مطالب مرتبط با کلیدواژه
Content Analysis
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This study aims at evaluating the coursebooks taught at the intermediate level of adult and young adult departments of the Iran Language Institute in terms of multiple intelligence types introduced by Gardner (1983) to see to what extent such coursebooks represent the Multiple Intelligence Theory. To fulfill the objectives, a checklist developed by Botelho (2003) and localized by the researchers on the basis of this theory was used. The coursebooks were analyzed according to this checklist and the frequencies and percentages of occurrence of each type of intelligence were calculated. The results of the study showed that verbal/linguistic, logical/mathematical and visual/spatial types of intelligence were the most dominant intelligence types in the analyzed coursebooks. Naturalistic and bodily/kinesthetic types of intelligence were the least common types represented in the coursebooks. A comparison was also made between the coursebooks taught to adults and young adults at the Iran Language Institute and the results presented a significant difference between the percentage of occurrence of logical/mathematical, bodily/kinesthetic, visual/spatial, intrapersonal and musical types of intelligence between the two sets of coursebooks. On the other hand, the difference between the percentage of occurrence of verbal/linguistic, interpersonal and naturalistic types of intelligence was not significant.
Factors Influencing Iranian Untrained EFL Raters' Rating Group Oral Discussion Tasks: A Mixed Methods Design(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Using a mixed methods design, the present study attempted to identify the factors influencing Iranian untrained EFL raters in rating group oral discussion tasks. To fulfil this aim, 16 language learners of varying proficiency levels were selected and randomly assigned to groups of four and performed a group discussion task. Thirty two untrained raters were also selected based on their volunteer participations. They listened to the audio files of the group discussions and assigned a score of one to six to each language learners based on their own judgments. They also provided comments on each language learners’ performance pointing to why they assigned such scores. The researchers had an interview with the raters after the rating session as well. The quantitative phase investigated whether linguistic features of accuracy, fluency, complexity and amount of talk were attended to by the raters in terms of having any relationship to the scores the raters assigned. Speech rate as an index of fluency and amount of talk turned out to be significantly correlated with the scores. Of more importance was the qualitative phase with the aim of identifying other factors that may account for the scores. The comments provided by the raters on each score and the interviews were codified based on Content Analysis (CA) approach. It was found that the raters attend not only to the linguistic features in rating oral group discussions, but they are also sensitive to the interactional features like the roles the participants take in groups tasks and the overall interaction patterns of the groups. The findings of this study may shed light on group oral assessment in terms of training the raters rating group oral tests and developing rating scales specific for group oral assessment.
Representation of Crises in Coursebooks of the Public Education System: A Study Based on Content Analysis(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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how crises are represented in elementary and high school textbooks through content analysis method. In the first step, the basic concepts related to this topic, were extracted from Iranian and international scientific and legal documents deductively. Then, 68 extracted concepts were put into 12 categories and were sent to the field experts in the form of a questionnaire.The reliability coefficient of the questionnaire was computed.88 with Cronbach's Alpha. The extracted categorieswere again offered to some field experts and validated. Based on confirmed categories, the content of textbooks (28 titles) and teacher's guidebooks (12 titles) were analyzed. The results of analyzing the textbooks show that the main focus is first on the issue of crisisology and the consequences of crises, and second, on preventive actions which encompass%80 of the content. The remainder of the related content was concerned with other topics; the contribution of the content that focused on resiliency and recovery is less than other concepts.The comparison of the weights allocated by the experts and the weights gained from the textbooks analysis was made by Mann-Whitney U and Chi square tests; in both tests, a meaningful difference was observed.
The Content Analysis of Reading Comprehension Texts in English Proficiency Test: A Critical Thinking Perspective(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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This study aimed at uncovering the extent to which the content of reading section of English Proficiency Test (EPT) engages the critical thinking. The corpus of this research included 16 reading comprehension texts among 24 recent tests, and totally 600 cases were randomly selected and analyzed based on Rummy’s content analysis method in terms of critical thinking. The content of the reading comprehension texts was examined in four general dimensions. Using William Rummy's content analysis method, the reading comprehension texts, pictures, questions, and activities were scrutinized through a comprehensive quantitative analysis. Frequencies and percentages were calculated for each category and the data were analyzed by using Rummy’s formula. The findings revealed that the reading comprehension content, questions, and activities of the EPT did not enhance critical thinking in respondents. Since Rummy’s model includes picture categories benefited from criteria of critical thinking, the texts were also studied to see if the pictures benefited from the criteria of critical thinking based on Rummy’s content analysis method. It was cleared that there was no picture in the reading sections of the EPT.
