Quran and Religious Enlightenment (قرآن و روشنگری دینی)
Quran and Religious Enlightenment, Volume 5, Issue 1, ُ2024 (مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Resistance Literature is the dominating form of the contemporary current of poetry which is full of various intertextual relations such as quranic allusions. Twilight (2022) as the selected collection of poetry has its own formal and contextual characteristics which enhances the knowledge of the readers and leads into their religious enlightenment. Reading such meaning-based poems on the basis of Gerard Genette’s theory of transtextuality reveals the deep interactions between these hypertexts and their own hypoetexts. The present study aims to clarify the role of transtextual forms of the selected newly-composed poems in religious enlightenment and removing misconceptions of the readers. To this aim was used descriptive-analytic methodology based on Gerard Genette’s theory of "Transtextuality," the researchers scrutinizing the relationship between the collections of poems in Twilight (2022) and their hypoetexts. To conclude, the newly-composed poems of resistance are the powerful weapons in the way of explanation jihad and reproduction of the Islamic values which can be utilized for passing the present mutinous challenges.
Evaluating the Critique of the Quran Verses Interpretation (Taʼwīl) in the Exegesis (Tafsīr) of Sayyid Murtaḍā(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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"Interpretation (Taʼwīl)" is one of the key topics in Quranic literature that has had significant importance and a special place in the fields of religious knowledge. To study and understand the Holy Quran correctly, research and investigation on this subject are necessary. The extent of Sayyid Murtaḍā's knowledge and the value of his works have led many researchers to consider his perspectives and works as subjects of their own scientific research. The present study aims, using a descriptive-analytical method, to examine interpretation in the Quranic thought of Sayyid Murtaḍā through. The research approach shows that Sayyid Murtaḍā introduced interpretation in the field of exegesis; it has general (ʻĀm) meaning which encompass exegesis. Therefore, when explaining the clear (Muḥkam) verses and also explaining the unclear (Mutashābih) verses, he used the term interpretation (Taʼwīl). According to him, there is a difference between the credibility of interpretation (proof of possible aspects) and the correctness of interpretation. His exegesis is in line with scientific and rational principles and he has a scholarly understanding of the Quran. His beliefs include belief in the divine nature of the Quranic words, belief in the comprehensibility of the Quran, affirmation of the truths in the words and expressions of the Quran, and the discovery of reasonable meanings attributable to God in the unclear (Mutashābih) verses, among others. The result of this research is beneficial for understanding the Quranic views of Sayyid Murtaḍā and benefiting from his experiences and skills in Quran exegesis; also, it addresses the need for a comprehensive approach to interpreting unclear and difficult verses.
Polygamy in Islam: Reasons, Benefits and Corruptions(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Polygamy has been one of the rules of Islam and a common tradition among Muslims; this rule has been challenged by some Muslims, and it is one pretext with which the opposition attacks Islam. The purpose of this study is to investigate the advantages and disadvantages of polygamy and to examine the reasons for and against it in an analytical and deductive manner.Findings: The reasons for permission for polygamy arethe Holy Quran, Sunna, manners of Muslims. The reasons for opponents are incompatibility with human nature, non-observance of justice by men, being unjust and masculine rule, a factor for men's voluptuousness, and the tradition of Prophet and Imam Ali when Hazrat Khadija and Fatima were alive. If we consider the rulings as subject to interests and corruption, the ruling on polygamy can be considered a function of time.It is permissible if its expedience is more than its corruption. If moral laws of Islam are implemented, the individual interests of polygamy are as follows: meeting the needs of women, personality development, upbreeding the orphans, the existence of male and female behavior models for orphans, maintaining the nobility of women and engaging men in a special commitment. If the moral laws of Islam are not observed, some of the evils of polygamy include inciting jealousy among women and enmity among children, as well as the prevalence of lust in men.Conclusion: The rules in Shiite jurisprudence are subject to interests and corruptions, and polygamy requires moral education in the society.
Narcissism in Religion and Its Components Based on Psychological Foundations(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Narcissism is an individual or group phenomenon in which individuals and groups become unhealthily enamored with them, perceiving themselves as superior to others. This condition has also infiltrated the realm of religion and spirituality, being recognized as one of the ills of religiosity. The present study aims to describe and explain religious narcissism and its components. It employs a descriptive-analytical method with a focus on the psychological foundations of narcissism to elucidate this phenomenon. The results indicate that it manifests in both religious individuals and groups or movements, leading them to issue reprimands and excommunications against others. The results demonstrate that despite its multiple components, the basis of the beliefs of the individual and the narcissistic religious movement centers around three core components: "Self-righteousness, absolutism, and exclusivism," which also encompass other components. Under the shadow of these three components—discussed in the psychology of narcissism under terms such as a sense of righteousness, superiority, self-centeredness, and exclusivity—narcissistic individuals and groups believe that in comparison to others, they are special and superior, that goodness is what they perceive it to be, and that evil is what they deny. They maintain an egocentric focus on themselves and their needs, convinced that everything is meant for them.
