حسین حیدری تبریزی

حسین حیدری تبریزی


فیلتر های جستجو: فیلتری انتخاب نشده است.
نمایش ۲۱ تا ۲۸ مورد از کل ۲۸ مورد.

Employing Photovoice to Raise Intercultural Sensitivity and Reflective Thinking of Male and Female Iranian EFL Learners(مقاله پژوهشی دانشگاه آزاد)

کلید واژه ها: Gender Intercultural Sensitivity Photovoice reflective thinking Written Narratives

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۴۲۵ تعداد دانلود : ۳۲۹
Developing L2 learners' intercultural sensitivity and reflective thinking is essential for second language learning. Thus, this study aimed to investigate the impact of photovoice on intercultural sensitivity and reflective thinking. To this end, a sample of 48 intermediate EFL learners was recruited from an English language institute in Isfahan, Iran and placed into a photovoice group (PG) and a control group (CG) using a quasi-experimental design. An Intercultural Sensitivity Scale (ISS) was employed as a pretest and posttest. The collected data were analyzed by running a two-way MANCOVA. The results indicated a significant improvement of the PG regarding reaching the higher levels of intercultural sensitivity and the PG's female participants outperformed their male counterparts in gaining higher scores in three dimensions of the ISS. The students' writings accompanied the taken photos were also coded by two raters. The results revealed that photovoice resulted in higher levels of reflective thinking. To explore the photovoice participants' attitudes, a semi-structured interview was conducted. The emerging codes indicated that the participants had positive attitudes towards the photovoice project. Thus, the photovoice method could give the EFL learners an opportunity to raise the levels intercultural sensitivity and reflective thinking.

An Investigation of Iranians and International English Students'Attitudes towards Intercultural Communicative Competence(مقاله پژوهشی دانشگاه آزاد)

کلید واژه ها: attitude Encounters intercultural communicative competence Iranian EFL Students Perceived Competence

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۵۶۶ تعداد دانلود : ۵۶۴
The present study aimed to investigate the attitudes and perceived nature of thinking and understanding towards intercultural communicative competence (ICC) among International English major students. Accordingly, this study employed the paradigm of a sequential mixed-method research, in which it comprised a qualitative phase followed by a quantitative phase. The participants of the first phase of the study were 30 undergraduate English major students in their third year at Isfahan Islamic Azad University in Iran; and the participants of the second phase of the study included 30 international ESL students in their first year at Gonzaga University (GU), in Washington, U.S. The analysis of narratives in the first phase of the study indicated that the participants had diverse attitudes towards intercultural encounters. The results of the statistical analyses of the second phase of the study showed that the most important individual difference variables directly influencing students’ intercultural communicative competence were their communication apprehension and their perceived communicative competence. This study also showed that students’ self-image as communicators were of utmost importance: if students believe they are good communicators in English, theyare more likely to be self-confident and are more likely to take part in intercultural encounters. Thus, instructors should help students achieve a realistic self-image about their performance in English and support them if they lack self-confidence.  

Employing Participatory Learning through the Use of Photovoice in Iranian EFL Learning Settings: The Case of Reflective Narratives(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: Learners& 039; narrative Participatory learning Photovoice Reflective narrative

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۴۹۲ تعداد دانلود : ۲۲۴
Photovoice is a participatory action research method which aims to enable students to create compelling visual representations and identify the local social issues.  This paper attempted to investigate the impact of photovoice as an innovative method on the levels of reflection manifested in EFL learners' narratives. To this end, a convenience sample of 48 Iranian intermediate EFL learners including 17 males and 31 females, learning English in two institutes located in Isfahan, Iran, were chosen. Before research implementation, the participants were provided with comprehensive photovoice guidance and workshop. The learners had to present their photos and narratives during a semester which took about two months. The collected data include 237 photographs and 48 essays which were learners' critical reflection on the photos. Then, the levels of reflection in their narratives were measured by Kember (2008) and Ryan and Ryan's (2012) frameworks. According to the results, poverty and air pollution were the most prominent social concerns captured by the participants. Furthermore, photovoice incredibly fostered Iranian EFL learners' reflection, and they all had positive attitudes toward participatory learning. This study could have pedagogical implications for the learners and practitioners in the field of SLA. They can employ innovative methods such as photovoice as a participatory learning tool to improve critical reflection.

The Impact of Employing Telegram App on Iranian EFL Beginners’ Vocabulary Teaching and Learning(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: Iranian EFL learners Social Networks Telegram App Vocabulary Learning

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۳۴۲ تعداد دانلود : ۱۹۵
In the present technology era, a new trend of using social media or social networking sites (SNSs) has been developed. Social media has a lot to offer when it comes to education in general and second language acquisition (SLA) in particular. This study aimed at investigating the impact of Telegram, as an available social network, on learning L2 vocabulary by Iranian EFL beginners. To achieve this aim, a quasi-experimental research design was used. Thirty one Iranian students, aged 10-14, were selected through the convenience sampling method. The teacher taught English vocabulary to the participants in two ways: for four weeks by using Telegram and for another four weeks through the traditional face-to-face classroom instruction. Comparison of the scores obtained from words taught through Telegram and the scores of the traditionally-taught lexical items gave rise to the conclusion that learning vocabulary through the social network was more effective than the traditional approach. This study could help the teachers and material developers to consider incorporation of technology and common applications in language classes for the purpose of L2 vocabulary acquisition.

