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طرح مسئله: مهاجرت، پدیده مشترک همه کشورها و مهاجرت معکوس نشان دهنده مهاجرت از شهر به روستاست؛ پدیده ای که به مرور بر شدت آن افزوده شده است و پیامدهایی نیز در جامعه خواهد داشت. هدف: بررسی علل و پیامدهای محیطی-کالبدی، اقتصادی و اجتماعی مهاجرت معکوس به نواحی روستایی شهرستان بوئین و میان دشت است. روش: روش پژوهش، توصیفی-تحلیلی و مبتنی بر پیمایش بوده و برای جمع آوری اطلاعات از شیوه کتابخانه ای- میدانی استفاده شده است. از 5 دهستانِ این شهرستان تعداد 5 روستا که بیشترین خانوار مهاجر معکوس را داشته اند، انتخاب شده و نمونه 290 نفری مهاجران معکوس با استفاده از روش کوکران تعیین شدند و از آنها پرسش شد. نتایج: براساس یافته های توصیفی، شاخص محیطی- کالبدی با میانگین 14/40 مهم ترین علل مهاجرت بوده است. نتایج تحلیل عاملی تأییدی و ضریب مسیر علل اصلی نشان دهنده تأثیر40 درصدی علل اجتماعی، 7/41 درصدی علل اقتصادی و 2/48 درصدی علل کالبدی- محیطی بر مهاجرت معکوس است. نتایج آزمون تی مستقل برای کل متغیرهای پیامدهای مثبت و منفی مهاجرت معکوس نیز نشان از آن داشت که میانگین اثرات منفی کالبدی 86/29، اقتصادی 09/14 و اجتماعی 90/20 است. میانگین اثرات مثبت کالبدی 38/14، اقتصادی 68/24 و اجتماعی 13/30 است. در بررسی پیامدها، تغییر در چشم اندازهای طبیعی با میانگین 96/3 بیشترین تأثیر محیطی- کالبدی، ارتقای شاخص های آموزشی با میانگین 44/3 بیشترین تأثیر اجتماعی و افزایش قیمت زمین و مسکن با میانگین 45/3 بیشترین تأثیر اقتصادی است. ازنظر تفاوت فضایی- مکانی، در بین روستاهای مختلف علل کالبدی تفاوت معناداری دارند؛ اما بین عوامل اقتصادی و علل اجتماعی تفاوت معنادار نیست. پیامدهای اقتصادی نیز تفاوت معناداری بین روستاها ندارند؛ اما سایر پیامدها تفاوت دارند.

Causes and Consequences of Reverse Migration to the Rural Areas of Buin and Miandasht County

Migration is a phenomenon common to all countries and reverse migration is reflective of migration from urban to rural areas. It is a phenomenon that gradually increases and could have consequences in the society. The purpose of this study is to investigate environmental, physical, economic, and social causes and consequences of reverse migration to rural areas of Buin and Miandasht. This research is descriptive-analytical in which the data were collected using the library-field method. From the 5 rural districts of this county, 5 villages that had the most reverse migrant households were selected. Then, a sample of 290 reverse migrants was determined and questioned using the Cochran method. According to descriptive data, environmental-physical aspects with a mean of 40.14 have been the most important factors of migration. The results of the confirmatory factor analysis and the path coefficient of the main causes show a 40% influence of social causes, 41.7% of economic causes, and 48.2% of physical-environmental causes on reverse migration. The results of the independent t-test for all variables (i.e. positive and negative consequences of reverse migration) also showed that the average negative effects are physical (29.86%), economic (14.09%), and social (20.90%). The average positive effects are physical (14.38%), economic (24.68%), and social (30.13%). In examining the results, the change in natural landscapes with an average of 3.96 had the greatest environmental-physical impact. The improvement of educational indicators with an average of 3.44 had the greatest social impact and increasing land and housing price with an average of 3.45 had the greatest economic impact.Keywords: migration, Reverse Migration, Migration Causes and Consequences, Rural Areas, Buin and Miandasht. Introduction Migration and population movements show the subtleties of human life. Migration is a common phenomenon in all countries and reverse migration represents migration from city to village. In fact, today, two-way migration is usually more evident; albeit at a slower step, movement from villages to cities and migration from cities to villages still exists. In fact, the sharing of migrants to the villages has taken on a reverse trend in some regions and the villages are moving towards ‘accepting migrants’ and especially the migration of city dwellers to the villages or "reverse migration". Therefore, this study investigates the causes and consequences of this type of migration in rural areas of Buin and Miandasht County and also analyzes the probable differences between different villages. Materials and MethodsThe present study is survey in nature using the descriptive-analytical method. The library and field methods are used to collect the data. The statistical population includes reverse and return migrants to the rural areas of Bouin and