مطالب مرتبط با کلیدواژه
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Quality of Classroom Life is considered as a serious issue in academia around the world, and it has recently received global inquiry in EFL and ESL contexts. However, no questionnaire has been developed to assess the Iranian students’ and teachers’ attitudes towards the quality of life in the classroom. After developing a conceptual framework, the final draft of the developed questionnaire with 71 items was administered to the main sample of participants (n=150). An Exploratory Factor Analysis was performed to identify the components of the instrument, followed by Confirmatory Factor Analysis to measure its construct validity. As a result, the final draft of the Quality of Classroom Life Questionnaire comprised 71 Likert-point items. In phase 2, a number of EFL students and teachers (50 teachers and 322 students) participated in the study which was intended to observe the impact of Modular Instruction on the Quality of Classroom Life. Findings of the study suggested that: (a) the Iranian students and teachers had highly positive attitude towards the Quality of Classroom Life, and believed that educational view, teaching quality, classroom environment, classroom management, quality of classroom interactions and puzzle content played a crucial role in exploratory practice; and (b) the modular instruction which was the descendant of Postmethod instruction had a positive impact on the Quality of Classroom Life. The findings promise implications for teachers and teacher educators as well as the materials developers as the knowledge of classroom quality and modular instruction can enhance their understanding of the nature and conditions of learning.
English Teachers' Perception of Critical Pedagogy: Any Discrepancy between Perception and Actual Classroom Implementation?(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
Applied Research on English Language, V. ۸ , N. ۱ , ۲۰۱۹
78 - 114
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The study investigated the relationship between Iranian EFL teachers' perception of critical pedagogy (CP) and reflective teaching (RT), the possible effect of gender, academic degree, and teaching experience on teachers’ perceptions of CP, the possible differences among the three groups of teachers of universities, public schools and private language institutes regarding their perception of CP and also the possible difference between the reported CP perception of teachers and their actual classroom implementation. The instruments adopted for data collection purposes included the CP Questionnaire developed by Pishvaei and Kasaian (2013) and the RT Inventory developed by Akbari, Behzadpour and Dadvand (2010) which were validated through pilot-testing and factor analysis. Then, the CP Classroom Observation Checklist, was developed by the researchers and was viewed by an expert. The results of one-way ANOVA showed that there were significant differences among the three groups of university, school, and language institute EFL teachers regarding CP perception. Also, the results of Pearson correlation showed a significant relationship between participants' perception of CP and RT. Moreover, the results of Factorial ANOVA indicated that gender and teaching experience did not significantly differentiate the participants concerning CP perception; however, academic degree did so. Furthermore, the results of Independent Samples t-test revealed significant differences between the participants' reported perception of CP and their actual classroom implementation of it. The findings of the study might imply that English teachers should be equipped with the knowledge of how to put CP into practice in actual classroom settings in addition to the propositional knowledge of the concept.
Developing and Validating a Sociocultural Plagiarism Questionnaire for Assessing English Academic Writing of Iranian Scholars(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
Applied Research on English Language, V. ۹ , N. ۲ , ۲۰۲۰
277 - 302
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Plagiarism is considered as a serious problem in academia around the world. The issue of plagiarism has recently received global inquiry in different fields of science, especially in foreign language (L2) academic writing. To meticulously assess the Iranian academics for plagiarism at both theory and practice grounds, developing an accountable instrument seemed to be inevitable. To bridge the gap, in phase 1 of the study, a conceptual framework for Iranian academics’ grasp of plagiarism and its components was designed after a thorough review of literature. In phase 2, a number of M.A. graduates and graduate students (n = 224) in six State and Islamic Azad universities in Iran were recruited to partake in piloting the newly-designed plagiarism questionnaire. After a two-step revising the inefficient items (n = 11), the final draft of the developed questionnaire with 36 items was administered with the main sample of participants (n = 288). An Exploratory Factor Analysis was performed to identify the components of the instrument, followed by Confirmatory Factor Analysis to measure its construct validity. As a result, the final draft of the Sociocultural Plagiarism Questionnaire contained 31 Likert-point and 5 multiple choice items in four components of awareness (10 items), attitude (8 items), sociocultural beliefs (8 items), and perception (5 Likert-point and 5 multiple choice items), which were suggested as having fundamental contributions to the Iranian academic writers’ sensitivity to plagiarism. Findings of the study suggested that (a) the Iranian academic writers’ normative sociocultural beliefs can probably reduce their sensitivity to plagiarism, (b) while the Iranian academics might have relatively high awareness and deep perception about plagiarism, their attitude toward plagiarism seems relatively neutral or even insensitive.
