Journal of preventive Counselling (JPC)
Journal of preventive Counselling, Volume 4, Issue 4, December 2023 (مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Child-teacher relationship is one of the determinants of students’ behaviors, especially those with specific problems, which in turn can be affected by other factors. The present study was conducted to investigate the mediating role of homework problems in child-teacher relationship, behavior problems, and social adjustment amongst students with learning disability. Among the elementary students with learning disability referred to the learning disability education centers affiliated to Yazd Education Organization, Iran, 231 ones were selected randomly. The data were gathered using the Student-Teacher Relationship Scale, Teacher-Child Rating Scale, and Homework Problems Checklist and were then analyzed by Path analysis. The findings showed that homework problems were positively correlated to child-teacher conflict and negatively associated with child-teacher closeness among Learning Disabled (LD) students. Overall, the child-teacher relationship affected homework problems, eventually leading to behavioral or social adjustment problems. In other words, homework problems played a mediating role in the relationship between the quality of child-teacher relationship and LD students’ behavioral problems and social adjustment. Hence, improving the child-teacher relationship can reduce homework problems and, as a result, promote social adjustment among LD students.
Prevalence and Coping Strategies for Depression Among in-School Adolescents in Ilorin Metropolis, Kwara State, Nigeria(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Adolescent depression is a widespread problem that receives little or no attention. The study looked at depression frequency and coping mechanisms among adolescents enrolled in school in Ilorin city, Kwara state. 400 teenagers were randomly selected from the group. The "Prevalence and Coping Strategies for Depression among In-School Adolescents Questionnaire" was used to gather information from the respondents (PCSDIAQ). The study questions were addressed in percentages, and the hypotheses were examined using the t-test and ANOVA statistical methods at a significance level of 0.05. The study's findings showed that more than 30% of in-school adolescents experience fatigue (59.0%), a preference for solitude (50.3%), a lack of interest in or enjoyment from activities (48.8%), and anger (more than 30%) for a few hours each day move so slowly that others might have seen it (39.5%). It was also found that 42.3% of respondents always play games to distract themselves from problems. In comparison, 44.5% of respondents avoided talking to people about their feelings for a short period of time, criticized themselves (28.8%), isolated themselves (24.5%), avoid social situations until they feel better about themselves (15.8%), constantly blame others (19.0%), and ignore problems (10.0%). According to the study, there were no appreciable differences in the frequency of depression among adolescents enrolled in school in the city of Ilorin depending on age, gender, or marital status. Gender and marital status had no significant impact on the coping mechanisms used by in-school adolescents to deal with their depression, while age had a substantial impact.
The effectiveness of schema therapy on modifying attitude toward marriage in girl victims of sexual abuse(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Aim: the aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of schema therapy on modifying the attitude towards marriage of girls who were victims of sexual abuse.Method: In this research, a. Quasi- experimental single-case study design was used. As of 2020/9/12, the statistical population included all Girls who experienced sexual abuse in childhood in Tehran. Three participants were selected through purposive sampling and participated in the individual counseling schema therapy sessions lasting 16 sessions of 60 minutes each. The participants completed the pretreatment (3 baseline) Young Schema Questionnaire-Short Form (Young, 1998) and Marrital Attitude Scale (Braaten and Rosén, 1998). Also, at the beginning of the fifth, ninth, and thirteenth sessions, as well as at the end of the sixteenth session and the follow-up periods of three weeks, six weeks, and nine weeks, they completed the questionnaire. SPSS 25 software was used for data analysis, descriptive and inferential statistics (effect size) were used to determine significance. The analysis of data was done using visual analysis charts, Statistical significance, and clinical significance (P ≤ 0.05).Results: The findings, showed that schema therapy was effective in reducing the intensity of initial maladaptive schemas and modifying the attitude towards marriage of victims of sexual abuse.Conclusion: Considering the application of schema therapy in reducing the intensity of initial maladaptive schemas and modifying the attitude towards marriage of victims of sexual abuse, the present approach can be used as a therapeutic program to help people who have been sexually abused, especially children.
Identifying the Factors of Satisfaction/Dissatisfaction Caused by the Beginning of Women's Employment After Marriage (From the Perspective of Spouses)(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Aim: Today, many reasons have led to the widespread acceptance from married women towards employment. The growth of women's education level compared to the past, the desire for more economic prosperity, free time and the desire to have social activities are among these reasons. However, economic inflation and men's insufficient income for living is the most important reason for women's employment after marriage. The present research was conducted in 1401 on a community of families living in Tehran, where women started working after marriage. Method: The research method was qualitative and grounded theory, and the research tool was a semi-structured and in-depth interview. The data reached saturation with the participation of 19 couples. Results: From the analysis of the conducted interviews, the factors of creating satisfaction/dissatisfaction along with the contexts, facilitators, and interveners and their consequences, as well as the strategies that spouses use to achieve satisfaction from the phenomenon of employment after marriage were obtained. Discussion: The main category finally concluded that spouses' satisfaction/dissatisfaction with women's employment after marriage is based on the quality of the marital relationship and the existence of support resources of the family of origin. Conclusion: The results of current research can be used to adaptively confront the changes resulting from the phenomenon of employment after marriage, and to enrich the relationships of spouses as much as possible and, as a result the stability of families can be extracted from the practical strategies of the model obtained.
