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در دوران معاصر و به دلیل دگرگونی های فراوان در آفرینش های هنری، تعداد اندکی از هنرمندان هستند که به بازتولید برخی از نمادهای خاص اهتمام دارند. از مهم ترین این هنرمندان، ژازه طباطبایی نقاش و مجسمه ساز است که به شیوه خاص خود برخی از نمادهای مهم و کهن ایرانی را بازمی آفریند؛ مانند شیروخورشید، اسب و مرغ آدم ها و غیره . در این مقاله چگونگی بهره گیری ژازه از این نمادها بررسی می-شود؛ این نمادها همان نشان و محتوای سابق را بیان نمی کند، بلکه به گونه ای طنزآمیز نمایان و در این خلال برخی مفاهیم سابق به هجو گرفته می شود. یعنی ژازه مطابق با زمانه خویش و فرهنگ معاصر و البته نوع نگاه ویژه خود نمادها را به کار می گیرد و آنچه مشخص است این که در همه نمادها و نشانه های آثار ژازه ردپای تانیث و زنانگی فرم و محتوا غالب است؛ البته به عنوان عنصری از دست رفته که به زبان نمادین هنرمند با این نگاه که جای خالی آن در عصر ما احساس می شود بیان می گردد. نمادهای آثار ژازه عمدتاً در قالب دو هنرِ نقاشی و حجم سازی رخ می نماید؛ در نقاشی های او نگاه زنانه را به وضوح بیشتری می توان دریافت اما در آثار حجمی او گونه ای شوخی و به هجوگرفتن نمادهای سابق مشاهده می شود.

The Symbols in Jaze Tabatabaie’s Artworks

In during Contemporary, its few of artists for numerous changes in artistic creation who have cared to reproduce some special symbols. In fact, these symbols are minor contain to the Beliefs, cultures and values of people in the country. One of the most important artists is Jazeh Tabatabaie, Painter and sculptor, devoting Significant share to review of symbols. He recreated some of the symbols by it specific manner such as Lion and Sun, Horses and Bird_Humans, etc. In this article, the method of the use by Jazeh Tabatabaie was considered. These symbols do not explain the old sign and the old content. In contrast, it appears to Humorous shape. During, the some former of the concept was satirized. It means that according whit it time, it Contemporary culture and it special look symbol was applied by Jazeh Tabatabai. Obviously, there are feminine forms in all of the Jazeh artifacts. Course, as missing element that in artist symbol language, in view that is felt a room in our time, was explained. Break symbols of jazeh down to two parts of Visual Arts; Painting and sculpture. It can clearly elicit female view in painting works, but it can observe Humor and satire the former symbols in sculpture works. In addition, this way, it can observe modern view of Jazeh.the form and modern shape was used for this method. In this specific view can use to limitless from material that not used in classical sculpture such as iron, and it observe both be pre-built and ready. Moreover, it clearly was observed specific style and personally signs. In fact, everything counts pure art of the Jazeh the manner of symbols transmutation in grouping the pieces together and connecting the piece. finally, create the artistic configuration and lovely. Thing that begain in iranian art by Jaze Tabatabaie. Those symbols determine living and Jaze’s tangible thinking for Iranian contacts. Jaze’s symbols are bridges between artist and people who create for them. Jaze could create Iranian traditional space and spirit, in modern form by new materials and Ready things in his sculptures and also kind of his brush’s action on canvas by his specific style. He can to keeping alive his name in Iranian art history. In fact, Jaze’s language is Iranian artist’s language in his contemporary world.But what will be clear from general viewpoint of Jaze’s artworks, its figurative and popular style that became familiar and palpable his artworks for Iranian people, because his favorable using from familiar symbols. He create witty animals and creatures by iron and metals that nowadays obtain appropriate position in Iranian art history. Of course this style apparented in work of other artists too, but in Iran beginning of this style did start by Jaze Tabatabaie. Himself learned its during the traveling Europe and from him europen teathers and artists as Julio Gonzalez. He could to Iranianized up that style very well. Certainly secret of this successful work is using from historical, populist and familiar symbols and signs in Jaze’s artworks.
