مطالب مرتبط با کلیدواژه



A Study of Different Aspects of Hutcheonian Parody in Peter Carey’s Jack Maggs(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Hypotext Hypertext intertextuality Parody Adaptation Recontextualization

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۳۳۳ تعداد دانلود : ۲۰۴
The purpose of the present article is to investigate Peter Carey’s Jack Maggs (1997) within a theoretical context set by Linda Hutcheon’s definition of parody. In Hutcheon’s view, parody is a repetition with critical distance. Hucheonian parody allows the adapted work to challenge and ironically transform the form and the content of the hypotext in order not to ridicule but to create. The central questions of this research are: How does Jack Maggs employ Hutcheonian parody within the broader postmodern narrative discourse to view its source text with a critical distance? And, how does Hutcheonian parody engage Jack Maggs in contemporary social debates? In order to answer these questions, the research applies various aspects of Hutcheonian parody to Carey’s novel. The present paper demonstrates that Carey’s Jack Maggs recontextualizes Charles Dickens’ Great Expectations (1860) in a new Australian setting. It also argues that the novel, which has mostly received positive responses and reactions from both literary critics and general readers, illustrates Carey’s parodic attempt to revisit one of the most renowned novels of the Victorian era. The present research contends that Jack Maggs is a critique of nineteenth-century realism and, more broadly speaking, of master narratives.

Assessment of mortality risk in Poland due to cold and heat stress and predictions to 2100(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Heat stress Cold stress mortality climate change Adaptation Poland

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۳۰۰ تعداد دانلود : ۲۲۳
Cold and heat stress are environmental factors influencing the state of health of individuals and the wider population. There is a large number of research to document significant increases in mortality and morbidity during cold and heat waves in every climate zone. In spite of the well-documented nature of heat/cold-related health problems, only in few countries local or national authorities have developed any special adaptation strategies for their healthcare systems (HCS), with a view to addressing predicted increases in the frequency and severity of cold- and heat-stress events. Such strategies draw on epidemiological and climatological research.  For example in Poland in the years 2012-2015 research project pursued to study regional differentiation in climate-related diseases in Poland, with regional-level predictions for their occurrence through to 2100. The results of the project were applied in a national strategy for adaptation to climate change This paper presents key results of the part of this project dealing with heat- and cold related mortality in various regions of Poland. Overall, in the near future a 4-28% increase in the number of days imposing heat stress is anticipated, and may result in heat-related mortality significantly higher by the last decade of the 21 st century than in the years 1991-2000 (at a level between 137 and 277%).

The Ideological Working of Fidelity Criticism in Dramatic and Cinematic Adaptation Studies(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

تعداد بازدید : ۲۱۹ تعداد دانلود : ۲۲۹
The present research explores the reasons why contemporary theoreticians of adaptation studies spurn “fidelity criticism.” With an increase in the production of adaptation with the advent of the cinema, there appeared a critical approach known as “fidelity criticism” in which the extent of the fidelity of the adapter to the adapted was investigated. Since this approach considers the adapted as a touchstone to evaluate the adapter and since it implicitly acknowledges the superiority of the former over the latter, postmodern critics, who frequently advocate alternative views and readings, struggle to release the adapter from being overshadowed by the adapted in order to let them express their unique message in the modern era. By referring to contemporary theories, the present research explores the whyness of the necessity for avoiding “fidelity criticism” as a touchstone for the evaluation of adaptation. To this end, the question of adaptation is expounded in the light of canon, logocentrism, and minor literature in order to study the likelihood of the ideological working of “fidelity criticism” as an apparatus in the hands of power. While the fact that “fidelity criticism” cannot be an appropriate criterion for the evaluation of adaptation has been frequently pointed out, the howness of its contribution to power discourse is an issue that has not been investigated in a coherent research, an attempt that can lead to a better understanding of the whyness of the rejection of “fidelity criticism.”