Analysis of the effectiveness of ancient Persian literature from Quranic teachings; A case study of the intertextuality of Qabusnameh and the Qur'an(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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The fusion of the Islamic-centered Qur'anic culture and Iranian-based wisdom culture in ancient Persian literary texts is a blessed and unquestionable event in the field of Islamic Iranian culture. However, some people try to unilaterally manage the sources that influence Persian literature and the suspicion of the alienation of the literary heritage from the Holy Qur'an by promoting pre-Islamic Iranian sources.In the meantime, many Persian writers have benefited from Quranic elements in order to explain their thoughts and artistic creations. Qaboosnameh also did not neglect this importance, and by purposefully using the miracle of Khatam, Sanratul-Maali has displayed the element of education with rare eloquence and eloquence. Examining the background of the place of religion in the realm of Hakim and Hakim al-Ziyar's decree requires extensive research.Knowing about the intertextual scope of Qaboosnameh and the Holy Quran, by describing and analyzing the forty-four chapters of this advice book, Ferraro's library research has explored the influence of Qaboosnameh on Quranic themes based on the model of Julia Kristeva as the founder of the modern intertextuality theory. The findings of the research show that Qabusnameh, in addition to being influenced by the wisdom of Iranians and sources such as Azarbad Marspandan's instructions, Anoushirvan's Pandnameh and Bushkur Balkhi's poems, has also benefited from the system of Islamic knowledge centered on the word of revelation.A usage that is sometimes obvious and carries the sign of Quranic verses, and sometimes requires careful reading and reflection to know the Quranic source.
The Role and Position of the "Spirit (Rūḥ)" in the Process of Revelation(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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The significance of revelation and God's communication with divine prophets has long been a focus of Islamic researchers. However, what holds substantial importance in this context is the role and position of the spirit in the process of Quranic revelation. The present study aims to analyze the verses and traditions through a descriptive-analytical method and an ijtihadi approach, considering previous research, to decode the true essence of the spirit in Quranic culture. Based on the analyses conducted, the "Spirit (Rūḥ)" is a creation that transcends angels, possessing a high and exalted rank, which God has attributed to Himself as a mark of honor and to express His greatness. Furthermore, the primary objective of this paper is to explore the role of the spirit in the process of revelation. According to the reasons and arguments derived from the verses and traditions, in direct revelation, the beginning and end of the process of transferring revelation to the heart of the prophet is carried out by the spirit (Waḥyan). In God's communication with humanity through the intermediary of the messenger, the spirit initially receives the content from the Lord, and Gabriel transmits it from the spirit (Yursilu Rasūlan) to the heart of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). It is also possible that there are other intermediaries in the process of transferring revelation from the spirit to Gabriel.
Critique of Self-esteem from Nathaniel Branden’s Perspective in Light of Islamic Teachings(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Self-esteem refers to a sense of intrinsic worth that does not consider superiority over others. Awareness of the significance of self-esteem leads to a greater commitment to its enhancement, and understanding its effects highlights its importance. This research categorizes the effects of self-esteem according to Nathaniel Branden, who is regarded as the father of self-esteem, into three areas: Cognitive, moral, and behavioral, and then analyzes them through the lens of Islamic teachings using a descriptive-analytical method to provide a foundation for critiquing his views. Branden believes that self-expression, acceptance of others' definitions, and individualism are effects of self-esteem; however, these effects are not supported by the teachings of the Quran and Hadith. For instance, sometimes a lack of self-expression indicates transcending one’s superficial self and reaching a higher self, which is a result of self-esteem. Similarly, an individual may consciously refuse to accept others’ definitions despite having high self-esteem for reasons such as humility or the aim of combating the ego. Additionally, not being individualistic and prioritizing the interests of others over oneself can sometimes indicate the maturity of a dignified individual, whereby the false self is sacrificed for the true self, which does not contradict self-worth and dignity.