Risk disclosure, stability and the economic consequences in the banking system(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
Iranian Journal of Finance, Volume ۴, Issue ۱, Winter ۲۰۲۰
81 - 104
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Shareholders in the capital market always demand Reporting and disclosure and based on information that disclosure; they change their expectations of risk and returns. Disclosure has an economic consequence and the risk disclosure, in addition to economic consequences, has an effect on financial and banking stability. In this paper, we survey the risk disclosure of economic consequences and its effect on banking stability. We count the number of the risk disclosures in Iranian banks' financial statements by using the quantitative content analysis methodology and indexation of Iran's risk disclosure regulation. According to the estimation of panel data from 18 banks to period 2011-2016, we find that risk disclosure has a negative and significant relationship with stability and a positive and significant relationship with the cost of capital.
Content Evaluation of Iranian EFL Textbook Vision 1 Based on Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy of Cognitive Domain(مقاله پژوهشی دانشگاه آزاد)
Iinternational Journal of Foreign Language Teaching & Research, Volume ۸, Issue ۲۹, Spring ۲۰۲۰
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Textbooks are considered as the common features of the classrooms and are important means to make contributions to curricula. Therefore, their contents are very essential to develop the adequate curriculum planning. A textbook analysis is a means by which different features of the textbooks can be analyzed and hence their effectiveness is validated. This study set out to evaluate the content of Vision 1, the textbook of Senior High School, grade 1, in order to investigate in which six levels of cognition in Bloom’s (2001) Revised Taxonomy of Cognitive Domain the activities of the four skills of Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing would be graded. Thus, the activities of the textbook were codified based on the coding levels in Bloom's Revised Taxonomy of Cognitive Domain. Then, the data were analyzed and the frequencies and percentages of occurrence of various codes related to the cognition levels in Bloom’s Taxonomy were calculated. The results of the study did not detect any evidence for the presence of higher levels of the cognition and thinking process in the textbook activities related to the four skills. In other words, all activities in the domain of Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing were classified in low levels of cognition, namely Remembering, Understanding, and Applying and failed to nurture the students for high levels of thinking skills. The findings provided some supports for supplying complementary materials by the teachers in order to train the learners for higher levels of the cognition.
Evaluative Content Analysis of the Iranian EFL Textbook for Senior High School Second Graders: Vision 2(مقاله پژوهشی دانشگاه آزاد)
international Journal of Foreign Language Teaching & Research, Volume ۹, Issue ۳۷, Autumn ۲۰۲۱
31 - 48
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This study sought to evaluate the usefulness and desirability of the English textbooks for Iranian second grade students in senior high school, Vision 2. To this end, the extent to which the textbooks materials satisfy the prescribed curriculum was explored based on Littlejohn’s (2011) evaluative framework. Employing stratified random sampling, a total of 12 private and public senior high schools (six girl students and six boy students) were selected randomly among all the schools located in the six education districts in Isfahan. To select the teacher participants, a convenience sampling method was employed and those who agreed to be surveyed took part in the study. The 20 teachers who participated in this study have been teaching Vision 2 since the beginning of 2017 fall. The process of the content analysis deals with a deeply analytical content evaluation based on a framework containing different parts (objective description analysis, subjective analysis, subjective inference) done by a teacher committee. The results revealed that there is a need to adapt the materials to the target situation of use. Such adaptation needs to cover both design- and publication-oriented aspects of the materials. As a practical implication, the findings may urge the developers of the textbooks to launch a modification project relying upon the results of the systematic phase, therefore, it may enrich English teaching and learning material in Iranian high schools.
Covert Curriculum in ELT Coursebooks: Evidence from Top Notch and English File Series(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
Applied Research on English Language, V. ۱۰ , N. ۱ , ۲۰۲۱
105 - 128
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ELT coursebooks are the fertile soil for the transmission of cultural perspectives and also strong tools for shaping L2 learners' behaviors and expectations. This study investigated the existence of covert/ hidden curriculum in two of the widely used ELT coursebook series-- Top Notch and English File . To do so, the content of the series was analyzed via Moran's (2001) model of dimensions of culture and Chao’s (2011) main categories of culture . The results indicated that the series, along with covering different dimensions of culture, are biased mainly in favor of the western products, persons and perspectives, and that despite their global EFL/EIL audience, they vividly base their dialogues, reading and listening on the norms and values of the English-speaking countries, with almost no attention to the local, especially Asian values. The study, discussing the implications of such culture- related covert curricula in the ELT coursebooks, makes relevant suggestions for the design of ELT coursebooks in the present global village.
