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علی اکبر جباری


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Evidence for the Linguistic Proximity Model in the Learning of English Present Perfect Tense by Speakers of L1 Kirundi and L2 French(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: crosslinguistic influence foreign language learning parsing Temporal Category linguistic transfer

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۵۸ تعداد دانلود : ۴۲
Studies that have employed the Linguistic Proximity Model to account for crosslinguistic influence in third language learning so far have used child simultaneous bilinguals as participants in their research designs. This study investigated adult sequential Kirundi-French bilinguals to uncover factors driving cross-linguistic influence in learning L3 English present perfect tense using the same Linguistic Proximity Model as a theoretical framework. To achieve that goal, ninety participants including thirty L1 Kirundi, thirty L1 French, and thirty L1 Kirundi-L2 French learners of English were recruited. Those participants were selected using a stratified random sampling technique that took into account their linguistic backgrounds and their scores on the proficiency measure. Data were elicited using a background questionnaire, a quick placement test, a grammaticality judgment task, and a translation task. Descriptive statistics, independent-samples Kruskal-Wallis tests, analysis of variance, and multiple comparisons served in the data analysis. The results showed that simultaneous facilitative and non-facilitative cross-linguistic influence from French and Kirundi were operational at both lower and advanced stages of L3 development, with lower-proficiency learners experiencing negative influence from L1 Kirundi during production. These findings further support the Linguistic Proximity Model as an underlying theory for cross-linguistic influence in third-language learning. They can also serve as a guide in planning pedagogical activities for third language learners at differing stages of the target language development. 

Motivation in Simultaneous Multiple Foreign Language Learning in Burundi: A Complex Dynamic Systems Theory Perspective(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: motivation Complex Dynamic Systems Theory Changes in motivation motivational factors Multilingualism

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۱۰۲ تعداد دانلود : ۱۰۰
Drawing on qualitative research, this study explored, from a complex dynamic systems theory perspective, the motivation of Burundi junior high school students simultaneously learning L2 French, L3s English and Kiswahili. It aimed to fill the gap in research on (1) changes in motivational dynamics and factors responsible for any fluctuations in the levels of motivation over time and (2) complex interactions between different learner variables among multiple language learners. Twelve school pupils who were all Kirundi native speakers participated in this study. Retrospective interviews were used to collect data relating to the students’ multilingual learning experiences over the period of their formal education. The findings indicated that the intensity of learning each target language fluctuated over time, with English generally enjoying the highest increase and Kiswahili the lowest and that different factors were responsible for such dynamic changes. Besides, complex interactions between the students’ L1, L2, and L3s linguistic knowledge and their foreign language learning motivations were revealed. These results indeed highlight the complex and dynamic nature of motivation in learning multiple languages. In light of these findings, practical implications are discussed based on the Burundi educational context.

Acquisition of L3 English Attributive Adjectives by Arabic-Persian and Persian-Arabic Bilinguals(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: Cross-linguistic influence English Attributive Adjectives Third Language Learning Language of Communication language transfer

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تعداد بازدید : ۴۶ تعداد دانلود : ۳۹
The goal of the present study was to realize whether L1 (first language) or L2 (second language) affects the third language (L3) learning. Three mirror-image groups learning English were compared, as early learners of sequential Persian-Arabic bilinguals. The first group used L1 Persian-L2 Arabic languages. The second and the third groups used L1 Arabic-L2 Persian languages. Moreover, the first and the second groups used Persian, and the third group used Arabic as a language of communication. The Oxford Quick Placement Test (OQPT) was administered to select initial L3 English learners. Sixty English learners participated in the study. The translation task and Grammaticality Judgment Test were administered to elicit English attributive adjectives. To compare the performances of the three groups, the non-parametric equivalent of One-Way ANOVA, which was the Kruskal-Wallis test, was used. Mann-Whitney U tests were applied to recognize the probably significant differences among groups. None of the Cumulative Enhancement Model (CEM), the L1 Factor Hypotheses, the L2 Status Factor, and the Typological Primacy Model was confirmed. However, the influence of the dominant language of communication on L3 learning supported data. Groups one and two had better performances in the comprehension and production of attributive adjectives. Group three obtained the lowest mean score. This study lets us determine the influence of earlier acquired languages, Persian and Arabic, on the initial stage of learning L3 English attributive adjectives. The results indicate that the language of communication has a substantial effect on transferring from the first and second languages into the L3 language.  

