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ارزیابی عملکرد شهرداری ها یکی از ابزارهای اساسی و اصلی مدیریت صحیح شهر جهت تحقق اهداف، استراتژی ها و برنامه ریزی های آن نهاد می باشد در این راستا، هدف پژوهش حاضر ارزیابی عملکرد شهرداری های 11 نقطه شهری استان لرستان و رتبه بندی آن ها بر اساس شاخص های استاندارد تدوین شده است. نوع تحقیق کاربردی، روش بکار گرفته شده توصیفی- تحلیلی، ابزار گردآوری داده ها، مبتنی بر منابع اسنادی و کتابخانه ای است. شاخص های مورد مطالعه؛ در قالب تکنیک های FTOPSIS و SWOT-AHP مورد تجزیه وتحلیل قرار گرفتند. یافته های حاصله از تکنیک تاپسیس فازی منعکس کننده این مطلب است که در بخش حوزه شهرسازی و ماده صد؛ شهرستان خرم آباد، در بخش امور قراردادها و ترافیک و حمل ونقل شهرستان بروجرد، در بخش امور مالی شهرستان الیگودرز، در بخش حوزه خدمات شهری و حوزه اداری شهرستان خرم آباد و درنهایت در بخش مصوبات شوراها شهرستان الیگودرز در جایگاه های نخست واقع شده اند. نتایج حاصل از عوامل داخلی و بیرونی نشان می دهد که در بین نقاط فرصت ها، O2(بهره گیری از نیروی تحصیل کرده متخصص)، در بین نقاط قوت ها S1(وجود طرح های مصوب شهری در نقاط شهری موردمطالعه) در بین نقاط تهدیدها T2 (عدم وجود منابع درآمدی پایدار کافی) و درنهایت در بین نقاط ضعف ها W4(عدم رسیدگی مناسب به تخلفات مهندسین ناظر) بیشترین تأثیرگذاری را بر تدوین نوع راهبردهای چهارگانه داشته اند. بررسی اثر تغییرات وزنی چهار معیار اصلی و تأثیر آن ها بر نتایج در محیط نرم افزار Expert Choice، بیانگر آن است که راهبردهای مربوط به ST دارای بیشترین حساسیت و راهبرد WT دارای کمترین حساسیت عملکرد شهرداری ها برای مدیریت شهرها می باشد.

Performance Evaluation of Lorestan Municipalities and their Ranking Based on Standard Indicators

Evaluating the performance of municipalities is one of the main tools of proper city management to achieve the goals, strategies and plans of the institution. In this regard, the purpose of the the study is to evaluate the performance of municipalities in 11 urban areas of Lorestan province and rank them based on standard indicators. Has been. The type of applied research is the descriptive-analytical method used; the data collection tool is based on documentary sources and libraries. Study indicators; They were analyzed using FTOPSIS and SWOT-AHP techniques. The findings of the fuzzy TOPSIS technique reflect the fact that in the field of urban planning and Article 100; Khorramabad city, in the section of contracts and traffic and transportation of Boroujerd city, in the financial affairs section of Aligoudarz city, in the municipal services and administrative area of ​​Khorramabad city and finally in the council approvals section of Aligudarz city is in the first place. The results of internal and external factors show that among the points of opportunity, O2 (utilization of specialized educated manpower), among the strengths S1 (existence of approved urban plans in the studied urban areas) among the points of threat T2 (lack of sustainable sources of income) Finally, among the weaknesses, W4 (lack of proper handling of violations by supervising engineers) had the greatest impact on the formulation of the four strategies. Examining the effect of weight changes on the four main criteria and their effect on the results in the Expert Choice software environment indicates that ST-related strategies have the highest sensitivity and WT strategy has the lowest sensitivity of municipal performance for city management. Introduction Measuring performance in the public sector and improving performance is one of the most important issues in the management of public organizations and can improve targeting and resource allocation in organizations. In other words, one of the most important factors for the success of organizations is evaluating the performance of that organization; therefore, it is necessary to use a system in performance appraisal in which all financial and non-financial dimensions of the organization are measured. The international community has come to the conclusion that the main problem of urban management is not the lack of financial resources or manpower, but the main problem in the way these factors are managed. Nevertheless, the comprehensive and sustainable development of the city will be implemented when the citizens are satisfied with the performance of the municipal organization, and the citizens' satisfaction will cause them to be actively involved in performing their duties and responsibilities, and citizen participation as the main axis. Decision making should be considered. The present study seeks to answer the question of the research on the situation of municipalities in Lorestan province in terms of performance indicators. The hypothesis formulated for this question is that the performance of the studied municipalities in the province is not in a good condition. Methodology The method used; Descriptive-analytical is based on documentary sources. The collection tools include performance evaluation checklists of the municipalities of the province, which have been compiled in different areas of performance evaluation. The statistical population of this research consists of 11 municipalities in the city centers; They include (Azna, Aleshtar, Aligoudarz, Boroujerd, Poldakhtar, Choghabel, Khorramabad, Doroud, Sarab Dourah, Kouhdasht and Nourabad). Ranking methods such as fuzzy TOPSIS