Check the status of to Felner Social Competence components in New primary school Farsi writing book in Iran(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Purpose: The present study aimed to analyze the content of new primary school Farsi writing books in Iran considering the components of social competence. Methodology: The research method is a combination of descriptive survey and quantitative and qualitative content analysis. The statistical population of the research included 150 experts of Educational Sciences and the content of six course books of Farsi writing books of the primary school. Therefore, sampling method in this study was census method. The data collection tools in a study were a questionnaire and data record checklist. The validity of the tools was evaluated and confirmed by referring to the experts and correlation test was used to test the validity of questionnaire tools and determination coefficient was used in order to assess the validity of the data record checklist. The correlation coefficient was calculated as 0.82 and determination coefficient was calculated as 0.78 showing high reliability for the research tools. Findings: In this investigation, one main question and five detailed questions were asked. In the answer to the first detailed question, a component of skills the familiarity with which is the need of primary school students was determined by asking the experts and the factor analysis. Based on four skills by Felner and the affirmed components for primary school students and content of books, the rest of the questions were analyzed and the results of the analysis were studied with the help of frequency descriptive statistics and percentage. The results of response to the first question of research showed that 30.87% of the content of primary school Farsi writing textbooks in Iran has discussed social competence component that is a relatively good deal. But the disadvantage of the imbalance is for the emphasis on four skills of social competence that exists in all textbooks. Discussion: The entire content of the books more emphasizes on cognitive skills and less emphasis is on the emotional skills.
Qualitative Analysis of the Components of Responsible Management Education in Training Based on the theme analysis approach(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Purpose: In 2007, a responsible management education program began working on a global scale at the United Nations. This program is a framework for changing curriculum, research and orientation, and experimenting with new educational methods. The program seeks to create social responsibility among graduates of the educational system. The conditions for regulating affairs through social commitment, which is one of the important pillars of your social system, can create a discipline in society and provide predictive power. Social commitment is a factor for the satisfaction of the mutual needs of the community as well as social solidarity. The purpose of this paper is to identify the components of responsible management education and to examine educational practices and provide responsive instructional solutions to improve the status quo. Methodology: In this paper, the Atrid-Sterling (2001) method used to analyzing the subject in deductive approach. Findings: The research environment included 46 papers from 2007 to 2017, a book, and a thesis addressing directly the subject of management education. Findings of this study based on the six principles of responsible management education (purpose, values, method, research, participation, dialogue). Discussion: These findings include 16 themes organizer. they named (student initiatives, promotion of curriculum, the use of value concepts in the training course, institutional solutions, evaluation, infrastructure, training procedures, internal support, research results, participation with industries, participation with industrial universities, participation with the private sector, participation with learners, participation with other organizations, Communication tools and selection methods) as well as 48 basic themes.
Design and validation of art teaching pattern in elementary school of Iran(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Purpose: The purpose of this research is to design and validate the model of teaching appropriate art for primary school students in Iran. Methodology: The present research is applied in terms of practical purpose, descriptive correlation in terms of data collection and content analysis in terms of qualitative research method and using textbooks and articles of journals and conferences, in order to extract dimensions, components and indicators of learning environment. There has been a change in learning. Then, the experts of educational sciences and psychology, using the Delphi method, after discovering, rejecting or confirming the discovered components, and after calculating the validity and reliability of the researcher-made questionnaire made from the dimensions, components and indicators obtained, provide a qualitative model of art education model. Was. Findings: The results of the present study were based on a model of 61 themes as basic themes and 24 organized themes and 7 comprehensive themes were extracted. Based on the results of this model, 7 indicators of art teaching model include teaching method index including group and individual dimensions, student index which includes dimensions of knowledge, attitude, skill, intelligence and thinking, teacher index which includes dimensions of teaching method, scientific development and promotion. , An index of opportunities that includes the dimensions of culture, heritage, art and art in society, an index of weaknesses that includes the dimensions of parents, education, time, equipment and books and an index of strengths that includes upstream documents and the status of art and finally an index of principles that includes The principle of moderation, the principle of creation, the combination of art with the goals and the principle of freedom. Conclosion: Through the teaching of art, children's skills, creativity, talent, intelligence and imagination can be explored and hidden points in the child's mind can be discovered.
