مطالب مرتبط با کلیدواژه

mobile learning


Exploring the Potential of a Mobile Messaging Application for Self-Initiated Language Learning(مقاله پژوهشی دانشگاه آزاد)

کلیدواژه‌ها: self-initiated language learning mobile instant messaging mobile learning collaborative learning Telegram

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۴۵۷ تعداد دانلود : ۳۱۲
With the rapid expansion of deploying mobile instant messaging applications such as Telegram for the purpose of language learning, it is quite apparent that language research in this regard is lagging behind the trend. This study addressed the matter by exploring how language learners utilize a Telegram group for the purpose of language learning. In this regard, the activities of a Telegram language learning group with 74 active members was observed and recorded for a week. To capture the patterns of utilization of the group, a thematic analysis was conducted on the compiled corpus of approximately 45000 words gathered by recording the messages posted by the group’s members. The analysis indicated that the themes of utilization of the Telegram language learning group were discussing content-based topics, seeking and sharing resources, recommending conversation opportunities, sharing learning strategies, and giving corrective feedback on each other’s language.  The findings of this research illustrated the potential of mobile messaging applications for creating opportunities for self-initiated and collaborative language learning.

Teachers’ Attitudes towards the Use of MALL Instruction in Iranian EFL Context(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

تعداد بازدید : ۳۴۰
This study sets out to explore English as foreign language (EFL) and Iranian teachers' attitudes ‎towards the implementation of MALL instruction. For that matter, a mixed-methods design, ‎including questionnaires, structured interviews and observation were employed. A total of 87 ‎EFL teachers participated in the questionnaire, which was the quantitative phase of the study. ‎In addition, 10 EFL teachers were interviewed and their classes were observed for the ‎qualitative phase of the study. The participant EFL teachers have been teaching at a number of ‎universities and language-teaching institutions in Mazandaran. One-sample t-test was used to ‎analyze the questionnaire data and the results suggested that the Iranian EFL teachers adopted ‎moderately positive attitudes towards the implementation of MALL instruction, but the ‎observation data indicated that most teachers preferred traditional ways of teaching English in ‎the EFL context. At the same time, the interview data revealed that the implementation of ‎MALL instruction in Iran is challenging due to a number of perceived barriers and obstacles. ‎The most considerable perceived challenges to the implementation of MALL instruction ‎comprise lack of online facilities and resources, lack of interaction in online instruction, and ‎teachers’ limited knowledge of online instruction. The findings provide crucial insights into ‎teachers’ attitudes towards integrating MALL into their EFL classroom instruction in Iran. ‎

Comparing the Impact of Audio-Visual Input Enhancement on Collocation Learning in Traditional and Mobile Learning Contexts(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Collocation Knowledge Input enhancement Narrative Writing traditional learning mobile learning

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۳۸۶ تعداد دانلود : ۲۷۱
: This study investigated the impact of audio-visual input enhancement teaching techniques on improving English as Foreign Language (EFL) learnersˈ collocation learning as well as their accuracy concerning collocation use in narrative writing. In addition, it compared the impact and efficiency of audio-visual input enhancement in two learning contexts, namely traditional and mobile learning contexts. First, 120 homogenous intermediate EFL learners were randomly divided into four groups, two experimental and two comparison groups. Next, two pre-tests, a collocation and a paragraph writing test, were administered. The experimental groups received enhanced target collocations through input enhancement teaching techniques while in the comparison groups the “unenhanced” collocations were taught through conventional simple vocabulary teaching method. After the treatment sessions, the researcher administered two post-tests including a collocation and a paragraph writing. As the data analysis suggested, with regards to the first research purpose, audio-visual input enhancement positively affected EFL learners' collocation learning and enhanced their accuracy concerning collocation use in narrative writing. Regarding the second purpose of the study, the results revealed that, in comparison to traditional learning context, audio-visual input enhancement teaching techniques were significantly effective in mobile learning context in terms of collocation learning. The efficiency of audio-visual input enhancement teaching techniques was not significantly different between the experimental groups in the two learning contexts in terms of enhancing EFL learners’ accuracy concerning collocation use. The findings of this study can create awareness for second language teachers and learners about the critical and beneficial role of input enhancement and mobile assisted language learning in successful language acquisition and learning.

