آموزش محیط زیست و توسعه پایدار
آموزش محیط زیست و توسعه پایدار سال 11 تابستان 1402 شماره 4 (پیاپی 30) (مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Business-to-Business markets use the positive effect of sustainable measures to strengthen their brand. Because sustainable branding supports competitive advantage with a positive impact on customer perceptions and satisfaction, in this regard, the tools and platforms available in the online environment can be effective in sustainable B2B branding by facilitating interaction and dialogue in an informal way between the company and its audience. Therefore, the current research was conducted to provide a conceptual framework of sustainable B2B branding through social media using the qualitative method of theme analysis on Iranian ports. This is an exploratory research with an aim to be applicable. The statistical population is Iranian port managers, and to collect information, a semi-structured interview was conducted with 14 key informants (saturation limit) who were selected by a targeted method. To analyze the data, the text of the interviews was transcribed. Then, using Atlas software and the inductive thematic analysis method, data were coded, analyzed, and interpreted. In this research, the framework of sustainable branding from company to company was explained through social media with 117 basic codes, 10 sub-themes, and 3 main themes of social media management, brand mantra, and sustainability action.
Effectiveness of Teaching Environmental Concepts through Animism-Based Storytelling on Children's Environmental Knowledge and Environmental Attitude(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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One of the most important recent concerns in the world is the environment and its protection. Environmental education by storytelling, which is based on children's thinking mechanisms, can be considered a method for child education. This study was conducted with the aim of investigating the effectiveness of teaching environmental concepts through animism-based storytelling on children's environmental knowledge and attitude. The research is quasi-experimental, including two groups (experimental and control), a pre-test and a post-test. The statistical population includes all the first-grade elementary school students of Shazand, Markazi Province, Iran, in the academic year 2021-2022, with 17 people in each group selected by convenience sampling. The instrument was Leeming's (1995) questionnaire, which includes two subscales of environmental knowledge and environmental attitude. Data analysis was carried out using multivariate covariance analysis. The findings indicated that there is a significant difference between the environmental knowledge and attitude of the experimental group and the control group. The results indicated that presenting environmental concepts using animism-based storytelling had a significant effect on children's environmental knowledge and attitude. In conclusion, although storytelling can generally affect knowledge and attitude, animism-based storytelling has a more significant effect on children's environmental knowledge and attitude
The Role of Technical Knowledge and Technology Accessibility in Explaining Grain Farmers’ Soil Conservation Behavior: The Use of Technology Acceptance Model(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Soil degradation caused by conventional agriculture is a growing problem on grain farms in the Bagherabad district of Mahallat County. This study sought to investigate grain farmers᾽ soil conservation behavior (SCB) based on an technology acceptance model (TAM). A structural equation modeling technique was used to test this TAM based on the survey collected data from 243 grain farmers. Findings revealed that farmers poorly used soil conservation practices (SCPs). However, among SCPs, grain farmers have used organic manuring the most and cover cropping the least on their farms. The reason for this is they had more knowledge about organic manuring and also more access to organic manures. This study also supported the indirect effect of technical knowledge (TK) and Technology Accessibility (TA) on Perceived Usefulness (PU) by affecting Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU) directly. In addition, the present study pointed out that intention was the most important factor explaining SCB, and PEOU was the most important factor influencing intention. Therefore, to improve SCB, improving farmers᾽ perceived ease of use (PEOU) should be considered through facilitating TA along with enhancing TK. In this regard, along with providing extension services, policymakers are advised to facilitate farmers’ access to appropriate soil conservation (SC) technologies and inputs and also increase the purchasing power of farmers through granting cheap credit facilities and supplying technologies at affordable prices.
The Effect of Greenwashing, Attitudes & Beliefs on Green Purchase Intention (Case Study: Kerman Environmentalists)(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Today, many consumers advocate green products to reduce the effect of their consumption practices on the environment For this reason, companies have tried to produce green products, but many of the actions of companies in the field of green product production are misleading and deceptive, which is called greenwashing. The present study aimed to investigate the effect of understanding greenwashing, attitudes, and beliefs on green purchase intention among environmentalists. The population included the environmentalists in Kerman, to whom a standard electronic questionnaire was sent for data collection. Finally, 384 questionnaires were collected and analyzed. The findings indicated that the understanding of greenwashing has a positive effect on the confusion of green consumption and an increase in perceived risk. However, it can reduce the perceived benefit, satisfaction, and loyalty. In addition, the attitude and beliefs of the environmentalists have a positive effect on the perceived benefit, satisfaction, and loyalty. If environmentalists have a positive attitude toward green products, there will be less confusion about consuming green products.
