مطالب مرتبط با کلیدواژه
academic achievement
The Effects of Family Social Capital on Student's School Achievements in(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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In this paper، drawing on Coleman's concept of social capital and Bourdieu's concept of cultural capital، the effects of different components of family social and cultural capital (i.e. family expectations of student's academic aspirations، family involvement in student's academic activities،…) on academic achievement of high school students were studied.Using a questionnaire، data were gathered on the academic performance of
393 students who were selected (on the basis of cluster sampling) from different boys and girls high schools in the city of Isfahan in the academic year of 1385-86 (2006-7).Research findings showed that the coefficient of direct effect of capital (which included social and cultural capital) on academic achievement was 0.43 and
that its difference from zero was statistically significant. Therefore، the major hypothesis of the study that family social and cultural capitals have a positive influence of academic performance was supported.
EFL Learners’ Deployment of Motivational Self-Regulatory Strategies and their Academic Achievement(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Self-regulation of learning has been extensively investigated in second language (L2) learning. Many studies have focused on the strategies that language learners employ to regulate their own learning processes. However, motivational self-regulation is considerably less explored. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between motivational self-regulatory strategies (MSRSs) and academic achievement. A motivational self-regulation questionnaire was administered to 64 male and female adult Iranian EFL learners to measure their choice of various strategies. The quantitative data was analyzed by applying correlational and multivariate analyses. The results demonstrated that there was a strong relationship between motivational self-regulatory strategy use and academic achievement. However, no difference was found between male and female learners in their use of the strategies. Further examination revealed that higher-achieving students differed from lower-achieving participants in their preference for strategies. The article concludes that while all learners use extrinsic rewards to self-regulate their motivation, more successful learners tend to manipulate learning tasks to make the tasks intrinsically interesting and pleasant. Also, more successful learners set both long-term and short-term goals to motivate themselves. The results underscore the importance of students’ personal interests, needs and goals, and suggest that teachers foster learners’ command of the strategies through instruction and cooperative activities.
Technology Mediated Instruction and its Effect on Cognitive Scaffolding, motivation and Academic Performance in EFL Context(مقاله پژوهشی دانشگاه آزاد)
The Journal of English Language Pedagogy and Practice, Vol.۱۰, No.۲۱, Fall & Winter ۲۰۱۷
72 - 96
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Technology mediated learning brings together the users with shared interests. This method makes learners informally engaged in language learning. This study intended to investigate the effect of technology mediated instruction on cognitive scaffolding, academic performance and motivation. Employing a quasi-experimental research, 80 learners from two intact classes at Islamic Azad University, Osku Branch were selected as the experimental and control groups. Telegram as a tool was used in the experimental group, while the control group received traditional way of instruction. Critical ethnography approach was implemented to consider the amount of cognitive scaffolding. To measure the students’ motivational level in both groups, Course Interest Survey (CIS) was administered at the end of the semester. The total average score for each group was calculated. To compare students’ academic achievement, their average scores in the final academic test were considered. An Independent samples t-test in was used to compare the mean scores. The results indicated that technology mediated learning brought about cognitive scaffolding and the students in the experimental group outperformed the control group in terms of motivation and academic achievement. The results of the study suggest that to bring about academically successful students, practitioners should use technology mediated instruction.
The Effectiveness of Teaching Critical Thinking Skills On Students’ Academic Achievement in Mathematics and Science: A Study in Timss Framework(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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The present study, which was conducted in Timss 2007 framework, aims to examine the effectiveness of teaching critical thinking on students’ academic achievement in mathematics and science. Research design was Semi-experimental. Research sample (With available sampling method) included two classes of third grade students in Eghbal middle school in Baharestan, Tehran, Iran in 2014-15 which were randomly assigned to experimental and control groups. Afterwards, the experimental group received critical thinking teaching for 12 sessions, while the control group received no training during this period. The data were gathered using parallel forms of Timss 2007 study, which were implemented in three periods. The data were analyzed through Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA), and t-test. Results showed that critical thinking teaching could considerably improve students’ performance in mathematics and science in domains of reasoning and applying; however, no significant relationship was revealed between critical thinking teaching and students’ performance in the domain of knowing. Findings of the follow up test, in addition, indicated a significant decrease in applicants’ scores of experimental group. It can be concluded that critical thinking teaching should be brought into sharper focus in syllabuses of middle schools as its principles could not only resolve students’ problems in academic issues but they also would result in improving performance of students in the domains of mathematics and science.
