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EFL Writing


Investigating the Effect of Self-, Peer-, and Teacher Assessment in Second Language Writing over Time: A Multifaceted Rasch Approach(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Self-assessment Peer-assessment EFL Writing Multifaceted Rasch Measurement Teacher Assessment

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تعداد بازدید : ۶۱۸ تعداد دانلود : ۳۷۸
This study investigated the accuracy of scores assigned by self-, peer-, and teacher assessors over time. Thirty-three English majors who were taking paragraph development course at Vali-e-Asr University of Rafsanjan and two instructors who had been teaching essay writing for at least two years at university, participated in the study. After receiving instructions on paragraph development, participants were trained for a session on how to rate the paragraphs. For three sessions the students were given topics to write about and were asked to rate their own and one of their peers’ papers for mechanics, grammar and choice of words, content development, and organization. The teachers also rated the paragraphs according to the same criteria. Multifaceted Rasch measurement was employed to analyze the data. The results showed different patterns of performance for the subjects rated by different raters at the beginning of the experiment. However, rater bias showed significant decrease across time. The results of the study have useful implications for language teachers especially in portfolio assessment where self and peer assessment provide invaluable help.

Second Language Writing Through Blogs: An Investigation of Learner Autonomy(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: learner autonomy Blogs EFL Writing Metacognitive cognitive

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تعداد بازدید : ۵۴۵ تعداد دانلود : ۲۸۷
Employing an explanatory sequential design, the present study investigated the effect of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) blog-mediated writing instruction on the students’ learner autonomy. A number of 46 learners who were the students of two intact classes were randomly assigned to control and experimental groups. Over a 16-week semester, the control group students (n=21) were taught based on regular in-class writing instruction and the students in the experimental group (n=25) made use of blogs in addition to the traditional in-class writing instruction. The data were collected through administering a learner autonomy instrument, consisting of metacognitive, cognitive, social, and affective components, and conducting semi-structured interviews. The results of both quantitative and qualitative data revealed that the blog-mediated writing instruction contributed to enhancing learner autonomy of the participants. More specifically, the students who experienced blog-mediated writing activities showed improvement in metacognitive and cognitive components of learner autonomy. The findings offer significant implications for EFL teachers.

The Effect of Blended Learning vs. Classroom Learning Techniques on Iranian EFL Learners’ Writing

کلیدواژه‌ها: Blended Learning classroom learning EFL Writing CALL Feedback

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تعداد بازدید : ۳۱۸ تعداد دانلود : ۳۲۲
The present study was intended to investigate the impact of blended and classroom teaching methods on Iranian EFL learners’ writing. To this end, a group of 29 upper intermediate and advanced EFL learners were randomly placed in two groups: an experimental group, namely Blended Learning and a control group, namely Classroom Learning after taking part in a placement test. Participants of the Blended Learning group received traditional teaching methods of writing plus learning through the web. Participants of the Classroom Learning group, however, were taught based on the traditional teaching methods of writing and received the materials, instructions, and feedback merely through traditional methods. In order to collect the data, participants’ first piece of writing was regarded as the pretest and their last one was the posttest. The results of the independent-samples t-tests showed that participants of the Blended Learning group significantly outperformed the ones in the Classroom Learning group in their writing performances. In conclusion, the results of the study revealed that employing a blended teaching method can create a more desirable condition to enhance the EFL learners’ writing performance and that doing research in this field can be a promising area for those interested. 

