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حسین حیدری تبریزی


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فرهنگ های تک زبانه انگلیسی «زبان آموز» به مثابه سنتی بریتانیایی: سیر تحول، ویژگی های ممتاز و نمونه های مطرح

تعداد بازدید : ۱۲۶ تعداد دانلود : ۷۰
فرهنگ «زبان آموز» به مثابه پدیده و سنتی بریتانیایی سابقه ای بیش از نیم قرن دارد. اصطلاح «زبان آموز» عموماً به آن دسته از فرهنگ های لغت انگلیسی اطلاق می شود که مخصوص زبان آموزانی تهیه و تدوین شده که انگلیسی زبان مادریشان نیست و به نوعی جنبه آموزشی این گونه فرهنگ ها برجسته تر است. هدف از نگارش مقاله حاضر عبارت است از شناخت تاریخچه شکل گیری و پیدایش فرهنگ تک زبانه زبان آموز انگلیسی، معرفی نمونه های معروف در این عرصه و توصیف و تبیین دقیق و جامع خصوصیات بارز و ویژگی های متمایزکننده این نوع فرهنگ ها از منظر کلان ساختار، میان ساختار و خردساختار شامل شکل ظاهری، مواد پیش متن فرهنگ، گستره و گنجایش، دامنه بُرد، تعریف نگاری، تصویر دهی، طبقه بندی معنایی، تفکیک درون مدخلی، اطلاعات متعدد و متنوع واژگان شناختی، اطلاعات پیرامونی، الحاقات/ضمائم، و امکانات جنبی. البته برای روشن تر شدن بحث، سه فرهنگ زبان آموز چاپ ناشران معروف و مطرح نیز بررسی می شود: دو فرهنگ روزآمد آموزشی زبان آموز انگلیسی چاپ ناشران بریتانیایی یعنی فرهنگ لغات آکسفورد مخصوص زبان آموزان سطح پیشرفته (OALD) و فرهنگ لغات انگلیسی معاصر لانگمن (LDOCE) و البته تنها فرهنگ در دسترس چاپ ناشران آمریکایی به نام «فرهنگ لغات رندوم هاوس وبستر مخصوص زبان آموزان سطح پیشرفته» (RWAED).در آخر، نگارنده می کوشد چشم اندازی از آینده فرهنگ های زبان آموز، مخاطرات و چالش های پیش رو و فرصت های ناشی از انقلاب دیجیتالی و پیشرفت های فناوری به دست دهد.

Effect of a Vision-Based Program on Willingness to Communicate among Iranian ADHD Adolescents Involved in Online English Learning(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: ADHD EFL learners online learning vision ignition intervention willingness to communicate

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۱۱۱ تعداد دانلود : ۸۷
Attention has been drawn to recent, expanding studies on Second Language (L2) online programs and problems with people with learning difficulties, including Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). This group of learners suffers from feelings of detachment and low self-confidence due to their lack of Willingness to Communicate (WTC) in an online classroom. Thus, the current quasi-experimental study explored the impact of a supplementary intervention targeted at helping learners create, substantiate, and live up to their ideal L2 self-images on multivariate components of ADHD learners' WTC in online English classes. For this purpose, 29 Iranian ADHD learners selected through convenience sampling were divided into two equivalent groups based on their ADHD levels. The groups were then randomly assigned to an experimental (N = 15) and a control condition (N = 14). In the experimental group, the vision ignition intervention was integrated into a 10-week online English course, whereas the control group's learners received no vision-enhancement intervention throughout the course. The learners' WTC was measured through a standard psychometric survey at the outset and conclusion of the course. Multivariable Analysis of Covariance (MANCOVA) was conducted to determine whether a linear combination of the subcomponents resulted in significant differences between groups. Along with an overall significant between-group difference in WTC, the results revealed the intervention's significant impact on WTC's two subcomponents: communicative self-confidence and integrative orientation.

Effect of Synchronous Virtual Learning Environment on the Reading Comprehension of Undergraduate EFL Students

کلید واژه ها: Asynchronous Virtual Learning Environment Distance education Live Interactive Teaching Rooms Reading Comprehension Synchronous Virtual Learning Environment

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۱۰۰ تعداد دانلود : ۷۱
Virtual learning has been defined as any system of education and instruction that brings together participants who are separated by geographical distances or time. Significantly, in a virtual learning environment, interactive telecommunications systems are utilized to connect learners, resources, and instructors. As such, the present study sought to investigate the possible effect of a synchronous virtual learning environment on the reading comprehension of undergraduate EFL university students. To this end, from the population of students majoring in English translation at Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran, one control group, and one experimental group were non-probabilistically selected based on their availability. Indeed, thirty students were chosen for the control group and thirty students were nominated for the experimental group. Live interactive teaching rooms were utilized in the experimental group during the term, whereas asynchronous instructional practices were adopted in the control group within the study. According to the results of paired samples t-test, the experimental group, which was instructed by live interactive teaching rooms over the term, progressed at the end of the period as compared to the beginning of the term. Moreover, the independent samples t-test showed that the students' scores on the post-test in the experimental group were higher than that of the control group. Evidently, the results of the present study may have practical implications for EFL teachers, online instructors, distance education programmers, materials developers, and syllabus designers.

