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آماری که از کشورهای دارای صنعت سینما در خصوص آثار اقتصادی این صنعت منتشر می شود، تأثیر رشد تولیدات سینمایی بر اقتصاد ملی را به خوبی نشان می دهد. توسعه این صنعت از یک سو موجب فراهم آوردن اشتغال مولد و رشد تولید ناخالص داخلی شده و از سوی دیگر به طور غیر مستقیم به توسعه صنایع مرتبط مانند رسانه ها و تلویزیون، تبلیغات و غیره کمک می کند. زنجیره ارزش شرکت، کلیه فعالیت هایی که با اجرای آنها مزیت رقابتی با هزینه پایین تر یا با کیفیت بهتر، ایجاد می گردد را، شناسایی می کند. معمولاً، هر حوزه کسب و کاری می بایست یک زنجیره ارزش داشته باشد. هدف از پژوهش حاضر نیز شناسایی زنجیره ارزش صنعت سینمای ایران و تاثیر هر یک از متغیرهای شناسایی شده در میزان فروش فیلم است. نمونه آماری تحقیق، صاحب نظران صنعت سینما در سطح شهر تهران بوده و در بازه زمانی نیمه نخست سال1392 اقدام به جمع آوری نظرات این افراد گردید. جهت تجزیه و تحلیل داده ها، تحلیل عاملی اکتشافی، تحلیل عاملی تاییدی و مدلسازی معادلات ساختاری در نرم افزار لیزرل مورد استفاده قرار گرفت. نتایج نشان داد که از میان فعالیت های اصلی، آماده ورودی و از میان فعالیت های پشتیبانی، تهیه تامین مواد و امکانات بیشترین تاثیر را بر فروش فیلم دارند. 

Identifies Film Value Chain and its Impact on Sales Growth

Statistics and reports from the countries have strong film industry shows the Impact of film industry growth, activities and services on national economics. Development of this industry on the one hand providing dynamic employment and GDP growth and on the other hand influence indirectly on related industries such as the media and television, advertising, hardware and software industries, tourism and so on. Development of information technology, digital products and internet has had a significant role in the film Trade growth in the last two decades. The company's value chain, identify all the activities conducted by the company and related to strategic issues, in other words The activities performed by them competitive advantage with lower costs or improve quality, is provided. Usually, each of the business must be having a value chain. value chain analysis describes the activities within and around an organization, and relates them to an analysis of the competitive strength of the organization .therefore ,it which value each particular activity adds to the organizations products or services. this idea was built upon the insight that an organization is more than a random completion of machinery ,equipment, people ,and money. only if this things are arranged into systems and systematic activities it will become possible to produce something for which customers are willing to pay price .porter argues that the ability to perform particular activities and to manage linkages between these activities a source of competitive advantage, porter distinguishes between primary activities and support activities, the primary activities are: Inbound Logistics : relationships with suppliers and include all the activities required to receive, store, and disseminate inputs. Operations : are all the activities required to transform inputs into outputs, Outbound Logistics: all the activities required to collect, store, and distribute the output. Marketing and Sales: activities inform buyers about products and services, induce buyers to purchase them, and facilitate their purchase. Service: all the activities required to keep the product or service working effectively for the buyer after it is sold and delivered. Secondary activities are: Procurement: is the acquisition of inputs, or resources, for the firm. Human Resource management: all activities involved in recruiting, hiring, training, developing, compensating and dismissing or laying off personnel. Technological Development: pertains to the equipment, hardware, software, procedures and technical knowledge brought to bear in the firm's transformation of inputs into outputs. Infrastructure: serves the company's needs and ties its various parts together, it consists of functions or departments such as accounting, legal, finance, planning, public affairs, government relations, quality assurance and general management The aim of this study identifies film value chain in Iran and its impact on sales growth. The sample of the study, film Industry experts in Tehran was a good experience in this field, and in the first half of the period 1392 to collect opinions of the people. For data analysis, expletory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling (SEM) in Lisrel software was used. The results showed that among main activities, input logistic and Supplies Materials in main activities have most impact on sales growth.
