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این پژوهش با هدف تدوین بسته آموزشی مشاوره ای پیش از ازدواج برای دختران در آستانه ازدواج دارای طلاق والدینی انجام شد. پژوهش حاضر ازنظر هدفْ کاربردی و براساس طرح پژوهش آمیخته از نوع تدوین ابزار است. ابتدا از روش کیفی مرور نظام مند و سپس از روش کمّی پیمایشی توصیفی استفاده شد. ازآنجاکه مرحله ابتدایی هر مرور نظام مند شامل جست وجوی کامل و منظم پیشینه موجود است، میدان پژوهشی موردمطالعه کلیه مقالات معتبر و پایان نامه های چاپ شده از سال 1391 تا سال 1401 به زبان فارسی بود که درنهایت 12 پژوهش با جست وجو در پایگاه های مگ ایران، پایگاه علمی جهاد دانشگاهی، پژوهشگاه علوم و فناوری اطلاعات ایران و پرتال جامع علوم انسانی بررسی شد. همچنین، برای ارزیابی کیفیت مطالعات از فهرست وارسی تعدیل شده PRISMA2020 استفاده شد و تمام 12 پژوهش کیفیت لازم برای ورود به مرور نظام مند را داشتند. در ادامه، برای تدوین بسته برمبنای مرور پیشینه مطالعات، بسته آموزشی مشاوره ای شامل تکنیک ها و مفاهیم مختلف تدوین شد. 10 نفر از صاحب نظران حوزه مشاوره به منظور بررسی روایی محتوایی بسته به صورت دردسترس انتخاب شدند. یافته ها در بخش کیفی نشان دهنده سه تجربه مهم روان شناختی منفی، جامعه شناختی منفی و خانوادگی منفی بود. درنهایت، محتوای جلسات مشاوره ای در دوازده جلسه هفتگی به مدت 90-60 دقیقه تنظیم شد. بررسی شاخص روایی محتوایی 8/۰ و ضریب توافق کاپا 71/۰ به دست آمد. می توان گفت بسته آموزشی مشاوره ای پیش از ازدواج از روایی لازم برخوردار است و استفاده آن برای دختران فرزند طلاق بزرگسال پیشنهاد می شود.  

Compilation of Premarital Educational-Counseling Package for Girls with Divorced Parents on the Brink of Marriage Based on Iranian Culture

This study was conducted to compile a premarital counseling package for girls on the brink of marriage whose parents are divorced. The current study was applied and conducted based on a mixed-methods research design. For this purpose, a qualitative systematic review was initially conducted, and then the descriptive survey was used. Since the initial stage of every systematic review includes a complete and regular search of the existing literature, Persian articles published from 2012 to 2022 were selected. Finally, 12 articles were investigated by searching Mag-Iran, SID, Irandoc, and Comprehensive Portal of Human Sciences databases. Also, the revised PRISMA2020 checklist was used to evaluate the quality of the studies, and all 12 studies possessed the necessary quality to enter the systematic review. An educational counseling package including various techniques and concepts was compiled by reviewing the literature. Besides, ten experts in the field of counseling were selected based on availability to check the content validity. The findings of the qualitative phase showed three major negative psychological, sociological, and family experiences. Finally, the findings of the quantitative phase resulted in developing the content of counseling sessions in twelve weekly sessions of 60-90 minutes. Its content validity and Kappa agreement coefficient were .8 and .71, respectively. It can be said that the premarital educational counseling package has appropriate validity and is suggested to be used for girls with divorced parents. IntroductionParental divorce often has many negative consequences for children, which in some cases cause significant developmental defects. Such consequences are evident in the emotional, psychological, educational, social, and interpersonal development of children, most of which continue into adulthood. (Rhoades et al., 2012). In particular, adult children of divorce may experience a loss of emotional support, change in financial status, loss of social network, change in physical and mental health (Heidecker, 2019), loss of social relationships and marriage opportunities (Brown, 2020).In the meantime, the issue of gender is also influential. The results of a study indicate that women face more post-divorce challenges than men (Sadeghi Fasaei & Isari, 2012). Therefore, the attitude of young people with the experience of parental divorce towards marriage and divorce, especially in girls, might be affected (Weigel, 2007). Also, it can play a vital role in the individuals’ preparation and increase their information about choosing a spouse, reducing incorrect decision-making (Markman & Rhoades, 2012).Therefore, it is necessary for the children of divorce who have not seen such issues in their parents’ lives and are probably not familiar with them to take steps towards self-awareness. On the other hand, the increase in the divorce rate in Iran necessitates the development of preventive interventions to prevent marital disturbances and reduce the divorce rate. For this reason, organizations such as universities, welfare and justice organizations, and sports and youth organizations can benefit from the findings of this study. In terms of research, universities and higher education institutions can benefit from the findings and guidelines of this study to achieve more stable results in terms of the effects of parental divorce on youth.In addition, in terms of methodology, the present research investigates this program adopting qualitative and quantitative methods to compensate for the shortcomings in this area. It can also provide a basis for adult girls of divorced parents to receive the required premarital education. This kind of counseling service is