Academic Language Achievement: A Structural Equation Model of the Impact of Teacher-Student Interactions and Self-Regulated Learning(مقاله پژوهشی دانشگاه آزاد)
The Journal of English Language Pedagogy and Practice, Vol.۱۲, No.۲۵, Fall & Winter ۲۰۱۹
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A correlational survey research design was utilized to investigate self-regulated Learning (SRL) and teacher-student interaction factors that had been realized to have contributive roles in EFL learners' academic success. A sample of 218 EFL learners (male = 102 and female = 116) was drawn with the aid of a prior sample size calculator for the structural equation models from 645 students. They were within the age range of 18-45 and were enrolled at Islamic Azad University, Tabriz Branch. The structural equation model (SEM) hypothesis testing procedure revealed that the teacher-student interaction directly and significantly influenced learners' academic accomplishments. Likewise, the obtained results indicate that the impact of the teacher-student interaction on EFL learners' academic achievement is mediated by the effects of SRL. Correspondingly, the obtained results indicate that the theorized model fits the data. The causal contribution of psychological factors, consisting of the teacher-student interaction and SRL, to EFL learners’ academic achievement was validated. The findings of this exploratory research have certain implications for classroom practice which are elaborated in detail in this paper.
Impact of Parental Socio-economic Status on High School EFL Learners' Academic Achievement: Parents' involvement and support in focus
Iinternational Journal of Foreign Language Teaching & Research, Volume ۹, Issue ۳۶, Summer ۲۰۲۱
135 - 144
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of multifactorial socio-educational variables of the family in the structural model of predicting the academic achievement of EFL learners and the mediating roles of parents' involvement and perceived autonomy support. The population of the study comprised all the high school EFL students in Urmia, from which 492 students (262 males and 230 females) were selected as the participants through Cochran's formula and stratified random sampling method. The study was conducted with a correlational design, using structural equation modeling method, and the assessment tools were standard questionnaires. The results of data analysis showed that perceived parental autonomy support, parental socio-economic status, and parents' involvement in education are significantly related to language learners’ academic achievement. Based on this finding, it is claimed that to improve the academic achievement of language learners, these three variables should be taken into consideration and strengthened as facilitating mediators.
EFL Students’ Evaluation Apprehension and Their Academic Achievement, Gender, and Educational level: Towards Designing and Validating a Comprehensive Scale
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Student evaluation apprehension as one of the detrimental factors in an English as a foreign language (EFL) context, reduces and gradually diminishes student participation in classroom activities, since learners are mostly concerned with how others (teacher and classmates) evaluate/judge their performance. Due to the fact that the studies considering the important role of student evaluation apprehension are scarce in number, this study was conducted to validate the newly-designed questionnaire via exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses and find the relationship between student evaluation apprehension and academic achievement, gender, and educational level of 258 EFL students. The results from EFA, CFA, and reliability analyses revealed that the new questionnaire is a valid and reliable instrument measuring EFL students’ evaluation apprehension. Moreover, a significant negative correlation was observed between student evaluation apprehension and academic achievement. Besides, it was found that females experience evaluation apprehension more than males, and BA students were also found to have more evaluation apprehension than their MA counterparts.
