مطالب مرتبط با کلیدواژه
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This study was an attempt to examine the relationship between EFL students’ EI, their gender, and writing performance. To this end, 30 female and 27 male English B.A. students, studying at Allameh Tabataba’i University, participated in this study. After checking the homogeneity of the participants through a TOEFL test, Bar-On EQ-i questionnaire (Bar-On, 1997) was administered in order to measure the participants’ emotional intelligence. Besides, their writing performance was measured by their writing course final grades. Three Pearson product moment correlation coefficients and a Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) were run to analyze the relationships and interactions among the variables of emotional intelligence, gender, and writing performance. The findings revealed that there was a positive relationship between the participants’ EI and their writing performance. Furthermore, the female participants had a higher emotional intelligence compared to the male participants. However, no difference was found between the male and female participants’ writing performance. The obtained results of this study have had several implications in the fields of English teaching, language testing, and syllabus design and materials development.
Functionalist Economics: A Deweyan Approach(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
In this study, we have tried to identify two different approaches for dealing with social problems and issues. The first one is causal explanation, which is retrospective, static and physical. The other one, functional analysis, is prospective, dynamic, and normative. Institutions are the main subject of economics. Human social-institutional reality has a common underlying structure and these structures are matters of status functions. We proposed a method which aims at efficacy of these functions using intelligence rather than assuming these functions as intrinsic and trying to grasp the realty from without by a rationality apparatus. The aim of this article is to show that, Dewey’s Logic provides us with this alternative functionalistic approach in a comprehensive way.
Relationship between Iranian EFL Learners’ Reading Strategy Use and Emotional Intelligence
International Journal of Foreign Language Teaching & Research, Volume ۳, Issue ۹, Spring ۲۰۱۵
36 - 43
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This study aimed at investigating the relationship between Iranian EFL learners’ reading strategy use and Emotional Intelligence (EI) as well as exploring the most frequently-used reading strategies which can facilitate the process of reading comprehension. To this end, a group of 60 was selected out of 274 university learners majoring in TEFL and English Translation. Based on English Proficiency Test and Bar-On’s (1997) EI Test, they were divided into two groups (high and low EI). Then, the needed data were gathered by employing a Reading Strategy Questionnaire. The collected data were analyzed via SPSS software, version 22. The results of the study revealed that EI level was positively associated with Reading Strategy Use (r=0.623, p<0.01). Also, the results of independent samples t-test were indicative of the fact that the degree of usage of meta-cognitive and cognitive strategies by the high EI group was greater than that of the low EI group, while with respect to the test-taking strategies, this degree of usage was weaker in the former than in the latter. In addition, cognitive strategy, as the most frequent one, was observed to be a facilitative strategy for reading comprehension. It was, therefore, concluded that the importance of reading strategies should be taken into account in improving the reading skill and other areas of language learning and teaching. The findings of the can be helpful for material development, testing and teaching methodologies.
Priority-Setting of Effective Components on the Teaching-Learning Model with Approach to Improving Problem-Solving Ability(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Problem-solving is an ability human beings need to live better lives, however, some do not possess enough of this acquirable skill. Although many studies have concerned themselves with problem solving, this study has investigated it from a different angle. The present study was aimed at the priority-setting of components effective on the teaching-learning model, with a focus on improving problem solving ability in upper secondary school students. This study used a descriptive-correlational design. The population consisted of professors of the Education Department of Islamic Azad University, Kerman Branch, who were actively working in 2019-2020 academic year, a total of 12 professors. Out of them, 10 individuals were selected as the sample through non-random availability sampling, based on Morgan’s table. The questionnaire entailed 12 components and 38 items. Network analysis was adopted for priority-setting of effective components. Furthermore, data and statistical analyses were conducted using Super Decisions, SPSS, and Excel. The results showed that ‘creativeness and creativity’ was the most important component, and ‘intelligence’ the least important component in the teaching-learning model.
