Tourism and Hospitality Research (IJTHR)
Tourism and Hospitality Research, Volume 6, Issue 1, Autumn 2018
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Iran is in one of the most sensitive geopolitical situations in the world, so that the active geopolitical regions with its broad and diverse functions around it have become the focus of gravity of regional and international diplomacy. This situation is affecting Iran in the context of global and regional developments. The geopolitical position of countries over time and under the influence of various factors such as wars, revolutions, changes in the international system and the global system, and changes in the balance of power are constantly changing. Iran has been one of the countries in which its geopolitics has undergone many changes over the past four decades, whose causes can be found in a variety of internal and external geopolitical factors. This paper uses a descriptive-analytical research methodology and libraries to investigate the process of changes in the geopolitical situation in Iran before and after the Islamic Revolution and the imposed war on how and why the process is deeply rooted. The reasoning behind the present article is that the process of Iranian geopolitical developments has been very rapid and in recent decades has been more influenced by the process of internal transformation of Iran's society and internal power potentials, and external and national factors have played a secondary role in this process
Scrutinizing the role of tourism industry on reducing the housing unsustainability in informal settlements (Case study:Manoochehri neighborhood in Hamadan)
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Today, tourism has become a highly successful and profitable industry in the world, especially in developed countries. Hamadan province in Iran has a lot of tourist attractions. According to statistics released by the Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization in the province, there are over 1831 historical and cultural recorded works in Hamedan province. Therefore, by investing in the tourism sector, the province can be turned into a tourist destination, helping to create jobs and increase people's income. This research is an applied one, conducted by field and observation methods. Thus, tourism can be considered as a rescue tool for sustainable urban development, especially in marginalized areas. In this research, the effect of tourism industry on decreasing housing unsustainability will be studied in one of Hamedan's marginal neighborhoods, Manoochehri neighborhood, emphasizing on sustainability components. Using a researcher-made questionnaire, the researcher analyzed the extent of each of the components to answer the research questions and, through the SWOT table, identified the strategy of intervention in the neighborhood to reduce the incidence of unsustainability and, in the end, considering the strategy and the results of the questionnaire, it has come up with the necessary strategies.
The role of infrastructures on sport tourists development in Mazandaran province
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The purpose of this study was to identify and effective role of each of infrastructures related to sports tourism development in Mazandaran province. This study is based on a descriptive-survey method and is a type of field study. The statistical population included sport management professors, experts and heads of sport associations from Physical Education administration and the tourism experts of the Mazandaran province, which are all considered and targeted research were selected as examples. The tool used to collect data was a researcher-made questionnaire which its reliability was obtained by Cronbach`s alpha 86%. The questionnaire was design according to the Likert 5-point scale and 83 usable questionnaires were obtained . The friedman test and t-test was used for inferential analysis. Results showed that all the factors for the development of sports tourism infrastructure of a country is higher than average level 3, hence These factors affect the order of priority and importance in attracting tourists and in the management of marketing and advertising(4.72) is primarily important. It should be noted that the development of sports tourism, as may be that all the factors infrastructure and facilities affecting tourism, in the areas considered particularly sports tourism infrastructure And create appropriate strategies for marketing and tourism development, because of The weakness in tourism marketing and advertising of the backwardness of the country of the rising trend of the industry.
Feasibility of Ecotourism Development in Anzali Wetland: An Emphasis on Bird Watching Stations
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The unique geographical location and diversity of natural phenomena have led Iran to be recognized as the fifth country with a natural diversity in the world. However, despite the abundance of natural attraction, Iran’s ecotourism is faced with obstacles and challenges for attracting tourists. Among the various kinds of natural attractions, wetlands and preserved areas have a high potential for sustainable tourism development that can provide investment opportunities for public and private sector managers in tourism development and research programs. In this paper, attempts have been made to explore sustainable tourism development potential by identifying the ecosystem potentials of the Anzali Wetland, especially the presence of native and migratory birds in this area. The research uses a descriptive-analytical method that is based on library documents, the Internet websites, and a questionnaire. The SWOT model was used to analyze the hypotheses. It seems that the Anzali Wetland has the potential to attract tourists who come to visit migrating and local birds in most seasons. So, with proper planning and using the experience of developed countries, such as the Kushiro Wetland in Japan, we can develop ecotourism and also, we can make it a matter of culture to monitor and protect the environment as a shelter for local and migrating birds.
Economic sustainable development strategies based on urban tourism (Case study: Malayer city)
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At the beginning of the third millennium tourism industry has obtained a special place in countries economy and plays an active and effective role in the promotion of cultural structure specially in developed countries. Generally the cities have several tourism attractions and attract many tourism among leisure activities the tourism has the highest variety and soul in one hand the most extensive spatial and local width on the other hand, perhaps it can be said that the tourism specially the urban tourism is along with leisure activities such as purchase, walking and at all and accordingly the tourism planning and management is one of the sensitive, complex and multidimensional tasks that has attracted the urban managers attention, nowadays the tourism is considered as an economic affair. Thus identify of work, activity and it’s purpose is very important because the cities are considered as a place for appearance of economic, political, social and cultural power and stimulus arm of the government. In the present research that is a descriptive- analytic study by means of swat model the pros and cans, opportunities and threats in the Malayer urban tourism have been explained and the obtained strategies of model have been presented. The obtained results indicate that Malayer city as the second city of Hamedan province inspire of having environmental capacities and historical and cultural background is not in suitable conditions from urban tourism point of view.
An investigation of Legal Foundations of Tourism in Iran
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Certainly, in any field principles are foundations of rights and in this regard tourism is of no exception. Since, tourism is believed to be the main element for constant development, codification of laws and familiarity with tourists’ rights for having support and security seems crucial. The prerequisite for implementing rights of tourism is identifying other important laws which are known as the human’s essential laws of freedom. If tourism right is considered as a natural right for human being, but a tourist is banned from entering and residing in another country and his life and property are not safe and in case of any aggression is not allowed to refer to any court for prosecution and defending his rights, tourism rights would be meaningless. Some countries, based on their internal policies prefer to limit tourism and tourists’ rights while others advocate unconditional tourism and tourists’ rights. Obviously, any country based on the its principle of sovereignty and policies may act toward or against accepting the theory of unconditional tourists’ rights.