Mono and Bilingual Iranian University Students’ Attitude, Motivation and Test Anxiety towards Learning English Language(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Purpose: In today’s world learning a second language, especially English, has become vital for success, both academically and professionally. Yet, learners’ characteristics like affective features and linguistic background may impact either the ultimate level of achievement. Methodology: This study was carried out to determine whether there is a difference in test anxiety, attitude, integrative and instrumental motivation of the monolingual and bilingual university students in English. To this end, 227 questionnaires obtained from freshman university students majoring in various fields from 125 bilingual students at the University of Payame Noor and Islamic Azad University of Meshkin Shahr and 125 monolingual students at the Payame Noor University of Qazvin in Iran. Three Independent t-tests were run to compare these two groups’ attitude, instrumental and integrative motivations and test anxiety. Findings: The findings revealed that the bilingual students had a significantly more positive attitude and showed a significantly higher integrative motivation towards learning English. However, no significant difference was observed among the two groups regarding their instrumental motivation and test anxiety. Discussion: Pedagogical implications of the study will be discussed. The bilingual students possess a higher level of motivation towards learning English language than do the monolingual students.
The sociological study of the relationship between success in entering the university and social and cultural capital of the family(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Purpose: One of the concerns of the majority of Iranian families is the acceptance of their children at the university entrance exam, and in this way each one will provide facilities to their children. Method: The amount of facilities available to children is influenced by the size of households' economic capital and therefore there is a significant difference between them in achieving success. But there are kinds of capital that can largely provide a relatively fair background for breakthroughs. Therefore, this article seeks to answer the question of how much students' success in getting to university is influenced by the social and cultural capital of their families? The research method is survey-based and 374 students who participated in the national entrance examination of 2017-18 compromised the sample size. First, using the U-Mann-Whitney test, it was shown that male and female students had a relatively similar background in cultural and social capital. Findings: The findings of this research show that family cultural capital, as Bourdieu stated, is effective on students' academic achievement, which at the level of sig= 0.01, the correlation was 0.24, although in relation to the effect of social capital on the dependent variable unlike Coleman's theory, especially in the two domains of intra-family relationships (sig = 0.45), and out-of-family relationships (sig =0.6), given the significant level of sig> 0.05, the hypotheses are not confirmed. Conclusion: social and cultural capital of parents influences the academic achievement of admission to university, but contrary to basic research.
On Implementation of Participatory Approach: Yes or NO?(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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The structure of socio-culture encouraged the following study to investigate the ways participation in collaborative learning tasks can have an effect on the overall English proficiency of EFL students’ academic achievement. The learners’ engagement in learning and collaboration with others for achieving their goals often happen in participatory approach to second language teaching and learning (Cobb, 1994; Greeno, 1998). In a same way, collaborative learning plays a good role in increasing learners’ interdependence (Bruffee, 1999), responsibility (Totten, Sills, Digby, & Russ, 1991), interpersonal skills (Rymes, 1997), and cognitive and critical thinking skills (Johnson & Johnson, 1986). Therefore, both the control and study group were randomly selected from 60 Iranian EFL learners of two intact classes. The first group which was the control group was exposed to regular teaching process through the conventional book-based method. While, in experimental group activities such as role play, problem solving, group work and collaborative tasks in the classroom instruction were mostly used. Accordingly, scores on the IELTS posttest in both groups improved but, the statistics of their overall performance showed that there is no significant difference. However, separate skills on the IELTS exam needed some analyses the result of which contended that the scores of experimental group on the speaking skill was significantly higher. Clearly, the scores on the vocabulary and grammar posttest in experimental group were significantly higher. In conclusion, higher mean scores indicate that EFL learners’ vocabulary and grammar learning will be facilitated through both participatory approach and collaborative activities. In fact, the more interactions among learners in classroom activities are used, improvement of speaking skills can be encouraged. As the results of the students’ and teachers’ interview revealed, both students and teachers’ attitudes towards participatory approach were positive and were also highly inclined to receive such tasks and activities in future
Designing a Predictive and Positive Model of Academic Participation in Students with Emphasis on Management Variables in Secondary Schools of Karaj(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify and rank the dimensions and components of the pre-school and post-secondary model of academic participation in Karaj Secondary Schools. Methodology: The research method was applied in terms of purpose, and in terms of data collection method, it was a consecutive exploratory mix. The statistical population of this research was in the quantitative section, high school teachers in Karaj in the academic year 2017-18 which included 786 educational units and 17732 teachers. In order to execute the questionnaires, stratified random sampling method was used and a sample of 376 teachers was selected. In the qualitative section, the researcher collected qualitative data through a qualitative interview with 21 experts, in which the reliability of the collection was 77.6% by another researcher. The results of this section indicated that in the components of academic participation antecedents, classroom management components, educational leadership, instructional strategies, organizational climate, and physical environment, and in the outcomes section, learning ability, academic motivation, and academic self-efficacy and academic achievement. Were extracted. Findings: The results showed that among the antecedents of academic participation, education management had the highest standard coefficient (0.98) and the lowest standard coefficient among these variables was 0.76 for education and culture strategies. In other words, educational management explained 96% of the variance in educational participation, while the two variables explained education and climate strategies 58% of the variance. Conclusion: Education is generally influenced by five factors, including teacher, program, equipment, and educational environment. Each of these factors has characteristics that can have different effects on academic achievement and learning.
