مطالب مرتبط با کلیدواژه



Scientific Ethics in Teaching of Social Sciences in Iran

منبع: Academicus International Scientific Journal, issue 18, February 2018

کلیدواژه‌ها: ethics of science ethics of education academic dishonesty structure actor

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۶۷۹ تعداد دانلود : ۳۶۰
The ethic of education is a set of professional rules and regulations agreed upon by the scientific community that obliges actors to comply with codes of conduct in the science education process. This article is asking about levels and types of academic dishonesty and recognizing factors affecting it in Iran’s social sciences education. The data were collected using semi-structured interviews with Ph.D. students of public Universities in Tehran were analyzed with qualitative content analysis. Research findings show that academic dishonesty and factors affecting it are evident in the education of social science at two levels of micro and macro. At the micro or actor’s level, individual characteristics and personality traits of students and professors impact on the occurrence of academic dishonesty. Moreover, at the macro or structural level, the way of distribution of resources and rules in the education paves the way for and facilitates the occurrence of academic dishonesty. Consequently, dishonesty in the education of Iran’s social sciences and factors affecting it can be explained in the light of a structuration approach.

Establishment of Integrated Accounting Information Systems in an Emerging Market-Problems and Barriers(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Integrated Accounting Information System State Universities structure Process Environmental

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۴۹۹ تعداد دانلود : ۳۹۰
This research study is aimed to investigate barriers and problems of establishment process of integrated accounting information systems (IAIS) in the universities of an emerging market (Iran) in order to facilitate their establishment. The research population includes Iranian state universities’ CFO and his/her deputy, as well as IT specialists involved in the process of establishment of IAIS in those universities in 2016 and 2017.  The required data was collection using a questionnaire designed and developed by the researchers in accordance with the     literature (there was no standard questionnaire).The collected data was analyzed at three levels "Total population (Population) ", "CFO or Deputy" (Managers) and "IT Specialists"(Specialists). The results at “Population " level show that the most important problem is related to” design and establishment of the IAIS" and problems related to “project analysis and risk” and “plan” are the least important. Other problems are “employees“, “culture”, “managers”, “and level of information technology and information systems in the university”. From the Managers and Specialists’ point of view problems related to "design and establishment of IAIS” have the most importance. This case study would be of value to regulators, senior managers, system analysts, university authorities especially CFOs and IT managers, and researcher especially in developing and emerging markets.

L'analyse psycho-structurale de «Hadji Morad» de Sâdegh Hédâya(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Sadegh Hedayat psychanalyse Freud analyse de texte structure l’acte manqué

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۴۵۹ تعداد دانلود : ۳۰۷
Cet article a pour objet l'analyse de l'une des nouvelles de Sâdegh Hédâyat, grand écrivain de la littérature persane, intitulée Hâdji Morâd. Malgré le nombre considérable des études faites sur l'œuvre de cet auteur dont le chef-d’œuvre est mondialement connu et rangé par André Breton au nombre des classiques du surréalisme, cette nouvelle n'a pas encore fait l'objet d'analyse détaillée et rigoureuse. Dans cet article, nous portons un double regard sur cette nouvelle afin de clarifier la nature de l'action surprenante du personnage et sa décision autant étrange qui clôt la nouvelle. Pour ce faire, étant donné la nature littéraire du texte, à la première étape, nous procédons à l'analyse structurale de la nouvelle. Cette analyse précisera dans quelle mesure les apports textuels participent à la construction du sens. Au deuxième abord, une lecture psychanalytique, de nature freudienne, permettra non seulement de décoder l'action et la décision finale du personnage mais encore montrera dans quelle mesure l'organisation textuelle de la nouvelle s'achemine vers cette explication psychanalytique.

