مطالب مرتبط با کلیدواژه
augmented reality
حوزههای تخصصی:
The great development witnessed by our current age has led to the emergence of many diverse modern technologies, one of these advanced technologies is Hologram technology and Augmented reality technology, These two technologies are somewhat similar to somewhat, as it can be said that they perform almost the same purpose, and at the same time, Hologram technology differs from augmented reality in several aspects, as the way in which the three-dimensional images are created and the properties of that images itself. This paper aims to compare and study the similarities and differences between Hologram technology and Augmented reality technology. It is a standard comparison as the comparison takes place according to a number of different aspects of both technologies. Comparing the characteristics of the two technologies showed that there is no one of them excels over the other, but according to different systems and situations, it is maybe better and more appropriate to use one of them than using the other one.
Introduction of Augmented Reality Ins tances utilizing Matter-Information Hybrid via Technology in Urban Spaces(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
Architecture and Urban Development, Volume ۱۱, Issue ۴ - Serial Number ۴۲, Autumn ۲۰۲۱
41 - 50
حوزههای تخصصی:
Today city residents are experiencing a new way of life which is unprecedented ever since the urbanization concept appearance. The continuous demand to build and maintain the real city space with all the well-known problems, alongside the simultaneous management of urgency and the presence of a developing virtual parallel world, has baffled the city's management sys tems and city's residents. One of the proposed solutions is employing a machine approach to solve these related issues. The general purpose of this research is to provide a comprehensive definition of the concept of urban technology synthesis in the area of physical space as an urbanism machine. This inves tigation is a comparative s tudy to allocate and provide a particular paradigm for the introduction of augmented reality ins tances utilizing matter and information combination via technology in urban spaces. After the semantic framework formulation of the mentioned concept, recognition of tools ins tances in the context of nowadays cities have been considered. In the process of this research, the phenomenon of augmented reality has been retrieved, with its definitions and capabilities as tools for the realization of technological synthesis in the context of current cities. Another result of this research is the introduction of some advantages in applying augmented reality in cities.
The Effect of Augmented Reality on Adult EFL Learners’ Attitudes and Motivation: A Mixed Methods Study(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
Teaching Language Skills (JTLS), Volume ۴۱, Issue ۱, Winter ۲۰۲۲
103 - 132
حوزههای تخصصی:
Language education, among most other aspects of life, has been affected by the ever-advancing technology. To be most efficient, educators need to know the affordances technology brings to the teaching and learning process. Augmented Reality is a recent technology that can be accessed through the Internet and mobile phones and brings several advantages to the language classroom. This mixed-methods study aims to examine the effect of Augmented Reality on adult language learners’ attitudes and motivation. To this end, data were obtained through a questionnaire administered to 40 adult EFL learners in Iran of different ages and educational levels who participated in a pre-test post-test design, followed by a semi-structured interview. Results confirmed that adult learners, disregarding their age and educational background, benefit from AR in the sense that it enhances their attitudes and motivation towards learning the language. The themes revealed in the interviews clarified that this enhancement is because AR is exciting to learners since it gets them engaged in the learning process and attracts them through gamification. Results of the current study have implications for language specialists and teachers to design and incorporate AR-infused materials in teaching to increase learners’ motivation, and consequently, their learning.
Augmented Reality System Specification for Placemaking(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
Architecture and Urban Development, Volume ۱۲, Issue ۴ - Serial Number ۴۶, Autumn ۲۰۲۲
53 - 66
حوزههای تخصصی:
Augmented reality (AR) builds better participation for placemaking by focusing on real time features, communication, and direct information flow between project s takeholders. This s tudy attempts to access to specification of the Augmented Reality Sys tem for Placemaking (ARSP) model and make the research a basis for a profitable e-business model. By inves tigating AR and placemaking, this research seeks to build an augmented reality sys tem specification of the information flow and communication for project s takeholders' management. This paper explores the potential for using AR technology in interior design by three-dimensional (3D) and two-dimensional (2D) and façade placemaking by 2D textures of brick material. The sys tem consis ts of a qualitative proof of concept (POC) model, a prototype model, and a minimum vital product (MVP) model to s tudy to compel quantitative research. The ARSP POC model, prototype model, and MVP model are programmed by building an information modeling (BIM) sys tem, Revit and Unity software, and different software development kits (SDKs) as an application for Android devices. Seventy-four experts tes ted the MVP model in the Delphi method and observed, interviewed, and filled out a ques tionnaire. The research shows that the contributions of this s tudy to the body of knowledge are twofold. Firs t, this s tudy extends the unders tanding of AR applications in placemaking. Second, this s tudy identifies possible improvements using AR sys tems in design, procurement, and cons truction.
