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The role and position of the court organization in the foreign relations of Safavid government


کلید واژه ها: Iran Safavid court organization administrative system Foreign Relations

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تعداد بازدید : ۱۰۶ تعداد دانلود : ۷۰
Administrative system is one of the deep-rooted and ancient institutions of Iran. Administrative system or in other words court-administrative organization in any government is considered as one of the structures of a political system, which is very important and plays a significant role in the consistency of a government. The court-administrative organization of Safavid, which went through the three stages of formation, stabilization and peak along with the two elements of continuity and development, was one of the powerful administrative systems of post-Islamic Iran, which its examples became as a model for Iranian governments after Safavid. The fundamental desire of the present research is to examine the role and position of the court organization considering the foreign relations of Safavid. The research method in this study is based on the descriptive-analytical method and the method of collecting information is library. The results and achievements of the present research illustrated that that positions such as Monshi ol-Mamalek, Majless Nevis (events writer), Īshīk Āghāsī Bāshī, Mehmandar Bashi, Yesavol Sohbat, Pishkesh Nevis and Nazer each played a role in issues related to Safavid foreign relations.

The Safavid Dynasty and Chronogram


کلید واژه ها: chronogram History The Safavids Encryption

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تعداد بازدید : ۱۴۸ تعداد دانلود : ۱۴۶
Chronogram is the conversion of numbers and figures of history into letters, words and terms. Due to its development and growth, especially in the Safavid period, this technique has become a complex form and has gradually attracted politicians` attention and has been used directly in historical developments to prove their legitimacy, as well as their confrontation against their opponents. The use of the chronogram and the attempt to reconcile it with the rise of the Safavids, the accession of Shah Ismail, the formation of Shah Tahmasb's army, some of the Indian conquests during the reign of Shah Abbas and accession of Nader are some of these historical approaches which will be discussed in this study. In addition to stating a specific part of history, some of these chronograms, also indirectly reveal some hidden social and historical issues that can be used in historical analysis.

The Territory of Iran in the Late Safavid Dynasty according to Gilles Robert de Vaugondy and Didier de Vaugondy’s Etats du Grand-Seigneur en Asie: Empire de Perse, Pays des Usbecs, Arabie et Egypte (The First Half of the 12th Century AH/ 18th Century CE)

کلید واژه ها: Historical Geography Territory of Iran Map The Safavids Gilles Robert de Vaugondy

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تعداد بازدید : ۹۵ تعداد دانلود : ۷۸
Historical maps are one of the most important sources for studying the historical geography of lands, borders of dynasties and territories, historical names and border changes. also, by studying historical maps, one can discover the geographical vision and view of people throughout the centuries and in different societies, and in this way achieve a correct understanding of concepts such as the world, geography, territorial boundaries and things like these. on the other hand, the researcher of Iranian history, especially the researcher of the Safavid era, is bound to refer to various maps that have been drawn about the geographical boundaries of Iran. by studying the elements and data included in the historical maps, one can get a visual understanding of the borders of Iran's territory and the correct recording of specific geographical names. the map of the "Etats du Grand-Seigneur en Asie : Empire de Perse, Pays des Usbecs, Arabie et Egypte" was drawn in the first half of the 12th century AH/18th CE by the efforts of two of the most prominent European cartographers of that era, namely Gilles Robert de Vaugondy and his son Didier Robert de Vaugondy. Vaugondies were prominent cartographers in the 17th and 18th centuries whose scientific activities were largely acknowledged in the French court and across Europe, and European rulers tended to acquire maps and geographical globes developed by the Vaugondies. Now the question is, how did a European cartographer describe the geographical area of Iran in the early 18th century? Did he look at the territory of Iran from a dynastic lens or did he consider it as a whole unit? Adopting a descriptive-analytical approach and qualitative methodology, the present study strives to outline the domain of Iran in the late Safavid period based on the information provided on the map drawn by Gilles Robert de Vaugondy and Didier de Vaugondy. Analysis of obtained data unveils that Vaugondy, alike his contemporaries, regarded Iran as a unit and distinct geography. The image that he provided of the boundary of Iran also aligns with Persian texts of the given era.