A Comparative Inquiry Regarding the Party's Activity and Performance in Iran and Turkey (The Study Case: Participation, Justice and Development Party)(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: structure Agent construction Participation Party justice Development Party

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۳۶۱ تعداد دانلود : ۳۰۶
Many social sciences researchers call the presence of democratic parties and systems as two faces of a coin; they regard the development and survival of democratic parties and procedures related to each other. In Iran's cultural and political domain, the participation party presented itself as a significant movement in its socio-political sphere. This party has introduced itself as the defender of Islam in the region and the world. This research emphasizes two categories of structure and performance than the two flows of Iran's participation party and turkey's Justice and development party using an analytical – descriptive method. In response to the research question ‘what are the similarities and differences of the participation party and the Justice and development party in terms of structure and performance?’ presented this hypothesis that the participation party and the Justice and development party lacked a similar party structure. The difference between them is that the participation party has less coherence and antiquity than the justice and development party. Both parties have an Islamic approach; with the difference, the participation party has a variation in trend (national and Islamic) with a no secular system. The Justice and development party enjoy a single direction (Islamic direction) with a secularist approach.

Analysis and Critique of Orientalists' Approach to the Structure of Qur’anic Stories

کلیدواژه‌ها: stories Quran structure Orientalists

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۲۶۱ تعداد دانلود : ۱۹۱
One of the most important documents of orientalists to prove the non-revelatory origin of the Qur'an is the misconception of the difference between the structure of the Qur'anic stories and the Testaments’; the view of these researchers have been analyzed on three axes of "different narrative expression in Makkī and Madanī surahs", "repetition of stories", "ambiguity and incoherence of stories". Important factors such as the dominance of historical and literary approach to the content of Qur'anic stories, neglect of the single divine origin of monotheistic religions, and the perception of revelation as the personal experience of the Prophet (PBUH) have led to mention doubts about the structure of Qur'anic stories. This article criticizes and analyzes the doubts of orientalists in this field with intra-religious citations (Qur’an, commentary, dictionaries, etc.) and extra-religious citations (Testaments, opinions of Orientalists and historical evidence).

Structured Network Public Spaces a Step Toward Integration of Urban(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: public spaces structure Integrating Mashhad Moalem Boulevard

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۲۷۷ تعداد دانلود : ۱۴۰
Network of public spaces composes of a network of interconnected land use and various elements of the city, such as synthetic and natural which shows the city as a whole. Network structure of public spaces is important because understanding this network as a structure presents us the formation of the city. This paper attempts to define the status of the network of public spaces in the city structure and to accomplish goals which leads to integration, interconnectedness and cohesion of public space network. For this purpose, a descriptive-analytic method was used and the standards and design principles were taken from the literature review. For collecting the data, Moalem Boulevard in Mashhad/Iran was investigated and analyzed with respect to the physical, functional, visual, social, and historical dimensions of public spaces. Finally, three conceptual options such as a linear pattern, a centralized pattern and a distribution pattern were presented. The results show the factors, criteria, characteristics, urban design framework, policies and strategies to integrate the structure of public spaces network in the area under investigation.

Identification of Effective Factors to Development of Blended learning in Higher Education Context


کلیدواژه‌ها: Blended Learning Development Higher education structure

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۲۷۶ تعداد دانلود : ۱۶۰
This study aimed to identify effective factors to the development of blended learning from the perspective of faculty members of PNU. For this purpose, after the study of contemporary research findings, effective factors to the development of blended learning were divided in five groups of structural, planning, information systems, nature and workplace and support factors for each of these components were determined. In order to assess the effective factors to the development of blended learning from the perspective of faculty members, a researcher-made questionnaire was designed. The questionnaire was with 40 questions using a Likert scale. Its validity was confirmed through content validity and its reliability through Cornbrash's alpha (α=91%). After determining the sample size using Morgan table by simple random sampling, questionnaires were distributed to faculty members. The research findings were analyzed using exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. To analyze the data, SPSS and LISREL softwares were employed. Results indicate that among the identified factors, the most important and influential factors to the development of blended learning from the perspective of administrators was related to structural factors.