Junior Secondary School Students’ Motivation for Learning Multiple Foreign Languages in Burundi: A Cross-sectional Study

کلید واژه ها: L2 motivation L2 motivational self - system school grade simultaneous multiple language learning

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۹۴ تعداد دانلود : ۹۰
This study investigated the motivation of Burundi junior secondary school students learning simultaneously three foreign languages: French, English, and Kiswahili. A 65-item questionnaire was employed to sample the views of 348 (grade 7 through 9) learners from state schools. Using Dörnyei’s (2009) L2 motivational self-system as the main theoretical framework, this study specifically explored temporal changes in L2 motivation of the participants over the three-year period across the three target languages. In doing so, the present study adopted a quantitative research design with a cross-sectional approach and the obtained data were analysed by means of descriptive and inferential statistics namely a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and stepwise multiple regression analyses. Statistical analyses were computed using SPSS - version 22. The results indicated that there were significant differences in most of the measured motivational scales across the three languages with ninth grade students scoring significantly lower than their peers from lower school grades. Moreover, the results revealed that L2 learning experience and ideal L2 self were the two variables that respectively predicted most the students’ intended effort to learn each language. One school grade-related difference was that international posture appeared as a significant factor among seventh grade students in relation to French learning and among ninth grade pupils regarding English learning. Another finding, which was unexpected, was that English (L3) appeared to be the most popular foreign language among these students. In the light of the results, pedagogical implications are discussed based on the socio-educational context of Burundi.

Acquisition of L3 English Past Perfect, Present Progressive, and Present Perfect Tenses by L1 Kirundi-L2 French Bilinguals

کلید واژه ها: Psychological Multilingualism Third Language Acquisition Linguistic Proximity Model Temporal Category EFL Learners

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۹۹ تعداد دانلود : ۷۶
This study employed the Linguistic Proximity Model (LPM) to investigate the effect of cross-linguistic influence (CLI), target language proficiency as well as their interaction in the acquisition of L3 English past perfect, present progressive, and present perfect tenses by L1 Kirundi-L2 French bilinguals. In that perspective, 90 learners including 30 L1 Kirundi-L2 English bilinguals, 30 L1 French-L2 English bilinguals, and 30 L1 Kirundi-L2 French-L3 English trilinguals completed an Oxford Quick Placement Test, a Background Information Questionnaire, and a Grammaticality Judgment Task. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, multivariate analysis of variance, post hoc comparisons, and independent sample tests. Results revealed that neither Kirundi nor French exerted an exclusive influence in the L3 past perfect and present progressive tenses. However, concerning the L3 present perfect, the results indicated a significantly facilitative effect from L2 French.  The results showed also a significant effect of target language proficiency: while lower-proficiency learners experienced a relatively negative influence from previous languages, higher-proficiency learners utilized their complex multicompetence to overcome difficulties linked to structural differences. Besides structural similarity reported in the already existing L3A studies, the findings herein point to L3 learners’ complex multicompetence as a new factor capable of driving CLI in the LPM framework.

Implicit Theories of Intelligence and Corrective Feedback Preferences(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: Oral corrective feedback corrective feedback preferences language mindset implicit theories Learners’ beliefs

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۱۱۸ تعداد دانلود : ۸۸
Considering the facilitative role of corrective feedback in language learning, the impact of learners’ noticing on its effectiveness, and the significant contributions of individual attributes in learners’ noticing the corrective feedback, this study is designed to examine how learners’ implicit theories of intelligence (Mindset), an individual attribute, predict their preferences for oral corrective feedback (henceforth, OCF). A total of 143 Iranian EFL learners participated in the study. The participants were assigned to groups of fixed mindset (N=26) and growth mindset (N=26) based on their scores on Language Mindset Inventory (LMI) scale. The data obtained from the questionnaires were analyzed quantitatively. The results indicated that there were significant differences between the fixed-mindset and the growth-mindset groups in their beliefs toward some aspects of OCF. All in all, it can be claimed that language mindset (henceforth, LM) has a significant role in EFL learners’ beliefs about OCF. Pedagogical implications for considering learners’ LM in providing OCF are also discussed.

