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مقاله حاضر مقاومت های شکل گرفته در برابر سیاست منع حجاب را در دوره رضاشاه بررسی و به صورت موردی نارضایتی و عدم همراهی قشر متوسط جدید شاغل در ایالت آذربایجان دوره رضاشاه پهلوی را مطالعه می کند. ضرورت مطالعات این چنینی، ناظر بر اهمیت طراحی نوع سیاست های دولت و نظام سیاسی در عرصه های فرهنگی جامعه و به ویژه مناطق قومی کشور و اتخاذ استراتژی های پیشبرد آنهاست. رویکرد این پژوهش، توصیفی- تحلیلی است و از شواهد برگرفته از مطالعه اسناد تاریخی بر جای مانده از آن دوره، برای تحلیل دلایل مقاومت یکی از عاملان اجتماعی مؤثر در فرایند منع حجاب استفاده شده است. هدف از این مطالعه، یافتن پاسخ این پرسش است که چه عواملی زمینه را برای همراهی نکردن کارکنان و مأموران دولتی آذربایجان در اجرای سیاست منع حجاب در این منطقه قومی فراهم کرد؟ نتایج به دست آمده نشانگر آن است که عوامل و مؤلفه های مختلفی به شکل گیری مقاومت مردم و اقشار مختلف منطقه آذربایجان ازجمله قشر متوسط جدید آن در برابر تغییر یاد شده انجامید که ازجمله آنها به تلقی تضاد آن طرح با فرهنگ جاری، فقدان باور نیاز به اجرای آن، کوتاهی در ایجاد همخوانی بین رفع حجاب زنان آذربایجان با هنجارها، ارزش ها و عناصر فرهنگ بومی و محلی مردم، بی اعتنایی کارگزاران دولتی به هنجارها و عناصر فرهنگ بومی و محلی مردم، بهره گیری از شیوه های تبلیغی و ترویجی مختلف برای اشاعه منع حجاب در بین اقشار مردم آذربایجان بدون فراهم کردن زیرساخت های فرهنگی-اجتماعی لازم، اصرار دولت برای پیشبرد سیاست منع حجاب با توسل به الزام و اجبار و...، اشاره می شود.

Resistance against the Policy of Banning the Hijab by Reza Shah's Government (Case Study: Lack of Support of the New Middle Class in Azerbaijan

Abstract The present article examined the resistance formed against the policy of removing the hijab during Reza Shah’s Period and the lack of support of the new middle-class employees in Azerbaijan. These kinds of studies focus on the importance of designing the types of policies by the government and political system in the cultural field of the society, especially the ethnic area of the country and adopting strategies to advance them. The purpose of this study was to find the answer to the question of what factors led to the lack of cooperation by the government employees in Azerbaijan as an important force against advance of the policy of removing the hijab in this region. The obtained results showed that many factors had caused the lack of support and people’s resistance in the different strata of Azerbaijan, including the new middle class, against the policy of banning the hijab. Introduction     The plan to remove the hijab or the law of "forbidding Iranian women from wearing veils, headscarves" was one of the controversial programs designed to improve the social status of Iranian women and unify the society by rejecting the outward distinctions of the different classes of people. It started on January 8, 1936 by removing from the head of Iranian women what, according to Reza Shah, was the cause of women's frustration in the society and backwardness of Iranians. One of the regions where implementation of the hijab ban was followed even before the official announcement was Azerbaijan. Therefore, as soon as the law of banning the hijab was announced to be implemented in the country's illegal areas, the local officials of Reza Shah’s government in Tabriz tried to promote the policy of banning the hijab by mobilizing the available resources and using various methods of encouragement and punishment. One of the strategies used by the government to promote and expand prohibition of the hijab in different regions of the country was using the capacity of the new middle class. According to the official orders, the employees of the government offices were obliged to implement this change and advertise and promote it in the society. The middle class was required to appear as the most important reference group in the family, workplace, and most importantly in public as a model and symbol of the new change. The government employees had a mission to attend the celebrations and ceremonies organized with their wives and daughters without hijab under various pretexts so as to be role models for other women in this field. Furthermore, through several circulars, they were forced to participate in such celebrations and ceremonies. However, examination of the documents of that period regarding the performance of the new middle class in different regions of the country showed that there was an important difference and distinction in the performance of the new middle class of Azerbaijan, while this group of people was reluctant to play this role as one of the influential factors in the prohibition process. There were many reports that the heads of the departments and their employees had refused to do this in different ways. Therefore, the question that was specifically considered in the current research was as follows: What factors caused the lack of support and resistance of the government employees of Azerbaijan to the policy of banning women's hijab during Reza Shah's era?   Material & Methods   This research was based on a descriptive-analytical approach. The evidence and examples taken from the studies, left over from that period and reviews of historical documents helped us  to analyze the reasons for the resistance of the mentioned class as one of the effective social classes in the process of banning the hijab. Discussion of Results & Conclusions   The obtained results showed that various factors led to the formation of the people’s resistance and different strata of the Azerbaijan region, including its new middle class, against the hijab ban, among which the following could be mentioned: - Contrast of this change with the people’s current culture - Lack of belief in the need to implement it - Failure to create a harmony between removing the hijab of Azerbaijani women and the norms and elements of the people’s local culture - Indifference of the government officials to the norms and elements of the people’s native and local culture - Trying to take advantage of various propaganda methods to spread the hijab prohibition among the people of Azerbaijan without providing the necessary cultural and social infrastructure - Insistence of the government to promote the policy of banning hijab by resorting to coercion
