مطالب مرتبط با کلیدواژه
Female Students
The core concept of this article i.e. social capital consists of three main components: scope of social relations , level of social trust, and rate of reciprocity. The research is accomplished through 600 cases of Indian and Iranian female secondary school students and their parents, in two cities of Chandigarh in India and Tehran in Iran. Findings of the research show that the scope of social relations in India is higher than Iran, while the true level which was measured in the social network in Iran was far higher than India. Even the third aspect i.e. the reciprocity is also higher in Iran than India. Therefore, the social capital measured among the Iranian cases is higher than the Indian students and their families. Likewise, the level of trust estimated among Indian people is higher than the true level of trust present in the social network whereas; an exact opposite situation could be seen in Iran. In other words, the different aspects of social capital do not necessarily have a high co-variation among themselves.
Investigating Female Students’ Vision of Iranian Labor Market(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
Some researches in the domain of women's employment show that gender is a significant factor in the professional position i.e. gender makes women less likely to achieve lucrative and high-paying jobs compared to their men folks. However, in many countries, increasing women's education and skills are key indicators of their growing participation in the labor market. In Iran, despite a decline in women's illiteracy and spectacular rise intheir presenceat universities, even in some traditionally masculine fields, the unemployment rate of educated women is higher than those of men. This study is aimed at understanding the female students' opinions about the gap between higher education and their career prospects. For that purpose, a qualitative research in four government universities from four regions of Iran has been conducted. The data of the study shows that despite theirgrowing number in these universities, most female students are worried about their professional future. In nutshell, it can be said that the massification of higher education has not resulted into more access of girls to the labor market, and there is much disappointment among them of finding a suitable job after graduating from universities.
The Effectiveness of Philosophy Education Program for children on Critical Thinking and its Components in female Students(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
Purpose: The purpose of the present research is to review the effectiveness of philosophy education program for children on critical thinking and its components in elementary fourth-grader girl students. Material and method: This was a semi-experimental study with designing pretest and posttest and the control group with following-up phase. Findings: This statistical population consists of elementary fourth-grader girl students in Arak, district 2. The sample of this research consists of 50 students that were selected by convenience sampling method and divided to two control and test groups. Shabani (1999) critical thinking questionnaire was used for data collection. Discussion: The results of covariance analysis showed that execution of the philosophy education program for children improves critical thinking, recognition ability, analogizing, and judgments in children (P<0.05). Furthermore, the effectiveness of philosophy education program for children was durable in fallowing-up test.
The Effectiveness of Stress Coping Skills Training on Mindfulness of Female students(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of Stress Coping Skills Training on Mindfulness of Female students. Methodology: This quasi-experimental study was carried out in a pre-test and post-test design with control group. Sixty-nine students were selected from among the girls of the 9th grade in Tehran during the academic year of 2017-18 and were randomly assigned to experimental and control groups. The Mindfulness Questionnaire (Baer & et al., 2006) was performed in the pre-test phase and after training the skills of confronting stress with the experimental group, the questionnaire was repeated on both groups. Data analysis was done by SPSS19 software in two parts: descriptive and inferential (covariance). Findings: The results showed that by controlling the effect of pre-test, the mind-consciousness scores of the experimental group significantly increased in the post-test phase. The results show that the teaching of skills to confront mind-tone stress increases students' awareness. Learning these skills will increase the decentralization and dare of students' exposure to stressful thoughts, which leads to higher awareness. Also, stress coping skills lead to cognitive reform and the ability to manage themselves, and subsequently their minds increase. Conclusion: Therefore, it can be said that teaching strategies for coping with stressful situations are an effective way to increase students' mindfulness.
Identifying the factors affecting the school dropout of female first grade elementary students(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Purpose: The aim of the current study was to identify the factors affecting female student’s dropout rate in Jargalan section of North Khorasan province. Methodology: fundamental and applied method was employed to cover the goal of this study also descriptive casual comparative was use for data collection. Mixed method (quantitative-qualitative) also was employed through using grounded theory(GT). The statistical population consisted of all female students leaving school in the first semester of the elementary school from 2017 to 2018, which included 200 students. In the qualitative phase, the sampling was saturated with 20 individuals and in the quantitative section, 128 students were selected based on available sampling. Semi-structured interviews and a researcher-made questionnaire based on interviews were used for data collection. The face and content validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by experts and the combined reliability was calculated with Cronbach's alpha. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to analyze the research questions. Findings: The results of grounded theory showed that economic, educational, personal beliefs, factors related to specific culture and family factors are the factors that play a role in the dropout rate. The results also showed parental resistance and children's participation in home affairs, financial constraints and bottlenecks, parental literacy, and lack of attention and importance to education of girls as much as boys, were the main causes of girls leaving school. Conclusion: Education is a long-term management tool for human resource education and long-term investment that clarifies the talents and how they contribute to the economic and social growth of societies. And the most important contributor to any society's stagnation and decline is its advancement and progress, and this enormous fertility education and responsibility holds all the talents of the present and future generations of society in expectation and expectation. Provide for growth and development because failure to complete primary education results in numerous individual and societal disadvantages, with dropouts being one of the most important.