جستاری در تأثیر کمال گرایی بر مهارت شنیداری زبان دوم با درنظرگرفتن نقش میانجی خودکارآمدی و راهبردهای فراشناختی شنیداری به روش تحلیل چندبخشی میانجی چندگانه(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: کمال گرایی چندوجهی خودکارآمدی راهبردهای فراشناختی شنیداری تحلیل خوشه ای تحلیل چندبخشی میانجی چندگانه نظریه مجموعه های پیچیده

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۳۰۰ تعداد دانلود : ۱۹۹
پژوهش پیش رو به بررسی تأثیر کمال گرایی چندوجهی بر مهارت شنیداری زبان دوم از طریق متغیرهای میانجی خودکارآمدی و راهبردهای فراشناختی شنیداری با استفاده از مبانی نظریّه مجموعه های پیچیده پویا می پردازد. بدین منظور، 117 دانشجوی سال سوم و چهارم رشته های ترجمه زبان انگلیسی و ادبیّات انگلیسی پرسشنامه های کمال گرایی چندوجهی، خودکارآمدی و راهبردهای فراشناختی شنیداری را تکمیل کردند و در آزمون شنیداری «آیلتس» شرکت کردند. پس از جمع آوری داده ها، با استفاده از تحلیل خوشه ای، شرکت کنندگان پژوهش به سه گروه کمال گرایی (کمال گرایی سازگار، ناسازگار و غیرکمال گرا) تقسیم شدند. سپس با استفاده از تحلیل چندبخشی میانجی چندگانه، تأثیرهای مستقیم، غیرمستقیم و کلّی کمال گرایی بر مهارت شنیداری در قالب فرضیّه های پژوهش مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. نتایج نشان داد، کمال گراییِ سازگار تأثیر مستقیم معناداری بر خودکارآمدی و سه راهبرد فراشناختی شنیداری شناخت فردی، ترجمه ذهنی و حل مسأله دارد. کمال گرایی تأثیر مستقیم معناداری بر مهارت شنیداری و دو راهبرد فراشناختی برنامه ریزی و ارزیابی و توجّه هدایت شده نداشت. همچنین نتایج نشان داد، خودکارآمدی تأثیر مستقیم معناداری بر شناخت فردی و مهارت شنیداری دارد. در ارتباط با تأثیر نسبی غیر مستقیم و کلّی کمال گرایی با در نظر گرفتن متغیرهای میانجی خودکارآمدی و راهبردهای فراشناختی، نتایج معناداری به دست آمد و تحلیل چندبخشی میانجی چندگانه معنادار بود. این در حالی است که بدون در نظر گرفتن متغیرهای میانجی، ارتباط مستقیم معناداری بین کمال گرایی و مهارت شنیداری یافت نمی شد؛ بنابراین استفاده از متغیرهای میانجی نقش تعیین کننده ای در ارتباط بین کمال گرایی و مهارت شنیداری ایفا نمود. در انتها توصیّه های آموزشی این پژوهش ارائه می گردد.

An Investigation into Perfectionism, Self-Efficacy, Metacognitive Strategy Use, and Second Language Listening Comprehension: A Path Analysis Approach(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: econd Language Listening Comprehension Self-Efficacy metacognitive strategies perfectionism Path Analysis Approach

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۳۳۱ تعداد دانلود : ۳۴۱
Individual differences in personality traits can influence students' ability to learn a new language. Among the important personality traits, perfectionism has recently been the topic of investigation in second language acquisition research. Following this line of research, the current study aims at examining a path model linking dimensions of perfectionism to second language (L2) listening comprehension through mediating effects of subscales of self-efficacy along with the use of metacognitive listening strategy (MLS). A sample of 230 English as a foreign language (EFL) participants majoring in Translation studies and English Literature completed the perfectionism, general self-efficacy, and MLS questionnaires and took an IELTS listening comprehension test. The sample included 112 juniors (48.7 %), and 118 seniors (51.3 %) selected through convenience nonrandom sampling. Cluster analysis was used to identify three perfectionistic clusters: adaptive, maladaptive, and non-perfectionists. The results of a path analysis revealed that perfectionism and MLS use were the most significant variables in the proposed conceptual model. While correlational analyses in this study revealed significant relationships among self-efficacy components and listening comprehension, the overall total effects were not significant. Adaptive perfectionism significantly contributed to the MLS use and listening ability (LA). Perfectionism also contributed significantly to the effort and persistence self-efficacy components. In contrast, perfectionism did not significantly influence the initiative self-efficacy subscale. Implications of this study are discussed.