The Efficacy of Classroom Flipping on Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners’ Engagement and their Perception of the Flipped Classroom Model(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
Teaching Language Skills (JTLS), Volume ۳۹, Issue ۳.۲, fall ۲۰۲۰
143 - 180
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Regarding problems with traditional models of instruction, EFL learners need to exercise innovative models of learning. For this purpose, flipped classroom instruction may render an effective learning environment. The purpose of this study was to determine how flipped instruction may increase learners’ engagement. Therefore, 100 Iranian EFL intermediate students, selected based on convenience sampling, participated in this study. The students were then randomly assigned to the experimental (n=50) and control group (n=50). Those in the experimental group were instructed by a flipped classroom model for 10 sessions, while the control group participants were instructed on traditional methods. Before and after treatment, all the participants filled out the “Classroom Engagement Inventory” by Wang, Bergin, and Bergin (2014) which served as the pre and post-tests. A repeated measures ANCOVA was conducted to analyze the pre and post-tests of the experimental and control groups. The results indicated that the students' level of engagement in the experimental group increased in comparison to the performance of the students in the control group. Moreover, a semi-structured interview was conducted to find out students' perceptions of this model. Thematic analysis of the interview indicated that the students had positive perceptions of the model; believed that classroom and home activities remarkably increased their engagement; and preferred the role of the teacher in a flipped classroom than in a traditional one. It can be implicated that educators need to focus on the innovative methods of instruction by utilizing different technological tools.
Investigating Narratological view of Focalization in Amy Tan’s The Kitchen God’s Wife(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
Critical Literary Studies, Vol ۳, No ۲, Spring and Summer ۲۰۲۱
159 - 170
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Genette believes that ‘point of view’ is inadequate to expound the differences between the person who sees and the person who narrates. After years of controversy, he proposes the term ‘focalization’ to clarify this difference. Focalization focuses on the person who sees as a subjective moment of perception. Perceiving can take every character of a novel, to a higher level of subjectivity. Later, Meike Bal added new dimensions to his term. The present study, focuses on Amy Tan’s The Kitchen God’s Wife. Two main characters of the novel are focalizers inside of the story whose insights are revealed through the narrative processes of the events. The internal focalization changeably shifts from mother to daughter and vice versa. This study aims to investigate the concept of character focalizer and narrator focalizer in the light of Gerard Genette’s and Mieke Bal’s narratological theory of focalization. Further, it explores the moments of focalizations of the two characters, Winnie, the mother, and Pearl, the daughter. Focalizing the moment of understanding through the improvement of the complex story is discussed, which helps the two characters reach a higher level of subjectivity to overcome their gap.
Plato and Innatism
فصلنامه حکمت و فلسفه ۱۳۸۴ شماره ۳
47 - 59
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Plato 1s doctrine of recollection is often identified witb innatism, and he is said to be an innatist. The present pape0 alongside J,vifh e:x:plaining this doctrine and other related doctrines in Plato's epistemology, argues that the doctrine of recollection is not necessarily the same as innatism. It is a matter of fact that, in Plato's epistemology1 perception and intellectual epistemic activi01 plqy a crucial role in the acquisition of kn01vledge.
Plato and Innatism
فصلنامه حکمت و فلسفه ۱۳۸۵ شماره ۷
85 - 98
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Plato 1s doctrine of recollection is often identified witb innatism, and he is said to be an innatist. The present pape0 alongside J,vifh e:x:plaining this doctrine and other related doctrines in Plato's epistemology, argues that the doctrine of recollection is not necessarily the same as innatism. It is a matter of fact that, in Plato's epistemology1 perception and intellectual epistemic activi01 plqy a crucial role in the acquisition of kn01vledge.
