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در دهه پایانی قرن بیستم و با پایان دوره جنگ سرد، جهان شاهد تغییرات شگرفی در نقشه جغرافیای سیاسی خود بوده است؛ که زمینه ساز رقابت های ژئواستراتژیکی نوینی شد. تغییر اول، نگرانی های سیاسی ناشی از پویایی های نظامی بود؛ بطوری که حرکت جهان به سوی یک نظام بی قاعده، چندقطبی با شکل گیری موازنه قدرت و امکان تسلط نظامی ابرقدرت های بزرگ در مناطق کلیدی فر ارسید. تغییر دوم، عمدتاً اقتصادی بود؛ یعنی رشد عظیم سیستم های بازار آزاد در تجارت جهانی و شبکه های درهم پیچیده سرمایه گذاری. در این راستا، سومین تغییر در حال ظهور عبارتست از گسترش انقلاب اطلاعاتی با پیامدهایی از نوع قدرتِ دانش، که در بازیگران غیردولتی نفوذ کرده و منجر به همبستگی جهانی و ایجاد محصول جدیدی برای نظم جهانی شده است. به همین دلیل، گروهی از نظریه پردازان و استراتژیست ها آن را به عنوان مروری بر تغییر پارادایم می پندارند، اما اکثریت آن را با هریک از پارادایم های مهم رئال پلیتیک و ناسیونالیسم مرتبط می سازند. در این راستا، تعامل میان دانش و قدرت، اصول بسیار ساده ژئوپلیتیک را که اغلب توسط رئال پالیتیک یا سیاست واقع گرایانه فراموش شده است، اصلاح می کند. ژئوپلیتیک نوعی چشم انداز پانوپتیک از قدرت/دانش است که بدنبال ارزیابی موقعیت قطب های قدرت جهان برای کمک به تمرین کشورداری توسط قدرت های بزرگ تعریف می شود. گاه نیز آن را گفتگو درباره سیاست جهانی با تاکید خاص بر رقابت دولتی و ابعاد جغرافیایی قدرت می دانند. از این رو، تعریف و چیستی قدرت و دانش و اعمال آن در ژئوپلیتیک اهمیت به سزایی می یابد. بنابراین، در حالی که ساختارها و حتی پویایی نظم جهانی بشدت در حال تغییر هستند، در مباحث ژئوپلیتیکی پارادایم های جدیدی به ویژه در حوزه غیردولتی مشتمل بر بازیگران جامعه مدنی درحال ظهور می باشند که اصطلاحاً به آن «نووپلیتیک» می گویند. «نووپلیتیک» رویکردی نسبت به حکومت داری است که بوسیله سازمان های غیردولتی به عنوان بازیگران دولتی انجام می شود، و بر نقش قدرت نرم در ابراز ایده ها، ارزش ها، هنجارها و اخلاق از طریق تمام رسانه ها تأکید می کند. این باعث متمایز شدن آن از سیاست واقع گرایانه، که بر ابعاد سخت و مادی قدرت و بر دولت ها به عنوان تعیین کننده های نظم جهانی تاکید دارد، می شود. نوشتار حاضر با روش توصیفی تحلیلی درصدد پاسخ به این پرسش اصلی است: ماهیت استراتژی دانش چگونه به شکل دهی پارادایم نوینی به نام نووپلیتیک با بازیگران جامعه مدنی منجر شده است. نتایج تحقیق نشان می دهد، درهم تنیدگی سه مفهوم کلیدی نووسفر، قدرت نرم و قدرت هوشمند در عصر اطلاعات و تکنولوژی های نوین منجر به شکل گیری پارادایم جدیدی به نام نووپلیتیک شده است. ساخت این نووپلیتیک ها، منطبق با شرایط قرن 21 و وابسته به ماهیت استراتژی دانش/قدرت خواهد بود. زیرا در جهان کنونی، دانش به سرعت در حال تبدیل به منبع قوی تری از قدرت و استراتژی ها می شود، تا آنجا که سیاست واقع گرایانه و فضای بین المللی نمی تواند آن را جذب کند.

