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جامعه شناسی آموزش و پرورش

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نمایش ۷۲۱ تا ۷۲۵ مورد از کل ۷۲۵ مورد.

Designing the Curriculum Model of Media Literacy in the Second Grade of Elementary School and Its Validation

کلید واژه ها: Curriculum Model media literacy Second Grade Validation

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۱۱۰ تعداد دانلود : ۸۸
Teaching media literacy to students pursues several goals, including creating creative, critical, and scrutinizing thinking about the media content and performance, as well as recognizing the visual forms of communication using it, along with other reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. This research aimed to design a curriculum model for media literacy in the second grade of elementary school and to validate it. The research method was qualitative-quantitative and it was applied in terms of purpose. In the qualitative part, the media literacy curriculum model was identified using the synthesis research method based on the analogical model and the Klein model. Then, in order to validate the mentioned components, the obtained information was provided to experts in the field of curriculum planning and media and information management. The scope of the research was in the range of 2006 to 2021 for domestic documents and in the range of 2005 to 2021 for foreign documents. The statistical population in line with the model validation was experts in curriculum planning and media and information management. In order to validate the entire research, the statistical sample consisted of two groups of 10 experts in the field of curriculum planning and media and information management, who were selected based on the minimum number required to evaluate content validity. The data collection method in the validation stage was researcher-made questionnaires. Lawshe’s Content Validity Ratio (CVR) was used to measure the content validity. Results showed that the goals of the media literacy curriculum in the second grade of elementary school include two kind of goals: general goals (achieving Iranian-Islamic media culture) and partial goals (empowering students and teachers). The content of the media literacy curriculum in the second grade of elementary school included functional consumption education, critical consumption education, functional production-consumption education, and critical production-consumption education. The learning-teaching strategies used were presented in two sections: teacher’s activities (teaching method) and students’ activities, and the evaluation element was defined in three levels: students, teachers, and curriculum and educational content. Also, the results showed that the grouping in the media literacy program in the second grade of elementary school should be based on the individual and socioemotional characteristics of the students. The required resources and facilities were continuous improvement of the media literacy curriculum for the second grade of elementary school, compilation of the media literacy textbook for the second grade of elementary school, provision of educational facilities and media training assistance for second grade of elementary school students, and development of research in the field of media education. In choosing the time and place in the media literacy program, time and place flexibility in the presentation of teaching content was emphasized. Based on the results of this research, the suggested model of the media literacy curriculum of the second grade of elementary school can be used and implemented in the education system.

Identification of the Factors Affecting the Development of Rural Entrepreneurship in the Study of Kurdistan Province Handicrafts

کلید واژه ها: Rural entrepreneurship Handicrafts Kurdistan province

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۱۰۸ تعداد دانلود : ۱۰۳
Purpose: Entrepreneurship is considered as the driving force of economic and social growth of societies. Methodology: The present qualitative study is based on grounded theory, while recognizing the dimensions of the rural business space in Kurdistan Province, has identified the factors affecting rural entrepreneurship in this region. Also, in this study, in order to increase the efficiency of policies and plans of rural entrepreneurship development institutions, a conceptual model of extractive factors has been proposed. For this purpose, a group of fifteen rural entrepreneurs, local experts and officials and extra-local experts were selected and studied using non-probability sampling methods, such as theoretical, purposive and snowball sampling. The data were collected using three tools of interview, field observations and review of archival documents and analyzed using open, axial and selective coding. Findings: The study results classified the factors affecting the development of rural entrepreneurship in Kurdistan Province into the following categories: individual, social, cultural, infrastructure, natural and ecological, legal, educational, political and economic institutional factors. Conclusion: In addition, interactive mechanism is reflected according to the structural model of grounded theory with six theoretical components.

A Comparative Study of the News Coverage of Hijab Removal in the News Media

کلید واژه ها: News Hijab Removal News Media

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۱۰۵ تعداد دانلود : ۱۰۸
Purpose: News media play an important role in attitudes towards various issues, including wearing hijab and its removal. As a result, this paper aimed to compare the news coverage of hijab removal in the news media. Methodology: This study was applied in terms of purpose and quantitative in terms of execution method. The research population was the hijab removal news in the news media of Entekhab (reformist), Fars (fundamentalist), Khabar Online (moderate), BBC Persian Television (affiliated with the United Kingdom) and Voice of America (affiliated with the United states of America) during 2017 and 2018, which were selected through the total population sampling method. The research tool was to observe and record the news of the hijab removal in Persian news media or the Persian section of foreign news media, and the face validity of the information was confirmed by the opinion of experts and its reliability was obtained 0.89 by the inter-coder agreement method. Finally, the data were analyzed with non-parametric chi-square test in SPSS-20. Findings: Results showed that there was a significant difference between Entekhab, Fars, Khabar Online, BBC Persian Television and Voice of America in terms of amount of news, news style, news value, news source, news bias and news type (P<0.05). However, there was no significant difference between the five mentioned media in terms of the headline type (P>0.05). In other words, in terms of the amount of news about the hijab removal, Fars, Khabar Online, BBC Persian Television, Entekhab and Voice of America reported the most news. In terms of news style, Entekhab, Fars, Khabar Online and Voice of America used mostly news style and BBC Persian Television used mostly report style. Also, in terms of news value, Entekhab, BBC Persian Television and Voice of America used encountering value, Fars used the proximity value and Khabar Online used mostly two values of encountering and reputation. In terms of the news source, Entekhab and Fars used the media reporter’s source more, Khabar Online used the domestic news agencies more, BBC and Voice of America used the unknown source frequently. In addition, in terms of the news bias, Entekhab, Fars and Khabar Online used the bias of condemning the event, the BBC used the neutral bias and the Voice of America used the bias of sympathy and support for the event more frequently. In terms of the type of news, Entekhab, Fars and Voice of America mostly used the event-oriented type, and the Khabar Online and BBC Persian Television mostly used the process-oriented type. On the other hand, in terms of the type of headlines, Entekhab, Fars, Khabar Online, BBC Persian Television and Voice of America used more inferential headlines and there was no significant difference among them. Conclusion: The results showed that BBC Persian Television and Voice of America had a more positive view on the phenomenon of hijab removal and mostly reported the news from unknown news sources. The results indicated that the aforementioned news media are harmful to families in terms of the phenomenon of hijab removal.