Content Analysis of the Nowruz speeches of the Iranian Supreme Leader (2013-2021)(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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The Nowruz speeches of the Supreme Leader of the Revolution are considered as drawing the lines of the country's one-year plans in line with long-term policies and macro-goals of the system. Therefore, paying attention to these statements and their scientific analysis to identify problems and provide practical solutions to overcome them, it seems necessary. The purpose of this article is to analyze the content of the speeches of the Supreme Leader of the Revolution between 2016- 2020 and to answer the main question of what axes and categories the Supreme Leader has focused and emphasized in his speeches at the beginning of each year. What are the problems and difficulties mentioned? The research method used is quantitative and qualitative content analysis. In this method, the basic axes hidden in the text, the relationship between the categories as well as the time conditions or in other words, the conceptual model of each lecture have been extracted. The research findings show that during the five years in question, the main focus of leadership discussions in the opening speech of each year was economic issues and the Supreme Leader of the Revolution has always emphasized the issue of economics and in particular the "resistance economy" approach. In addition to the resistance economy, the Supreme Leader also stressed the main issue of Iran's foreign policy, namely Borjam, and the need for hostility, especially regarding how to interact with the United States and Europe.
An Online Portfolio Assessment and Perception Study of Iranian High School Students’ English Writing Performance during the COVID-19 Pandemic(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
Teaching Language Skills (JTLS), Volume ۴۰, Issue ۳, Summer ۲۰۲۱
197 - 231
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With the abrupt emergence and dissemination of the COVID-19 pandemic, the traditional face-to-face classes were replaced by online classes in Iran. This quick shift has put great demands on finding and practicing new methods to teach and learn English in high schools. Owing to this urgent call, the present study follows a two-fold purpose. Firstly, it purports to disclose the effects of online portfolio assessment (PA) on developing Iranian high school students’ English writing skills. Secondly, it aims to excavate the Iranian high school students’ perceptions about the merits of online PA in cultivating their writing skills. To meet the aims, an intact second-grade class, including female students (n = 25), was chosen in Shahed public high school in Borujerd City. The class received online instruction (sixteen sessions lasting 90 minutes) based on the tenets of PA (e.g., collection, selection, and reflection). Then, a focus group interview was conducted with five of the active participants. Findings evidenced a significant improvement in the participants’ writing skills owing to the instruction. Additionally, the results of the focus group interview yielded some themes about the benefits of PA as perceived by Iranian high school students: ‘developing students’ autonomy’; ‘fostering a sense of belonging to classroom community’; ‘providing a comprehensive analysis of students’ writing proficiency’; ‘collecting empirical evidence on students’ gradual improvement in writing’; ‘training self-regulated students’; and ‘making classes student-centered by teachers-as-advisors’. Finally, a range of implications is presented to various stakeholders.
Content Analysis of Abraham Story's Teaching Methods in the Holy Quran(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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The “Story-Based Language Teaching (SBLT)” is one of the most effective approaches in language pedagogy that addresses various elements and parameters in different texts. The aim of this study is to locate SBLT elements in one of the popular Holy Quran’s stories; namely, Abraham`s story known as a pedagogical text, based on Javadi Amoli (2006) and Farhadian’s (2011) Quranic pedagogical frameworks. To this end, the corpus of 130 verses containing the Abraham narration from various surahs was scrutinized and analyzed to extract their precious methods and strategies. To do that, the coding system was utilized to account for the frequency of the predominant method. Upon completion of the coding procedure, the inter-rater (coder) reliability was estimated and the results were confirmed by 81% reliability. The results illustrated that most of the Quranic pedagogical methods proposed by Javadi Amoli (2006) and Farhadian (2011) are manifested in Abraham`s story and some other methods were found by the present researcher through further analysis. The above-mentioned methods from the most repeated to the least ones are Storytelling, Repetition, Precise look, Wisdom, Encouragement, Socratic method, excellent examples, Sympathy, Metaphor, Parable method, Prayer, punishment, Discussion, Debate, Simile, Observation, Experience, Legislation, Holistic view, and Exemplification, respectively. Furthermore, it was confirmed that the dominant instructional methods in this story were inductive and explicit. The findings contribute to Quranic courses syllabus design and teaching pedagogy.