The Review of Mutual Relationships Between the Nīzām Shāhī Dynasty and the Safavids

کلید واژه ها: Nīzām Shāhī dynasty Safavid Shi’a religion commercial relations India Iran

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تعداد بازدید : ۱۴۰ تعداد دانلود : ۱۲۲
Iran-India relations are deeply rooted in history,going back to the onset of Indo-migration. Based on the policy of neighborhood, their relationshipgrew smoothly in the spheres of commerce and tradeand thentheir cultural relations and exchangesforged. Thecommercial convergence and cultural similarities between two nations extendedthroughout the Islamic age, followed by the Muslimization of Iran and some parts of the western and southern India. However, the promotion of their relationships can be seenthroughout the relations of the Safavids with the Bāberiyān and Shi’a-ruled states in south Indiasuch asBahmani, Adil Shāhī and Qutb Shāhī and particularlyNīzām Shāhī.It seems that The Shi’areligion have greatly affected these governments to be closer to the Safavids in Iran as aShi’a-ruled state. According to the research sources, the growth of Shi’a-ruled states throughout India began in the 8th century and reached its peak in the 13th century. These states emerged in some areas such as Kashmir, southern India, Awadh and Bengal. The factors behind the spread of Shi’as throughout India have been the presence of Iranian Shi’a Muslim scholars and businesspersons and the propaganda of Shia missionaries. However, not only didthese Shi’as, especially Nīzām Shāhī dynastyshare the religious similarities with Safavids, but also they were considered one of the significant trading partners of this state, who was knownas the main economic, political and religioussponsor of Shi’a-ruled states and Nīzām Shāhī in India in this period. This study aims to investigate the elements affecting the relationships between the Safavids and the Nīzām Shāhīsconsidering the political developments of thisDynasty.“Which factors have created huge impacts on the interpersonal growth of relations between two governments” and “how much impressionsthese relations have had on the political policies of Nīzām Shāhī Dynasty?”To explorethe raised questions, this papertries to hypothesizethe Shi’a-ruled states like the Nīzām Shāhī dynastyin South India have been given the supportof Safavid dynastyin the economic, political and cultural spheres for antagonism towards the Sunnislike the Bāboriyānsin India. Ultimately, what brought about the overthrow of the Shi’a-ruled statesin southern India, such as the Nīzām Shāhī dynasty was that the increased Bāboriyāns’power in northern India had been simultaneous with the vicissitudes of Safavids’ power in Iran. This researchin a descriptive-analytic method has used original library resources.

The Iran-Ottoman Conflicts Over the Caucasus in the Era of Safavid Interregnum (1576- 1587)

کلید واژه ها: Caucasus Safavid Ottoman Shah Ismail II Shah Muhammad Khudābanda

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تعداد بازدید : ۱۴۳ تعداد دانلود : ۱۱۹
In the sixteenth century, the strategic region of the Caucasus had a set of political, economic, transportation, and religious benefits for both the Safavid and Ottoman governments that led the two powers to compete for profound influence and attention in the region. During this period, when some weak and unstable kings such as Ismail II and Muhammad Khudābanda came to power, lack of strength and better performance caused the Ottoman government to grasp the most of the opportunity to extend their influence over the Caucasus. This study aims at investigating the geographical location of the Caucasus considering the Safavid diplomatic policies and the challenges between the Safavids and the Ottoman Empire through analyzing historical data and library studies. Descriptive data analysis has been considered as the method utilized for this research. The research findings indicate that the ineffectiveness of Safavid foreign policy at this time and the consequence of this policy would have an inevitably negative impact on maintaining and controlling the Caucasus. As a result, this policy would provoke the Ottoman invasions, leading to the occupation of some parts of the Caucasus.

Assessing the rise of Safavid Shāh Ismā'il the I based on the theory of social deterrence


کلید واژه ها: Safavid Shāh Ismā'il the I theory of social deterrence historians contemporary researchers

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تعداد بازدید : ۱۲ تعداد دانلود : ۶
The theory or school of social deterrence, unlike the school of heroism, emphasizes the influence of social conditions and measures governing the economy and social product methods in the emergence and development of historical events. In its extreme form, this doctrine leads to ignoring the personalities and leaders’ contributions to the events. Historians of the Safavid reign influenced by the attitude of heroism in describing Shāh Ismā'il 's character and narrating the events in his time, have highlighted his role as a supernatural savior. This attitude has influenced contemporary researchers, among which some have analyzed the events of his period focusing on his leadership. Despite this attitude, the rise of Shāh Ismā'il can be explained based on the social theory, where Shāh Ismā'il's character is subject to social conditions and the role of tribal support forces that is his leadership is of less concern. The objective here is to assess the emergence of Shāh Ismā'il the I based on social deterrence theory, in a descriptive-analytical manner. The findings indicate that the pieces of evidence revealed in historical writings, where the conditions, contexts, and previous factors in the rise of Shāh Ismā'il under his personality and leadership are of concern. Contemporary researchers have assessed this issue in its social and economic sense, or resorting to the theory of social deterrence, thus, discounting his character as a leader.

