نگرشی نو به شمارواژه های مرکب در زبان فارسی: رویکرد صرف ساخت (مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
درجه علمی: نشریه علمی (وزارت علوم)
یکی از مقوله های زبانی که در باورهای اعتقادی و اجتماعی جامعه ریشه دارد، عدد است. ترکیب در زبان فارسی زایاترین فرایند واژه سازی است. در زبان فارسی نیز با استفاده از اعداد ترکیب های فراوانی ساخته می شود که شمارواژه نامیده می شوند. این مقاله از منظر انگاره صرف ساخت به تحلیل الگوهای واژه سازی [عدد X] در زبان فارسی می پردازد و تنوعات معنایی، عمومی ترین طرح واره ساختی ناظر بر عملکرد این الگوی واژه سازی و نیز ساختار سلسله مراتبی آن ها را در واژگان گویشوران فارسی بررسی می کند. روش پژوهش توصیفی تحلیلی و تعداد داده ها بالقوه بی نهایت است (از آنجا که اعداد بی نهایت اند، ساخت هایی که با عدد ساخته می شوند نیز بالقوه بی نهایت هستند). داده های این پژوهش از پایگاه داده های زبان فارسی، شبکه هستان شناسی فارس نت، پیکره بی جن خان، فرهنگ زانسو، فرهنگ سخن، پیکره وب و وبگاه ویکی پدیای فارسی گردآوری شده اند. یافته های پژوهش گویای آن است که یک طرح واره ساختی عمومی و چندین زیرطرح واره فرعی، ناظر بر ساخت ترکیبات «عدد» هستند و مفهوم «ویژگی متمایزکننده هستار مرتبط با معنای عدد و X» انتزاعی ترین هم بستگی صورت و معنای قابل برداشت از این الگوست. این مطلب بیانگر آن است که الگوی [عدد X] از اساس ساختی با کارکرد چندگانه است. به سخن دیگر، چندمعنایی که در این جا با آن روبه رو هستیم نه در سطح واژه های عینی، بلکه در سطح ساخت ها و طرح واره های انتزاعی قابل تبیین است. همچنین، نتایج نشان داد معنای اجزای ساخت و رابطه آن ها، دانش دانش نامه ای، بافت و همچنین استعاره و مجاز مفهومی، نقش بسزایی در تعیین معنای شمارواژه های صفتی مرکب دارند.A New Viewpoint to Numeral Compounds in Persian: Construction Morphology Approach
All languages in the world use different mechanisms to create new words. compounding is a morphological process whose main function is the formation of new word-forms. In Persian, compounding is the most productive morphological process. One of the compound words is numeral ones; a numeral in the broadest sense is a word or phrase that describes a numerical quantity. The main purpose of this research is to study the compound numeral construction [Num X] in Persian within the framework of Construction Morphology (CM) to investigate its semantic variations, the most general schema and subschemas. The data analyzed in this study has been gathered from six sources: Reverse Dictionary (Zansu) (Keshani, 1993), Persian Linguistic Database (PLDB), FarsNet, Farhang-e Bozorg-e Sokhan (Anvari, 2002), Google and Persian Wikipedia. The findings of the research show that [Num X] has different meanings (functions) and thus we can consider it as a polysemous construct. Its polysemy is not explainable at the level of words, but at the level of abstract schemas; hence, it is called ‘constructional/ logical polysemy’. The results of this study indicate that ‘distinctive property of an entity related to SEM Number and X” is the prototypical meaning of [Num X] which is the most abstract correlation among meaning and form in Persian language.
1. Introduction
Traditionally, word formation consists of two processes: derivation and compounding (Booij, 2007, p.24). Greenberg (1963, p.92) says: "it is probable that no language exists without compounding, derivation, or both. A significant number of languages exist without inflection, but without compounding or derivation, probably not." Given this level of productivity, this process holds a special place in the morphology of every language and has garnered considerable attention from grammarians and linguists.
