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ژئومورفوسایت ها  لندفرم های ژئومورفولوژیکی هستند که از اهمیت قابل توجهی در توسعه ی گردشگری برخوردارند. ایران از جمله مناطقی است که به دلیل تنوع  لندفرم ها توانمندی قابل توجهی در جذب گردشگران دارد. در مسیر گردشگری نوستالژیک کرج – چالوس تا تونل کندوان شش  ژئومورفوسایت مشهور و برگزیده که گردشگران از تعداد  قابل توجهی از آن ها  بازدید می کنند،  برای ارزیابی توانمندی ژئومورفوتوریستی  به روش کومانسکو انتخاب شد. بر طبق این روش هر لندفرم دارای پنج ارزش (علمی، اقتصادی، زیبایی شناختی، مدیریت و کاربری و فرهنگی) است که هریک از این ارزش ها نیز بر اساس چند زیرمعیار محاسبه می شوند. اطلاعات مربوط به ارزش هر لندفرم از طریق مصاحبه و پرسش نامه بر اساس روش کومانسکو کسب و بر روی آن ها بررسی های آماری انجام گرفت. نتایج تحقیق بیانگر ارزش  بالای  ژئومورفوسایت  دره ی شهرستانک با 61/14 امتیاز و  همچنین امتیاز  پایین  ژئومورفوسایت آبشار پل آهنی با 23/11 نمره، در میان این لندفرم هاست. به نظر می رسد که امتیاز بالای دره ی شهرستانک در این امتیازبندی  بیشتر  به دلیل تنوع پدیده های ژئومورفیکی موجود و امتیاز پایین لندفرم آبشار پل آهنی به علت نمره ی کم ارزش فرهنگی آن باشد. نتایج این پژوهش می تواند به عنوان یک سند در برنامه ریزی و مدیریت محیطی جهت توسعه ی پایدار گردشگری در منطقه ی مورد مطالعه و نمونه ای برای انجام این گونه بررسی ها در مناطق گردشگری دیگر باشد.

Geomorphosites Sustainable Tourism Development Potential Evaluation by Emphasis on Comanescu Method (Case Study: Geomorphosites in Tourism:Karaj-Chaloos to Kandovan Tunnel)

Extended  Introduction Geomorphosites are the geomorphologic landforms that are formed in special places, during times after actions and reactions of internal and external factors. Geomorphosites have a great role on identification of paleogeomorphologic evolutions of a site. By evaluation of the key elements of normal landform we can obtain overall value of geomorphosites. considering the fact that geomorphosites have educational , research  and cartographic target values in tourism industry, these characteristics can lead to economic values. Geomorphosites have two original values of scientific (by reconstructing some palegeographic features) and value added (cultural, historical, ecologic, economic and aesthetics) in relation to human understanding. We can introduce geomorphosites as landform features and geomorphologic processes s that are important for identity of the earth evolutions. Karaj- Chaloos way is one of the ways that connect southern regions of Alborzmountain to northern slope of these mountainous range. This way accompanied by Theran- Ghazvin –north highway and Haraz way important ways that ends to Northern regions of Iran. This way by passing through beautiful geomorphologic sites that situated in it ( such as karaj river, Amir kabir Dam, many springs and falls , dense forests , nice summits , piedmont plains and etc. ) is one of unique ways because of its nostalgic values and from tourism point of view. Evaluation of some landforms in Karaj- Chaloos way from the point of touristic view is subject of this research to show some of its sites potentials for enhancing and developing touristic potentials in relation to sustainable development.   Materials and Methods We used data and tools in this research, the main ones are a) research data including base maps (TehranandMarzan- abad 1:100000 geologic maps,Karaj, Tajrish, Gajreh and Asara 1:50000 topographic maps). b) Documentary data including research literature and library studies. c)  Obtained data from the field research and photography of selected geomorphosites and questionnaire compilations. At first we study documentary and library literature and select related ones and classified them. Then field work, observation and photographs from sites done. In next stage we prepare a questionnaire based on Komansco method and ask 15 persons related to the subject and area to compile it(5 geomorphologic inspectors ,5 tourism inspectors ,5 local persons , familiar to the region). Komansco method (2012) is based on 5 values( scientific ,aesthetics, cultural, economic and managerial).The final score of every value obtained by averaging some sub factor. There are 8 sub factors in scientific value (Paleogeographic attraction, agent, rareness, completeness, and scientific awareness, application for educational goal, ecologic importance, and diversity). Overall score of this value is 20.We used interviews, questionnaires to fill, tables for every landform data based on Comanescu method for further statistical surveys.   Discussion and Results The research result shows that Sharestanak valley and Pol e ahanygeomorphosites get the highest and the lowest scores( 14.61 and 11.23) among selected landforms of the research correspondingly.Sepahsalar basin, Khor basin, Karaj dam lake , Yakhmorad cavern  lanforms get 2 nd to 5 th scores ( 14.4 , and 12.47) correspondingly , too. We can conclude that high score of Shahrestanak valley is because of diversity of geomorphosiets that situated inside it, such as hiking ways, Clear river, springs, rich vegetations, snow covered summits and Nasey palace. Average managerial and application scores for Khor basin is 15.20, average economic value of Shahrestanak  is 15.36, average cultural score of Sepahsalar basin is 15.70, average aesthetic score of Karaj dam lake is 15.7 and average scientific value of Shahrestanak valley was 15.53 which were the most averages among other geomophosites.   Conclusions Score obtained of cultural value for Sepahsalar Basin was highest score among scores obtained for all landforms. Shahrestanak valley, Yakhmoradcavern,Khor basin, Karaj dam lake ( because of its monumental value, meetings held around it)were among sites that have great cultural values. Differences among groups of geomorphosites approved and statistical equation of them were rejected, which means that at least one of the scoring groups, have difference by other groups in the point of average scores obtained. Statistical surveys show that there was not any error among geomorphosites groups in this research inside attended persons in filling questionnaires.