Impact of Employing Augmented Reality Technology on Lowering Foreign Language Anxiety in Adult EFL Learners
international Journal of Foreign Language Teaching & Research, Volume ۱۰, Issue ۴۳, ۲۰۲۲
101 - 117
حوزههای تخصصی:
This study intended to explore the effect of Augmented Reality (AR) on lowering foreign language anxiety (FLA) in adult Iranian EFL learners. To this end, a triangulation study including a quasi-experimental pre-test post-test design in the first phase, and an oral interview in the second phase was designed and implemented. Forty adult Iranian EFL learners took part in the quantitative study and were randomly assigned to experimental and control groups. The authors developed and delivered the AR-infused materials through the Zappar application, an AR platform. The treatment involved the conventional language teaching method for the control and the AR-integrated one for the experimental group for 20 sessions. The anxiety level of learners in both groups was assessed before and after the treatment to check for any effects. Data on participants’ FLA has been gathered through Horwitz’s (1986) Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Survey (FLCAS) questionnaire and analyzed via ANCOVA in SPSS. Also, the participants in the experimental group were interviewed at the end of the experiment to provide feedback on their AR-integrated language learning experience. Results revealed that AR did not affect learners’ foreign language anxiety levels. Also, some learners found it not very relaxing and easy to use. This could be attributed to the novelty of the experience and the cognitive load imposed on learners. The study’s outcomes were in contrast to several previous research findings; however, since research in this area is still in its infancy, more research should be done on the impact of AR on language education.
The Effect of the Theory of Acceptance and Use of Augmented Reality on the Intention to Use Mobile Tourism Augmented Reality Apps: the Mediating Role of Hedonic Motivation(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
International Journal of Digital Content Management, Vol. ۵, No. ۹, Summer & Fall ۲۰۲۴
63 - 87
حوزههای تخصصی:
Purpose: In contemporary times, augmented reality is a cornerstone technology within the tourism sector. Nonetheless, the inclination towards embracing and utilizing augmented reality applications in tourism hinges upon multifaceted determinants, meriting examination through the integrated lens of technology acceptance and use theory. Concurrently, these determinants sway individuals' hedonistic motivations to engage with such apps. This juncture holds significance for managerial considerations, delineating pivotal factors influencing the adoption of this technology. Hence, this present inquiry explores the nexus between the technology acceptance and use theory and the hedonistic motivations for tourism augmented reality apps on mobile platforms within the Iranian context.Method: The current research's statistical population consists of users of tourism augmented reality apps. The sample size is 201 users. The data collection tool is a questionnaire. A structural equation test was used to analyze the data.Findings: The research findings indicate that four factors, namely performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, and facilitating conditions, have a positive and significant impact on the hedonic motivation to use tourism augmented reality apps. Moreover, all four factors of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) positively influenced the intention to use augmented reality applications on mobile phones. Additionally, hedonic motivation was shown to positively and significantly affect the intention to use tourism augmented reality apps on mobile phones. Notably, hedonic motivation is a crucial mediator between the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) dimensions and the intention to use augmented reality applications. However, the mediating role of hedonic motivation was not supported for performance expectancy and behavioral intention.Conclusion: This research investigates the factors influencing the motivation to use augmented reality (AR) apps in tourism. It finds that performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, and facilitating conditions positively impact hedonic motivation for AR app usage. The study validates the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) for predicting AR app adoption. Notably, hedonic motivation mediates between UTAUT dimensions and intention to use AR technology, suggesting implications for enhancing AR app design in the tourism sector.