Effectiveness of Positive Thinking Skills Training on Depression in Female Students(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of teaching positive thinking skills on decreasing depression among female students of the Sabzevar University of Sabzevar. Methodology: The study population consisted of all female students of Azad University of Sabzevar Branch in the academic year of 97-96, including 30 people who were selected using purposeful sampling. They were randomly assigned to the experimental group (15) and the control group (15 People) was replaced. The Beck Depression Inventory and Positive Thinking Training Package, which was set up in 9 sessions one and a half hours, was used to collect data. Finding: The results of statistical analyses showed that teaching positive thinking skills with an effect size of 0.13 reduces students' depression. Therefore, there is a significant difference between the effect of teaching positive thinking skills on reducing depression (p <0.05). Conclusion: At the end of the treatment sessions, students learned in both groups to choose their own behaviors in order to attain their demands, each of whom should choose responsible behaviors while maintaining ethical principles and applying optimistic, correct and responsible actions to Your wishes are also met. Teaching positive thinking skills creates a supportive and safe environment where students can experience a feeling of acceptance and psychosocial security, which brings greater compatibility and fewer conflicts.
Psycho-Social Well-being in Female Students: the Role of Perceived Parental Autonomy Support and Warmth(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
Purpose: According to self-determination theory well-being of individuals rests upon meeting the psychological need to autonomy, competence, and relatedness and the environment which provides the ground to meet these needs can facilitate psychological well-being of people. The goal of present research is to investigate the role of paternal and maternal autonomy support and warmth in psychological and social well-being of female students. Methodology: The design was correlational studies; 182 female freshmen students of Mashhad Payam-Noor University were selected using multistage random sampling and completed Perceptions of Parents Styles (POPS; Robbins, 1994), psychological well-being (Ryff, 1989) and social well-being (Keyes, 1998) questionnaires. Data analysis was done using correlation coefficients and stepwise regression in SPSS software. Findings: The findings showed that there was significant and positive relationship between paternal autonomy and social integration. Maternal warmth has positive relationships with self-acceptance, personal growth, social integration and social well-being. Paternal warmth has a positive significant relationship with self-acceptance, personal growth, psychological well-being, social integration, social contribution and social well-being. There was no significant relationship among maternal autonomy support with none of the research variables. Conclusion: It seems that warm and friendly behavior along with parents' affection toward children can have sustainable impacts on children's well-being.
Investigating the Relationship between Problem Solving Skills with Self-Efficacy and Social Adjustment of Kermanshah Female Students
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Purpose : The present research was conducted with the aim of investigating the relationship between problem solving skills with self-efficacy and social adjustment of Kermanshah female students. Methodology : This research in terms of purpose was applied and in terms of implementation method was cross-sectional from type of correlational. The study population was female high school students in Kermanshah city in the 2021-2 academic year with number 4100 people, that the sample size based on Krejcie and Morgan table was estimated 350 people who were selected by cluster method. Data were collected with using the problem solving skills inventory (Hepner and Patterson, 1982), self-efficacy scale (Scherer et al., 1982) and social adjustment subscale in adjustment inventory (Sinha & Singh, 1993) and their face validity was confirmed by experts and their reliability was determined by Cronbach's alpha method were obtained 0/80, 0.82 and 0.87, respectively. To analyze the data were used from the methods of Pearson correlation coefficients and multiple regression with enter model in SPSS software. Finding : The findings showed that problem solving skills and its dimension including problem solving confidence, approach-avoidance style and personal control had a positive and significant correlation with self-efficacy and social adjustment of female students. Also, the findings showed that the dimensions of problem solving skills were able to significantly predict the self-efficacy and social adjustment of female students (P<0.001). Conclusion : The results indicated the effective role of problem solving skills in predicting self-efficacy and social adjustment of female students. Therefore, education system specialists and planners to improve their self-efficacy and social adjustment can promote their problem-solving skills.
Structural Relationships of Executive Functions with Academic Engagement in Female Students: Mediated Role of Perception of Educational Environment(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
Purpose: Present research was conducted with aim of the structural relationships of executive functions with academic engagement in female students: Mediated role of perception of educational environment. Methodology: This study was cross-sectional from type of correlation. The statistical research population was ninth grade female students of Sari County in the 2018-19 academic years. The research sample was 280 people who were selected by multi-stage cluster sampling method. To collect data were used from the questionnaires of academic engagement (Zrang, 2012), executive functions (Nejati, 2013) and perception of educational environment (Gentry & et al, 2002). Data were analyzed by structural equation modeling method in SPSS-18 and Amos-23 software. Findings: The results showed that the structural relationships of executive functions with academic engagement in female students: Mediated role of perception of educational environment had a good fit. In addition, executive functions on perception of educational environment and academic engagement and perception of educational environment on academic engagement had a direct and significant effect and executive functions with mediated of perception of educational environment on academic engagement had an indirect and significant effect (P<0.05). Conclusion: Regarded to the direct and indirect relationships of present study, can be enhanced the level of academic engagement via improving the executive actions and perceptions of the educational environment of female students.