On the Representation of Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy in TOEFL iBT and IELTS Academic(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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The main objective of this qualitative-quantitative content analysis study was to compare IELTS Academic and TOEFL iBT four modules in terms of the cognition and knowledge dimensions of Revised Bloom’s taxonomy. To this end, two authentic tests including all major modules of speaking, listening, reading, and writing in each domain, namely iBT TOEFL and IELTS Academic exams were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. These tests were randomly selected from the collection of authentic tests available in trustworthy resources. The contents of these tests were codified using a coding scheme developed by Razmjoo and Kazempourfard (2012). In this coding scheme, English alphabets and numbers were assigned to levels of cognition and knowledge, respectively. The results indicated that in general TOEFL iBT codes are more inclined toward the higher orders of thinking and knowledge and the codes are not noticeably divergent; while, the majority of the codes in the IELTS Academic test are skewed toward the lower codes of the BRT. This shows the higher stance of the TOEFL iBT test concerning the higher orders of thinking and knowledge in the BRT. A significant difference was also found between the TOEFL iBT and IELTS Academic tests concerning the highest and the lowest levels of BRT.
Global Coursebooks in the Course of Time: The Case of Interchange Level 2(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
Issues in Language Teaching (ILT), Vol. ۱۰, No. ۱, June ۲۰۲۱
269 - 300
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Although global English Language Teaching (ELT) coursebooks have been subject to numerous (critical) analyses, the changes occurring to their contents over different editions have received scarce attention. In this study, the researchers examined the transformations over different editions of Interchange series (level 2) regarding some selected aspects of their textual contents. Seeking experienced English teachers’ views of the global coursebooks’ transformations over the past decade was another aim of the study. The analysis and comparison of the included topics and titles, characters, sites and contexts in Interchange series as well as interviews with 12 English teachers revealed that the content-based changes of different editions of this coursebook are superficial and cosmetic-like and despite the claims for globality, fallacies such as real-life-ness, representation and globality are still evident. We hope the findings of the study would aid curriculum and policy makers, institute managers, and language teachers to reconsider the functioning and value of current global ELT coursebooks.
Content Analysis of Post-Disaster Socio-Psychological Research Focusing on Methodology and Subject Research(مقاله پژوهشی وزارت بهداشت)
INTRODUCTION: The impact of disasters on the mental and physical health of affected communities requires planning for socio-psychological recovery, recognizing various dimensions, and research on the arising issues. The present study is conducted with the aim to focus on methodological and subject research approaches in international post-disaster studies in the framework of research design, target society, and measurement of key structures, in order to identify existing research gaps in this field. METHODS: In the present study, a purposeful post-disaster content analysis was performed quantitatively and qualitatively on socio-psychological studies in 39 journals indexed in databases. After the purposeful and specific steps, 73 studies were coded in an accurate review process, and then the codes extracted (research strategies, research project implementation, highlighted topics, sampling method, statistical population, and data collection tools) were analyzed in Excel software and presented in the form of descriptive statistics. FINDINGS: Cross-sectional studies with quantitative strategy, random sampling method, standardized structured questionnaire, and large statistical population have the highest frequency. The predominant subjects studied on an individual scale were the individual post-disaster psychological consequences and on a collective scale were indicators associated with socio-psychological recovery. CONCLUSION: The imbalance in the socio-psychological studies of disasters and the recovery indicators in both individual and collective scales require paying attention to the subjects related to the individual recovery and mental health and a deeper understanding of the socio-psychological consequences of disasters. In addition to the current research approaches, the investigations on the post-traumatic neuroscience will be growing in the future perspective. Expanding the scope of quantitative research and neuroscience requires standardized measurement scales in developing countries. The reliability of the study findings was 71.5%.