Numerous studies have addressed compounding in the Persian language, but numeral compounds have not received much attention. In this study, by examining these compounds and providing schemas and sub-schemas for Persian numeral compounds, and analyzing them within the framework of Construction Morphology, we will map the hierarchical relationship of schemas and sub-schemas of numeral compound constructions [Num X]. This will help us to derive a potential model for classifying these constructions within the mental lexicon of Persian speakers.
Research Question(s)
The main question of the present study is how, based on the theory of Construction Morphology (Booij, 2010), can we consider the numeral compounds as constructions and analyze the semantic variations in the constructions?
2. Literature Review
The theoretical framework of this study follows Construction Morphology (CM) (Booij 2010).
The aim of the theory is a better understanding of the grammar of words, as well as the relation between syntax, morphology, and the lexicon. In the framework the notion ‘construction’, a pairing of form and meaning, as developed in the theory of Construction Grammar, is essential for an insightful account of the properties of complex words. Morphological patterns can be represented as constructional schemas that express generalizations about sets of existing complex words and word forms, and provide the recipes for coining new (forms of) words.
One of the issues discussed in this theory is compounding. According to Booij's definition (2007, p.75) compound word is as a combination of two or more words. He divided compounds in to five kinds and argued that some compounds what have been called exocentric compounds or bahuvrihi compounds are a specific semantic category of endocentric compounds based on metonymic language use. One category of compounds is numerical compounds, which are combinations of a number and a noun. These compounds are also metonymical endocentric compounds and refer to someone or something characterized by a specific and prominent feature. The present study follows the numeral compound construction; that is [Num X], in the framework of Construction Morphology to investigate its semantic variations, the most general schema and subschemas.
3. Methodology
In this study, we analyzed the nonverbal adjectival compound constructions, following the construction [Num X] in Persian and illustrated the schemas and sub-schemas of the constructions. In all the data of this research, numbers function as adjectives and are used for an entity description. The data for this research were extracted from the following sources: Reverse Dictionary (Zansu) (Keshani, 1993), Persian Linguistic Database (PLDB), FarsNet, Farhang-e Bozorg-e Sokhan (Anvari, 2002), Google and Persian Wikipedia. Since numbers are infinite, constructions formed with numbers are also potentially infinite. For example, the word "seven hundred" in the compound ‘seven hundred-legged’, although it may not exist in the real world, can be constructed based on the infinite nature of numbers and a schematic perspective.
4. Result
The present study aimed to examine the semantic variations of the nonverbal adjectival compound constructions to determine the general constructional schema and sub-schemas governing the [[Num] [X]] construction within the framework of construction morphology. The issue observed after the semantic classification of the compounds was the semantic variations, particularly in numerals constructed with the numbers "one" and "two." Analyses showed that the numbers "one" and "two" in some numeral compounds do not appear with their literal meaning (mathematical number), but rather acquire a metonymical meaning. These two numbers, appearing with a metonymic meaning in combinations with the meaning of the constituent X (which in some cases is conceptualized metaphorically) and the construction, resulting in a new meaning formed by the [[Num] [X]] construction.
It was also noted that this semantic variation and metaphorical and metonymic mechanisms are not present in numbers larger than "two." However, all compounds constructed with numbers share two concepts: "attribute" and "possession." Given that all countable nouns can be enumerated with the number one and other counted numbers and distinguished from each other, the [[number] [X]] construction is productive and potentially infinite.
Furthermore, it was determined that semantic variations and the formation of numeral compounds constructed with the numbers "one" and "two" can be attributed to a polysemic approach at the level of abstract schemas. Additionally, it was revealed that there is a general constructional schema and five sub-schemas for adjectival compounds with the number "one" and a general constructional schema and two sub-schemas for the number "two," corresponding to the construction [[one] [X]] and [[two] [X]]. Moreover, the primary concept of " distinctive property of an entity related to SEM Number and X” is the prototypical meaning derivable from the [[Num [X]] constructions. Finally, the findings of this study indicated that the main function of this construction is to distinguish one entity from another related to the meaning of the number and X.