Noopolitics; A New Paradigm in Geopolitics

      Introduction In geopolitics, every decision is consciously taken and the effect of various structures of organizations, ideological institutions, etc. on performance methods and even our way of thinking is carefully noticed. Fundamental bases of geopolitical studies as well as politics are geosphere and biosphere. In this regard, Arquilla & Ronfeldt (1999) offered the idea of “noopolitics” as a new strategic approach in noospheric setting. This setting refers to the development of earth and human knowledge, science as well as mental communicative network to regenerate phenomena. Noopolitics makes a deep change in geopolitics and art of governing because it can turn knowledge into power. Above all, the aim is to prevent the dominance of power over knowledge with the result of our developed mind transferring the sciences at the service of humanity and peace into an area. While classical geopolitics claims that some countries overtake others with the intention of overruling, noopolitics rejects it and considers the unique source of power, “the power over self”. Finally, according to noopolitics, another war cannot exist in facing absolute knowledge. Methodology This study enjoys fundamental method of research and involves a new discussion over power and knowledge in relation to classical geopolitics. It dominates change in patterns and the current procedure on international system based on evolved principles of geopolitics during which the subject of power and informational strength turns into knowledge and wisdom. Its verification is the main focus of this research. With regard to the theoretical nature of the subject, the research method is descriptive-analytic and data collection tool is based on library findings. Results and Discussion Noopolitics is the interaction between power and knowledge and between power and wisdom. In fact, it is the “policy of knowledge geopolitics” in a way that it explains behaviors, errors, and reasons and enables the tomorrow’s leaders to overcome the errors. Noopolitics claims that sovereignty at any level of human organization is the source of blessing and every power. If noopolitics is considered as the interaction between power and knowledge, the art of knowledge is the ability to rule and control over power. In essence, noopolitics is a political-informative function which can be updated with the entrance of new players. Arquilla & Ronfeldt (1999) consider five trends to develop noopolitics. Integrated growth at international level, continuation of unity of the world civil society, added soft power, and updated importance of cooperation merits and shaping international noosphere. This inclination, of course, does not outdate old paradigm of terms related to political realism. However, power decreases “states role as determining factor of world discipline” and the political and realistic states. This trend, in more complex relations of the nations, considers noopolitics as states’ approaches that can be used by non-government institutions as state influencers, and emphasizes on the role of soft power to express thoughts, values, norms and ethics via all media. Noopolitics is the political behavior and foreign political strategy for the information age which emphasizes on shaping and sharing the ideas, norms, regulations, and ethics through soft power. In this regard, the information era witnesses the movement from realpolitics to noopolitics. While realpolitics with its realistic policy intends to transfer power to the states, noopolitics enjoys the power of government and non-government players system in its performance. Therefore, we encounter certain new notions in noopolitical paradigm which are based on sciences and information era such as noosphere, soft and intelligent power. It can be noted that a meaningful relationship exists between soft power and noopolitics. Arquilla & Ronfeldt (1999) take states the main players of international system but still notice the relation balance between states, market, and civil society. This change is to the advantage of realistic policy. Noopolitic thoughts are a platform via which international activities develop with knowledge playing a vital role. They believe knowledge is resulted from multiple processes and through steps which briefly include information, comprehension, analysis, and dissemination of updated communicative technologies in the light of information. Noopolitics is not only the access to the data, but it also is the possession of strategic potential by means of application of information channels. It sometimes performs as a complement for reality and sometimes as a competitive paradigm for policy and strategy. As, international noosphere expands, noopolitics offers a new paradigm at a broader level.  The interaction between knowledge and power has amended very simple principles of noopolitics. It has been recognized as an outstanding performance in a way that the states should not attempt to impose power on others. Still, they can be the final shape of power with noopolitical strategy. Therefore, power would be the final goal of international relations. Knowledge within power along with noopolitical principles would result in ideas which benefit more in peace rather than war. Military technology as well as talent should always be permitted or be turned into non-military programs because power of weapons of mass murder is more due to mass destruction.  Information revolution empowers nations’ potentials to face others; however, it is also the most vulnerable at international atmosphere. Therefore, noopolitics hegemony would belong to those with information imperialism. At the time of battle, countries that possess the capability of sharing hot information for public security are able to organize and manage more security organizations. But this issue increases the risk of exploitation and misbehavior with semi-trusted friends and allies. All in all, policies, resolutions, as well as especial mechanisms would be worked out which meaningfully keep noopolitics apart from realistic policy to deal with a vast domain of situations including “democratic development”, leverage on ruling regimes, and making agreement on environmental problems and human rights across the world. Conclusions The present research has posed a fresh discussion on power and knowledge in relation with classical noopolitics. The study domain includes changes in patterns and ruling trends in international system based on innovated principles of geopolitics with the subject of power and information capabilities turning into knowledge and wisdom that is taken as one of the updated ideas. The interaction between knowledge and power would correct quite simple principles of geopolitics and introduces noopolitics as an outstanding performance. Therefore, states with noopolitical strategies could absorb the ultimate product of power to their benefits. Based on noopolitics, wars would happen only as a result of coexistence of knowledge and ignorance, to hurt the enemy and prevent clashes. There is a need to knowledge because in encountering absolute knowledge, there would be no other war.