Novice Iranian EFL Writers’ Reactions to Collective Peer Scaffolding Incorporation into their Paragraph Writing Course(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Collective Peer Scaffolding Sociocultural Learning Theory L2 Writing Learners’ Perceptions Peer Feedback EFL Writing

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تعداد بازدید : ۳۴۹ تعداد دانلود : ۱۷۹
Research has provided conflicting findings regarding the benefits of paired and small-group peer scaffolding in EFL writing context. The present case study incorporated collective peer scaffolding technique in an EFL paragraph writing class and elicited learners’ reflections towards this activity. After some preliminary sessions which focused on writing process instruction and collective peer scaffolding training, the students were introduced to three writing genres. Each genre was discussed and practiced every other week and was followed by a collective peer scaffolding session. During collective scaffolding sessions, representative learners were asked to write their paragraphs on the board. Other students acted as collective, scaffolding solutions to the problems they noticed in the paragraphs written on the board. All of the students were also required to carefully listen to the scaffolds (comments) provided in class, use them to self-revise their first drafts (if applicable), and develop their second drafts. At the end of the term, eight volunteer students were invited to participate in a group interview and their reactions to this technique were elicited. In general, the experience was favored by the interviewees and the challenges reported in previous research regarding pair and small-group scaffolding/collaboration were not expressed by this cohort of EFL learners.

Operationalization of Formative Assessment in Writing: An Intuitive Approach to the Development of an Instrument(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: EFL Writing Formative Assessment of Writing Formative assessment

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تعداد بازدید : ۳۷۲ تعداد دانلود : ۲۵۷
The current study aimed to develop a Formative Assessment of Writing (FAoW) instrument through operationalizing Black and Wiliam’s (2009) Formative Assessment (FA) and Hattie and Timperley’s (2007) feedback model. Following intuitive approach of scale construction (Hase & Goldberg, 1967), a comprehensive review of the literature was undertaken, and 30 Likert scale items were devised.  The items tapped students’ experiences of FA practices in writing classrooms and their attitudes towards the helpfulness of each practice.  In a focused group interview, the items were intuitively classified by three experts of writing and assessment based on the five components of FA (clarifying criteria, evidence on students’ learning, feedback to move learners forward, peer assessment and autonomy) and in three stages (“Where the learner is going/Pre-writing, “Where the learner is right now/Writing and “How to get there/ Post-writing”). The expert interviews resulted in revisions and 20 additional items. They also agreed that items in FAoW instrument corresponded with the theoretical frameworks of FA as well as the three stages of feedback.

The Integrative Effect of Direct Corrective Feedback and Metalinguistic Explanation on Learners' Accuracy in using English Articles(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Written Corrective Feedback direct corrective feedback metalinguistic explanation English Article EFL Writing

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تعداد بازدید : ۴۳۲ تعداد دانلود : ۲۹۵
The present study was conducted to further improve the practice of written corrective feedback by integrating the two known feedback types (i.e. direct corrective feedback and metalinguistic explanation). With this aim, a sample of sixty-nine high-intermediate Iranian EFL learners was assigned into different feedback groups. While the first and second groups received direct and metalinguistic explanation feedback, respectively, the third group received an integration of both. Results showed that all three types of feedback improved the learners’ accuracy, though with different degrees of success. However, the results of the delayed post-tests revealed that only the integration of Direct Corrective Feedback (DCF) with Metalinguistic Explanation (ME) had the most sustainable effect on the learners' accurate use of the articles in the long run. It is discussed that the integration of DCF and ME can enhance the corrective effect of the feedback and reduce the defects which have been associated with the practice.

A Fuzzy TOPSIS Approach to Ranking the Effectiveness of Corrective Feedback Strategies: Monolingual Persian Versus Bilingual Turkmen EFL Learners(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: ilingual Turkmens EFL Writing Fuzzy TOPSIS grammatical errors metalinguistic corrective feedback