Providing a Suitable Model to Promoting Teachers' Motivation for the Education Process

کلید واژه ها: Promoting Motivation teachers Promoting Teachers' Motivation Education

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۱۰۰ تعداد دانلود : ۹۱
Purpose: Considering the role of teachers' motivation in improving the teaching, educating and learning processes, the present study was conducted with the aim of providing a suitable model to promoting teachers' motivation for the education process. Methodology: The present study in terms of purpose was applied and in terms of implementation method was mixed (qualitative and quantitative). The research population in the qualitative part was the academic experts of Tehran city in 2020 year, which number of 15 people of them were selected as a sample according to the principle of theoretical saturation and by purposive sampling method. The research population in the quantitative part was the high school teachers of Tehran city in 2020 year, which number of 316 people of them were selected as a sample according to the Cochran's formula and by simple random sampling method. The research tool in the qualitative part was semi-structured interview and in the quantitative part was researcher-made questionnaire, which the validity and reliability of them were confirmed. The data in the qualitative part were analyzed by coding method based on grounded theory in MAXQDA software and data in the quantitative part were analyzed by exploratory factor analysis and structural equation modeling in SPSS and LISREL software. Findings: The results of the qualitative part showed that the central category included promoting teachers' motivation for the education process, causal factors included work environment, cultural and social context, teaching level, individual characteristics and demographic factors, intervention factors included psychological-attitudinal factors, individual-motivational factors, facility-welfare factors, managerial and structural factors and negation of work, contextual factors included financial rewards, school physical facilities and job enrichment and job development, strategies included planning to improve quality and academic level, behavior, attitude and policy educational of managers, teacher empowerment and encouragement active teacher and outcomes included trustworthy, academic competence, good social relations and understanding of circumstances and duties. Also, the results of the quantitative part showed that the factor load of all components was appropriate and work environment, cultural and social context, teaching level, individual characteristics and demographic factors on causal factors, psychological-attitudinal factors, individual-motivational factors, facility-welfare factors, managerial and structural factors and negation of work on intervention factors, financial rewards, school physical facilities and job enrichment and job development on contextual factors, planning to improve quality and academic level, behavior, attitude and policy educational of managers, teacher empowerment and encouragement active teacher and on strategies and trustworthy, academic competence, good social relations and understanding of circumstances and duties on outcomes had a significant effect on outcomes (P<0.05). Conclusion: According to the results of the present study, to promoting teachers' motivation for the education process can be action through the identified components in the present study.

Designing a STEAM-based Educational Learning Package of Social Sciences Textbooks Based on the Thinking Design Model and Evaluating its Effectiveness on Problem-Solving Ability, Creativity, and Attitudes of Primary School Students

کلید واژه ها: attitude Creativity Social Sciences Problem - Solving Ability STEAM

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۹۵ تعداد دانلود : ۹۰
Purpose: STEAM is the term given to a growing field of research and practice that integrates arts and social sciences into traditional sciences, technology, engineering, and mathematics subjects. The purpose of this study is to develop a STEAM-based educational learning package of social sciences textbooks and investigate its effect on the attitude, problem-solving ability, and creativity of sixth-grade primary school students of Bushehr in Iran. The design thinking model was used to design the training package. Methodology: The present study was quantitative applied research. The research design is quasi-experimental with pre-test and post-test with the experimental and control group (unequal control group). The statistical population of this study included all students studying in the sixth grades of public primary schools in Busher in the academic year 2020-2021. Due to the nature of the research which is quasi-experimental and also with respect to the subject drop, 44 participants were considered as the statistical sample (22 students in each group) and they were selected by "accessible" purposeful sampling and randomly divided into experimental and control groups. The STEAM training package was designed in 13 sessions and each training session took a 35-minute duration in the form of 14 projects, and its implementation lasted for 2 months. In order to design each social science lesson project, a focus group meeting was held with the members. Data were collected based on three questionnaires: Hepner and Kruskal's problem-solving skills test, Shaffer's creative attitude survey, and Aiken's scientific attitude test. The face validity of the educational package was confirmed using experts' opinions. In order to check the hypotheses of this research, covariance analysis was used. Findings: The presuppositions of the statistical test of covariance analysis, including the Kolmogorov- Smirnov test for the normality of the research variables and Levin's test for the homogeneity of the variances of the educational variables were confirmed. After that, the effects of the implementation of the steam-based educational package were investigated, and the results of the covariance analysis showed that the implementation of the educational package had an effect of (0.94) on creativity and problem-solving (0.90), and attitude (0.97) on students. The results of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test showed that the creativity, attitude, and problem-solving skills variables of students have a normal distribution (p> 0.05). The results of the Levin test indicate that these assumptions are confirmed (p> 0.05). Conclusion: Based on the findings, it can be concluded that the STEAM-based training package increases problem-solving ability, creativity, and a positive attitude towards the course of social sciences.

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