مطالب مرتبط با کلیدواژه
English teachers
حوزههای تخصصی:
This study investigated the nature of EFL teacher education programs with respect to implementation, practicality, and approach to teacher learning. The data were collected through observation of two teacher education programs and interviews with 8 teacher trainers. The results attested to the transmission orientation of the programs. It was found that a pre-specified body of teaching knowledge is transferred from the trainers to the teachers. Teachers’ creativity, prior knowledge, and experience, the role of teaching context, and the population of learners are not considered in program development. The results of interviews with teacher trainers supported the results of the observations. It was found that even the trainers are not involved in the process of program development, as they are only transmitting the materials presented by textbook authors. The findings also indicated that what teachers considered beneficial for their development was different from what was incorporated in the programs. The existing gap between macro plans and teachers’ practices and preferences results from the centralized education system in Iran in which practicing teachers are not involved in the policy-making process. Implications for teacher education in general and EFL teacher education programs in particular are discussed.
The Effect of High School English Teachers' Awareness of Pedagogical Competence on Students' Learning Achievements(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
The study examined the impact of high school English teachers’ awareness of pedagogical competence on student learning. A psychometric measurement instrument of English language teachers’ pedagogical competence (ELTPC) was first developed through factor analysis with 320 high school teachers in Guilan, northern Iran. Based on the developed instrument, 36 teachers were divided into two groups of aware and unaware teachers of pedagogical competence (PC) according to Contrasting Groups Method. Then, 160 high school third graders received instruction from the aware and unaware teachers for 7 weeks. Finally, a survey regarding the teachers’ implementation of pedagogical competence in classrooms was conducted with 30 students. The findings showed that the students in the aware teacher group outperformed the students in the unaware group of teachers. Although based on the survey results, the aware teachers were reported to act better with regard to the students’ learning achievements, they were not reported as highly practicing the pedagogical competence. The findings can be practically used by teachers, teacher educators, and education administrators.
A Comparative Study of English and Math Teachers’ Perfectionism: Leadership and Empowerment(مقاله پژوهشی دانشگاه آزاد)
International Journal of Foreign Language Teaching & Research, Volume ۴, Issue ۱۳, Spring ۲۰۱۶
109 - 128
حوزههای تخصصی:
The present study aimed at investigating the relationship between three main characteristics of teachers; namely, perfectionism, leadership and empowerment, amongst Iranian English and math teachers. To do so, two groups of teachers were selected to participate in this study. One consisted of 177 math teachers and the other comprised 200 English teachers. All were teaching in Khorasan Razavi province, both in high schools and institutes. In order to collect the necessary data, three instruments (i.e. the Almost Perfect Scale–revised Questionnaire, School Participant Empowerment Questionnaire, and Leadership Practice Inventory) were employed. Having analyzed the data, the researchers found that the correlation among all the three variables were statistically significant for both math and English teachers. However, there was a statistically significant difference between math and English teachers regarding their leadership and empowerment, while no statistically significant difference was found between math and English teachers concerning their perfectionism.
Investigating English Teachers' Awareness of Pedagogical Competence and its Effect on Students' Language Learning(مقاله پژوهشی دانشگاه آزاد)
international Journal of Foreign Language Teaching & Research, Volume ۶, Issue ۲۳, Autumn ۲۰۱۸
35 - 49
حوزههای تخصصی:
The study examined the impact of high school English teachers’ awareness of pedagogical competence on student learning. A psychometric measurement instrument of English language teachers' pedagogical competence (ELTPC) was first developed through factor analysis with 320 high school teachers in Guilan, Northern Iran. Based on the developed instrument, 36 teachers were divided into two groups of aware and unaware teachers of pedagogical competence (PC) according to Contrasting Groups Method of cut score. Then, 160 high school third graders received instruction from the aware and unaware teachers for 7 weeks. Finally, a survey regarding the teachers’ implementation of pedagogical competence in classrooms was conducted with 30 students. The findings from the experiment and survey supported the teachers in aware group. Although, based on the survey results, the aware teachers were reported to act better, they were not reported as highly practicing the pedagogical competence. The findings can be practically used by schools, education administration, and teacher educators.
Educational Challenges of Afghan High School Students in Iran from the Perspectives of English Language Teachers: Tehran Province(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
Purpose: It is more than 30 years that Afghan people immigrate to Iran. This paper aims to find out the educational challenges Afghan High School students face in Iranian schools based on English teachers’ perspectives in Tehran province. Methodology: This research is qualitative and its kind is deductive. Based on the theoretical foundations of migration, relevant studies, especially the research of Sadegh Mousavi et al. (2019), Shishehgran and Haji Dehabadi (2018), and Songhori et al (2014) components of educational challenges were compiled. Guba and Lincoln indices (1994, quoted by Mohsenpour, 2013) were used to validate the components. The tool of this study is a Semi-structured interview based on the accredited components. Data analysis has been done by the use of Braun and Clarke’s thematic method (2006). The number of English teachers who have taught Afghan students for more than four years in public schools and participated in this study was about 32 (17 female and 15 male). Findings: The findings show that parents of these students rarely come to school to ask about the educational progress of their students, Afghan students adapt to the content of Iranian textbooks and the curriculum as the result of having a close relationship with Iranian culture, some students work after school to help their family financially. Regarding citizenship, Afghan students consider themselves differently as first-class Iranian citizens, second-class citizens, and some do not care about the issue of citizenship in Iran because they consider life in Iran to be temporary and intend to immigrate to European countries. Among the female students, no delinquency or victimization was observed by the English teachers, but the male teachers had heard of a few cases such as buying and selling drugs and consuming them. Considering that Afghan students are interested in learning English and its skills, it is necessary to take advantage of the presence of English teachers in reducing the educational challenges of students. Conclusion: This can be achieved by holding compensatory classes by these teachers themselves. This leads to more social communication between students and their English language teachers and to a large extent causes a kind of social control in preventing the occurrence of delinquency and delinquency. It is also suggested that the English language curriculum should pay attention to multiculturalism and anti-racism, and the necessary programs to familiarize school administrators, parents of students, teachers, and Iranian students, as well as parents of Afghan students and the students themselves should be provided.