An Investigation of Factors Influencing the Pro-Environmental Behavior of Orchardists in Dena Kooh District, Semirom County(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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At present, environmental crises caused by irresponsible agricultural activities are known to increase environmental vulnerability around the world. So, it is important to know how people think about the environment, what they know, and how concerned they are with nature and the environment. This survey research was aimed at understanding the pro-environmental behavior and its influencing factors among the apple orchardists of the Dena Kooh area of Semirom County. The population consists of 4019 horticultural producers in 28 villages in the Dena Kooh district, and the sample size was determined by random cluster sampling regarding the economic status of villages in two rich and poor clusters. 320 interviews were carried out with all sample members. The data collection instrument was a structured questionnaire, and its face validity was confirmed by Yasouj University faculty members. The Cronbach's alpha coefficient was calculated between 0.61 and 0.92, indicating acceptable reliability of the measures. The results showed that the average environmental behavior of the orchardists is at a poor level. A comparison of the average current and past environmental behavior of orchardists showed that their pro-environmental behavior has developed. The results of hierarchical regression showed that knowledge, responsibility, socio-cultural norms, values and emotions, external commitment, and past behavior accounted for 69% of the variance in orchardists’ environmental behavior in the economically rich cluster. The results of hierarchical regression in the economically poor cluster showed that emotions, knowledge, responsibility, socio-cultural norms, external commitment, and past behavior accounted for 75% of the variance in orchardists' environmental behavior. The current research can benefit policymakers, researchers, and farmers in determining pro-environmental practices, considering the viewpoints of farmers. However, various issues identified in this study have implications for future research and for other crops under different farming systems
Investigating the Effect of Traffic Culture Education on the Law-Abiding & Citizenship Behavior (Case Study: Middle School Students in District 12 of Tehran)(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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The main purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of traffic culture education on the law-abiding and citizenship behavior of middle school students in District 12 of Tehran. The research method is quasi-experimental with pre-test and post-test design and is applied in terms of purpose. In terms of data type, this research is quantitative, and in terms of time, it is a cross-sectional research. The statistical population was 4756 high school students in District 12 of Tehran in the academic year 2020-2021, which was selected by random cluster sampling of 40 seventh-grade students in two groups of 20 (experimental group and control group). The research tools of the educational package included pedestrians, vehicle occupants, urban cycling, public transportation, rights and duties of citizenship in traffic, and a researcher-made questionnaire that its content validity was determined by the Lavshe index (0.62) and formal validity by the opinion of elites and reliability was calculated by Cronbach's alpha test (0.80). Descriptive statistics (central and dispersion indices), inferential statistics (Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests, independent t-test, and paired t-test), and SPSS16 software were used to analyze the data. The results showed that traffic education had a significant positive and direct effect on the law-abiding and citizenship behavior of students.
Designing and Analysis of a Positive Organizational Behavior Model with Emphasis on Environmental Implications in the Water and Power Industry(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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The purpose of this study is to develop a model of positive organizational behavior with an emphasis on environmental consequences and also to investigate the relationship between the characteristics of positive organizational behavior with individual, organizational, and environmental consequences. This is an applied research with an integrated method (qualitative-quantitative). The statistical population of the study included water and sewage industry experts and faculty members (20 people) who were sampled by snowball technique. For the quantitative part, 120 water and sewage workers in the country (2019-2020) were selected through the relative selection technique. Data collection tools include semi-structured interviews and researcher-made questionnaires. Qualitative data were analyzed by open, axial, and selective coding methods, and MAXQDA11, Smart PLS2, and SPSS23 were used to analyze the content of data and validation. In the quantitative part, content validity is used. The reliability and evaluation of measures were estimated by Cronbach's alpha coefficient method (89%). Findings from the present study showed that positive organizational behavior can be analyzed in five levels (individual, group, organizational, social, and environmental) and in the form of six categories (causal factors, characteristics, strategies, platforms, interventionists, consequences). Also, positive organizational behavior has a positive and significant relationship with environmental (0.711), behavioral (0.631), organizational outcomes (0.685). Therefore, it is necessary to model successful and leading organizations in the field of positive organizational behavior, training and holding workshops in the field of environment, creating a positive organizational atmosphere in order to achieve sustainable development of the environment.
The Predictive Role of Green Space in Reducing the Stress of English Language Students of Alborz Payame Noor University: A Mixed Design(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Increasing urbanization has resulted in urban stress, and this issue has affected adults, including university students. This study investigates the relationship between the utilization of nearby green spaces by university students and their perceptions of stress and health. According to Ulrich's Stress Reduction Theory, this study designs an online survey method on students’ stress and analyzes their stress based on the results of the survey. The statistical population of the research included all 417 undergraduate students of English Language Translation at Alborz Payame Noor University in the academic year 2022-2023. Finally, 186 students who completed the online survey were selected for the study. The Perceived Stress Scale scores were combined and entered into IBM SPSS statistics 25. The results obtained from the regression analysis showed that the utilization of green spaces is negatively correlated with perceived stress levels, indicating that the frequency and time of visiting green areas have a predictive role in reducing the stress of students. This research adds to the body of knowledge regarding the function that urban green spaces predict promoting wellbeing and stress reduction. Thus, some suggestions for utilizing urban green spaces to improve university students' health might be proposed.
The Moderating Role of Managers’ Emotional Intelligence in Explaining the Relationship between Research and Development Costs and Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Corporate social responsibility approaches are becoming increasingly widespread since environmental performance is a significant aspect of developing a firm socioemotional wealth, such as legitimacy, trustworthiness, and image. This study investigates the moderating role of managers’ emotional intelligence on the relationship between research and development costs and the social and environmental responsibility of manufacturing companies in the Tehran Stock Exchange. This research is applied and correlational. One hundred thirty-two companies were selected as sample companies that were active in the Tehran Stock Exchange during 2010-2020. The data is collected from the actual financial statements of the companies through the Kodal website, and it is compiled using Excel software. The method of testing the hypotheses is moderator regression (hierarchical), and Eviuse 12 software is used to test the hypotheses. The findings reveal that research and development costs have a meaningful relationship with the social and environmental responsibility of manufacturing companies, and the emotional intelligence of managers has a moderating role in the relationship between research and development costs and the social and environmental responsibility of manufacturing companies. The results can help all stakeholders evaluate the level of attention of companies to research and development costs and corporate social and environmental responsibility.