EFL Teachers’ and Students’ Perceptions about Communication Strategies Teachability(مقاله پژوهشی دانشگاه آزاد)
The Journal of English Language Pedagogy and Practice, Vol.۱۴, No.۲۸, Spring & Summer ۲۰۲۱
135 - 156
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The current study examined the Iranian EFL teachers’ and students’ perceptions about Communication Strategies Teachability. The study was conducted with 20 teachers and 110 students from universities and private language Institutes in Tabriz, Iran. The literature regarding the teachability of communication strategies (CSs) has been far from conclusive. Some researchers reject the possibility of CSs instruction while many empirical studies support their teachability. Taking a mixed method design, the present study used a language proficiency test, a questionnaire and an interview for data collection. In the quantitative phase, the participants’ responses to questionnaire before and after a 12-week period of teaching CSs were statistically compared. The analysis of the quantitative data obtained from the questionnaire through Paired-samples t-test indicated that the students’ perceptions towards the usefulness of CSs grew significantly more positive after their instruction. The qualitative analysis of the interview data collected from the teachers indicated that most teachers found CSs useful and possible to teach. It was also found that these strategies improved capability of English language learners to speak and enhaned their conciousness of CSs. This study could offer pedagogical implications for both teachers and students and pave the way for further studies in the field.
Investigating the Relationship between Gender and Perception of Environment and Its Effect on Design from Gestalt Perspective(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
Architecture and Urban Development, Volume ۱۰, Issue ۱ - Serial Number ۳۵, Winter ۲۰۲۰
27 - 36
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Human communication and interaction with architectural spaces need unders tanding and information from their surroundings. Since there is a difference between males' and females' attitudes towards the universe, their priorities lie in unders tanding the environment as well as the process of perceiving and recognizing them. This s tudy aims to inves tigate the relationship between space perception based on gender and its effect on architecture design, which could be identified by recognizing gender's components and unders tanding the perceptions of peripheral people, which decline the difference between perceptions of both genders. Accordingly, this articles tudies the factors affecting the formation of the relationship between gender and perception and the components of perception based on Ges talt's theory and its impact on design quality. The research method used in this paper is a descriptive-analytical method with a visual image ques tionnaire and data collection was conducted through librarydocumentarys tudies of literature review and field s tudies. The population under s tudy in this research is Samarkand Commercial Complex located in Dis trict 5 of Tehran, among which 217 people were examined using Morgan table. Finally, the obtained data were analyzed using SPSS software and considered by inferential and comparative analysis method and the ques tions’ results are identified in the tables. The results show that gender-based perception is that both men and women are in one's perceived desirability, experience, symbiosis and aggregation , however in the perception of other elements of Ges talt, which are known as role and background, common area, common result, similarity, and the proximity is different.
Design Factors as Determinants of Neighborhood Quality in the Urban Area of Ibadan, Nigeria(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
Architecture and Urban Development, Volume ۱۰, Issue ۳ - Serial Number ۳۷, Summer ۲۰۲۰
25 - 40
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Neighbourhood in many Nigerian cities had been designed without proper consideration of design principles, which invariably affect the residents’ quality of life. This s tudy assessed the experts' and residents’ perception of design correlates of neighbourhood quality in the urban area of Ibadan. Data were obtained from both primary and secondary sources. A ques tionnaire survey and direct observations were used to acquire the primary data. A sys tematic sampling technique was used to select one of every 5th building after the firs t house had been selected randomly. Data collected were analysed using percentages, Correlation, and Multiple Regression. The results revealed that the majority of 87.9% residents s trongly agree that the building lines were s trictly followed. The majority of 86.7% s trongly agree that the practice of enclosure of space and gating is common in their area. The results of experts’ assessment of Design Characteris tics Indices (DCI) indicated that Alalubosa GRA was adjudged to be very good with DCI of 4.09, followed by Kolapo Ishola with 3.58 DCI. The Multiple Regression Analysis results showed that design characteris tics were related significantly with neighbourhood quality (p < 0.05). The result indicates F–value of 1.026E5 and P–value of 0.000a. Furthermore, the results of Pearson’s Correlation Co-efficient revealed s trong and significant correlations between neighbourhood quality and the design factor at either p < 0.01 or p < 0.05significant levels. The need to consider significant design factors that comprised: variability, tidiness image/milieu, territoriality, connectivity, consis tency, legibility and density among others by Planners and Architects in planning and designing adequate neighbourhood as important.