EFL Students’ Readiness towards Mobile Learning at Kandahar University in Afghanistan

کلیدواژه‌ها: Approach to learning Higher education Kandahar University mobile learning

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۵۳۹ تعداد دانلود : ۱۵۹
M-learning is the enhanced form of e-learning that focuses on three common components i.e. place, time, and wireless device. The aim of this research is to identify the perceptions of the students regarding M-learning at Kandahar University. To this end, 191 male and female students responded to a questionnaire designed to ask their perceptions in this regard. The results from the study showed that students have positive attitudes towards M-learning and they are ready for M-learning approach in respect to using wireless devices, the Internet, and necessary applications. Additionally, they can also afford to buy the devices which support m-learning, however, half of the students ask for the providence of Internet through their respective university. Moreover, the Internet connection is also a big challenge especially for students who live in villages and areas far from cities. The study concludes with some issues for further research and some recommendations to authorities in higher education for better implementation of M-learning.

Effect of Mobile Self-regulatory Concepts Training on the Mental Health of Red Crescent Society Relief Workers in Yazd(مقاله پژوهشی وزارت بهداشت)

تعداد بازدید : ۲۴۰ تعداد دانلود : ۱۵۴
INTRODUCTION: Mental health which is recognized as one of the leading health indicators and a key component of a healthy life can be influenced by multiple factors. METHODS: The current study aimed to develop a mobile self-regulatory concepts training program and determine its effectiveness on the mental health of Red Crescent Society relief workers in Yazd. This quasi-experimental applied research was conducted based on a control group pretest-posttest design. The statistical population of the study included all 500 Red Crescent aid workers in Yazd in 2019, out of whom 30 cases were selected by convenience sampling method and were randomly assigned to two groups of experimental and control (n=15). The General Health Questionnaire developed by Goldberg (1972) was used for data collection. The experimental group received 11 60-minute sessions of mobile self-regulatory training. FINDINGS: Based on the results, mobile self-regulatory concepts training was effective in the mental health of Red Crescent Society aid workers in Yazd. CONCLUSION: As evidenced by the obtained results, mobile self-regulatory training improves physical symptoms, anxiety and insomnia, social dysfunction, and depression

Iraqi EFL Learners’ Preferences and Readiness for Mobile Learning in Higher Education during COVID-19 Pandemic(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: mobile learning EFL Learners Preferences Readiness Higher education COVID-19

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۲۲۷ تعداد دانلود : ۱۴۳
The expansion of mobile wireless technology into education in recent decades has offered an incredible opportunity to design learning differently and to enhance students' learning experiences that extend beyond the typical teacher-led classrooms. Following the outbreak of COVID-19 and the subsequent closure of educational institutions around the world, distance/mobile learning has become a widely accepted form of information and communication technology-enhanced education. Given the infancy of technology-enhanced education at Iraqi educational institutions, this study was conducted to determine how Iraqi EFL learners preferred information and communication technology-enhanced education and how ready they were to adopt mobile learning for English learning purposes in higher education. This study also examined whether there were any significant differences in the learners' preferences and readiness for mobile learning considering their gender. Methodological triangulation was undertaken using a questionnaire and semi-structured interviews with some Iraqi EFL learners at four public universities so as to seek the research objectives. Descriptive analysis was used to analyze the data from the questionnaire. The data of the interviews were then analyzed using thematic analysis to identify and report the common themes of the two coders of the interviews. The findings revealed a plethora of evidence indicating learners' positive attitudes towards using mobile learning as a viable medium for language learning purposes in intra- and extramural situations, as it expanded the boundaries of learning beyond the limitations of traditional pedantic educational settings. Besides, no significant differences were found in the preferences and readiness of Iraqi EFL learners considering their gender for the adoption of mobile learning in higher education, though females liked mobile learning better than males.  

