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تحقیق حاضر بررسی عوامل موثر بر تاب آوری اجتماعی در چارچوب حکمروایی شایسته شهری کلانشهر شیراز   می باشد و به دنبال توسعه دانش کاربردی و از حیث روش توصیفی و اکتشافی است جامعه آماری 375 نفر است برای محاسبه حجم نمونه از رابطه کوکران استفاده شده است به منظور جمع آوری اطلاعات از پرسشنامه و باتوجه به تکنیک تحلیل عاملی از مقیاس لیکرت استفاده شد برای تعیین روایی و پایایی از روایی تمادی و صوری استفاده شد و با استفاده از SPSS  و Lisrel تحلیل انجام شد. نتایج نشان داد با توجه به مقدار ر t که عوامل موثر به ترتیب عدالت، ثبات سیاسی، مشارکت، چشم انداز و برنامه ریزی، بااحتمال 95 درصد معنادار می باشد. می توان گفت مدیران و تصمیم گیران در حوزه حکمرانی شایسته شهری جهت رسیدن به نتیجه مطلوب بخصوص در کلانشهر شیراز که از موقعیت خاص سیاسی، اجتماعی ؛فرهنگی و محیطی برخودار است لازم است که شهروندان را به سمت مطالبه گری سوق دهند، پیشنهاد می شود مشارکت جوامع مدنی، دانشگاهی و بخش خصوصی در تبادل نظرها، تدوین راهبردهای توسعه و اجرا نقش بسزایی در تحقق هدف در حوزه حکمرانی شایسته شهری داشته باشند. شناخت عمیق مفهوم حکمرانی خوب، می تواند معیارهای ارزشمندی را فراهم کند که به دولت ها و جوامع کمک کند تا درک بهتری از رابطه بین اشکال مختلف نهادی را ه های فراهم آوردن تاب آوری را فراهم آورند. می توان گفت حکمرانی شایسته شهری نقش محوری را برای مقابله موثر با چالش ها و تاب آوری دارد و این تابآوری اجتماعی ظرفیت جذب و مقابله با اختلال و آشفتگی های سیستم ناشی از بروز بحران هاست. در این راستا آگاهی از اثرات بحران ها بر تابآوری اجتماعی در چهارچوب حکمروایی شایسته شهری در شیراز نیازمند ارائه تحلیلی ساختاری از آن در آینده است تا به وسیله آن بتوان ظرفیت تابآوری اجتماعی شهری را افزایش داد.

Investigating factors affecting social resilience in the framework of urban meritocracy (case study: (Shiraz metropolis)

The present study investigates the factors affecting social resilience in the framework of urban competent governance Shiraz metropolis and seeks to develop applied knowledge and in terms of descriptive and exploratory method. The statistical population of 375 people has been used to calculate sample size. To collect data, a questionnaire and according to factor analysis technique, Likert scale was used to determine validity and reliability. SPSS and Lisrel were used to analyze the data. The results showed that the effective factors in order of justice, political stability, participation, perspective, and planning were significant with 95% probability. It can be said that managers and decision-makers in the field of urban good governance in order to achieve the desired outcome, especially in Shiraz metropolis which has a special political, social, cultural and environmental situation, it is necessary to push citizens towards demanding, it is suggested that participation of civil, academic and private societies in exchange of ideas, development strategies and implementation play a significant role in realizing the goal in the field of urban proper governance. A deep understanding of the concept of good governance can provide valuable metrics that help governments and societies better understand the relationship between different institutional forms of resilience. It can be said that urban good governance has a central role to effectively deal with challenges and resilience and this social resilience is the capacity to absorb and deal with disruptions and disturbances of the system caused by crises. In this regard, awareness of the effects of crises on social resilience within the framework of competent urban governance in Shiraz requires a structural analysis of it in the future to increase the capacity of urban social resilience. Extended  IntroductionShiraz metropolis as the administrative and political center of Shiraz province and regional center enjoys a special political and economic position in such a way that this city has the largest part of the population of the province. It faces all kinds of problems. The migration of a large number of people of the surrounding cities and villages to Shiraz on the one hand, and lack of proper supervision of its physical development, on the other hand, caused the uneven expansion of Shiraz metropolis and the formation of marginal areas and informal settlements throughout it, the population of the problem areas of Shiraz metropolitan is increasing. Also, considering the existing textures of the city and all kinds of environmental problems (such as water crisis), management problems (rule of single novice approach in Shiraz metropolis management system similar to other cities in Iran), social (addiction, existence of families with social damage, women head of household, addiction, delinquency, low level of citizens' knowledge and lack of appropriate policies to increase awareness), economic (unemployment, closure of economic enterprises, severe fluctuations in commodity markets, etc.). Services, lack of adequate employment for the educated and under-trained population and... Therefore, in this regard, these problems are spreading in Shiraz, and for resiliency of the city, a deep understanding of the current situation and providing useful solutions is needed. Therefore, understanding the future state of competent governance and resiliency of urban communities can be very effective in planning and decision making of managers, and due to the presence of uncertainty and the need to predict possible futures, the purpose of this study is to investigate the factors affecting social resilience in the framework of proper urban governance in order to provide a picture of the future of this important in the city of Shiraz so that the results of this research can be used for planners and policy makers Stakeholders, analysts, and managers in addressing the challenges ahead, including identifying variables and drivers influencing the future in resiliency of societies in the context of proper urban governance, engaging interest groups such as local communities, local elites, managers and policymakers and other social strata that are on the path and useful in determining the fate of the society. MethodologyThe present research seeks to develop applied knowledge and in terms of descriptive and exploratory method. The statistical population of 375 people from Shiraz city has been used to calculate the sample size of the Cochran relation. To collect information, a questionnaire has been used and examined by a group of urban experts who recount the level of factors in Shiraz. According to factor analysis technique, Likert scale was used to determine validity and reliability, physical and face validity were used and analyzed using SPSS and Lisrel. Results and discussionT value showed that factors affecting social resilience in the framework of urban proper governance (case study: Shiraz metropolis) were significant with 95% probability of justice, political stability, participation, vision and planning, respectively. Considering the goodness of fitting index, the model of factor analysis shows the fit of the model with the observed data. In other words, defining the effective factors with the components in this research is consistent with the data. There is a significant difference between the observed and estimated matrix (Chi square 858/73/427/ significance level 0.000/ root mean square error approximation 0.076/ goodness of fit index 1.02 can be said the most important fit statistics is the Chi model. This statistic measures the difference between observed and estimated matrix. The insignificance of this statistic shows the fit of the model with the data, but the problem with this statistic is sensitivity to the sample size, i.e. in high volume samples it is possible to be insignificant. It decreases. The value of less than 0.08 for root error mean square approximation and values higher than 0.9 for goodness of fit index and adjusted goodness of fit index are considered as criteria for pattern adaptation with observed data. Conclusion.A deep understanding of the concept of good governance can provide valuable metrics that help governments and societies better understand the relationship between different institutional forms of ways to provide resilience. It is argued that urban good governance plays a central role in effectively tackling challenges and resilience. Social resilience is the capacity to absorb and deal with the disruptions and disturbances of the system caused by crises. In this regard, awareness of the effects of crises on social resilience within the framework of competent urban governance in Shiraz requires a structural analysis of it in the future to increase the capacity of urban social resilience
