   References: - Iravani, H. and Varmarzyari, H. (2008). 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