مطالب مرتبط با کلیدواژه
حوزههای تخصصی:
The present study is intended to examine relationship among competency and succession planning in Telecommunication Infrastructure Company of Iran (TICIR). This study was carried out as an applied research in terms of objective and it was assumed as a descriptive survey by taking approach toward interpretative structural modeling. The statistical population of this study comprised of two groups of experts and directors (Directors general, chairmen of offices, responsible experts and experts of TICIR Company). To determine sample size for first statistical population, 20 of experts were elected using non-randomized and selective sampling method and in order to specify sample size for second statistical population 340 participants were chosen including directors general, deputies of directors general, chairmen of offices, responsible experts and other experts of TICIR Company.The result from succession planning model showed that the variable of succession planning reached to a level higher than satisfactory rate therefore all of the related elements were placed higher than satisfactory level except variable of commitment that was at good level. Similarly, variable of competency was also placed at the level higher than satisfactory rate in this study. Therefore, all of these variables reached to the level higher than satisfactory rate.
Designing Competency Model Based on Succession Planning Approach for Educational Managers of 7 Districts of Mashhad Ministry of Education(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
This research was an applied research using mixed method design. In the qualitative approach, Delphi method is used by referring to 20 academic and educational experts selected by purposeful method. In this study, 381 participants were selected by stratified sampling method with appropriate allocation. Face validity is used for validation. Cronbach alpha reliability coefficient was higher than 0.8, indicating high reliability of the research instrument. The results identified 4 dimensions including; individual, communicative, organizational, professional, and 32 components for competency model of Mashhad 7 districts educational managers. Also, the communicative dimension and conceptual skill were determined as the most important ones. It was also revealed that the confirmed succession planning model of educational managers of 7 districts of Mashhad Ministry of Education involved three dimensions of volunteer evaluation, volunteer training and assessment of effectiveness with 6 components. Volunteer training dimension and individual performance evaluation and process components are of utmost importance. In competency model of Mashhad 7 districts educational managers based on a succession planning approach, competency plays an important role of 58% in succession planning.
Developing a Competency Model for EAP Teachers: Insights from Internationalization of Higher Education(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
Issues in Language Teaching (ILT), Vol. ۱۰, No. ۱, June ۲۰۲۱
105 - 146
حوزههای تخصصی:
The teachers' competencies in the process of internationalization of higher education (IHE) are of vital importance (Brandenburg & Federkeil, 2007; van der Werf, 2012). The extent of IHE in a university is in a close relationship with the teachers' competencies (Harari, 1981). However, the required competencies of teachers in IHE are not a well-studied topic. Similarly, the "dearth of literature on EAP professional development" (Blaj-Ward, 2014, p. 113) has complicated exploring the EAP teachers' competencies. The absence of a competency model addressing the needs of EAP teachers to effectively engage in the education fitting the IHE objectives and policies gave impetus to this study. In line with this objective, an instrument measuring EAP teachers' competencies was designed and validated. The following steps were taken to develop the instrument: the theme extraction and item generation phase, the piloting phase, and the validation phase. The extensive review of the literature and interviews with IHE experts and EAP teachers yielded 8 competencies. This initial framework led to the development of the preliminary version of a 22-item questionnaire. The piloting phase resulted in 23 items. 74 EAP teachers from both camps (language and content) participated in the final administration. Various factor analyses, internal consistency, and correlation of all of the items were performed. The data obtained confirmed a sufficiently reliable and valid scale, consisting of 6 components (with the same underlying themes of 8 competencies extracted earlier) and 23 items for measuring the EAP teachers' competencies.
The Entrepreneurship Competencies: Neglected Curriculum in Teacher Education(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to understand of the presence of entrepreneurial competencies in the curriculum of teacher education in Iran. Methodology: approach – This was a qualitative research with an interview and content analysis approach. The research population consisted of two groups of entrepreneurs with teacher education and the curriculum syllabus a bachelor of teacher education. The research tools included a semi-structured interview, and a content analysis checklist. Findings: The research findings resulted in the extraction of 42 competencies in the form of three classes of knowledge, attitude and skill. Results also indicated that the presence of entrepreneurial competencies among the syllabus of teacher education curriculum does not meet a suitable level. Conclusion: Therefore, the officials and curriculum developers should take the necessary steps to revise the curriculum syllabus according to the addition of intended competencies in this area to push teacher students towards entrepreneurship.