The Effect of Academic Context of Learning on L3 Acquisition of Iranian Bilinguals(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: Academic context of learning Language of contact instruction L2 status factor Cumulative enhancement model Typological primacy model

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۲۷۴ تعداد دانلود : ۱۴۸
The present study aimed to investigate the effect of learning context on the acquisition of plurality agreement in English noun phrases by Iranian L3 learners of English. To this end, 64 elementary learners of English were chosen from among the students of Arabic language and literature and Persian language and literature of Ahvaz university and Yazd university via the Oxford Quick Placement test. The participants were assigned to four groups to be compared in terms of the comprehension and production of plurality agreement via a grammaticality judgment correction task and a picture description task. The first and the second groups had Persian as their first language (L1) and Arabic as their second language (L2) but differed from each other concerning their language of contact instruction, Persian and Arabic, respectively. The third and fourth groups had Arabic as the L1 and Persian as the L2 but differed from each other concerning their language of contact instruction, Persian and Arabic, respectively. The results showed that the groups which had Arabic as their language of contact instruction outperformed the other groups in both tasks, which suggests that they transferred plurality agreement facilitatively from Arabic, which was their language of contact instruction. Therefore, the results of this study suggest that the context of learning matters in the acquisition of L3 properties since the L3 learners associate their language of contact instruction with the L3 in their mind due to the similarities in the learning context.

The Effect of Dominant Language of Communication on L3 Learning of Present Tense by Mazandarani-Persian Bilinguals(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: Cross-linguistic influence Cumulative enhancement model Dominant language of communication Simple present tense Typological Proximity Model

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۳۲۱ تعداد دانلود : ۱۰۲
The present study aimed to investigate Mazandarani-Persian Bilinguals' L3 learning of simple present tense to see whether their L1, L2, or dominant language of communication affect their L3 learning. To this end, 90 male and female students, with the mean age of 14.5 were selected from among the elementary L3 learners of English. The participants were assigned into three groups of L1 Mazandarani/L2 Persian/ L3 learners of English. The first group had Mazandarani as the dominant language of communication while the second and the third group had Persian as the dominant language of communication. The Grammaticality Judgment Task and Oral Translation Task were used to check the participants' production and comprehension of the target structure. The results of the Kruskal Wallis and the Mann Whitney U tests showed that the dominant language of communication, irrespective of its status as the first or second language, was the primary source of cross-linguistic influence in learning simple present tense at the initial stages of learning this tense.

Cross-linguistic Gender Differences in EFL Learners’ Pause Frequency and Duration(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: fluency gender differences Pause Duration Pause Frequency

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۳۱۵ تعداد دانلود : ۲۶۲
The present paper sought to investigate gender differences in the speech pauses made by Iranian bilingual (L1: Turkish and L2: Persian) learners of English as a foreign language (EFL). To this end, the pauses made by males and females were compared. Via an Oxford Placement test, a convenient sample of 40 bilingual advanced EFL male and female learners were selected from several English language institutes in Tehran, Iran. Three reading passages (English, Persian, and Turkish) were used to measure students’ fluency in terms of their speech pauses in the texts they read. As learners started to read the passages, their speeches were recorded. The collected data were analyzed by means of Praat Software. The data were analyzed in terms of the frequency and duration of the recorded pauses. The results indicated that that there were not any statistically significant differences between males and females regarding their pause frequency and duration across languages. Accordingly, the results represented more similarity than difference across the groups. The implications of the study results are discussed.

