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انواع ادبی اگرچه در دامن چند گونه برجسته مانند حماسی، غنایی و تعلیمی جمع می شوند، هریک تقسیمات جزئی تر و گونه های ظریف و دلپذیری دارند که این دانش ادبی را جذّاب می کند. همین فراوانی گونه ها، گاه به فراموشی و ناشناختگی برخی از انواع ادبی انجامیده است. یکی از این گونه ها «هفت قاپی» و شکل های مختلف آن است که اینک در این مقاله به معرفی و تشریح نمونه های گوناگون آن پرداخته ایم. این مقاله که بر بنیان تحلیلی توصیفی و منبع پژوهی مستقیم استوار است، سرانجام دوازده گونه از این نوع ادبی را شناسایی و معرفی کرده است. نتایج نشان می دهد که شکل های مختلفی از «چهارقاپی» تا «دوازده قدم» در این نوع ادبی وجود دارد و قاپی چراغ از میان شکل های آن، برجستگی نمایانی دارد و قالب مدّنظر شاعران قاپی سرا، بیش از هر قالب دیگر، مسمّط مُخمّس بوده است. «قاپی سرایی» یکی از انواع کاربردی شعر فارسی به شمار می آید. کاربردی ترین وجه آن برای تشرف به محضر پیر یا امامزاده ای محترم بوده است. به گونه ای که ما در این تحقیق دریافتیم شاه چراغ یک اصطلاح احترام آمیز صوفیه است، نه یک نامگذاری عامیانه. چکیده انواع ادبی اگرچه در دامن چندگونه ی برجسته نظیر حماسی، غنایی و تعلیمی جمع می شوند، هر یک دارای تقسیمات جزء تر و گونه های ظریف و دلپذیری هستند که این دانش ادبی را جذّاب می کند. همین فراوانی گونه ها، گاه به فراموشی و ناشناختگی برخی از انواع ادبی انجامیده است. یکی از این گونه ها «هفت قاپی» و شکل های مختلف آن است که اینک در این مقاله به معرفی و تشریح نمونه های گوناگون آن پرداخته ایم. این مقاله که بر بنیان تحلیلی – توصیفی و منبع پژوهی مستقیم استوار است، در نهایت دوازده گونه از این نوع ادبی را شناسایی و معرفی کرده است. نتایج نشان می دهد که شکل های مختلفی از چهارقاپی تا دوازده قدم در این نوع ادبی وجود دارد و قاپی چراغ از میان شکل های آن برجستگی نمایانی دارد و قالب موردنظر شاعران قاپی سرا، بیش از هر قالب دیگر، مسمّط مُخمّس بوده است. «قاپی سرایی» یکی از انواع کاربردی شعر فارسی به حساب می آید. کلید واژه: هفت قاپی، انواع ادبی، قاپی گشایی، آیین سلوک.

Haft Qaapi, a New Literary Genre and its Different Forms

  Although different literary genres can be gathered into three known groups of epic, lyric, and allegory, each category also has more specific divisions and subtle and pleasant types that make literature attractive. This abundance of types has sometimes led to forgetting other genres. One of these genres is Haft Qaapi and its different forms, which we have introduced and explained its various aspects in this study. This research, which is based on descriptive-analytical and direct reference researching methods, eventually found and introduced twelve forms of this genre. The results show that different forms of this genre exist, from Chaar Qaapi to Davaazdah Qadam, and Qaapi Cheraq is prominent among its forms. In addition, Musamat Makhams is the most popular poetic form among the poets of this genre. Qaapi Soraayi is also one of the practical forms of Persian poetry. The most practical aspect of it is to visit an old man. As we found in this research, Shah Cheragh is a respectful term for Sufi, not a popular name.   Keywords: Haft Qaapi, Literary Forms, Qaapi Goshayi, Ayiin-e-Solook.   Introduction Literary genres and their knowledge are among the prestigious literary sciences. Undoubtedly, the pleasantness and sweetness of knowledge of literary types are due to its subtle sub-categories that are placed inside its bigger categories which consist of epic, lyrical, and allegory literature. The abundance of the genres and gathering them into bigger categories sometimes led to forgetting some of them. The books and articles which were written on this topic (i.e. literary genres) usually contain similar content, and their differences in introducing strange and rare genres are few. As a result of this, introducing uncommon genres is of high importance. One of these genres that is less noticed in Persian literature is Haft Qaapi or Haft Qadam. In the present study, we try to properly introduce this literary genre based on a few newly found examples in manuscripts. The two questions of this research are: 1) What is Haft Qaapi literary genre? 2) Which poetic forms does it use and where and when is it used?   Materials and Methods This study is done through library research by direct reference researching methods. Considering that only a few references reflect this literary genre, most of our research has been in manuscripts, and in addition to that, we have benefited from the Solouk Name (behavior books), Maraam Naameh (Manifesto), and Fotovat Nameh (books regarding Chivalry).   Research Findings Haft Qaapi is a literary genre because its foundation is based on poetry. However, in the design of Haft Qaapi, verses of the Quran , hadiths of the infallibles, and famous sayings of mystics and Sufism are also used in it. But, as mentioned earlier, it does not necessarily use a poetic form.  According to the examples that we provided in this study, we see three content areas which are: 1) Praising the innocent imams and religious elders, 2) Praising the kings and political rulers, and 3) Respect to the sheiks and elders of mystics and Sufism. In addition, the most popular forms of this type of literary genre are Haft Qaapi or Haft Ghadam, Davaazdah Ghadam, Chaar Qaapi, Qaapi Bastan, and Qaapi Goshaayi. The poetic forms of Mokhammas and Qaapi Cheraq are more noticeable than others. Our most prominent findings in this study are as follows: Molla Zabih’s Haft Qaapi Cheragh Haft Qaapi (Molla Naqdi’s Haft Qaapi) Molla Saael Baqli’s Haft Ghadam Qaapi Bastan and Qaapi Goshayi CharQaapi (Mansoor or in English Prose) Quran Haft Qaapi Cheraqi Chahar sham (four candles) Haft Qaapi. Cheraqi Do Sajde Haft Qaapi Kaateb’s (scribe) Davazdah (12) Qadam Mokhamas Davazdah (12) Qadam Molla Naqdi’s Davazdah (12) Qadam It is clear that each of these types is represented with descriptions and divisions.   Discussion of Results and Conclusions It is clear that there is a deep and unbreakable connection between mysticism and Sufism and Persian poetry. In the meantime, important and well-known Sufi groups do not use any art as much as they use poetry. We cannot easily find an iconic mystic that isn’t a poet or at least doesn’t have a direct and meaningful relationship with literature and poetry. This is why special literary genres are born from this delightful connection. But because mysticism is noticeably away from selfishness and ostentation and aims for selflessness, it is not impossible that it does not aim to prove these genres. Now, the literary genre of Haft Qaapi and its different forms are also the same. Haft Qaapi, considering its vast diversity, can be a leading literary genre and also be a sub-group of mysticism. Another issue that is worth noting is that Haft Qaapi is a practical literary genre that was recurringly performed in the format of mysticism behavioral ceremonies at holy places such as religious grandees’ courts or monasteries not long ago. Many incorrupt people have memorized a good amount of these poems, and probably performed them with enjoyable voices like a ballad for interested audiences