Impact of Employing Augmented Reality Technology on Lowering Foreign Language Anxiety in Adult EFL Learners

کلیدواژه‌ها: augmented reality CALL Educational Technology mobile learning

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۳۷۳ تعداد دانلود : ۲۰۸
This study intended to explore the effect of Augmented Reality (AR) on lowering foreign language anxiety (FLA) in adult Iranian EFL learners. To this end, a triangulation study including a quasi-experimental pre-test post-test design in the first phase, and an oral interview in the second phase was designed and implemented. Forty adult Iranian EFL learners took part in the quantitative study and were randomly assigned to experimental and control groups. The authors developed and delivered the AR-infused materials through the Zappar application, an AR platform. The treatment involved the conventional language teaching method for the control and the AR-integrated one for the experimental group for 20 sessions. The anxiety level of learners in both groups was assessed before and after the treatment to check for any effects. Data on participants’ FLA has been gathered through Horwitz’s (1986) Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Survey (FLCAS) questionnaire and analyzed via ANCOVA in SPSS. Also, the participants in the experimental group were interviewed at the end of the experiment to provide feedback on their AR-integrated language learning experience. Results revealed that AR did not affect learners’ foreign language anxiety levels. Also, some learners found it not very relaxing and easy to use. This could be attributed to the novelty of the experience and the cognitive load imposed on learners. The study’s outcomes were in contrast to several previous research findings; however, since research in this area is still in its infancy, more research should be done on the impact of AR on language education.

The Effects of Iranian EFL Learners’ Individual Characteristics on their Perceptions toward Mobile Affordances

کلیدواژه‌ها: affordance Mall Mobile device mobile learning online learning

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۸۲ تعداد دانلود : ۷۱
The present investigation aimed at studying the impacts of Iranian EFL learners’ gender, age, field and degree of study on their perceptions of mobile affordances. To this end, 159 Iranian EFL students studying at university were asked to fill Mobile Affordance Inventory (Rostami, 2021). To analyze the data, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, independent sample t-test, one way ANOVA, and Pearson’s correlation were run. The findings of the study indicated that no differences were found among EFL learners in using mobile learning affordances regarding their gender, degree, and field of study. Additionally, no significant relationship was found between the arcticians’ age and their mobile affordances. The results also showed that different affordances of mobile devices can provide new and important information for educators. They become more familiar with different mobile phones capabilities to use, and it makes their teaching more effective. Becoming familiar with affordances provides a situation for improving students’ learning as well as their self-control.

Mobile Learning Adoption: Using Composite Model Measurement Invariance to Assess Gender Differences(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: mobile learning perceived ease of use perceived usefulness subjective norm Behavioral Intention

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۷۲ تعداد دانلود : ۵۲
This study investigates Ghanaian students' adoption of Mobile Learning (ML) by extending the technology acceptance model with a subjective norm variable. Specifically, this study focuses on the moderating effect of gender using the Measurement Invariance of Composite Models for the analysis. The study used a purposive sampling technique to collect the data for the study from sec-ond-year diploma students at the University of Professional Studies in Accra. SmartPLS 3.3.3 was used to analyze the data from 330 respondents. The findings of the study suggest that perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and subjective norm have a significant influence on the behavior-al intention to adopt mobile learning for the complete data set. In addition, the results suggest that the impact of the subjective norm was not significant for female students but for male students. Also, the impact of perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness on behavioral intention were insignificant. Furthermore, the findings suggest that behavioral intention influences students' actual use of mobile devices to access learning materials. Finally, gender moderates the relationship be-tween subjective norms and behavioral intention. The findings demonstrate group heterogeneity, therefore, investigations on technology adoption must always incorporate group dynamics to un-derstand how different groups respond to its adoption. The findings of the study hold significance for both policy and research implications.