The Impact of the Asynchronous Online Discussion Forum on the Iranian EFL Students’ Writing Ability and Attitudes(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: Computer-mediated Communication (CMC) Asynchronous online discussion forum Technology and Writing Feedback provision

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۳۶۸ تعداد دانلود : ۱۸۰
This paper focuses on the impact of an asynchronous online discussion forum on the development of students’ ability in and attitudes toward writing in English. To do this, 60 undergraduate students majoring in English were assigned to two experimental and control groups while receiving different types of feedback. Students in the experimental group were required to take part in an asynchronous forum by writing a five-paragraph essay, challenging their ideas and providing feedback based on a pre-designed feedback sheet, whereas students in the control group received traditional face-to-face feedback by the teacher. Analysis of the data obtained through a pre-test, a post-test, and a survey indicated that students’ writing improved significantly in the experimental group, on both lexis and grammar planes, as the results of engaging in replying to peers’ questions, involving in writing by exchanging feedback, and employing self-assessment strategies to revise their own work. Furthermore, they also expressed more positive attitudes toward writing. The study offers implications for L2 writing instruction in EFL contexts

فراگیری توصیف کنندگان اسم در زبان عربی (زبان سوم) توسط فارسی زبانان (زبان اول) فراگیر زبان انگلیسی ( زبان دوم)(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)


کلید واژه ها: فراگیری زبان سوم جایگاه توصیف کننده اسم تطابق اسم و توصیف کننده زبان فارسی زبان انگلیسی زبان عربی

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۲۸۳ تعداد دانلود : ۳۹۳
پژوهش حاضر برای بررسی یادگیری توصیف کنندگان اسم در زبان آموزان عربی بعنوان زبان سوم صورت گرفت؛ بدین منظور 32 زبان آموز سطح متوسط انگلیسی بعنوان زبان دوم که زبان اولشان فارسی بود انتخاب شدند و از آزمون شامل آزمون قضاوت دستوری و آزمون ترجمه جهت بررسی جایگاه و تطابق توصیف کنندگان اسم در زبان عربی استفاده شدند. پس از تحلیل داده ها، نتایج بدست آمده به وسیله نرم افزار آماری، نشان داده شد که ساختار مورد نظر بیشتر از زبان دوم تا از زبان اول و یا معجونی از زبان اول و دوم به زبان سوم منتقل می شود و زبان دوم نقش عمده ای در فراگیری این ساختار ایفا می کند. مقاله حاضر نقش زبان های از قبل آموخته شده را در فراگیری زبان سوم بررسی می کند. نتایج تحقیقات محققان، انتقال دانش زبانی را از زبان اول، زبان دوم و یا مخلوطی از دانش زبانی اول و دوم به زبان سوم می دانند. اهمیت فوق العاده این مطالعه به خاطر مسائل تئوری و آموزشی آن است.

Concept-based Instruction and Teaching English Tense and Aspect to Iranian School Learners(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: concept-based instruction explicit rule-based instruction Language Development grammar instruction cognitive grammar

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۵۶۵ تعداد دانلود : ۴۱۸
The present study examines the role of Gal’perin’s Concept-based Instruction (CBI) as a pedagogical approach in teaching cognitive grammar-based (CG-based) concepts of tense and aspect to EFL students. Following the sociocultural theory of L2 Acquisition (SCT), arming L2 learners with scientific concepts can lead to L2 development by deepening their understanding and raising awareness of L2 structures. To this end, over the course of eight weeks 28 third grade middle school students (14 years old) received the concepts in the CBI framework and 30 third grade middle school students received a traditional type of instruction. There were three sets of data including definition of the concepts of tense and aspect before and after CBI, concept verbalization data during CBI, written discourse performance plus responses to a set of grammatical questions before and after CBI. It was found that although both groups improved significantly after receiving the instruction, the students who received CBI performed significantly better than those in the traditional group. The students who received CBI also produced a significant definition of the concepts and their written discourse performance and responses to the grammatical questions improved after CBI. The result provides insight into the application of scientific concepts in L2 instruction.