were used to analyze the data. In this regard, seven standard criteria with a variety of non-criteria were examined and analyzed. In order to achieve the objectives of the research, the SWOT-AHP technique was used to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats affecting the performance of municipalities. Results and discussion In this study, 158 indicators were used to evaluate the performance of municipalities in Lorestan province, and fuzzy TOPSIS was used to analyze them. Also, using SWOT method, internal and external factors effective in evaluating the performance of Lorestan municipalities were evaluated. In this regard, the research results showed; In the Article 100 section, the cities of Khorramabad, Aligoudarz and Kouhdasht had the best performance, but the cities of Dourah and Romeshkan were in the last places due to poor management. In terms of contracts, the cities of Boroujerd, Khorramabad and Aligoudarz have the best performance, respectively, and the cities of Dourah, Poldokhtar and Romeshkan are in an unsuitable position, which shows their poor performance in this sector. Boroujerd, Khorramabad and Aligoudarz are in the first place in terms of traffic and transportation. In the field of urban services, cities are evaluated by TOPSIS model, which Aligoudarz, Khorramabad and Kouhdasht occupy the first to third ranks, but the cities of the period, Romeshkan are in the last positions and are among the most deprived cities in terms of urban services. . In the administrative section, Khorramabad with a score of 0.11450 was in the first place, Boroujerd with a score of 0.1046 in the second place and Aligoudarz with a score of 0.1103 in the third place. On the other hand, Dourah and Romeshkan are also in the last place. In the section of council approvals, Aligoudarz with 0.1132 points was in the first place, Khorramabad with 0.110 points was in the second place and Kouhdasht city was in the third place. Also, the most important weaknesses, strengths, opportunities and threats facing and affecting the performance of municipalities were extracted and evaluated, based on pairwise comparisons between the four research options (SO, ST, WO, WT) and each of the points. Weaknesses, strengths, opportunities and threats and normalization of comparisons and numbers assigned to them by experts and experts and done in the Expert choice software environment . Conclusion Based on standard indicators, the performance of all municipalities was evaluated. In the Article 100 section, the performance of all municipalities was evaluated. Among these, the cities of  Khorramabad, Aligoudarz and Kouhdasht have the best performance. The cities of the period and Romeshkan are in the last positions due to poor management Among the studied cities; The cities that have been able to perform well in the field of contracts can be mentioned the cities of Boroujerd, Khorramabad and Aligoudarz, respectively, which have achieved the best performance among the cities under measurement, and on the other hand, the cities of Dura, Poldakhtar and The Romans are in an unfavorable position in terms of contract matters. In the traffic and transportation sector of Boroujerd city; In the financial area of ​​Aligudarz; in the field of urban services of Khorramabad city; Khorramabad city administration and finally Aligudarz city councils have had the best performances. On the other hand, the results of internal and external factors show that ST-related strategies have the highest sensitivity and WT strategy has the lowest sensitivity of municipal performance for city management. The most important findings based on the calculations made using the SWOT model reflect that ST-related strategies have the highest sensitivity and WT strategy has the lowest sensitivity of municipal performance for city management.The totality of the proposed strategies of the mentioned plan is as follows: Provide the necessary conditions to strengthen learning and growth within the organization through training and development of human resources; Making the necessary improvements in work processes; - Use of various international perspectives to increase the proper safety of roads and intersections in the city; -Creating the necessary conditions to strengthen the responsibility of municipal employees in order to strengthen the condition of citizens by providing faster and better services; Organizing training workshops to familiarize municipal employees with citizenship rights and the need to provide better services; - Increasing the supervision of the performance of city managers despite the approved plans in the cities and observing the notes in Article 100; Timely collection of garbage and municipal waste to increase tourism and existing potentials in cities; -Using the advantage of overlap and integration in order to gain environmental opportunities and meet the will of the people; -Creating the necessary conditions to strengthen the responsibility of municipal employees in order to strengthen the condition of citizens by providing faster and better services; - Preparation of a comprehensive plan for evaluating the performance of the municipality in terms of the degree of accountability to the people .