عملیه توطین مؤشرات المواطنه الاجتماعیه للمرأه فی إیران(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

تعداد بازدید : ۵۲ تعداد دانلود : ۴۶
إنّ المواطنه الاجتماعیه وتحدید خصائصها وتوطینها له دور مهم فی تطویر المجال النظری وتحقیق المواطنه الاجتماعیه للمرأه. الغرض من هذه الدراسه هو تحدید المؤشرات والمعاییر المناسبه لقیاس وصول المرأه إلی مکانه المواطنه الاجتماعیه. بهدف التعیین وبعد مراجعه الأدبیات والمقترحات البحثیه باستخدام تقنیه تحلیل المحتوی، تم استخلاص 38 مؤشرًا رئیسیًا ثم تم إعداد استبیان بناءً علیها وباستخدام تقنیه المسح بین الخبراء والمتخصصین فی هذا المجال؛ قد ضمت هذه المؤسسه 30 شخصاً من الأساتذه الجامعیین والإداریین والمخططین والسیاسیین والباحثین ومدیری المنظمات غیر الحکومیه. لقد استخدمت الاختبارات الإحصائیه لمقارنه المتوسطات والتباین من أجل مقارنه النتائج. تظهر نتائج هذه الدراسه أنه فی مجال المواطنه الاجتماعیه علی الصعید العالمی، یمکن تحدید 5 مؤشرات تتضمن التعلیم والتوظیف والصحه والرعایه والخدمات الاجتماعیه، ومن الممکن أیضا اعتبار المشارکه ضمن المؤشرات المحلیه. بالإضافه إلی ذلک، تظهر النتائج أن مؤشر التعلیم والمشارکه الاجتماعیه والثقافیه نالت عنایه المشرعین فی أربعه برامج للتنمیه الوطنیه ومؤشرات التوظیف والصحه فی خمسه برنامج.


کلیدواژه‌ها: Arsè ne Lupin litté rature dias Adaptation antihé ROS

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۳۱ تعداد دانلود : ۲۹
Cet article examine l'évolution du personnage d'Arsène Lupin, créé par Maurice Leblanc, en mettant l'accent sur ses représentations littéraires et médiatiques. L'étude débute par une analyse des romans originaux de Leblanc, explorant comment Lupin incarne les traits d'un antihéros par son intelligence, son charme et ses actes illégaux justifiés par des motifs moraux complexes. Ensuite, l'article se penche sur l'adaptation contemporaine de Netflix, qui réinvente le personnage pour un public moderne tout en conservant ses caractéristiques essentielles. Cette série est analysée pour voir comment elle met en avant les thèmes de justice sociale et de lutte contre l'injustice, actualisant ainsi le personnage pour résonner avec les préoccupations actuelles. L'article explore également la manière dont les diverses représentations de Lupin influencent la perception du public et contribuent à la durabilité de ce personnage dans la culture populaire. En intégrant des perspectives littéraires, médiatiques et socioculturelles, cette étude offre une vue d'ensemble sur la complexité et l'évolution fascinante d'Arsène Lupin en tant qu'antihéros à travers le temps et les supports. Les résultats montrent que l'adaptation et la réinvention de personnages classiques peuvent revitaliser leur pertinence et leur popularité dans des contextes contemporains.


کلیدواژه‌ها: Adaptation doublage du dessin animé La Famille Féerique Synchronisation Traduction audiovisuelle

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۲۶ تعداد دانلود : ۴۰
Bien qu'en Iran, le doublage soit la principale modalité de la traduction des documents audiovisuels et que chaque année, se réalise un grand nombre de ce type de traduction, il existe des recherches limitées dans ce domaine et son fonctionnement fait rarement objet d'études académiques. Ce genre de la traduction audiovisuelle, contenant l’image animé et le son en plus des dialogues, présente des défis auxquels les traducteurs des œuvres écrites ne sont pas confrontés. Les différentes formes de la synchronisation sont les points culminants sur cette liste que nous essayons d'étudier dans cet article à travers le doublage de la série d’animation La Famille Féerique (réalisée en 2008 en France). Les questions linguistiques et culturelles, méritant aussi des réflexions particulières, vu la catégorie d'âge visée, seront également abordées dans cette recherche. Etant donné la nature du travail, nous nous appuyons sur les théories traductionnelles traitant le procédé de l'adaptation et nous inspirons principalement des stratégies proposées par Georges Bastin et des techniques de Frédéric Chaum. La traduction des noms propres, qui marquent le genre audiovisuel en étude, sera étudiée dans le cadre théorique avancé par Lincoln Fernandes spécialiste de la traduction des bandes dessinés.