The "Pastille Affair" in Ottoman-Safavid Relations, 1705-1709


کلید واژه ها: Ottoman-Safavid relations Muhammad Mumin Xan Beygdili-Shamlu Medina Hajj Shah Sultan-Husayn

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تعداد بازدید : ۱۱۲ تعداد دانلود : ۱۰۱
This article presents documents on the aftermath of a diplomatic affair from 1705, which was engineered by Safavid Iran’s grand vizier Muhammad Mumin Shamlu and which was the last of his undertakings to reorient relations with the Ottoman Empire. It was a part of his policy played out as several faits This article presents documents on the aftermath of a diplomatic affair from 1705, which was engineered by Safavid Iran’s grand vizier Muhammad Mumin Shamlu and which was the last of his undertakings to reorient relations with the Ottoman Empire. It was a part of his policy played out as several faits accomplis unfolding at the same time and aiming to embitter Ottoman-Safavid relations, which had reached a formal alliance over the last decade. Starting out under the guise of a religious gift-giving, this initiative from the Iranian capital Isfahan to Prophet Muhammad’s shrine in Ottoman-controlled Medina first slighted the Ottomans’ lordship rights in the Hejaz and therefore became blocked by the Ottoman authorities in Medina as well as the digninaties in Constantinople. But soon, it grew into a subject of diplomatic correspondenceand thenbecame entangled in a robbery reaching out to Mecca and Baghdad, whose prosecution spread further to Constantinople, Cairo, Damascus, and the eastern Mediterranean waters. Even after the affair was put to rest, Ottoman-Safavid dealings did not heal from the harm done by Muhammad Mumin Shamlu’s succesive thrusts to undermine the cooperation of the 1690s.The peace outlived Beygdilli-Shamlu’s term as grand vizier, but he succeeded in downgrading it from an official brotherhood to a bare state of nonaggression. accomplis unfolding at the same time and aiming to embitter Ottoman- Safavid relations, which had reached a formal alliance over the last decade. Starting out under the guise of a religious gift-giving, this initiative from the Iranian capital Isfahan to Prophet Muhammad’s shrine in Ottoman-controlled Medina first slighted the Ottomans’ lordship rights in the Hejaz and therefore became blocked by the Ottoman authorities in Medina as well as the digninaties in Constantinople. But soon, it grew into a subject of diplomatic correspondenceand thenbecame entangled in a robbery reaching out to Mecca and Baghdad, whose prosecution spread further to Constantinople, Cairo, Damascus, and the eastern Mediterranean waters. Even after the affair was put to rest, Ottoman-Safavid dealings did not heal from the harm done by Muhammad Mumin Shamlu’s succesive thrusts to undermine the cooperation of the 1690s.The peace outlived Beygdilli-Shamlu’s term as grand vizier, but he succeeded in downgrading it from an official brotherhood to a bare state of nonaggression.

Structural Explanation (Physical Dimensions) of the Manuscript of Ahmad Gholam`s Jung (Date of writing: 1722 - 1729AD/1135-1142 AH)

کلید واژه ها: manuscript Jung Ahmad Gholam Safavids Historical Documents

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تعداد بازدید : ۱۰۶ تعداد دانلود : ۱۲۰
Jungs are manuscripts or collections of documents that contain a selection of historical, literary, religious, and scientific documents and texts. Ahmad Gholam’s Jung is from the second half of the Safavid period, especially from the late Safavid period (simultaneous with the Afghan invasion) and contains documents from this period and earlier periods. Its structural features consist of physical and formal dimensions such as the components used, the way letters are written and arranged, and their explanation.The achievement of the present article expresses the importance of historical values of the mentioned manuscript from a structural point of view. The research method used in this research is formal analysis with a phenomenological approach (analysis and empirical analysis and direct with a critical approach) and with reference to the present manuscript.