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تعداد بازدید : ۴۶۵ تعداد دانلود : ۳۳۱
Corrective feedback (CF) as a multifaceted practice needs to be explored from different perspectives. Achieving relative consensus among language teachers and experts in a particular context on the most effective CF strategy for monolingual and bilingual language learners appears to be understudied. As such, a fuzzy TOPSIS (Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) model was applied to accommodate varied and conflicting opinions in ranking the effect of three corrective feedback strategies including mid-focused oral metalinguistic CF, written metalinguistic CF, and oral/written metalinguistic CF. To this end, 79 monolingual Persians and 79 bilingual Turkmens aged between 13 and 18 from two language institutes in Golestan Province of Iran participated in the study comprising three experimental and one control group each. The experimental groups were provided with CF strategies on their most recurrent grammatical errors detected through pretests while the control groups received none. The results of the fuzzy TOPSIS approach ranked oral/written metalinguistic CF and oral metalinguistic CF as the best strategies for monolingual Persians and bilingual Turkmens respectively. The fuzzy TOPSIS approach provided experts with the opportunity to include their opinions on the weight of criteria and the impact of CF strategies towards enhancing the experts’ agreement on the issue. It was shown that a single CF strategy might not be appropriate for all EFL learners in different contexts. The approach also provided a framework for soliciting wider participation of the experts when conditions favor the application of multi-criteria decision-making methods, or speedier assessments are required.

کارآیی و رتبه راهبردهای بازخورد اصلاحی فرازبانی در عملکرد گرامری نوشتاری: زبان آموزان فارس در مقابل ترکمن ها(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: corrective feedback Metalinguistic grammatical errors bilingual EFL Writing

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تعداد بازدید : ۳۴۲ تعداد دانلود : ۳۱۵
همچنان عدم قطعیت های زیادی در خصوص نقش محتمل عوامل میانجی فراوان نظیر زمینه زبانی و قومیت در فرایند بازخود اصلاحی وجود دارد. در پاسخ به این موضوع، مطالعه حاضر بر روی 79 زبان آموز فارس و 79 زبان آموز دوزبانه ترکمن با سن 13 تا 18 سال در دو موسسه آموزش زبان استان گلستان صورت گرفت. شرکت کنندگان به سه گروه تیمار و یک گروه کنترل تقسیم شدند. دو پیش آزمون، اشتباهات گرامری زبان آموزان را نشان داد که براساس آن سه راهبرد بازخورد اصلاحی فرازبانی شفاهی، کتبی و تلفیقی تنظیم گردید و بر روی 5 اشتباه گرامری پرتکرار زبان آموزان اعمال شد. گروه کنترل تیماری دریافت نکرد. آزمون کروسکال والیس نشان دهنده تفاوت معنی دار گروه ها پیش و پس از تیمار بود که براساس آن، پس-آزمون مقایسه زوجی کانوور انجام شد. نتایج نشان داد که در فارس ها و ترکمن ها تیمارها به شکل معنی داری بر روی کاهش اشتباهات گرامری اثر گذاشته است. راهبردهای اصلاحی فرازبانی شفاهی و تلفیقی برای فارس ها و هر سه راهبرد برای ترکمن ها بر روی کاهش اشتباهات اثر معنی دار داشتند. رتبه راهبردها به کمک روش نزدیکی به راه حل ایده آل (تاپسیس) با وزن برابر اشتباهات بررسی شد که برای فارس ها، روش شفاهی و برای ترکمن ها روش کتبی را به عنوان بهترین نشان داد. روش تاپسیس با تغییر وزن ها به میزان 50 درصد به میزان 10000 بار تکرار شد که نشان دهنده ثبات رتبه بندی به دست آمده بود. نتایج این پژوهش می تواند برای فراگیران زبان انگلیسی به عنوان زبان خارجی، آموزگاران زبان به فراگیران دوزبانه، طراحان سرفصل دروس و مواد آموزشی کمک نماید و هم زمان درهای جدیدی به سوی پژوهش های مرتبط بگشاید.

Epistemological and Ecological Perception of the Roots of EFL Writing Problems: A Phenomenology and a Path Analysis(مقاله پژوهشی دانشگاه آزاد)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Writing Problems Epistemology Ecology EFL Writing