Typology of the Interpretation of Gharīb al-Quran wal Hadith in the Works of Shaykh Ṣadūq(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Shaykh Ṣadūq has his specific methods and criteria for semantic analysis of the Gharīb (unfamiliar) terms in the field of hadith in general, and in the area of interpretation and semantics of vocabulary in particular; recognizing his methods and criteria in the semantic analysis of Gharīb words in the Holy Quran and the sayings of the impeccable Imams (AS) leads to the discovery of new approaches and the presentation of a more precise image of his methods and criteria in semantic analysis. Among his remaining works, one can find some of his views. The present study aims to observe and discover the types of explanations of Gharīb words in the thoughts of Shaykh Ṣadūq. To this aim was used a descriptive-analytical method and data collection is library-based. The result indicated that he used methods such as: Utilizing Shia theological arguments, defining examples for words, leveraging Arabic culture and literature, interpreting Gharīb words according to the companions, followers of the Imams (AS), and his scholars, highlighting grammatical points, using the sayings of the impeccable Imams (AS), stating all semantic aspects of a word, and preferring one meaning over others. Through his specific criteria, Shaykh Ṣadūq has been able to reach the core meaning and interpretive significance of Gharīb words.
Analysis of the Semantic Meaning of the Word "Rāsikhūn" in Verse 7 of Surah Ᾱli ʻImrān Based on the Bun School and the Perspective of Istarābādī, Emphasizing Synonymous and Antonymous Terms(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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The disagreement regarding the audience of the Quran among Islamic scholars has led to various interpretations. Among them, Sharaf al-Dīn Istarābādī has a distinctive viewpoint, asserting that the interpretation of ambiguous verses is exclusively meant for the impeccable Imams (AS). Since he considers interpretation to encompass both the apparent and the inner meanings, his opinion is that the audience of the ambiguous (Mutashābih) verses—both in terms of their apparent meaning and inner meaning—are the impeccable Imams. Given the existing differences, this article aims to appropriately judge between these viewpoints by examining the meaning of "Rāsikhūn" based on the "Bun" methodology. The question arises: Is Sharaf al-Dīn's intended meaning validated or not? The investigation has shown that the meaning of "Rāsikhūn" in this verse refers to a special and distinct group of people who possess knowledge of the interpretation of verses, yet the identity of this group remains unclear, as the text does not have the ability to specify its identity. Accordingly, based on the extra-textual context and the perspective of Sharaf al-Dīn, it can generally be established that "Rāsikhūn" are a special and distinct group, specifically the impeccable Imams (AS).
A Unique Structural Analysis of the Coherence of Surah Ᾱl-e 'Imrᾱn in Light of the Theory of Symmetrical Order: An Aspect of the Linguistic-Semantic Miracle of the Holy Qur'an(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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The Holy Qur'an, the sacred book of Muslims, is recognized as the miracle of the Prophet of Islam (pbuh). Therefore, over the past 14 centuries, numerous scholars and thinkers have devoted themselves to studying the various aspects of the Qur'an's inimitability ('I'jᾱz). In recent decades, one prominent field in Qur'anic studies attracting Muslim scholars and Orientalists is innovative research in discovering new dimensions of the linguistic-semantic structure, particularly the order in the Qur'an. Surah Ᾱl-e 'Imrᾱn is the third Surah and one of the Medinan Surahs of the Qur'an, located in the third and fourth Juz' (sections) of the Qur'an. This study, using a descriptive and analytical approach, examines the structural order of Surah Ᾱl-e 'Imrᾱn. It begins by defining and introducing the concept of symmetric order theory, followed by a rhetorical analysis of Surah Ᾱl-e 'Imrᾱn. This Surah is divided into eleven sections, and its circular symmetric order is proven using a comprehensive pattern of sequence and internal connection among its sections. Proving the existence of a circular structured order in Surah Ᾱl-e 'Imrᾱn demonstrates the unparalleled depth and precision in the structure of the Qur'an.
Re-examining the Perception of Blessings in Islamic Culture and Its Impact on Mental Peace and Well-being(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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The sense of success or failure is contingent on an individual's attitude toward themselves and their circumstances. One of the primary reasons for feelings of failure is comparing oneself to others without considering distinguishing factors. Happiness is a subjective concept and is primarily achieved through focusing on one's own possessions. In the Quranic culture, God advises humans to perceive the blessings and divine favors bestowed upon them. Undoubtedly, recognizing successes and opportunities fosters a sense of achievement. Accordingly, this research, employing a descriptive-analytical approach and content analysis, seeks to identify the relationship between recognizing blessings and mental well-being. The findings indicate that appreciating blessings and reinforcing this perception facilitates the attainment of serenity, which is a key component of mental health. Factors such as contemplation and reasoning, lack of sadness, self-esteem, an elevated lifestyle, realistic perspectives, absence of pride, and being devoted to remembrance are impacts of recognizing blessings on mental well-being.