Shaykh Ṣaddūq and his Al-I‘tiqādāt in the Safavid Era

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تعداد بازدید : ۹۰ تعداد دانلود : ۷۹
Abū Ja‘far Muḥammad Ibn ‘Alī Ibn Bābawayh al-Qumī (381 CE) is a prominent Shī‘ah scholar of the fourth century AH. Al-I‘tiqādāt, one of his prominent works, comprises of forty-five chapters. He has compiled the most important Shī‘ah beliefs evidenced with Qurānic verses and ḥadīths. The present study investigates the status of Shaykh Ṣaddūq and his Al-I‘tiqādāt in the Safavid era. The crux of this study is the analysis of impactful societal components which led to the circulation of Al-I'tiqādāt during the Safavid era. Adopting a descriptive-analytical method, the study seeks to answer the above question based on the available sources in the given era. Findings show that the cultural-religious policies determined by Shāh Ṭahmāsb, religious and educational institutions, as well as religious texts and teachings, were used to stabilize, institutionalize, and spread Shiism in Iranian society during the Safavid era, which resulted in a number of noble Shī‘ah Arabic works being rendered into Persian.

An analysis of the recognition of syphilis disease and the ways of its entry to Iran during the Safawi era with an emphasis on Ateshak (Syphilis) treatise


کلید واژه ها: Ateshak Emadaldin Mahmoud bin Masoud Shirazi Syphilis Safaviya

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تعداد بازدید : ۷ تعداد دانلود : ۵
The relative and long-term stability brought about by the Safavid government in Iran made urbanization and its requirements to be reviewed, next to the issue of public health. Some physicians began to run new experiments and produce treatises. One of these outstanding treatises is the Risala Ateshak, written by Imad al-Din Mahmoud bin Masoud Shirazi. For the first time, by writing an independent treatise, he described the symptoms, methods of prevention, and treatment of syphilis. To him, the treatise issued before his, except that of Baha'u'l-Razi, were not discussed and were considered a phenomenon from abroad (the West). He sought to explain the manners of transmission, prevention, and treatment of this disease in different temperaments through the available methods, which were mostly based on herbal medicine. He also expressed his belief about the effectiveness of consuming Chinese wood in treating this disease. The accuracy of this treatise's contents and its writing period makes it clear that syphilis is not an imported disease contrary to the idea that existed. The reason for our ignorance of its existence was the inability to distinguish it from other diseases.

The Analysis of Scripts on Safavid Coins using Iconographical Analysis

کلید واژه ها: Iconography Coins Safavid Shiite Persian Language

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تعداد بازدید : ۷۹ تعداد دانلود : ۷۳
Iconology is a type of scientific study in which the worldview of the creation era of visual works is determined. This type of cultural studies includes the description of the visual patterns of the work (pre-iconography), the introduction of the narrative or narratives that are observed in the work (iconography analysis) and finally the interpretation of iconology. The purpose of this study is to examine the written content engraved on Safavid coins using the iconographic analysis method. To fulfill this purpose, all the texts engraved on Safavid coins are described, and then, using the method of iconography or iconography analysis, the narratives about these texts are stated. Moreover, the iconographic analysis of the written content engraved on Safavid coins shows some of the political, cultural and religious developments of this era, such as the position of Hamza Mirza, the son of Shah Muhammad, in the developments of Safavid era, the religious approach of Ismail II, the continuity of Safavid position in Iran's internal developments after Afghan invasion, and the high position of Shiite religion and the Persian language during Safavid era.

The effect of the promotion of Shiism in historiography and the emergence of new features in the Safavid era


کلید واژه ها: Historiography historians Safavid Twelver Shiism

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تعداد بازدید : ۸ تعداد دانلود : ۸
The emergence of the Safavids initiated considerable cultural and religious phenomena in Iran. The establishment of 12 Imam Shiism influenced all aspects of the Safavid society. One of the affected fields was historiography, which completely changed the previous Safavid approaches in historiography. This change was not evident in the writing style of the works but in the dominance of historians' religious interests leading to new features emerging in the historiography of this period. It seeks to introduce these features, which are often unique to the historiography of the Safavid era analytically, by counting the most important content features of the historical sources. This article is extracted from the main features of Safavid historiography through library data and descriptive-analytical methods.

An Investigation on the Art of Goldsmiths and its Developments in Safavid Era


کلید واژه ها: art of goldsmiths Safavid period techniques filigree work artistic relations