Investigating the Role of Urban Landscaping in the Perception of Collective Spaces Using Perceptual Potentials (Case s tudy: Third Square of Tehranpars)(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
Architecture and Urban Development, Volume ۱۱, Issue ۳ - Serial Number ۴۱, Summer ۲۰۲۱
49 - 58
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The urban landscape is an objective-subjective nature that plays a significant role in the perception of collective spaces by the audience. This is possible only by s timulating the perceptual potentials of users and inducing behavioral patterns to users of a space. This s tudy inves tigates the role of urban landscaping in the perception of collective spaces using perceptual potentials. This research is descriptive-analytical and, in terms of purpose, is applied. A ques tionnaire did data collection, and for data analysis, Spearman and Friedman's s tatis tical tes ts were used in SPSS software. A case s tudy is the third square of Tehranpars, where the target community has also been selected as users of this space. In the data collected from the sample group, the highes t level of correlation between the sub-components of objective aes thetics is the composition and color indices with a correlation coefficient of .857. Among the sub-components of subjective aes thetics, the penumbra indices and physical cohesion with a correlation coefficient of 0.690 have the highes t level. In addition to the relationship between the proposed indices, the priority of these indices is ranked based on the Friedman tes t, and it is observed that the indices of composition (7.98), readability (5.89), and physical coherence (5.76) have the highes t priority among the ranking of indices in terms of the s tatis tical population. These data-driven priorities can identify design priorities and help take adequate s teps to create a vitality urban space.
The Cognition of the City at Night (Investigating the Role of the Night in Citizens Cognitive Maps- Case Studies: Zanjan and Abadan)(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
Human presence and accordingly establishing suitable condition for social interactions are important factors in shaping urban spaces. Caring to different aspects of improving environmental qualities especially perception aspect and ease of perception from the environment with legibility improvement is an element that was emphasized from the base of urban design. The role of time, commence of day and night and its effect on perception and legibility of the environment have not been investigated deeply. Although time effects the level and the way of perception and legibility and it should be noted that there is clear difference between human perception and space legibility during day and night.This research is looking for effective major factors on urban spaces qualities in day and night with descriptive and comparison method on the case studies and their images of Zanjan and Abadan cities and tries to approve the differences of these images. Results of performing this research clearly approving that, social, functional and perceptional dimensions are the most important dimensions of improving space quality at night. It should be declared that there are a lot of differences between the images and the perception of the city during day and night. In addition, the mention priority to urban five elements in shaping these maps are differ either.
The Application of Tactile Experience in Urban Perception(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Urban perception is the result of mutual transaction between human and environment and the process of perception is developed through the three continuous steps of “sensation”, “perception” and “cognition”. In the first step (sensorial perception), the environmental signals are received via sensorial sensors and each different sense based on its own essence, performance and ability has its own specific contribution to develop the process of perception of the environment and replace the concept in mind. The sensorial experience made from these environmental perceptions will lead to better understanding and recognition of urban features and qualities. Different senses play different roles to enrich the environmental experience based on their depth and quantity. This paper aims at remembering forgotten distinguished values of tactility in perception of urban space and study is conducted using analytical method with an interpretive approach. The tactile senses because of their unique features like universality and diversity and experiencing the space without any medium and understanding the time and place are not emphasized much. The present study aimed to manifest the forgotten values of tactile sense and its efficiency in urban environment.
