The present study was conducted to determine the role of psychological factors in predicting consensual divorce and a model based on the related factors was presented. 120 people were selected by available sampling method and questionnaires of five major factors of short form personality , Minnesota personality trainee, early nasal schemas and divorced inclination scale were completed by them. Data were analyzed Pearson tests, stepwise regression and independent t-test were utilized. The results showed that neuroticism had a significant positive relationship with the desire for consensual divorce and hysteria personality disorder had a significant negative relationship with the desire for consensual divorce. The desire for divorce was not significantly related to the defect and failure schema but had a significant positive relationship with other early maladaptive schemas. (P <0.05) Stepwise regression showed that 0.34 variance related to consensual divorce based on entitlement variables (β = 0.40, t = 4.32), their neuroticism (β = 0.30, T = 3.27, hysteria (β = -0.29, t = 3.07) and paranoia (β = 0.28, t = 2.90) are predicted. Therefore, it can be concluded that identifying personality traits, personality disorders and maladaptive patterns in premarital counseling can be effective in preventing consensual divorce.