احمدرضا لطفی
An In-depth Analysis of the Cognitive Gaps between Novice and Experienced Iranian EFL Teachers(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
کلیدواژهها: Cognitive gaps EFL Teachers Teacher Cognition pedagogical experience pedagogical knowledge
Spatial Encoding in English and Persian: Typological Influences on Second Language Acquisition
کلیدواژهها: language transfer Lexicalization Linguistic Typology Restructuring Second language acquisition Spatial Language
تحلیل مسیر جهت یابی در حرکات خیالی فارسی در چارچوب معناشناسی شناختی(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
کلیدواژهها: حرکت حرکت خیالی دسته بندی حرکت خیالی گروه حرف اضافه ای مسیر
Equity on General English Achievement Tests through Gender-based DIF Analysis across Different Majors
کلیدواژهها: Differential Item Functioning (DIF) equity Gender General English achievement test IAUGEAT IRT Test validation
Evaluative Content Analysis of the Iranian EFL Textbook for Senior High School Second Graders: Vision 2
کلیدواژهها: Analytical Evaluation Content Analysis Textbook Evaluation Vision 2
Implementation of Hybrid and Pure Problem-based Learning in EFL Context: The case of speaking skill and self-confidence of Iranian undergraduate participants
کلیدواژهها: Hybrid Problem-based Learning Pure Problem-based Learning self-confidence Speaking Skill
رمزگذاری فضایی در زبان فارسی: توصیف رویدادهای حرکتی توسط فارسی زبانان(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
کلیدواژهها: رویداد حرکتی گونه شناسی زبانی الگوی واژگانی شدن رمزگذاری فضایی
The Effects of Explicit vs. Implicit Instruction on Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners’ Acquisition of English Definite and Indefinite Articles
کلیدواژهها: Explicit Instruction Implicit instruction Textual input enhancement definite articles indefinite articles
Iranian EFL Learners’ and Teachers’ Attitudes Towards High School English Textbooks(مقاله پژوهشی دانشگاه آزاد)
کلیدواژهها: high school textbooks students attitude teachers attitude Textbook Evaluation
Level of Grammatical Proficiency and Acquisition of Functional Projections: The case of Iranian learners of English language
کلیدواژهها: Functional Projections grammaticality judgment task L2 learner Picture Description Task Second language acquisition
Collaborative Writing Practice through Online Learning: Insights from Iranian EFL Learners’ Perceptions
کلیدواژهها: collaborative writing e-collaborative writing Journal Writing Perception Process Writing
Structural priming as implicit learning: evidence from EFL learners' production of the relative clause structure(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
کلیدواژهها: Implicit Learning Language Processing oral production Priming Relative Clause (RC) Structure Written Production
Pros and Cons of Dancing in the Dark: Enhancing EFL learners' oral proficiency in an unplugged learning community
کلیدواژهها: Unplugged Classroom Model (UCM) English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Community of Inquiry (Co I) oral proficiency non-conventional instruction
From Importer of Knowledge to Researcher of the Self: Exploring the Utility of Collaborative Action Research in Distance Second Language Professional Development
کلیدواژهها: collaborative action research professional development Reflective Inquiry Community of Shared Knowledge Action Research Projects
Relationship between Iranian EFL High School Students’ Knowledge of Universal Grammar and their Performance on Standardized General English Proficiency Tests
کلیدواژهها: Generative SLA UG principles and parameters language testing language proficiency learner variable
Effects of CALL-Mediated TBLT on Self-Efficacy for Reading among Iranian University Non-English Major EFL Students
کلیدواژهها: task-based language teaching Computer-assisted language learning CALL-mediated TBLT Self-Efficacy Reading
Flipped Teaching: Iranian Students’ and Teachers’ Perceptions(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
کلیدواژهها: Blended Learning Constructivism Flipped Teaching students’ perceptions teachers’ perceptions
مقاله به زبان انگلیسی: یادگیری بندِ نسبی در زبان انگلیسی به عنوان زبانِ سوم (Learning of relative clauses by L3 learners of English)(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
کلیدواژهها: دو زبانگی زبان سوم فراگیری زبان سوم زبان پس زمینه
بررسی ساخت دو مفعولی در متون ادب فارسی(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
کلیدواژهها: ساخت دو مفعولی حالت تناوب مفعولی تکواژ «را» نظریه پیکر-پهنه تکواژ «مر»