Foreign Cultural Tourists' Spiritual Perception Factors from Travel to Isfahan(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
International journal of Tourism, Culture and Spirituality, Volume ۴, Issue ۲, February ۲۰۲۰
197 - 218
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Human beings take a step in the path of discovery and searching the universe. Meanwhile, travel is one of the means of searching wisdom and experience for communicating with the land, nature and the world’s creator, as well as finding meaning and concept of life. Therefore, humans understand travel as a source of perception and take benefits from it for recognizing themselves and the universe. The term "spiritual perception" is defined as a way for understanding and interpreting all non-material affairs related to the origin of human soul which has been investigated in this research. In this regarda qualitative-quantitative method has been applied in which the spiritual perception factors were obtained by using concept analysis method after conducting deep interviews with experts. Four factors of human hypothesis, spiritual truth, outward truth and human interaction were considered. Study population consisted of foreign cultural tourists travelling to the City of Isfahan from March to June 2018. Gathered data was analyzed by using structural equation and Smart PLS. The results showed that all the hypotheses of research were confirmed and there were meaningful relationships among tourists' spiritual perception and mentioned factors.
Sedimented Expressions and Indirect Language in John Berger’s A Painter of Our Time(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
Critical Literary Studies, Vol ۴, No ۲, Spring and Summer ۲۰۲۲
145 - 157
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The aim of the present research is to investigate the relation between phenomenology and language, and to comprehend the cognitive experience by reading a literary work or an aesthetic text. It also addresses the process of pure perception and visualization of an object in the mind and the relation of body to the world within the phenomenal field. The present study delves into John Berger’s A Painter of Our Time (1958) in order to examine the painterly process of expressing an array of human sensations and experience of the world, eventually revealing the truth. The phenomenological philosophy of Maurice Merleau-Ponty enables an intersubjective interaction between “body”, “experience”, language and “perceptual world”. This study thus seeks to address the mechanics of the painter’s mind, exploring the root of being and eventually explaining his style and mute meaning. Focusing on whether visualizing, reading, and thinking through a work of art in a text, could provide an aesthetic experience of the text ultimately brings an aesthetic judgment of a work of art based on the knowledge gained through the literary text. Consequently, the readers, positioning themselves in the synesthetic and experience of the text, develop a new visual and aesthetic experience of the world.
Efficacy of Instatext for Improving Persian-English Freelance Translators' Language Quality: From Perception to Practice
Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Translation Studies, Vol. ۷, No. ۴, Autumn ۲۰۲۲
59 - 86
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There is growing agreement among researchers on the advantages of using automated feedback programs (AFPs), but most of the previous studies have evaluated more well-known AFPs like Grammarly, Ginger, etc. in English writing classes. None of the previous studies on AFPs evaluated the effectiveness of and users' perception of InstaText. Thus, this study was aimed at examining the effects of InstaText on improving the language quality (i.e., grammar, spelling, and style) of Persian-English freelance translators using InstaText for editing their English translations of Persian academic papers, which are considered technical translations. In addition, it was conducted to investigate how the said users perceived this InstaText. This quantitative study was conducted in two phases: a one-group pretest-posttest phase, where the effect of using InstaText on improving the language quality of translated technical texts was examined with 75 participants; and a survey phase, where the participants' perception toward InstaText was measured using Usefulness, Satisfaction, and Ease of Use (USE) questionnaire. InstaText did not help the participants make significant progress in grammar and spelling, but its effect on improving their style was significant. Further, the participants perceived the tool as intuitive, user-friendly, efficient, time-saving, and satisfactory.
Construction and Validation of Iranian EFL Teachers’ Perceptions of Professional Development Questionnaire(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
The present study aimed to develop our understanding of various aspects of EFL teachers’ perceptions of professional development in Iran using mixed-methods design. After a review of current literature and questionnaires, in the qualitative phase of the study, interviews were conducted with 12 EFL teachers and teaching experts. The data obtained from the interviews was subject to content analysis and the results revealed 4 major themes. In the quantitative phase, based on the findings of the qualitative phase and the supporting literature, a 74-item questionnaire was constructed and administered to 250 participants, after pilot testing and reviewing of the items. The quantitative data was analyzed through Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and a 4-factor structure was identified. After modifications in the questionnaire, the final version of the questionnaire was administered again to the participants and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) confirmed the construct validity of the EFL TPPD questionnaire and the four components. The results revealed that professional development activities, benefits, needs and barriers are the major dimensions of Iranian EFL teachers’ perceptions of professional development. The proposed model can have theoretical and practical contributions to EFL teacher professional development.