Asynchronous Online Discussion Forum: A Key to Enhancing Students’ Writing Ability and Attitudes in Iran(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: Asynchronous online discussion forum EFL teaching writing L2 writing in Iran Feedback provision

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۵۰۳ تعداد دانلود : ۳۱۵
This paper focuses on the impact of an asynchronous online discussion forum on the development of students’ ability in and attitudes toward writing in English. Two groups of third-year students (N = 60) majoring in English were assigned to two treatment and control groups, each receiving different types of feedback. Students in the treatment group were required to participate in an online learning environment and exchange feedback with their peers, whereas students in the control group received the traditional face-to-face feedback provided by the teacher. The results of a pre-test, a post-test, and a survey revealed that students’ writing in the treatment group significantly improved, both semantically and syntactically, and they expressed more positive attitudes toward writing. The findings also indicated that as a result of engaging in the asynchronous online discussion forum and exchanging feedback with peers, students exhibited more control over their work, involved more effectively with the learning tasks, collaborated more with their classmates, and employed self-assessment strategies to independently revise or rewrite their work. The implications of the study offer guidelines to improve and facilitate writing skill in EFL contexts.

مقاله به زبان انگلیسی: عبارت متمم ساز: موضوع پرسشواره های درونه شدگی زبان انگلیسی (Complementiser Phrase: The Case of English Wh-Embedded Clauses)(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: عبارت متمم ساز وارونگی فعل کمکی پرسش واره درونه شدگی تعمیم دهی نابجا

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۱۰۷۴ تعداد دانلود : ۴۵۵
پرسشواره های اصلی زبان انگلیسی شامل عبارات متمم سازی هستند که در آنها کلمه پرسشی به جایگاه شاخص منتقل شده است. این اتفاق بدین دلیل می افتد که کلمات پرسشی زبان انگلیسی، که در اصل متمم فعل می باشند، آنقدر قوی هستند که به ابتدای جمله حرکت کنند و موجب وارونگی فعل کمکی شوند. فارسی زبانانی که انگلیسی را به عنوان زبان خارجی فرا می گیرند با یک دشواری ناشی از تفاوتی اساسی بین دو زبان مواجه می شوند که مربوط به فراگیری قاعده وارونگی فعل کمکی در پرسشهای استاندارد زبان انگلیسی است. پس از یادگیری قاعده مذکور، احتمال زیادی وجود دارد که فراگیران این قاعده را به شکل نابجایی به پرسشواره های غیرمستقیم یا درونه شدگی زبان انگلیسی تعمیم دهند. هدف از این پژوهش بررسی دانش فراگیران فارسی زبان درمورد پرسشواره های درونه شدگی زبان انگلیسی مخصوصا هنگام تولید شفاهی این پرسشواره ها است. بدین منظور 48 زبان آموز فارسی زبان در سطح دانشگاه به عنوان شرکت کننده انتخاب شدند. یک آزمون بیان شفاهی پرسشواره های درونه شدگی زبان انگلیسی، یک آزمون ترجمه، و یک آزمون قضاوت دستوری شامل پرسشواره های درونه شدگی به عنوان ابزارهای جمع آوری داده استفاده شدند. نتایج نشان داد که فراگیران سطح متوسط پایین در تولید و بیان صحیح پرسشواره های درونه شدگی مشکلاتی داشتند. به همین شکل دشواری هایی در آزمون قضاوت دستوری مشاهده شد. همچنین دشواری هایی برای فراگیران سطح متوسط و متوسط بالا هم مشاهده شد. نتیجه اصلی در آزمون بیان شفاهی به دست آمد، جایی که تفاوت معناداری بین فراگیران در سه گروه بسندگی زبانی در مورد تولید صحیح پرسشواره های درونه شدگی زبان انگلیسی مشاهده نشد. این یافته تایید می کند که کار بیشتری پیرامون تولید شفاهی زبان انگلیسی توسط فراگیران فارسی زبان با تاکید بر پرسشواره های درونه شدگی زبان انگلیسی مورد نیاز است.