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تعداد بازدید : ۳۹۹ تعداد دانلود : ۳۴۲
Delving into the sources of foreign language writing problems is usually neglected. This necessitates more scrutiny of finding out where these problems originate from. To this end, the present study sought to follow a two-fold aim: finding the roots of the Iranian EFL learners’ writing problems, and discovering how these roots are interconnected with each other and come up with a corresponding model. In the qualitative part of the study, a phenomenological research tradition was adopted and 20 EFL learners were selected through purposive sampling. In the quantitative part, through convenience sampling 120 language learners from an English language school in Gorgan, Iran, were selected to be the participants of the study. A semi-structured interview and a researcher-developed questionnaire were used as the instruments for data collection. The results obtained from the analysis of data revealed that writing problems originate from various sources, mainly linguistic, personal, epistemological and ecological, and enjoy a model in which epistemological, linguistic and ecological sources have direct effects and personal source has indirect effect on writing problems. Recognition of epistemological and ecological sources as a novel finding can make teachers revisit their view of these less-approached issues.  

EFL Writing at Thai Secondary Schools: Teachers and Students’ Views, Difficulties and Expectations(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: EFL Writing Thai student secondary education writing difficulty teacher expectation student expectation

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تعداد بازدید : ۳۹۳ تعداد دانلود : ۲۱۸
Thai students’ writing in English is a chronic problem documented in the literature of English Language Teaching (ELT) in Thailand. However, little research has been conducted on how Thai teachers and students perceive the importance of English-writing and what difficulties and expectations/suggestions they have in teaching and learning this skill at upper-secondary schools (U-SS). This study, therefore, plans to fill this gap by employing two sets of surveys and semi-structured interviews with 114 teachers and 170 students from 30 different U-SS in the Northeastern part of Thailand and two provincial supervisors of Foreign-Language-Education Divisions (Pro-Sup). Besides their various stated personal and contextual problems in terms of time constraint, insufficient resources and poorly-motivated and mixed-ability students, national test structures and the presence of untrained English teachers, the participants acknowledged the importance of English-writing and expected to have this skill taught at all school levels. These findings suggest that to improve the teaching and learning practices of this skill at U-SS in Thailand and other countries with similar contexts, relevant support and necessary reforms from teachers, school leaders and national-test and policymakers are needed.

Celebrating Mistakes: The Alignment of Assessment for Learning (AfL) and Motivational Strategy (MotS) in a Constrained Context(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Assessment for Learning (AfL) constrained context EFL Writing Motivational Strategy (MotS) pandemic writing assessment

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تعداد بازدید : ۱۳۷ تعداد دانلود : ۹۶
In education, the terms “assessment” and “motivation” seem paradoxical. However, a closer examination of the two terms leads to the understanding that the two terms can conceptually be aligned. Assessment for Learning (AfL) and teachers’ Motivational Strategy (MotS) can be synergized using AfL pedagogical principles that purportedly foster students’ motivation. The dearth of studies juxtaposing both constructs prompted us to examine the AfL practices of seven higher-education teachers in Indonesia, with the aim of providing empirical data on the convergence between AfL and MotS. Set against the backdrop of a low-motivation context, namely the emergency remote learning and teaching English as a Foreign Language (EFL) writing, the teachers were interviewed regarding their AfL practices, and the data was examined using principally deductive qualitative analysis. The results showed that the greatest alignment occurred in the “maintain” stage of MotS, where teachers provided a supportive classroom environment where mistakes are a natural part of learning and involved students in self and peer assessment. On the other hand, the constrained context resulted in divergent conceptions in the teachers of what they perceived as motivating for the students. This implies the need for EFL writing teachers to integrate AfL and various stages of motivational strategies to lead to more engagement and help students improve their writing achievement.  

Writing Assessment Literacy in an EFL Context: Insights from Iraqi Kurdish Teachers(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: assessment strategies Feedback practices Language assessment literacy EFL Writing Teachers’ Cognition Teachers’ Writing Assessment Literacy

