Tourism and Hospitality Research (IJTHR)
Tourism and Hospitality Research, Volume 8, Issue 1, Autumn 2020 (مقاله پژوهشی دانشگاه آزاد)
حوزههای تخصصی:
Diversity of economic activities, agglomeration of educational centers, concentration on technological initiatives and information generation, possession of the most important cultural centers, and arrangement of the most significant artistic and cultural events in Tehran Metropolis have provided a large-scale potential for cultural and educational activities and a special condition for cultural tourism development; however, tourism development plans adopted by Tehran officials are slight proportional to its regional capacities and have thus proved unsuccessful to reach a perceptible and appropriate tourism development. The chief objective borne by this research is, accordingly, identification of the factors and indices impacting on Tehran’s cultural tourism development, which, with respect to sundry commonalities of this type of tourism and creative and cultural industries, focuses on these factors, as well. Indices have been extracted through literature reviews and their content analysis. Using Delphi questionnaire, afterwards, experts’ and urban planners’ opinions and comments were extracted in two stages. Results of the first stage of Delphi questionnaires graded indices in Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM). Outcomes of the second stage were analyzed byMICMAC software to determine impacts and susceptibilities of the indices on each other. Results of the study show that the index Rules and Regulations is graded in the level 10 and the indices ‘ Suitable Institutional Partnership and Labor Division among Different Actors of Industry’, ‘Political and International Relations’, and ‘Existence of Cultural Tourism Attractions’ are graded in the level 9 aimed at development of Tehran Metropolis’s cultural tourism. In fact, indices of the levels 9 and 10 are fundamental ones to which more attention should be paid with regard to results of interpretive-structural analysis in development of Tehran cultural tourism.
Analysis of Tourism Effects on Economic, Socio-Cultural and Environmental Development of Astara City Using Chi-square Model(مقاله پژوهشی دانشگاه آزاد)
حوزههای تخصصی:
The tourism industry, as one of the leading developing industries, has a special place in the economies of countries today and with its effects plays an active and effective role in improving the economic, socio-cultural and environmental structure of societies. Astara city, with its special capabilities and tourism opportunities, has a special place in tourism in Gilan province. The nature of this applied research is descriptive-analytical method and its purpose is developmental. The statistical population of this study is all residents of Astara city and using Cochran's formula and Jesse Morgan's table, 383 people are considered as the sample size. This research was conducted by survey method and the validity of the questionnaire was approved by a panel of experts and its reliability was calculated using Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.98. The results indicate that the development of tourism has had a significant effect on the development of Astara city. The results of the Chi-square test show that tourism has played a significant role in increasing employment and job opportunities, increasing the income of the local community from retailing goods and renting villas and housing, improving local infrastructure, reducing migration and increasing participation in collective work. Finally, according to the research results, practical suggestions are presented.
The relationship between urban resilience and tourism crisis management in Iran(مقاله پژوهشی دانشگاه آزاد)
حوزههای تخصصی:
Urban crises are a constant companion of cities and urban management tries to protect cities against these crises. One of the crises that requires management to improve urban resilience are tourism crises. Because in these crises, the tourism infrastructure may be damaged or the security of tourists and the entire tourism system may be destroyed. The purpose of this article is to analyze the relationship between urban resilience and tourism crisis management in Iran. The main question of the article is how improving urban resilience can help manage tourism crises in Iran? The method of this article is descriptive-analytical. The findings of the article show that industrial tourism is growing rapidly and generating income, but on the other hand, this industry is extremely fragile and has very little resilience to crises, in a way that by creating the slightest insecurity and disorder in the tourism infrastructure, it will be severely stagnated. Therefore, resilience of cities is in fact equal to the stability of the tourism system and the stability of the tourism system makes the tourism industry not be completely paralyzed in times of crisis.
Cultural and Social Effects and Consequences of Tourism with Emphasis on Religious Tourism(مقاله پژوهشی دانشگاه آزاد)
حوزههای تخصصی:
There is no doubt that tourism plays an important role in the revitalization and diversification of communities, but at the same time it can cause the effects and changes that this industry has on society, changes in the social, economic and living environment of the regions. It is complex and varies from region to region, so the effects it has are very different and vary from region to region. The purpose of the present study by descriptive-analytical method; is investigating the effects of religious tourism from the perspective of cultural patterns and examples of Islam and Islamic jurisprudence, as well as providing strategies for the tourism industry based on Islamic religious models by collecting library information and documentary. The results of the research show that tourism and travel from the Islamic point of view is not only not limited but while emphasizing tourism, its Islamic dimensions and examples are also abundant.
Evaluation of Tourism Development Indicators of Milad Telecommunication Tower using the CO-PLOT Model(مقاله پژوهشی دانشگاه آزاد)
حوزههای تخصصی:
Tourism and the related economy is transforming and plays a vital role in world economy. Many economic development planners and policymakers also refer to tourism industry as the basis for development. Tourism-related activities and the provision of appropriate services in an area, like many other economic sectors, require necessary groundings in terms of its origin. Therefore, based on the importance of tourism industry on the one hand, and the existence of tourism potentials of Tehran province on the other hand, an appropriate procedure is required for prioritizing different areas in the province in order to efficiently and appropriately plan and prioritize different investments in these areas. In this regard, the aim of this research is to evaluate of tourism development indicators of Milad Telecommunication tower. In order to analyze the research data, the CO-PLOT analysis method and comparative comparison of Milad Tower tourism statistics were used. The results of factor analysis indicate the importance of the managerial-institutional dimension as one of the important factors in the tourism development of Milad Tower; the results from a t-test showed that the effect of each factor and dimensions is different on tourism development of Milad Tower. According to the tourism experts and professionals, the institutional-managerial, political, physical, socio-cultural, economic factors are of paramount importance in the tourism development of Milad Tower.
Safety and environmental risk assessment of the mountain sport and resorts of Tehran with an emphasis on the sustainable tourism carrying capacity and the provision of management approaches(مقاله پژوهشی دانشگاه آزاد)
حوزههای تخصصی:
Sustainable tourism is based on the concept of sustainable development. The area attracts a significant number of users for sports and tourism activities, especially on holidays and weekends. Most users (especially amateurs) move at approximately 2182 meters. The movement of athletes and various uses of environmental facilities such as cafes, restaurants, etc. lead to an increase in the sound level in the mountaineering route and the surrounding areas. The results show that with the change of time from early morning (6 am) to noon (12 pm), the sound level increases due to the increase in the number of users in the area. The average noise level along the mountaineering route is 77, 3 dB, which does not comply with the EPA standard as well as the UK and WHO standards and indicates the amount of noise. Therefore, environmental and safety priorities must also be considered. Failure to pay attention to the bearing capacity in determining the number of authorized users to enter the area and the entry of more people into the area, will cause damage to the environment, reduce the quality of services and welfare and other natural and human issues. Thus; Area management must plan in such a way as to ensure sustainable performance in addition to using existing land uses.