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تعداد بازدید : ۸۷ تعداد دانلود : ۷۵
In the art of goldsmiths during Safavid era, some developments in terms of the two levels of techniques and products are witnessed. The mentioned developments, considering the influence of factors affecting the government structure and society, as well as foreign relations, took a coherent and distinct form. This research aims to determine the elements of developments in the structure of the form and techniques of the art of goldsmiths in the context of two important approaches of Safavid period, which are the artistic relations with east and west and the government's support from art. The questions that this research seeks to answer are: What are the developments in the form and technique of the art of goldsmiths in Safavid period? What was the effect of cultural and artistic exchanges with India and Europe on the evolution of goldsmiths' works and techniques of this period? Therefore, the research type is qualitative and historical, with analytical-descriptive methods considering the study of evidence and resources. Moreover, the findings of the research illustrated that the art of goldsmiths in Safavid era had many developments in terms of techniques and methods in the face of European art, and with the arrival of European goldsmiths and jewelers to Iran, significant innovations occurred in the special techniques of this art, including diamond cutting, filigree art, making fine and wide gold strings, and gold-gluing technique in wall painting. However, at the level of political influence during Safavid era, especially during the era of Shah Abbas I, goldsmiths had played crucial role due to their professional qualifications and prestige.

Typology of the eastern borders of Iran's resources during the Safavid reign


کلید واژه ها: Iran Safavid period Sources eastern borders

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تعداد بازدید : ۹ تعداد دانلود : ۱۱
To achieve a scientific result in the historical research realm, it is necessary to recognize the correct sources. The study and research about the territory of Iran, especially the eastern borders, as one of the research aspects in the field of Safavid studies, is not exempt from this rule. The efforts of the Safavids to maintain control of the Kandahar state and the Jihun River region, and the confrontation with their north-eastern neighbors, the Uzbeks across the river and the Gurkans in India, initiated the transformation in the eastern borders of Iran's territory in the context of political and military relations. Considering the importance of the eastern borders of Iran as to the relations of the Safavids with the Uzbek Khanate and the Gurkans of India, the question here is: What range of sources can be applied to understand the course of transformation and the changes? The method adopted here is descriptive-analytic, to identify the typology of the subject sources, and introduce for assessing the issue at hand.

Book Review: Floor, Willem. Safavid Government Institutions

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تعداد بازدید : ۱۲ تعداد دانلود : ۵
Research and Translation by: The Research Institute of Howzah and University Publishers with the cooperation of the Center for Shi’ite Civilization and Cultural Studies during Safavid Dynasty, 2018.

Heroism of Perfect Master (Shah Ismail I) and his similarity with the hero of Abū Muslimʹnāmah


کلید واژه ها: perfect master Tale Discourse Semiotics Shah Ismail I Abu Muslim Khorasani Abū Muslimnāmah

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تعداد بازدید : ۷۹ تعداد دانلود : ۶۴
Several books and articles have been written about the different aspects of Safavid dynasty; however, less effort has been made to explore the relationship between the kings of this dynasty and the popular heroes of literary works. One of the important and influential works that was narrated by Qizilbashan and was able to establish the position of the first Safavid Shah was Ṭāhir Ṭarsūsī's narration about Abu Muslim Khorasani. The amazing similarities of these two characters indicate the influence of Tarsusi's narration at the beginning of Safavid rule. The present article seeks to investigate the benefit of Qizilbashan and the young king from Abū Muslimʹnāmah to indicate how they defeat their religious and political opponents by following the example of a popular hero and benefiting from other fields, while establishing the position of Ismail Mirza as the perfect master. Discourse theory of Laclau and Mouffe is suitable for the analysis of literary and fictional works, which by taking the advantage of this discourse theory as well as the knowledge of semiotics, the hidden layers of politics, religion and the relationship between them while analyzing classical literary texts can be represent. Moreover, by presenting a suitable model, it is possible to illustrate how and to what extent the exchange of political power and literary narratives was. In this article, the historical character of Shah Ismail I (perfect master) and the character of Abū Muslim in the story of Abū Muslimʹnāmah (epic hero) are analyzed and examined by the library sources, to explain how one of the most powerful governments of Iran was indebted to one of the heroes of classic stories.

A study on civil documentation sources in the Safavid era

کلید واژه ها: Documentology Civil Documentary Sources Safavieh Ahmad Gholam’s Analects Bayazi Safavi

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تعداد بازدید : ۱۱ تعداد دانلود : ۱۲
Recognizing the internal and external elements of the document is an essential component in their assessment. Before examining the content of the document, it is necessary to determine its authenticity and credibility, next to measuring its informational value. The definition of documentology and its components is discussed, followed by introducing some of the new sources in this subject in a specialized manner by assessing the documentology sources. The study questions are: What is the stance of Safavid period documentology compared to previous periods?  The available studies on this issue are rare; consequently, library and document methods are adopted here to assess this issue in more depth, thus, the innovation in this context. The findings indicate that the recognition of the historical background and document issuance date provided in some clerical resources of the Safavid era, like Tadzkire al-Muluk, Dastur al-Muluk, Risalah al-Aqab and Muwajib, and Soleimani's origins. The content of some treatises in Ahmad Ghulam and Bayazi Safavi’s analects, in the field of seals and its function and descriptive manner of the internal and external components of letters, are of high importance. The similarity of analects in the mentioned three documentations reveals that the analects concerning secretaries of the court, who had access to the content of Soleimani's manuscripts, have been enriched. The author of Soleimani's manuscripts is probably Muhammad Reza bin Abdul-Hossein Tusi.