provided to improve the quality of life of adult girls with parental divorce to have a healthy marriage, taking into account the potential of the Iranian families’ culture. In other words, an attempt was made in this study to answer these questions according to the local literature: 1.what are the experiences of adult children with parental divorce?What are the features of the premarital educational counseling package for adult girls with divorced parents on the brink of marriage?Method The current study is applied in terms of purpose and conducted based on a mixed-methods research design to compile a package. First, the qualitative method of systematic review and then the descriptive survey quantitative method were used. Since the initial stage of every systematic review includes a complete and regular search of the existing literature, all valid Persian articles and theses published from 2012 to 2022 were considered, and finally, 12 studies were selected by searching the databases of Mag-Iran, SID, Irandoc and Comprehensive Portal of Human Sciences. Also, the revised PRISMA2020 checklist was used to evaluate the quality of the studies, and all the 12 studies that possessed the necessary quality to enter the systematic review were analyzed. An educational counseling package including various techniques and concepts was compiled by reviewing the literature. Besides, ten experts in the field of counseling were selected based on convenience sampling to check the content validity. ResultsThe 12 selected studies included a total number of 508 participants and 120 references. Six studies (50%) were quantitative, two (16.66%) were mixed-methods, and four (33.33%) were qualitative. The thematic analysis of the studies is discussed in the following table.   Table 1: Main themes and sub-themes of research systematic review in Children of divorceMain themessub-themesNegative psychological experiencesNegative communication stylePsychological disordersEmotional problemsCognitive problemsBehavioral problemsMarriage problems  Negative sociological experiencesFinancial Problems Educational-occupational problems Cultural problems    Negative family experiencesInstability of the family environment Family breakup  The thematic analysis led to the identification of three main themes and 11 sub-themes. The content of counseling sessions was prepared in twelve weekly sessions for 60-90 minutes based on the themes obtained.After compiling the package, its content was given to ten experts. The index of content validity ratio of the educational package for girls of divorced parents obtained by Lawshe (1975) was 0.8, which was acceptable. Also, the content validity index estimated by Waltz, Strickland, and Lenz (2010) was 0.8. Regarding the reliability of the preventive program, a higher agreement coefficient means a higher reliability. The Kappa coefficient was used to measure the level of experts’ agreement on the whole program, indicating 71%  agreement between raters, i.e.,  acceptable inter-rater reliability. DiscussionThe purpose of this study was to study the research background of adult children with parental divorce and to develop a premarital educational counseling package for girls with parental divorce on the brink of marriage from the experts’ perspective. Regarding the themes obtained from studies, the first theme, i.e., negative psychological experiences, included negative communication style, psychological disorders, emotional problems, cognitive problems, behavioral problems, and marriage problems. Self-awareness, differentiation, attributional styles, self-expression, and marriage preparation were taught during the package compilation to solve the mentioned problems.In other words, previous studies revealed little trust in relationships, low commitment in relationships, incompatibility in relationships, avoidance of relationships, and difficulty in establishing future relationships in adult children of divorce (Segage, 2021). Also, psychological disorders such as anxiety disorder (Michaud, 2020) and depression along with emotional problems such as sadness and jealousy (Segage, 2021), confusion, distress, and loneliness (Schaan et al., 2019) are seen in children of divorce. Therefore, it is necessary to prevent negative attributions and behaviors such as delinquent behavior, isolation and revenge, domestic violence and anger, and marriage problems such as low stability in romantic relationships, lack of expectation for the formation of a romantic relationship, fear from marriage, caution in marriage, strictness in choosing a spouse.Overall, findings indicated that children of divorce have negative experiences that affect individual functions, including behavioral, cognitive, emotional, physical, communication, family, and sociological functions such as financial, occupational, and cultural. In fact, childhood experiences and maturity changes provided the ground for the transfer of insecure attachment to adult romantic relationships. However, if the children receive counseling sessions, they will have better feelings and more prosperous relationships. Therefore, attending to this vulnerable group and developing counseling packages for social support was necessary, which was addressed in the present study.    
