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صنعت سینما همواره از نظر قدرت فرهنگ سازی و اثراتی که از نظر نگرشی و رفتاری بر افراد جامعه می گذارد، شایسته توجه و برنامه ریزی های اثربخش تری است. متاسفانه این صنعت در ایران جهت جذب مخاطبان در سال های اخیر چندان موفق عمل نکرده است و سرمایه گذاران، تمایل خود را به سرمایه گذاری در این صنعت از دست داده اند. این ناکامی ریشه در عوامل مختلفی دارد که با شناخت دقیق و برنامه ریزی در جهت رفع آنها می توان این روند را دگرگون کرد. از این رو و به منظور بررسی علل رویگردانی مخاطبان از سینما، مطالعه ای در شهر رشت میان 470 نمونه صورت گرفت. در تحلیل روایی از روش محتوایی و در سنجش پایایی از دو روش کرونباخ و دو نیم کردن استفاده شد. یافته ها نشان داد که دلایل رویگردانی مخاطبان از سینما به 7 عامل تقسیم می شوند و مخاطبان در سه خوشه قرار می گیرند. خوشه اول بیشتر ناشناخته بودن کارگردان و تهیه کننده و خوشه دوم قیمت بالای بلیت را علت رویگردانی خود می دانستند. خوشه سوم که بزرگترین خوشه از مخاطبان به شمار می رود، عواملی همچون نامناسب بودن فضای فیزیکی سینما را در رویگردانی از سینما موثر می دانند.  

An investigation of the effective factors on cinema avoidance: an analysis on different customer clusters

Abstract cinema as a social environment provide a basis and special situation in which people can gather together, experience a different relationship and can find a new thinking or behaving approach via watching the movies. By going to cinema people in addition to utilize their leisure time effectively, they gradually shape their attitudes and behaviors based on what they have seen and heard. This understanding evokes the individuals to change their life style and interact with others in kinds of free dialogs. So cinema is an effective tool to influence our life and on the other hand it can be affected by social, economic and marketing factors in a society. Regarding to what we mentioned above, Cinema industry due to its ability to cultivate a culture and as an obstacle against cultural attack is of so much importance. Cinema demand is under the impact of numerous factors. It is price elastic and positively related to income. TV plays the role of movies substitute and the relation between cinema and video consumption is ambiguous and sometimes some variables that are related to movies quality exert a positive or negative influence on cinema attendance. On the other hand, cultural factors and specially marketing factors can affect cinema demand considerably. For example when the availability of cinema (proximity of cinema place to audiences), quality of films (using sophisticated technologies of file making, employing famous actors/ actresses and so on) and the advertising costs increase, the number of cinema attendants can goes higher simultaneously. Unfortunately, this industry in Iran despite of its potential capabilities was not succeeded in recent years so that most of investors believe investing in this industry is not rational and can't bear a fruit. Regarding to this issue and in order to study the causes of customer’s avoidance of cinema, 470 individuals from Rasht city are selected. To test the validity, face validity approach is used while for testing the reliability of questionnaires two approaches including cronbach’s alpha (81 percent) and split half approach (72 percent) are applied. These tests have confirmed the validity and reliability. Statistical Findings show that the main causes of cinema avoidance would be categorized into 7 factors including many variables such as unavailability of cinemas, the lack of good facilities, weak scenarios, the low quality of role playing of actors and actresses, bad advertising, illegal broadcasting of films, high price of thickets, downloading movies by internet at home and so on. Based on other analytical tests, respondents are divided into three clusters. First cluster members believe that an unknown director or producer is the reason of cinema avoidance while the members of second cluster argue that the high price of tickets is the main cause. Furthermore, third cluster as the biggest cluster takes this view that the unsuitability of cinema facilities and equipment could be effective. It’s suggested to equip Iranian cinemas with the advanced technologies of showing movies, making films based on socially relevant scenarios, employing well known stars and decrease the price of tickets.