Investigating the relationship between academic self-regulation and metacognition with students’ academic achievement(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Purpose: There is no doubt that one of the most important educational management and planning tasks of schools is to encourage youth to participate and cooperate in all matters. They can engage students in various school affairs by developing appropriate educational planning. This can help youth feel useful and get away from isolation and boredom as one example of fulfilling a happy and joyful life. The present study was aimed at investigating the relationship between academic self-regulation and metacognition with students’ academic achievement. Methodology: This was an applied research and followed a descriptive correlational method in terms of data collection. The statistical population included all students in Gilan-e-Gharb. 110 of them were selected through multi-stage cluster sampling method to participate in the study. To collect data, the self-regulatory questionnaire and Connell Ryan (1989) and O’Neill and Abedi metacognition questionnaire were used. Findings: The results showed a significant relationship between self-regulation and its dimensions including internal self-regulation, external self-regulation, cognitive self-regulation and internal motivation with student’s academic achievement. In addition, there was a significant relationship between metacognition and components of innovation and collaboration with students' academic achievement and the components of innovation and collaboration could predict students' academic achievement (P <0.05). Conclusion: Teachers can play an effective role in students’ academic achievement by creating a climate of collaboration and assistance among students in addition to creating a positive attitude toward the environment.
Predicting the role of learning approaches, studying strategies, Metacognitive strategies, and reflective thinking with students’ academic achievements(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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The present study aims to predict the role of learning approaches, studying strategies, metacognitive strategies, and reflective thinking on students’ academic achievements. A cross-sectional analytical study was carried out in Iran. The statistical population encompasses the all 5000 students at Roudehen Islamic Azad University throughout 2020-2021. According to Morgan's Table, the sample size was estimated to be 384 persons. Five standard questionnaires including studying strategies, learning approaches, metacognitive strategies, reflective thinking and academic achievement were used for data gathering. Structural equations based on partial least squares were used to analyze the data. The results showed a moderate relationship between learning approaches and metacognitive strategies while a significant relationship was observed between learning approaches, studying strategies, and reflective thinking (P<0.05). There was also a weak relationship between learning approaches and academic achievement. Beside, a moderate relationship was observed between metacognitive strategies and academic achievement, and a significant relationship was revealed between reflective thinking and academic achievement. Numerous factors affect academic achievement. Managers and families by recognizing these variables and providing appropriate conditions could smooth the rate of success for students.