Comparison of Emotional Schema Therapy and Schema Therapy in Reducing Suicidal Thoughts in Patients with Persistent Depressive Disorder(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Persistent depressive disorder is a psychopathological entity with suicidal risk. This study aimed at comparing the effectiveness of emotional schema therapy (EST) and Schema Therapy (ST) on suicidal thoughts in patients with persistent depressive disorder (dysthymia). The present study was a type of quasi-experimental design with pre-test-post-test- multi-group follow-up. The statistical population of the present study consisted of all patients with permanent depression disorder (dysthymia) who were referred to the Shiraz County Psychological Counseling and Psychological Services Centers in 2017-2018. The sample consisted of 60 patients who were selected by a purposive sampling method and randomly assigned to two experimental groups based on emotional schema therapy (n = 20), a schema therapy group (n = 20), and a control group (n = 20). The therapies took eight sessions in 90 minutes, three days a week for three months. Additionally, the control group was provided with treatments as usual and did not receive any interventions. After finishing treatment sessions, the post-test was completed by three groups. In the present study, processing suicidal thoughts, a questionnaire was used. The research data were analyzed using repeated-measures analysis of variance using SPSS.21. The results showed that schema therapy reduced the suicidal thoughts in patients with persistent depressive disorder in the schema therapy group compared with the emotional schema therapy and control groups (p <0.001). Based on the research results, emotional schema therapy and schema therapy can be used as effective methods to reduce suicidal thoughts, but schema therapy was more effective.
Investigating the role of emotional self-regulation about social support and psychological well-being in Health Care Workers in Pandemic COVID-19: A cross-sectional survey(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
The present study investigated the role of emotional self-regulation about social support and psychological well-being in health care workers in the COVID‐19 pandemic. This was a descriptive-analytical study followed by a correlational design. This cross-sectional research was conducted on HCWs (medical, nursing, and volunteer COVID-19 workers) who worked in hospitals or clinic centers in Tehran, Iran from May–to August 2020. A total of 146 HCWs were selected using the random method. Research instruments included the Demographic information questionnaire, The Emotional Self-Regulation Inventory (SRI), the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS), AND The Ryff's scale of Psychological well-being, short-form (18-item). The collected data were analyzed using the Pearson correlation coefficient and the path analysis technique in SPSS (version 25) and SmartPLS (version 2) software. The bootstrapping test findings showed the direct effect of social support on psychological well-being was statistically confirmed (b =0.40, t=2.44) and the indirect effect or the full mediator effect of emotional self-regulation in the relationship between social support on psychological well-being was found to be significant (b =0.25, t=2.94). Thus, the full mediator role of emotional self-regulation in the relationship between social support on psychological well-being has been proven. The total effect of social support on psychological well-being was confirmed (b =0.65, t=2.79). These findings contribute to behavioral science knowledge and understanding of emotion regulation in enhancing social support and well-being during this pandemic and beyond.
An Irreducible Death-Drive or an Emancipative Event: Trauma and PTSD Recovery form Žižek-Badiou Perspective(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Žižek supposes that traumas can turn into death-drives and offer the subject surplus jouissance. He warns that ideological systems can profit from traumas to further subjugate their citizens. Notwithstanding, Badiou construes that traumas can appear as tremendous moments of Truth/Events that betrays the voids of the Symbolic Order and actualizes the universal truths that postmodernism has constantly denied or endeavored to suppress. In so thinking, he hypothesizes that the Truth/Event will find/invent its own faithful subject that cooperate to actualize the suppressed or denied Real of their age. Badiou criticizes the Western Ethics for devising a secured mode of life that emasculates the subject of post capitalism age and deprives him of experiencing the sufferings that can confront him with the Real. Badiou states that the Western ethics deliberately ignores the positive effects of PTSD recoveries that can reveal a lot regarding the psychological and social weakness of the subject and the society as well. Defending the idea of traversing the fantasies and encountering the Real, Žižek, however, does not become convinced of the emancipatory force that Badiou attributes to traumatic Events. Instead, he announces that the subject’s fidelity to the Badiouian Truth/Event approximates to the devoted insurgents’ allegiance to the ‘mythic violence’ that enables them to disclaim responsibility for their deeds. Badiou himself is apprehensive of ever-present ‘simulacra’ that the sovereign ideology concocts to counterfeit the Truth/Event. What Žižek prescribes is an ‘Act’ that can be embodied in ‘divine violence’ that divulges the Symbolic Order’s void.
The Effect of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on Psychological Capital Promotion in Bullied Students(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Aim: The aim of the present study was to investigate the effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy on the psychological capital of bullied students. Method: The research design was quasi-experimental type with a pre-test-post-test design with a control group. The statistical population of the research includes all male students of the first secondary school in Rasht city in the academic year 2022-2023. After implementing the bullying questionnaire, 30 students were selected as the bully group and they were randomly placed in two experimental and control groups (15 people in each group). In order to collect data, the psychological capital questionnaire (Luthans, 2007) was used. The experimental group underwent acceptance and commitment therapy for 8 sessions of 90 minutes, and the control group did not receive any training. Results:The results showed that acceptance and commitment therapy led to a significant increase in psychological capital and its components (P<0.001). Conclusion: Based on this, acceptance and commitment therapy can be considered as an effective intervention in increasing the psychological capital of bullied students through the promotion of psychological flexibility.