Investigating the Phono-Semantic Function in the Translations of Ṣaḥīfah Sajjādīyah (based on the Translations of Garmārūdī, Ilāhī Qumshiʿī, Āyatī)(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)


کلیدواژه‌ها: sound Translation Meaning Ṣaḥīfah Sajjādīyah structure

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۲۱۶ تعداد دانلود : ۱۵۵
In every language, there is always a consistent relationship between sound and meaning and the way phonemes are used in inducing concepts. In the science of linguistics, there is a field called "phono-semantic" based on the coexistence of the phonetic structure of words and the correspondence between sounds and meanings. And in translation as an inter-linguistic and communicative act, it is very important to pay attention to the form of the source text to convey the meaning. The prayers of Imam Sajjad (AS) in the blessed book of Ṣaḥīfah Sajjādīyah are full of pure concepts for worshipping God and have a pleasant and soulful music that has been translated by translators into different languages. In the supplications of Ṣaḥīfah Sajjādīyah, the details of the phonetic level are difficult to translate due to the special features of listening. Therefore, in addition to conveying the meaning, the translator should also pay attention to the phonetic features of the words. In this literary essay, with the analytical descriptive method, the author has criticized four levels of phono-semantic: alliteration, minimal pairs, word plays and rhythm in three translations by Sayyid ʿAlī Mūsawī Garmārūdī, Ilāhī Qumshiʿī and Abdul Muḥammad Āyatī.  

Prioritizing the indexes of Discretion, Heterogeny and Autogeny factors in order to analyze and evaluate their readiness for ideal situation of Central bank of the Islamic republic of Iran(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Central Bank structure contextual ideal situation grading

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۶۲ تعداد دانلود : ۸۴
the purpose of this research is to prioritize the indexes of discretion, Heterogeny and Autogeny factors in order to analyze and evaluate their readiness for ideal situation of Central bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran (CBI). This research is an exploratory kind and in terms of method is a survey kind. The data collection tool is questionnaire. After two Delphi cycles, in final questionnaire the detachment variable was eliminated and for Autogeny variable 10 questions, Heterogeny 11 questions and discretion 17 questions were regulated, therefore it can be said the ostensible and content validity of the questionnaire was confirmed. Also since Cronbach's alpha coefficient of the questionnaire was higher than 0.7, it indicates acceptable reliability of the questionnaire. In order to analyze the data, Friedman test with applying SPSS software was used. The results showed, the structural dimension with average grade of 1.83 had higher average than contextual dimension which means in Discretion factor, the structural dimension has more readiness for ideal situation. Also the structural dimension with average grade of 2 had higher average than contextual dimension which means in Heterogeny factor, structural dimension has more readiness for ideal situation. And finally, the contextual tent dimension with average grade of 1.91 had higher average than structural dimension which means in Autogeny factor, the contextual dimension has more readiness for ideal situation.

The Structure and Tactics of al-Qaeda: Continuity and Change

کلیدواژه‌ها: al-Qaeda Ideology structure Iraq War Afghanistan

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۸۸ تعداد دانلود : ۷۰
Following the events of September 11, 2001, the name of the al-Qaeda organization, as the terrorist group leading to attacks, quickly spread all around the world, and this group and its leaders and activists were prosecuted. The organization, rooted in Salafi and fundamentalist extremist thoughts, has always been supported by the West and the United States during the Cold War because of his struggle against the Red Army in Afghanistan. But the end of the Cold War and the spread of al-Qaeda’s thoughts to other Islamic countries, as well as the meaning crisis of the end of the Cold War, gradually led to the introduction of this group and similar organizations as enemies and fighting against radicalization of Western policy in the region. However, the war in Afghanistan caused the country to become insecure for al-Qaeda, and they scattered more than before in other countries of the region. The Iraq war also conducted part of these forces to Iraq to fight the Americans. Al-Qaeda has been struggling to rebuild itself all around the world, including western countries, since September 11, taking its flexible network structure into account and has put new tactics on its agenda. The present article examines the ideology and structure of this organization and the changes and continuity of its behavioral pattern and its operation.