Emergency Remote Teaching in Rural High Schools during the Pandemic: Exploring Iranian English Teachers’ Teaching and Assessing Practices
Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Translation Studies, Vol. ۸, No. ۳, Summer ۲۰۲۳
61 - 84
حوزههای تخصصی:
Following the COVID-19 outbreak, educational institutes around the world including Iran transitioned from the face-to-face method to an online modality to sustain education. Adapting to this abrupt transition was challenging for teachers, especially those working in remote and low-resource schools. To have a profounder understanding of Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT) in rural secondary schools, in this qualitative study, the researchers explored the technological tools, teaching platforms, and assessment strategies employed by 12 Iranian English teachers during the pandemic. The analysis of the data, collected through semi-structured interviews and e-observations, revealed that the participants mostly, but not exclusively, used SHAD application as their online platform and used different technological tools for creating pedagogic content such as screen recorder, video editors, and PowerPoint. The teachers also adopted different methods for delivering teaching including flipped method, live broadcasts, pre-recorded teaching materials, voices, and images. They used Google forms, Digi forms, and video calls for evaluating the students; nevertheless, they chiefly deployed these tools for designing traditional exam types. The implications and limitations of the study are discussed.
The Correspondence between Teachers’ Guide Recommendations and Actual Teaching of Iranian English Teachers: Vision Series in Focus(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
New generation of English textbooks, Vision Series, has been introduced and taught in Iranian high schools since 2017. This study aimed to scrutinize the correspondence between the recommendations suggested in the English teachers’ guides (TGs) of Vision Series and the actual teaching practices of Iranian high school English teachers. It follows a descriptive and correlational design, enjoying both qualitative and quantitative research methods. Participants of the present study included three groups: English teachers, high school students, and supervisors of English teachers in Iranian Ministry of Education. A total number of 100 high school English teachers, teaching in Sistan and Balouchestan Province, filled out a researcher-made piloted questionnaire. Out of them, 3 male and 3 female English teachers were later invited for an oral semi-structured interview. The second group of participants were 48 high school students. The last group of participants were 2 supervisors of English teachers in Iranian Ministry of Education. The researchers also participated in and observed two female teachers' English classes. By and large, the results of supervisors’ interviews and class observations were negative about the correspondence between actual teaching of Vision Series and recommendations of TG for most sections of the book. By contrast, the results of teachers' and students' questionnaires demonstrated that English teachers' teaching was perceived to be consistent with the recommendations of TG in more than half of the cases. The interviews with teachers indicated that half of the interviewees believed that they followed the suggestions of the TG. The implications of findings, especially for English teachers, are also discussed.
Can Spending Management mediate the relationship between financial literacy, English Teacher's Risk Tolerance, and financial anxiety?(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
Financial literacy is a globally recognized priority, acknowledged for its significance in various countries. The present study endeavors to investigate the influence of financial literacy on Risk Tolerance and financial anxiety among teachers of English as a second language in Iranian Public Schools. The focal point of this investigation revolves around the mediating responsibilities associated with Spending management. To gather the necessary data, an online survey was conducted, collecting responses from a total of 214 participants. Through an extensive exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, these data were analyzed. As a result, two hypotheses were found to be invalid; it was determined that financial literacy plays a pivotal role in shaping saving attitudes and managing spending habits. Furthermore, it was observed that both saving attitudes and financial anxiety significantly affect one's risk tolerance level.
English Teachers’ versus Content Teachers’ Language Learning Beliefs and their Practices in English for Specific Academic Purpose Courses
Research in English Education Volume ۹, Issue ۱ (۲۰۲۴)
35 - 49
حوزههای تخصصی:
This study endeavored to explore the beliefs that Iranian English for Academic Purposes (EAP) teachers held and scrutinize the extent to which their beliefs can correspond to their actual practices in EAP context. To these ends, a mixed mehod study was conducted in which 40 EAP teachers (20 English teachers & 20 subject-area teachers) teaching EAP courses in Universities of Medical Sciences in Iran participated in this nationwide study. The quantitative data gathered through a belief questionnaire was analyzed by SPSS software and the qualitative data collected through interview and observation of EAP courses was analyzed through content analysis. Analyses of the gathered data disclosed that the participants held different beliefs in terms of teaching strategies so that they did differently in their reading-based performances as well as the teaching and learning strategies. Besides, it was revealed that unlike subject-area teachers whose beliefs and performance were derived from their content-related concerns, English teachers’ beliefs and performance were presided by the students’ real needs, interest, and what is substantiated in the current literature. Within the EAP community of teachers and teacher educators, not only novice teachers who aim to enter into the EAP teaching mainstream can benefit from the findings, but also EAP teachers currently teaching such courses can gain the advantage of reflecting upon the beliefs and their actual practices. In addition, the findings may have implications for all EAP teachers to verbalize tacitly held beliefs, think consciously about them, and be aware of existing challenges and critical areas in EAP teaching.