Factors Affecting Academic Achievement of High School Students in Distance Education Centers in Kashan
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This study investigated the relationships among self-regulated learning, motivation for academic achievement and self-concept in prediction of academic achievement of male high school students studying through distance education system in Kashan Province, Iran. A cross-sectional, descriptive- correlational design was conducted among all male high schools students in Kashan’s distance education centers during 2015-2016(n=718). Using a multistage cluster sampling, 270 students were selected. Data were collected using Herman’s achievement motivation questionnaire (1970), the Pintrich & De Groot self-regulated learning scale (1990) and Becks self-concept scale (1990). Stepwise regression analysis was employed in the SPSS version 20. The results showed that self-regulated learning, motivation for academic achievement and self-concept had significant positive relationships and predicted academic achievement statistically (p
Blended Learning and Academic Achievement: A Meta-Analysis
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The purpose of the present research was to conduct a meta-analysis of Iranian studies on blended learning and academic achievement. As the third generation of distance education, blended learning integrates the strengths of face-to-face and online approaches. The methodology involved estimating the effect size for the relationship between blended learning and academic achievement. Out of 231 studies conducted between 2010 and 2017, 20experimental and quasi-experimental studies were selected as the sample using purposive sampling based on 9eligibility criteria. Data were analyzed using structured meta-analysis and were interpreted using Cohen’s for gauging small, medium, and large effect sizes. The results showed that the relationship between blended learning and academic achievement is significant, as the effect size for this relationship was 0.591, which is above medium in Cohen’s approach. Overall, the findings suggest the real positive effects of blended learning on learning outcome.
An Academic Achievement Model for Students with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (Kermanshah Earthquake) based on Cognitive Ability and Difficulty in Emotion Regulation(مقاله پژوهشی وزارت بهداشت)
Introduction: Academic achievement is one of the main concerns of the educational system of any country, and as a result, any factor that is effective in reducing or increasing its quantity and quality is considered and emphasized by researchers. Psychological damage and stressful accidents have effects on academic achievement. This study aimed to develop a model of structural equations for academic achievement of students with post-traumatic stress disorder (PSTD) (Kermanshah earthquake) based on cognitive ability; moreover, it was attempted to investigate the mediating role of difficulty in emotion regulation in this regard. Methods: This descriptive-correlational study was conducted based on a quantitative and applied research method. The statistical population of the present study includes all students with PSTD in Sarpol Zahab, Kermanshah Province, Iran, in the academic year of 2018-19. In total, 48 cases were selected using the available sampling method. The data were collected using the Capita’s Log software, Emotion Regulation Questionnaire, and final grades of Persian literature and mathematics courses. Data analysis was performed employing the structural equation modeling (SEM) and Smart PLS software. Findings: The results of this study in the form of a structural model showed that all t-coefficients among the three main constructs were higher than 1.96, which indicates the existence of significant relationships among research variables. In other words, cognitive ability has a direct and significant relationship with the academic achievement of students with PSTD. Moreover, there is a negative relationship between cognitive ability and difficulty in emotion regulation. Conclusion: The results of the present study revealed the direct and significant effect of cognitive ability on the academic achievement of students with PSTD. In addition, an indirect effect of cognitive ability was observed on the academic achievement of these students with a mediating role of difficulty in emotion regulation. The findings of the present study indicate that the improvement of the cognitive ability, as well as the enhancement of the skills related to emotion regulation in students with PSTD, leads to improved academic achievement.
Effectiveness of Cognitive Rehabilitation on Academic Achievement with the Moderating Role of Emotion Regulation in Earthquake-stricken Adolescents with Post-traumatic Stress Disorder in Kermanshah(مقاله پژوهشی وزارت بهداشت)
INTRODUCTION: Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is one of the adverse events occurring in people exposed to severe traumatic experiences, such as earthquakes. The devastating effects of such events and their associated losses are significantly higher in children and adolescents. The present study aimed to determine the effectiveness of cognitive rehabilitation on academic achievement with the moderating role of emotion regulation in earthquake-stricken adolescents with PTSD in Kermanshah. METHODS: This cross-sectional study was conducted based on a pre- and post-test design with control and experimental groups. Among the students who were diagnosed with PTSD in Kermanshah earthquake, 48 cases were selected and assigned to the control and experimental groups. Data collection instruments were Captain's Log cognitive rehabilitation software, and motion Regulation Scale developed by Gratz and Roemer. Students' academic achievement was judged based on the scores obtained from end-of-semester transcripts and teachers' evaluations. Data were analyzed in SPSS software (version 26). FINDINGS: Based on the results, cognitive rehabilitation is effective in the academic achievement of students with PTSD (P<0.01). Moreover, emotion regulation can moderate the effect of this method on academic achievement (P<0.05). CONCLUSION: As evidenced by the obtained results, cognitive rehabilitation can effectively strengthen cognitive abilities and components related to executive functions. In so doing, it enhances the educational performance of students with PTSD and brings them academic achievement.