Investigating Zoroastrians’ Social Status in Isfahan during the Safavid Era

کلید واژه ها: Zoroastrians the Safavid dynasty Abbas I of Persia Isfahan

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تعداد بازدید : ۱۰۸ تعداد دانلود : ۷۹
The relationship between the government and religious minorities as well as their social status in the Safavid era is one of the most significant issues in the period. It gained a critical status especially since the beginning of the reign of Shah Abbas I and the transfer of his capital to Isfahan. Although there is a lot of material about the welfare and special status of Armenians in Isfahan in the sources of this period, writings and resources about other minorities are available only sporadically. This is especially true for Zoroastrians in terms of their long presence in Iran. Although the number of Zoroastrians gradually decreased with the arrival of Islam in Iran, their transfer to Isfahan under Shah Abbas and the use of their power and skills for flourishing the economy of the Safavid period suggests the significance of this religious minority at that time. Using a descriptive-analytical research method and based on written sources, this study seeks to answer the question of the social status of Zoroastrians in Isfahan throughout the Safavid period. Earlier studies confirm that the social status of Zoroastrians had varied in different periods of the reign of the Safavid. Although this minority had a relatively favorable status during the reign of Shah Abbas I, after his death and the decline in religious toleration in the Safavid state, the Zoroastrians were once again oppressed and the majority of them were compelled to leave Isfahan.

تحلیل تاریخ تصوف و تشیع صفوی در مثنوی بحرالاسرار(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: تصوف تشیع صفوی مظفرعلیشاه بحرالاسرار

حوزه های تخصصی:
  1. حوزه‌های تخصصی تاریخ ایران اسلامی حکومت های ایرانی- اسلامی صفوی فرهنگی
  2. حوزه‌های تخصصی تاریخ گروه های ویژه منابع و کلیات
تعداد بازدید : ۳۷۴۲ تعداد دانلود : ۳۰۳۴
در ایران، پیش از هر سرزمینی، تصوف و تشیع مجال پیدایش یافته است و بسیاری از بزرگان عرفان، ایرانی بوده اند که مستقیم یا غیرمستقیم آثاری در این زمینه آفریده اند. یکی از اندیشمندان بزرگ عرفان ایران محمدتقی مظفر کرمانی، ملقب به مظفرعلیشاه بود که در اوایل دوره قاجار می زیست. تفسیر منظوم بحرالاسرار که تفسیر عرفانی سورﮤ حمد است، از مهم ترین آثار این شاعر است. در این مثنوی، مظفرعلیشاه در خلال بیان مراتب وجود براساس فلسفه ابن عربی و فراگیری آن بر سوره حمد، ولایت علی(ع) را شرط اساسی تصوف و عرفان اسلامی و راهیابی به سعادت ابدی دانسته است. در مثنوی بحرالاسرار، شاعر پس از بیان اشتمال سوره حمد بر بحرهای بیست گانه، ظهور و بطون اسلام، ایمان و عرفان را به هفت دور تقسیم کرده است و به ادوار سبعه موسوم کرده است. او درضمن بیان این ادوار، از دیدگاه خود، ظهور تشیع و تصوف (عرفان) را از آغاز ظهور اسلام تا ظهور موعود بیان کرده است. در این نوشتار ضمن بیان اعتقاد سرایندﮤ مثنوی بحرالاسرار در زﻣیﻨﮥ ریشه های تصوف و تشیع، دیدگاه او دربارﮤ تشیع صفوی مطرح شده است و کوشش شده است براساس منابع موجود در زﻣیﻨﮥ تاریخ تشیع و تصوف صفوی، نظریه های مظفرعلیشاه دراین باره تحلیل و نقد شود؛ همچنین دیدگاه او دربارﮤ تقیه بررسی شده است که از اصول بسیار مهم تشیع بوده است. در این مقاله، سعی نگارندگان براین است که تشیع و تصوف صفوی که از دیدگاه این شاعر براساس تصوف حقیقی بوده است، تحلیل و نقد شود.

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