Effect of Animated Infographics on Vocabulary Gain and Retention of Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: animated infographic EFL Learner Retention vocabulary gain

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۹۳ تعداد دانلود : ۵۸
With the rapid development of technology, multimedia comes into English classes and positively improves learners’ language proficiency. The present study attempted to consider the use of animated infographics on the vocabulary gain and retention of Iranian intermediate EFL students. The classes were held online through the Jitsi meet website in the autumn of 2021. To this end, 60 EFL students were selected among 90 students through a homogeneity test. At the beginning of the treatment period, a pretest was administered to both groups, and then, the participants attended 13 sessions. In these sessions, the animated group (AG) was taught through animated infographics, while the control group (CG) was instructed conventionally. The posttest and delayed posttests were administered to test the student’s vocabulary gain and retention. The findings indicated that the AG outperformed the CG significantly in the posttest and delayed posttest. Therefore, the animated infographics proved to be more effective in learning English vocabulary for these students. The results could have implications for teachers because it heightens their understanding of using technologies in general and animated infographics in particular and leads to more effective teaching methodologies.

Structural Equation Modeling of the Sources of EFL Teachers’ Self–Efficacy(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: sources of self-efficacy EFL Teachers meta-analysis Systematic review

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۹۰ تعداد دانلود : ۵۴
Self-efficacy, which is known as the teachers’ self-perception of their competence and abilities in doing specific tasks, has attracted considerable attention in teacher education. It is seen as the teacher’s belief in achieving specific outcomes for students in their teaching practices, but the main sources of EFL teachers’ self-efficacy have not been systematically explored in a single study.  Therefore, this study set out to present a systematic review of the studies on EFL teachers’ self-efficacy. To this aim, a meta-analysis approach was employed to systematically review closely related papers from Elsevier, Google Scholar, and ERIC. The articles examined the sources of self-efficacy in a different context. Through precise screening, 13 papers were found to be eligible enough to be included in this study. Findings revealed that ‘Mastery Experiences’, ‘Vicarious Experiences’, ‘Social Persuasion and Support’,                                 ‘Emotional and Physiological States’, ‘Language Proficiency’, ‘Intelligence’, ‘Teaching skills and experience’, ‘pre-service training courses’, and ‘professional development activities’ are the main sources of self-efficacy. The findings could be theoretically and practically significant to EFL teachers, teacher trainers, and researchers interested in teacher education.

Cultural-specific items in translation of the Holy Quran by Irving(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: Cultural Specific Items Domestication English Translation of the Holy Quran Foreignization

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۷۲ تعداد دانلود : ۵۳
Translation of cultural-specific items (CSIs) has always been a challenge for translators. To overcome this problem, they employ different strategies. The present study focused on the role of CSIs in English translation of the Holy Quran by Irving and how he has used different strategies in rendering them. The design of the study was a descriptive one and the data were collected from the second surah of the Quran (Baqara). The theoretical framework was Venuti’s (1995) domestication and foreignization Model. This study analyzed the differences in the use of these two strategies through descriptive statistics by presenting frequency and percentage of each alternative.  The analysis of the data showed that Irving used domestication as the main technique to render CSIs. The findings of this study could be beneficial for both students of translation and the practitioners in the field to get familiar with the most influential strategies in rendering cultural specific items.

Promoting Professional Identity Formation of Novice EFL Teachers in E-teaching Through Online Image Management (OIM) Strategies(مقاله پژوهشی دانشگاه آزاد)

کلید واژه ها: Distance education E-teaching Image management strategy Novice EFL teachers Professional identity

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۵۸ تعداد دانلود : ۴۲
Although the EFL teachers' challenges in developing and enhancing Professional Identity Formation (PIF) in face-to-face and virtual instruction contexts have extensively been explored, there were a limited set of practical and advantageous strategies, particularly for the novice teachers, in promoting their PIF in E-teaching especially since the emergence of changed priority of teaching contexts amid the COVID-19 outbreak. Accordingly, this study attempted to check the Iranian novice EFL teachers’ PIF, uncover the potential impacts of utilizing Online Image Management (OIM) strategies in promoting their PIF, and identify the most-preferred OIM strategies. Based on the convenience sampling, 184 male and female Iranian novice EFL teachers were selected to participate in this quasi-experimental study. Two instruments, including a Questionnaire of Perceived Professional Identity (QPPI) and a series of Quantitative Online Interviews (QOIs), were used to collect the data via the virtual platform of Survey Planet. The descriptive statistics and Independent Samples t-Test packages in R were utilized to analyze the data. The results confirmed the low levels of professional identity among Iranian novice EFL teachers, verified the significant effects of OIM strategies in promoting PIF of Iranian novice EFL teachers, and shed light on reflection practices and strategies in enhancing digital literacy as the most-favored OIM strategies in promoting PIF among these teachers. This study may provide implications for EFL teachers and trainers in helping novice EFL teachers to promote their PIF with OIM strategies.

An In-depth Analysis of the Cognitive Gaps between Novice and Experienced Iranian EFL Teachers(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: Cognitive gaps EFL Teachers Teacher Cognition pedagogical experience pedagogical knowledge

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۵۸ تعداد دانلود : ۶۱
The hidden constructs underlying teachers’ professional identity at a given point of teaching life are presumed to account for their practical qualities. The current study explored the cognitive skills of three groups of Iranian English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers with scant, moderate, and considerable teaching experience. To this end, a convenience sample, including 382 Iranian EFL teachers from 660 branches of five countrywide English language institutions, participated in a sequential explanatory mixed-method study. In the quantitative phase, a multivariate approach to comparison was adopted, and the three groups were compared in terms of a linear combination of nine subscales representing teachers’ pedagogical knowledge base. As shown by the results, the between-group differences in four of the nine sub-domains yielded a significant between-group gap in the overall level of teacher cognition. These differentiating knowledge areas included knowledge of learning, teaching, classroom management, and professional self. A qualitative follow-up phase was then launched in which a 95-member sample of the participants attended a retrospective interview to delve deeply into the nature of the four differentiating subdomains. The qualitative results divulged the processes and reasons underlying the four differentiating knowledge areas. The findings may have new insights into the exact nature of Iranian EFL teachers’ intellectual peculiarities at different stages of a teaching career.

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