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تعداد بازدید : ۵۸ تعداد دانلود : ۵۱
Assessing learners’ writing is one of the primary responsibilities of English language teachers. Nevertheless, research on teachers’ writing assessment literacy (WAL) is scarce. To this end, this study a) explored Iraqi Kurdish EFL teachers’ writing assessment knowledge, beliefs, and practices and b) examined assessment strategies they employ to assess learners’ writing ability and the feedback they provide on learners’ writing performance. Data were collected from language teachers in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (N=80), who taught at universities, institutes, and schools, utilizing a modified version of the WAL questionnaire consisting of five sections, including teachers’ demographic information, assessment strategies, knowledge of WAL, beliefs about WAL, and practices concerning WAL. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with a group of volunteer teachers (N=10). The findings highlighted teachers’ insufficient knowledge of writing assessments. A significant mismatch was found between teachers’ stated beliefs and their practices in the use of formative and summative assessment. The teachers had positive beliefs toward formative assessment; however, they preferred using summative assessment. The qualitative findings further pointed to a significant knowledge gap among teachers regarding specific terminologies, such as formative and summative assessment, as well as scoring rubrics. Finally, the results indicated that teachers used various feedback types to improve learners’ writing skills. The findings emphasize the need to improve teachers’ writing assessment literacy in order to bridge the gap between teachers’ beliefs and their practices of writing assessment.  

A Comparative Investigation of the Effects of Metacognitive, Cooperative and Metacognitive-Cooperative Instructions on Iranian EFL Learners’ Writing Improvement

کلیدواژه‌ها: cooperative learning EFL Writing information-process load Metacognition monitoring Self-regulated Learning strategic reasoning

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تعداد بازدید : ۲۶ تعداد دانلود : ۳۱
The aim of this study was to examine the impact of metacognitive-cooperative training on the writing skills of Iranian EFL learners. The study employed quasi-experimental design. To this aim, four intact classes were randomly allocated into three experimental groups and one control group. The findings from the initial assessments indicated that the individuals involved in the study exhibited a similar level of language competence and writing skills, ascertained by the Oxford Quick Placement Test (OQPT) and a pretest specifically designed to evaluate writing abilities. Consequently, a total of 120 Iranian EFL learners, selected from a subject pool of 160 individuals at the upper-intermediate level, were designated as the participants for this study. The selected subjects were subsequently divided into four distinct groups, namely three experimental groups (EG1, EG2, EG3) and one control group (CG). The experimental groups (EG1, EG2, and EG3) received instruction on cooperative learning, metacognitive strategies, and a combination of metacognitive and cooperative learning, respectively. Conversely, the control group (CG) adhered to a conventional curriculum for writing. Subsequently, a posttest was conducted. Having conducted the Wilcoxon-Signed Rank Test, the researchers figured out that the instructional methods of cooperation, metacognition, and metacognitive-cooperation significantly influenced the improvement of writing skills among Iranian EFL learners. Based on the outcomes of the ANCOVA test, the researchers reached the conclusion that the metacognitive-cooperative group exhibited superior performance compared to the groups that received solely cooperative or metacognitive instruction. The study’s pedagogicalimplications have been thoroughly discussed.

The comparative effects of intensive versus extensive recasts through grammar-focused tasks on Iranian intermediate EFL learners’ grammatical accuracy in writing(مقاله پژوهشی دانشگاه آزاد)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Grammar-Focused Tasks Extensive Recast Intensive Recast recast EFL Writing

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تعداد بازدید : ۱۵ تعداد دانلود : ۱۶
Grammatical accuracy has been controversial in L2 writing, and the utility of different types of corrective feedback has been enigmatic. Therefore, the present study attempted to explicate the impact of intensive versus extensive recasts through grammar-focused tasks on Iranian EFL learners’ grammatical accuracy in writing. To do so, 60 Iranian male and female EFL learners were assigned into two experimental groups (i.e., intensive and extensive groups) and one control group. After taking the Oxford Placement Test (OPT), the experimental groups received intended corrective feedback, while the control group did not receive any feedback. Then, the data was analyzed deploying both descriptive and inferential statistics. The results revealed the outperformance of experimental groups compared to the control group in the writing post-test. Also, it was concluded that extensive recast can improve EFL learners’ writing performance much better than intensive recast. The findings have some fruitful pedagogical implications for both teachers and materials developers.