Model to evaluate faculty competence in higher education of educational city(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
مدیریت شهری دوره ۱۴ زمستان ۱۳۹۵ ضمیمه لاتین شماره ۴۵
حوزههای تخصصی:
Today country success in economic, social, political , cultural and tendencies are the hostages and pawns of coherent and dynamic didactic system and approved; The education and didactic programs for qualification improvement and dynamism need to evaluate and scrutiny quantitatively and qualitatively. Current study started with the goal of presenting faculty competency evaluation for the reason of qualitative improvement of Islamic Azad University. Research in term of how to collect and compilation the data is descriptive- survey and in term of goal and target type is practical that by doing general scrutiny in literature and subject history and past, we drawled the theoretical frame and conceptual model in this study. Nominee educational members opinions (faculty members (self- assessment), supervisors (superiors), students (clients) of Fars stat Islamic Azad different universities, are the research society. In this research with researcher evaluation in 24 active units in Fars state, approximately 125000 persons examined. That sample volume selected by the clustered random sampling method (kerjesi and Morgan formula), 380 persons, for the reason of collecting dates we used a researcher questionnaire that its validity confirmed by the specialists and its stability calculated by using the Kronbakh’s Alfa method 0.84.Researche questionnaire includes effective component in competency in five general axis, collects the data. Then with using 360 degree evaluation method, executed. For the data analysis me used descriptive statistic method and elicitation statistic (fact oral analysis, vilkakson and Friedman) that the results of the study as follows: 1.drawing the model of competency evaluation of faculty (main dimension of evaluation indexes of faculty competency’s).2.in the field of evaluation of current situation from the dimensions and competence skill parameters, ethical values, role, personal, favorable status exists. But in the performance and functional dimension and its subcomponents unfavorable status and lower than average level evaluated and the results of ranking of evaluation of dimensions of competency’s of faculty in order the most priority is related to skill dimension and the least priority is related functional and performance dimension.
Designing of Management Model and Planning the Employees' Career Promotion Path (a Case Study of Bank Mellat Branches in Theran)(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
مدیریت شهری دوره ۱۳ زمستان ۱۳۹۴ ضمیمه لاتین شماره ۴۱
حوزههای تخصصی:
This study aims to design the management model and planning of career promotion path in the employees of Tehran Bank Mellat Branches. The research method is descriptive and survey that was conducted by correlational and structural equations modeling. The statistical population (n=200) of the study included all employees of twenty branches in Tehran's Bank Mellat who were selected as the sample of the study. In strument of the study was a standard questionnaire that was provided according to the review of the literature and previous studies of Edgar Shine with 25 items. Reliability of the study was estimated by Cronbach alpha that was 0.918 meaning the confirmation of the questionnaire reliability. Findings were analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics (Pearson correlation coefficient) and LISREL via structural equations modeling. Results showed that there is a significant relationship between the identified factors and management and planning of career promotion path. Finally, suggestions are maded for employees' career path according to the determined variables.
Structural Modeling of School Managers' Competencies as a Driver for Sustainable Development(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
iranian journal of educational sociology, Vol ۷, Number ۲ (۲۰۲۴)
124 - 131
حوزههای تخصصی:
Purpose: This study focused on the structural modeling of competencies of high school managers in Tehran as a driver for sustainable development.
Methodology: From the perspective of its objective, this research is developmental-applied, and in terms of data collection, given the nature of the study, it is descriptive-survey. The statistical population in the quantitative section includes high school managers from districts 2, 5, 6, and 8 in Tehran, who have experience in managing high schools and are active in executive and research activities in the field of education. Therefore, the sample size for the forthcoming research is 384 individuals, for which 384 questionnaires were used for data analysis. To measure the research variables, questionnaires by Shamsudin & Chutipattana (2012) and Wayla & Tolud (2021) were utilized. The reliability of the questionnaire was calculated based on Cronbach's alpha, and the validity of the questionnaire was based on confirmatory factor analysis. In the present research, the structural equation modeling method was used for data analysis. The software used for data analysis were SPSS-22 and SMARTPLS-4.
Findings: According to the research findings, the professional competency model of school managers includes competency enablers, management competencies, ethics and professional behavior competencies, manager development, social indicators of managers, the establishment of work groups to enhance performance and green competency, attitudinal competencies, knowledge competencies, educational competencies, commercialization of knowledge-skills and technology competencies, hardworking spirit, consumption pattern modification, and participation in development towards national authority, which lead to the realization of results such as a hardworking spirit, consumption pattern modification, and participation in development.
Conclusion: The professional competency model of school managers in high schools, with the expansion of professional competency, can assist managers and planners of educational systems in improving educational and training conditions.