Comparison the Effectiveness of Bybee's Teaching Method as Face-To-Face and Non-Face-To-Face on the Academic Achievement of Male Students of the First Secondary School in the Conditions of the Covid-19 Pandemic(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Purpose: The covid-19 pandemic caused many and extensive changes and transformations in educational teaching. Considering the importance of students' academic achievement, the aim of this study was to comparison the effectiveness of Bybee's teaching method as face-to-face and non-face-to-face on the academic achievement of mail students of the first secondary school in the conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic. Methodology: This study was a semi-experimental with a pretest and posttest design with a control group. The research population was male students of the first secondary school in Zahedan city in the academic years 2019-2020. The sample size was 45 people (15 people for each group) who were selected by cluster sampling method and each of the clusters randomly by lottery replaced in three groups (two experimental groups and one control group). Each of the experimental groups was trained with Bybee's teaching method as face-to-face and non-face-to-face and during this time the control group was trained with the traditional method. The data were collected with Pham and Taylor's academic achievement questionnaire (1999), which whose validity was confirmed by the opinion of experts and its reliability was calculated by Cronbach's alpha method 0.92 and analyzed by methods of univariate analysis of covariance and Bonferroni post hoc test in SPSS software. Findings: The findings indicated that there was a significant difference between the experimental and control groups in terms of academic achievement. In the other words, Bybee's teaching method as a both face-to-face and non-face-to-face in compared to the control group caused a significant increase in the academic achievement of mail students of the first secondary school (P<0.001), but between the experimental groups means Bybee's teaching method as face-to-face and non-face-to-face there was no significant difference in increasing academic achievement (P>0.05). Conclusion: According to the results of this study mean effectiveness of both Bybee's teaching method as face-to-face and non-face-to-face on students' academic achievement and the lack of significant differences between them, to improve academic achievement can be used both Bybee's teaching method as face-to-face and non-face-to-face along with other effective teaching methods.
Comparison the Effect of Gagne’s Educational Model and Keller’s Educational-Motivational Model on Academic Motivation and Achievement of Seventh Grade Students(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Purpose: One of the main goals of the education system is to improve the academic performance of students. Therefore, the aim of this study was to comparison the effect of Gagne’s educational model and Keller’s educational-motivational model on academic motivation and achievement of seventh grade students. Methodology: This was a quasi-experimental study with pretest and posttest design with control group. The research population was seventh grade students of Zahedan city in 2019-20 academic years, which from them 60 people who were selected by purposive sampling method and randomly replaced in three equal groups including two experimental groups and one control group. The first experimental group was trained by Gagne’s educational model method and the second experimental group was trained by Keller’s educational-motivational model method for eight sessions of 45 minutes and the control group was trained by conventional method. Data were collected by academic motivation questionnaire (Harter, 1981) and research-made academic achievement test and analyzed by multivariate analysis of covariance and Bonferroni post hoc test in SPSS software. Findings: The findings of the present research showed that both methods of Gagne’s educational model and Keller’s educational-motivational model in compared to the control group significantly increased academic motivation and academic achievement of students (P<0.05), but there was no significant difference between the two educational methods in increasing their academic motivation and academic achievement (P>0.05). Conclusion: According to the results of this study, to increase and promote academic motivation and academic achievement of students can be used both methods of Gagne’s educational model and Keller’s educational-motivational model.