The Impact of the Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check Method on the English Spelling Performance of Iranian Students(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
Spelling is an essential part of literacy that helps students in all grades learn English successfully. EFL students have not been taught how to write words correctly. Even those few teachers who are instructing spelling based on traditional methods have failed to provide adequate help to their students because they are unaware of the most effective spelling methods and employ outdated spelling theories. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of the Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check (LSCWC) method on the English spelling performance of Iranian students. This study included 37 students in the ninth grade, ages 15 to 16, and was conducted at a public boys' school in Tehran, Iran. The study employed a quasi-experimental design with a pre-and post-test. The experimental group was trained to spell 120 words throughout 24 sessions using the LSCWC method, while the control group received no treatment. The instruments consisted of pre- and post-spelling tests as well as an attitudinal questionnaire. The Mann-Whitney U test results showed that the participants in the experimental group significantly outperformed the control group on the spelling post-tests. Moreover, according to the results of the attitudinal questionnaire, most respondents were satisfied with the LSCWC method. The LSCWC method needed less one-to-one instruction and increased students' confidence and autonomy when learning new words. The findings of this study will help policymakers, curriculum designers, materials developers, teacher trainers, and language teachers figure out how to assist junior high school students who have trouble with spelling.
Optimizing the human resource management process with artificial intelligence algorithmic approach(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
Journal of System Management, Volume ۹, Issue ۳, Summer ۲۰۲۳
285 - 298
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The human resource management works closely with all the employees in the organization. An HRM must allow the employees to make constructive criticism when there is a need for it. The duty of organizing the company towards achieving their set goals lies in the hands of the HRM. A Human Resource management process can best be distinct as a tool which is utilized to collect, organize, present, keep and share applied information about the human resource of an organization. To this end, this research present a Throughput model framework that describes individuals' decision-making processes in an algorithmic HRM context. The model depicts how perceptions, judgments, and the use of information affect strategy selection, identifying how diverse strategies may be supported by the employment of certain decision-making algorithmic pathways. In focusing on concerns relating to the impact and acceptance of artificial intelligence (AI) integration in HRM, this research draws insights from multidisciplinary theoretical lenses, such as Al-augmented and HRM assimilation processes, AI-mediated social exchange, and the judgment and choice literature. Results highlight the use of algorithmic ethical positions in the adoption of AI for better HRM outcomes in terms of intelligibility and accountability of AI-generated HRM decision-making, which is often underexplored in existing research.
Teacher Immunity in English Language Institutes and Public Schools: EFL Teachers’ Perception in Focus(مقاله پژوهشی دانشگاه آزاد)
international Journal of Foreign Language Teaching & Research, Volume ۱۱, Issue ۴۴, Spring ۲۰۲۳
81 - 95
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The teacher, his instructional method, and indeed his characteristics are considered to be the decisive factors for the success or failure of education. The current study was carried out to determine the Iranian EFL teachers’ perception of immunity in their occupational contexts, that is in English language institutes and public schools. To achieve this objective, one hundred EFL teachers teaching in public schools (N = 50) and language institutes (N = 50), in Isfahan, were selected through convenience sampling to participate in this study. Then, the Teachers’ Immunity Level questionnaire was administered to them, and they were interviewed as well. The teachers were asked about their perception of immunity in their own occupational setting. All the teachers working in language institutes believed that teachers in these educational centers are suffering from low levels of job immunity. The teachers were also asked about the reasons underlying the high and low levels of job immunity in these two educational contexts. The teachers in language institutes believed that the dearth of monitoring by the government, the large number of unemployed educated people, employers’ greed, and lowering the value of education in the society are among the most important reasons underlying this catastrophe in language institutes. These findings can have some implications for the decision-makers in the Iranian Ministry of Education to provide language institutes with more support and attention with an eye to eliminating the mentioned problems.