The Effect of Artistic Intelligence Components on Student’s Mental Health(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of artistic intelligence components on students' mental health. Methodology: his study was applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-correlational in terms of data collection and quantitative in terms of method. The statistical population was all the first high school students in Sari city in the academic year 20-2019 that according to Krejcie and Morgan table, 361 people were selected by multi-stage cluster sampling. The measurement tool was a researcher-made questionnaire of art intelligence with 55 items and mental health of Omidian and Alavi Langroudi with 46 items whose construct validity, using factor analysis method and reliability value through Cronbach's alpha coefficient, respectively. 0.94 And 0.92 were calculated. Data were analyzed using Pearson correlation coefficient and regression analysis. Findings: The results showed that there is a significant relationship between artistic intelligence and its components (artistic talent, artistic attitude, artistic taste, artistic activity, artistic skills and art economics) with students' mental health. The components of artistic intelligence have a significant impact on mental health, as a total of 57% of students' mental health is explained (predicted). Also, the artistic taste component has the largest share in predicting students' mental health. Conclusion: By creating the necessary opportunities, the necessary grounds for the flourishing of talents and the participation of all talented and artistic students can be provided, and by thanking and appreciating them and awarding prizes on various occasions. , Provided the grounds for their encouragement to develop their artistic skills.
Navigating Teachers’ and Tourism students’ Preferred Intelligence Types in English for Tourism Purposes
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This study sought to navigate multiple intelligence (MI) theory in the First Friend Series with the tourism English courses. To comply with the objective, 15 teachers were asked to uncover their perceptions of MI theory and its application in their classes. The secondary aim of this study was to probe tourism learners’ preferred intelligence types concerning different kinds of intelligence provided in the textbooks. To do this, 42 tourism students were asked to fill out the MI inventory developed by Christison (1996). The findings indicated that the textbook series dominantly represented verbal/linguistic and special/visual linguistic intelligence types. In addition, the most preferred intelligence types were interpersonal, logical-mathematical, musical, and special-visual, respectively. However, the least intelligence types were naturalistic and bodily-kinesthetic. The findings revealed that female learners displayed higher mean rank in answering the MI inventory, but the difference between the male and female learners in their MI type was not significant. Categorizing data obtained from teachers’ interviews (N= 15) showed that MI brings positive outcomes related to teaching practices and the learners’ learning. Teachers reported positive attitudes towards considering MI theory in teaching and applying it in their classes. The findings have implications for the tourism students, English for specific courses, and language policy makers.
Panpsychism in Philosophy of Mind, Transcendent Philosophy and the Quran(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
Interdisciplinary Qur'anic Studies, Volume ۱, Issue ۱, June ۲۰۲۲
217 - 230
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Panpsychism in philosophy of mind is the view that mentality is fundamental and ubiquitous in the natural world. The view has a long and venerable history in philosophical traditions -both East and West- and has recently enjoyed a revival in analytic philosophy. Thus, in conjunction with the widely held assumption that fundamental things exist only at the micro-level, panpsychism entails that at least some kinds of micro-level entities have mentality, and that instances of those kinds are found in all things throughout the material universe. We can see something like this in Mulla Sadra's Transcendent Philosophy. Mulla Sadra claims that all things enjoy some kind of intelligence and understanding. On the other hand, many verses of the Holy Qur'an either explicitly or implicitly assert the presence of understanding and intelligence in all things. In this article, I will explain all three issues (Panpsychism, Mulla Sadra's view, and relevant verses of the Holy Qur'an), then I will make it clear that Mulla Sadra's view and Qur'anic statements are consistent with at least some versions of the Panpsychism.
The spectrum of consciousness in the world(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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In this paper, we try to show, based on scientific evidence, that assigning consciousness to humans and calling the "world without humans" meaningless does not seem like a comprehensive approach. The intellectual foundation of this attitude is based on a kind of "spectral approach" in examining the phenomena of the world. To explain this attitude, we refer to evidence of scientific findings to show that our lack of understanding of the consciousness of other beings does not mean the lack of intelligence in them. We also show that many phenomena in this world are spectral. Then, based on the verses of the Qur'an and the concept of the dignity of beings from the perspective of Islamic philosophy, we conclude that other creatures also have a hierarchy of intelligence that we describe here as "the spectrum of consciousness".