Designing a Model of Organizational Citizenship Behavior from a Social Perspective in the Iranian Red Crescent Society(مقاله پژوهشی وزارت بهداشت)
INTRODUCTION: A good organizational citizen is a thought and idea that includes various behaviors of employees such as accepting and assuming additional duties and responsibilities, following organizational rules and procedures, maintaining and developing a positive attitude, being patient, and tolerating dissatisfaction and problems in the workplace. The increase in the level of organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) in the organization makes the organization an attractive environment for work. In other words, the desired level of OCBs affects the improvement of the performance of employees and, in general, the organization. The Iranian Red Crescent Society is one of the human-centered organizations, and observing the indicators of citizenship behavior is one of the effective factors in the success of its performance. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the OCB from a social perspective in the Iranian Red Crescent Society. METHODS: The present applied study was conducted based on an exploratory qualitative approach. The statistical population of this study consisted of all managers and employees of the Iranian Red Crescent Society. The required data were collected using in-depth semi-structured interviews, which reached saturation after holding 14 interviews. To analyze the data, content analysis, meta-synthesis, and fuzzy Delphi methods using grounded theory were applied. The MAXQDA software (version 10) was used in the theory analysis process. FINDINGS: In this study, the results were classified into 78 concepts, 14 sub-criteria, and 2 main criteria, including the dimensions of citizenship behavior and the consequences of citizenship behavior. The most important dimensions of OCB consisted of the categories of helpful behaviors, individual creativity, organizational obedience, organizational loyalty, chivalry, civic virtue, and personal growth. CONCLUSION: The results of data analysis showed that the categories of increasing performance productivity and effectiveness, promoting positive relationships among employees, boosting efficiency in resource allocation, reducing maintenance costs, creating the necessary flexibility for innovation, improving customer service, using rare resources effectively were the most important consequences of observing OCB from a social perspective in the IRCS.
Analyzing the Position of Safety Culture Education in 2019-2020 Elementary School Textbooks in Iran's Education System(مقاله پژوهشی وزارت بهداشت)
INTRODUCTION: The natural hazard reduction curriculum is incredibly critical in facilitating and improving students' safety culture. Thus, we must attend to the content of textbooks to further comprehend the significance of safety issues regarding the process of student safety. The next step is developing a training program that meets all the fundamental needs of safety education. Hence, this research study strives to evaluate the position of safety culture education in elementary school textbooks. METHODS: This research is a quantitative content analysis borrowing a qualitative approach. The statistical population comprised all books on Persian language and literature, experimental sciences, and social studies in all the six primary levels. Counting was the sampling method in the present study. Experts in curriculum planning and health education confirmed the validity of this research. Moreover, the Scott test obtained a reliability of 0.72. FINDINGS: The findings of content analysis in assessing elementary school textbooks based on the Shannon Entropy method indicated that the following indices have the highest frequency and significance: Risk and disaster awareness in 150 samples (Wj = 0.273(, Communication skills, awareness of the environment, and human-environmental interactions with 46 samples (Wj = 0.0666(, On the contrary, the index of child rights aspects with zero cases (Wj = 0) was the least significant among the indices and components.Findings from the frequency of components revealed that safety culture components were not normally distributed. CONCLUSION: According to the research findings, we found out that the components in the fields of skill and attitude have received little to no attention. However, nurturing and promoting the capabilities and skills of children in the field of safety are some of the most vital indices of child safety. Contemplating these aspects will assist in properly performing relief, emergency, and law enforcement missions by preventing disasters. Keywords: Content Analysis; Presumptions of Natural Hazard Reduction; Red Crescent Society; Safety Culture Education; Shannon Entropy.
Analysis of the Content of Iran's Fourth-Grade Textbooks Based on the Level of Attention to Green Management Components(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Nowadays, due to the growing process of global warming, increase of greenhouse gases and reduction of natural resources, environmental crises are more than ever before, therefore one of the topics that has attracted a lot of attention in educational systems is to present new attitudes of conservation. Environment is in education, which is considered one of the important tasks of the educational system and is applied in educational books. Considering the importance of the environment, the purpose of this research is to analyze the content of fourth grade textbooks based on the level of attention paid to green management components. The research method is descriptive and qualitative and quantitative content analysis, which analyzed the data using Shannon's entropy technique. The statistical population of the research includes social studies, Farsi and experimental science books of the fourth grade of elementary school, which due to the nature of the subject, sampling was not done and all the statistical population was examined. and the research tool in this research is a checklist and based on the report of the technical and research office of the "Green Management Steering Center", the indicators of green management in several main areas including energy management, water and wastewater management, benefit from renewable energy, waste management, pollution control Sound, transportation and the spread of culture and strengthening of social responsibilities in the field of environment, the selected books were studied according to these components. The obtained results showed that the highest coefficient of indicators related to green management for the fourth grade social studies course was for the index of energy management and use of renewable energy, respectively. For the Persian course, water and sewage management had an importance coefficient of 0.26, and for the experimental science course, water and sewage management, use of renewable energy, noise pollution control and transportation, energy management and promotion of culture and environment had an importance coefficient of was 0.17.