Translation Quality Assessment of English Equivalents of Persian Proper Nouns: A case of bilingual tourist signposts in Isfahan

کلید واژه ها: Bilingual boards MeLLANGE translation error typology tourist signs Translation quality assessment Introduction

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۴۵۶ تعداد دانلود : ۱۶۵
This study evaluated the translation quality of English equivalents of Persian proper nouns in the tourist signs and bilingual boards in Isfahan. To find different errors in the translations of the bilingual boards and tourist signs, the data were collected directly by taking picture or writing exactly from the available tourist signs and bilingual boards. Then, the errors were assessed by Multilingual eLearning in Language Engineerin (MeLLANGE) translation error typology, a model for evaluating and marking the errors of a project by Leonardo da Vinci center of education and culture in the University of Paris. The findings revealed that the most frequent errors in Persian-English translation were related to errors of incorrect cases in full upper cases, errors of transferring the content by source language intrusion in the un-translated translatable cases and errors related to the syntax of language. As a conclusion, using expert and knowledgeable translators, applying a consistent method, and employing a comprehensive and standard system can be effective to reduce such errors.

اعتبار فعالیت ها و مواد آموزشی درس کارگاه ترجمه در دوره کارشناسی ارشد رشته مطالعات ترجمه(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: اعتبار فعالیت های آموزشی دانشجویان مترجمی دوره کارشناسی ارشد واحد درسی کارگاه ترجمه مواد آموزشی

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۳۰۴ تعداد دانلود : ۱۷۵
امروزه آموزش ترجمه در دانشگاه، هدفی فراتر از ترجمه متن مبدا دارد. این پژوهش به بررسی فعالیت ها و مواد آموزشی می پردازد که در واحد درسی کارگاه ترجمه دوره کارشناسی ارشد رشته مترجمی به کار گرفته می شود. هم چنین میزان تاثیر این آموزه ها در به دست آوردن مهارت های بایسته نیاز دانشجویان در محیط واقعی بررسی می شود. بدین منظور، دانشجویان کارشناسی ارشد رشته مترجمی که واحد درسی مزبور را گذرانده اند، جامعه آماری پژوهش ما را تشکیل می-دهند. برای مطالعه نمونه آماری، ابتدا پرسشنامه ای آزمایشی، هم سوبا پرسش های پژوهشی به دانشجویان کارشناسی ارشد رشته مترجمی داده شد. سپس داده ها بررسی و طبقه بندی شدند و 44 سوال بسته پاسخ در 4 گستره، مطابق با مقیاس پنج درجه ای لیکرت تهیه شد. یافته ها حاکی از آن است که شرکت کنندگان در این تحقیق از مواد آموزشی و فعالیت های این واحد درسی رضایت کافی ندارند و آموزش ترجمه در درس عملی کارگاه ترجمه از نیاز های واقعی دانشجویان فاصله دارد.

ss sessnn the Quality of Persian Translation of Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four Based on House’s Model: Overt-Covert Translation Distinction

کلید واژه ها: Translation quality Assessment House nineteen eighty-four orwell

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۲۴۳ تعداد دانلود : ۳۰۷
This study aimed to assess the quality of Persian translation of Orwell's (1949) Nineteen Eighty-Four by Balooch (2004) based on House's (1997) model of translation quality assessment. To do so, 23 pages (about 10 percent) of the source text were randomly selected. The profile of the source text register was produced and the genre was realized. The source text profile was compared to the translation text profile. The result of this comparison was dimensional mismatches and overt errors. The dimensional mismatches were categorized based on different dimensions of register including field, tenor, and mode. The overt errors which were based on denotative mismatches and target system errors were categorized into omissions, additions, substitutions, and breaches of the target language system. Then, the frequencies of occurrences of subcategories of overt errors along with their percentages were calculated. The overt errors and dimensional errors were analyzed carefully. The dimensional mismatches as well as a large number of major overt errors such as omissions and substitutions indicated that the translation was not in accordance with the House's view stating that literary works needed to be translated overtly. In other words, mismatches on different levels of register showed that the cultural filter was applied in translation and the second-level functional equivalence required for overt translation was not reached. As a result, the Persian translation of Nineteen Eighty-Four did not fulfill the criteria to be an overt translation. Instead, this translation tended to be a covert one.

بررسی نقش مترجمان زن در تاریخ ترجمه ایران در 100 سال اخیر(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: ایران تاریخ ترجمه نقش زنان مترجم 100 سال اخیر

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۲۳۲۸ تعداد دانلود : ۹۱۱
این پژوهش درصدد بررسی نقش زنان مترجم، در تاریخ ترجمه ایران، در 100 سال اخیر است. روش پژوهش توصیفی است و از دو ابزار پرسش نامه و مصاحبه (جمعاً با 54 صاحب نظر ترجمه) برای گردآوری داده ها استفاده می کند. داده ها، پس از طبقه بندی و کدگذاری، با نرم افزار SPSS تحلیل می شود. یافته های این پژوهش نشان داد که بانوان مترجم به رغم مشکلات اقتصادی، اجتماعی، و خانوادگی نقشی تأثیرگذار در تاریخ ترجمه و نیز ادبیات ایران داشته اند. ادبیات کودک مطلوب ترین حوزه ترجمه برای آن ها بوده و بیش ترین آثار از انگلیسی به فارسی ترجمه شده است. به نظر می رسد سطح تحصیلات خانواده عامل مهمی در پیشرفت آنان بوده است. موفقیت آنان با توجه به مشکلات فراوانشان نشانه واضحی است که پشتکار، آموزش، و تجربه عوامل حقیقی موفقیت آنان بوده است.

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