Unpacking the Functions of Multiple Intelligences in Using interactional Metadiscourse Markers: A Comparison across Proficiency Levels
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Curiosity about metadiscourse markers (MMs) use in written performance of different proficiency levels has grown among discourse researchers. The current study was carried out to examine whether there was any realizable relationship between multiple intelligences (MI) and interactional metadiscourse (IM) use across proficiency levels. Particularly, it centered on exploring whether MI correlated with the employment of IM by intermediate and advance EFL written performance and whether MIs could predict their IM use in their performance. Data were collected from 90 Iranian EFL learners at two English language institutes, taking the Michigan Test of English Language Proficiency (MTELP), and the McKenzie's MI Inventory. The data were analyzed quantitatively running a multiple regression procedure through SPSS (version 22). The result of the data analysis showed that none of the MI types were predicators of IM use by intermediate EFL learners. However, interpersonal intelligence was the only negative predictor of IM use by intermediate EFL learners. Advanced EFL learners’ IM use was highly and positively correlated with musical intelligence. The article suggests some implications for syllabus designers.
Predicting the performance of school principals in leadership based on spiritual intelligence and spirituality at workplace with the mediation of organizational intelligence(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
School Administration, Volume ۱۰, Issue ۴, Winter ۲۰۲۲۳
216 - 237
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performance management has become one of the most effective incentive tools. The performance of school principals in the field of leadership has been less investigated. This research was conducted with the aim of Predicting the performance of school principals in leadership based on spiritual intelligence and spirituality at workplace with the mediation of organizational intelligence. The correlation research method was based on the structural equation model. The statistical population of the research was all the public and girls’ senior high schools’ principals of Tabriz (N=270). The sample size is 160 people based on the table of Krejcie and Morgan with stratified random sampling. Albrecht's organizational intelligence questionnaires, King's spiritual intelligence questionnaires, Milliman's spirituality at work, as well as the researcher-made questionnaire of school principals' performance in leadership were used to collect data. The psychometric properties of the questionnaires are valid and reliable. PLS software was used for data analysis. The results of the structural equation model showed (P<0.05): the ability to predict the leadership performance of principals based on spirituality at work and spiritual intelligence with the mediation of organizational intelligence at a high level (R2 = 0.85) and the ability to predict organizational intelligence based on spiritual intelligence was significant (Total effect = 0.86). There is a significant positive relationship between spiritual intelligence, spirituality at work and organizational intelligence with performance (P<0.05). Based on research results, promoting spiritual and organizational intelligence in principals, as well as promoting spirituality at work in schools can improve the leadership performance of principals
Examining the Roles of Sapioemotionality-Angloemotionality and Sensory Motivation in English Language Achievement(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Emphasizing the significance of students' attitudes and emotions in the learning process, this study utilized Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to investigate the roles of sapio-emotionality, angloemotionality, and sensory motivation in learners' academic accomplishments. The key aim was to devise a scale for measuring students' anglo-emotionality (a blend of native speakers' characteristics and emotionality) using SEM, while also scrutinizing the relationships between sapio-emotionality (intelligence entwined with emotionality), angloemotionality, and sensory motivation. Data was collected from 292 EFL students (156 males and 136 females) across both social and non-social sciences fields who filled in three questionnaires, namely sapio-emotionality, anglo-emotionality, and sensory motivation scales. The SEM analysis indicated that the anglo-emotionality scale has robust psychometric properties. Furthermore, it facilitated the revelation that sapio-emotionality is positively correlated with sensory motivation. However, no significant statistical correlations were discerned between anglo-emotionality and sensory motivation via SEM. Intriguingly, when mediated by angloemotionality, SEM revealed that sapio-emotionality cannot predict sensory motivation and English Language Acquisition (ELA). Also, none of the dependent variables emerged as predictors of ELA. The study concludes with a discussion of the results and their implications for future research, underscoring the utility of SEM in elucidating these intricate relationships.