The Effect of L1 Persian on the Acquisition of English L2 Orthographic System on the Shared Grounds(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: transcription Orthographic System Orthographic Depth Hypothesis Deep Orthography Shallow Orthography

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۸۲۸ تعداد دانلود : ۴۴۰
This paper elaborates on Persian and English orthographic shared aspects to study the effects of L1 Persian on learning English as a foreign language. While there are some examples of letter and sound mismatches in the orthographic system of both languages, those of English are more complex than Persian. In order to see the effect of the mismatch between orthography and transcription, 40 Persian EFL learners were divided into two proficiency groups i.e., advanced and elementary, and their performance was examined on comprehension and production tasks. The learners’ production skills were checked via a list of 76 pseudo words requiring the learners to read them while their voices were recorded. After one week time interval, a comprehension test consisted of 34 items was administered, requiring the learners to listen and choose among the orthographic forms presented to them. It was hypothesized that being educated in L1 Persian comprising semi-opaque orthography system, the learners would tackle the English opaque graphemes better on the mismatches. However, it was observed that both elementary and advanced groups had difficulty learning English orthography system, showing almost no positive effect from L1. Only in rare cases more proficient learners performed better due to more schooling education in English.

سازگاری خوشه های بی واک آغازین زبان انگلیسی توسط فارسی زبانان (The Adaptation of English Initial Clusters by Persian Learners)(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)


کلید واژه ها: رسایی نظریه بهینگی سازگاری واژگان عاریتی هم نشینی اصوات واکه افزودنی شیوه ترمیم تشابه درک شنوایی

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۱۱۷۱ تعداد دانلود : ۵۹۱
این مطالعه روشهای متفاوتی که فرگیران فارسی زبان زبان انگلیسی در رابطه با خوشه های بی واک آغازین بکار می برند را مورد بررسی قرار می دهد. در حالیکه واکه افزودن رایج ترین شیوه ای است که فراگیران سعی در سازگاری خوشه های بی واک انگلیسی در ترکیب اصوات در زبان فارسی دارند، اما در این مقاله ما دو شیوه ای که سعی در توضیح جایگاه واکه افزودنی دارند را مورد تحقیق قرار می دهیم. اولین دیدگاه بر اساس اصل توالی رسایی است بویژه در مورد ترکیب صدای ""s"" با خوشه های رسایی است که توضیح قانع کننده ای ارائه نمی شود. دیدگاه دوم بر اساس نظر فلیش هکر (2001و 2005) است که اظهار می دارد واکه افزودنی حداکثر شباهت درک درونداد و برون داد شنیداری است. در یک آزمایش بر روی تعدادی از شنیداران ایرانی به اهمیت نقش تشابه درک شنیداری درون داد و برون داد پی برده شد. در نهایت ما بر اساس تئوری بهینگی جهت پیش بینی تلفظ درست کلمات خوشه های متشکل از سه عنصر بی واک می پردازیم.

فراگیری ساختار منفی انگلیسی به عنوان زبان خارجی توسط فارسی زبانان(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: فراگیران زبان دوم ساختار منفی انگلیسی دسترسی کامل انتقال کامل ساختارهای درختی کوچک

حوزه های تخصصی:
  1. حوزه‌های تخصصی روانشناسی روانشناسی یادگیری زبان
  2. حوزه‌های تخصصی زبان شناسی علوم مرتبط آموزش زبان دوم
تعداد بازدید : ۱۶۳۰ تعداد دانلود : ۸۲۴
در این مقاله استفاده از ساختار منفی در زبان انگلیسی به عنوان زبان خارجی از دو دیدگاه مورد بررسی قرار می گیرد. بر اساس دیدگاه دسترسی کامل / انتقال کامل، فراگیران زبان دوم در مرحله اول فراگیری به طور بالقوه تمام ساختارهای واژگان و کارکردی را از زبان اول به زبان دوم انتقال می دهند. دیدگاه دوم به نام ساختارهای درختی کوچک ادعا می کند که در مرحله ابتدایی تنها ساختارهای واژگانی از زبان اول منتقل می شود ولی ساختارهای کارکردی از زبان اول منتقل نمی شود.در این تحقیق داده هایی به صورت فلش کارد، قضاوت دستوری و مصاحبه شفاهی از سه سطح بسندگی زبانی جمع آوری شد. نتایج این داده ها به طور معنی داری ساختارهای درختی کوچک را ردکرد و دیدگاه دسترسی کامل / انتقال کامل را مورد تایید قرار داد.

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