Miandasht. According to the topic, firstly, 5 villages named Qara Boltaq, Qaim Abad, Boltaq, Betlijeh, and Dashkasan were selected among five rural districts by the cluster sampling method. Then, 290 people from migrant households were selected based on Cochran's formula by simple random sampling, and a questionnaire was completed by the participants. The normality of the data was confirmed by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Factor analysis, t-test, Friedman, and analysis of variance tests have also been used to check the indicators. Research FindingsThe obtained results showed that environmental-physical factors are the most important causes of migration. In this context, the highest mean of environmental-physical aspects belongs to the components of pollution in the urban environment (lack of healthy weather and natural landscapes and the absence of pollution in the village). The highest mean of the economic dimension belongs to the appropriate price of land and housing and the low cost of living in the village. In the social dimension, the components of kinship relations, sense of place belonging, social security, and retirement have had the highest mean. The results of the structural equations model of factor analysis showed that 40% of social causes, 41.7% of economic causes, and 48.2% of physical-environmental causes are the main causes of reverse migration. Descriptive findings also confirm physical-environmental causes with an average of 40.14 as the most important factor. Examining the mean of positive and negative consequences also shows that the averages of negative physical, economic, and social effects are 29.86, 14.09, and 20.90, respectively. The average positive effects of physical, economic, and social factors are 14.38, 24.68, and 13.30, respectively. Therefore, the highest averages are linked to negative physical and positive social effects, respectively. The results of variance analysis to compare different factors affecting reverse migration showed that there is a significant difference between the villages of Qara Botlaq and Qaim Abad in terms of physical factors, and there is no difference between different villages and also between different factors. There is no significant difference in positive environmental-physical and economic effects among villages, but there is a difference in social effects among villages. There is a significant difference between the negative physical-environmental effects in the villages of Qara Boltaq and Dashkasan. There is a significant difference between the social effects of the two villages of Boltaq and Dashksan, Boltaq and Qaimabad, but the negative economic effects do not have a significant difference. Discussion of Results and ConclusionsRegarding the age group (both young and old), the results clearly show the need for providing  jobs and housing, on the one hand, and special services on the other hand. Regarding the activity status, since the highest percentage is assigned to retired people, it shows the effect of the age of the population in the region in the future. The return time of more than 66% of people has been in the last 5 years and shows an increasing trend in the coming years. The satisfaction of about 80% of people on the average level of moving to the village can be seen from the numbers. Generally, suitable planning and considering the new conditions are necessary for the villages. Based on the descriptive findings, the government's support has the lowest average for the rural economy, and local management needs more attention to this issue. According to the path coefficient results, the main causes of reverse migration are physical-environmental causes. Due to regional differences and natural characteristics, and the problems of cities and metropolises that are the origin of reverse migration, this result has been different from other studies. Regarding the positive and negative consequences, the highest averages are related to negative physical and positive social effects, respectively, and these results are consistent with other studies. Another important point is that the causes of migration are almost the same at the city level and there is no noticeable difference in location. Also, there is no significant difference in positive environmental and economic effects among villages, but there are differences in social effects between villages. In other words, the social differences are more visible resulting from the arrival of immigrants in the mentioned rural areas.