Female Students and Reflection in Care Ethics: The Case Study of Guilan University Students(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
Objective: Care is a multidimensional concept that has been reflected in the process of modernity. The aim of this study was to investigate care ethics among female students of Guilan University. Methods: In this research, a qualitative method based on semi-structured interviews and purposive sampling was used. The statistical sample includes 33 students of Guilan University. In total, 11 interviewees were interviewed as a group and 22 interviewees as an individual. The analysis method in this research was thematic analysis. Results: In data analysis, twelve basic themes, three organizing themes, and one global theme were obtained. The first type was autonomous girls: these types of girls are less inclined to marriage and maternal roles and less interested in circular motherhood and more inclined to linear time and they believed that a circular mother is a boring role that will reduce their agency. The second was heteronomous girls: these types of female students were in maximal motherhood level because they have known a mother with the semiotic such as sacrifice, kindness, self-sacrifice, altruism, etc. Third types of girls were eclectic: this type of female student has both a tendency to linear time (employment and education) and a cyclical time (marriage and motherhood). Conclusion: Among the existing types, the ideal form was eclectic ethics in which female students have two ethics of heteronomy and autonomy (semiotic and symbolic).
Emotion Regulation Training on Psychological Resilience of Self-Harming Female Students(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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The study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of emotion regulation training on the psychological resilience of girl students with self-harming behavior. The present study was a semi-experimental study with pre-and post-test with a control group design. The statistical population of the study included all female students aged 12-15 years studying in the elementary and middle school in Tehran in the academic year 2019-2020. Multi-stage random sampling was performed. The sample consisted of 36 girl students who had self-harming behavior that was randomly assigned to two groups (18people emotion regulation training group and 18 people control group). For data collection, we the used Self-Harm Inventory and the Connor‐Davidson resilience scale (CD‐RISC). The experimental group received their emotion regulation training in eight sessions of 60 minutes per week and the control group received no training. One-way analysis of covariance (ANOVA) on the SPSS software version 24 was used for data analysis. The results of the analysis of variance showed that emotion regulation training was effective in improving psychological resilience in students with self-harming behavior. Hence, by designing training programs for the regulation of emotion and including them in the curriculum of students, the necessary basis should be provided to strengthen related skills.
Identifying the Dimensions and Components of Good Governance and Organizational Development at Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
iranian journal of educational sociology, Vol ۷, Number ۱ (۲۰۲۴)
113 - 123
حوزههای تخصصی:
Purpose: Good governance and organizational development can create a competitive advantage for any organization, including educational institutions. Consequently, the purpose of this study was to identify the dimensions and components of good governance and organizational development at Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences.
Methodology: This study was applied in purpose and qualitative in approach. The study population consisted of experts familiar with the research field at Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences. The research sample included 10 managers and professors at Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, selected through purposive sampling based on the principle of theoretical saturation. Data were collected using semi-structured interviews, the validity of which was confirmed based on confirmability, credibility, and transferability, and reliability was calculated using a Holsti coefficient of 0.76. Data analysis was conducted using thematic analysis in MAXQDA-2020 software.
Findings: The analysis results showed that good governance comprises 20 components across five dimensions: desirable governance, value orientation, capacity building, transparency, and accountability; and organizational development consists of 19 components across three dimensions: non-financial performance, financial performance, and organizational growth. Ultimately, a model of the dimensions and components of good governance and organizational development at Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences was developed.
Conclusion: Utilizing the model designed in this study can assist professionals and officials at Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences in improving conditions and creating a competitive advantage.
Comparing the Effectiveness of Academic Buoyancy and Psychological Capital Training on Academic Procrastination in Female High School Students(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
iranian journal of educational sociology, Vol ۷, Number ۳ (۲۰۲۴)
149 - 160
حوزههای تخصصی:
Purpose: This study aimed to compare the effectiveness of academic buoyancy training and psychological capital training on academic procrastination among female students.
Methodology: The population of this research included all female high school students in District 7 of Mashhad in the academic year 2020-2021. To collect data, the Academic Procrastination Questionnaire by Solomon and Rothblum (1984) was used. This research was a quasi-experimental study with a pre-test and post-test design with a control group, involving 45 participants who had higher scores on the dependent variable and were willing to participate in training sessions. They were randomly assigned to two experimental groups and one control group (each group consisting of 15 students). One week after the pre-test was conducted for all three groups, one of the experimental groups was exposed to the independent variable of academic buoyancy training, and the second experimental group was exposed to psychological capital training, while the control group did not receive any training. Then, a post-test was administered to all groups. In this study, to examine the differences between groups, multivariate and univariate repeated measures analysis of variance was used, taking into account within-group (test) and between-group (group membership) factors.
Findings: The results showed that both academic buoyancy training and psychological capital training led to a reduction in academic procrastination among female students. The results also indicated that there was no significant difference in the effectiveness of academic buoyancy training and psychological capital training on academic procrastination.
Conclusion: It can be concluded that both academic buoyancy training and psychological capital training are effective in reducing academic procrastination, and there is no difference in their level of effectiveness.