Journal of Information Technology Management (مدیریت فناوری اطلاعات)
Journal of Information Technology Management , Volume 14, Security and Resource Management challenges for Internet of Things, 2022 (مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Polling system is not trusted everywhere around the world it is very important in this modern world to replace the traditional polling system with the new technology. Some countries like United States, Japan, and India suffer from corrupted polling system. Major issues are faced by current polling systems like system hacking, vote rigging, vote manipulation, distributed denial of service attack, and online polling booth capturing. This paper will lead to the problems faced by the traditional polling system and how the new technology will provide the solution to that problem. Also, our purpose is to check the feasibility of the system by recording the transaction fees and evaluate the right way to spend the amount of gas in the transaction. This will highlight blockchain frameworks including blockchain as a service and polling system which is on blockchain that addresses all constraint introducing ethereum which is a blockchain-based distributed computing platform. Ethereum is open source, and publicly available with a system featuring smart contracts. It provides the cryptocurrency wallets that let you make cheap, instant payments with gas in the form of ethers. The ethereum community is the most active and largest blockchain community in the world. There is no centralized organization that controls ethereum.
Exploring Story Cards for Evaluating Requirement Understanding in Agile Software Development(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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From the recent literature review, it is evident that existing agile methodology lacks the method to evaluate the requirement understanding of agile team members for a given set of requirement chosen for agile software development. Hence, there is a need to introduce a requirement understanding check to ensure every agile team member follows the given requirement clearly without any ambiguity. To fill this existing gap, this research paper proposes to extend the usage of story cards to evaluate the understanding of the given requirement and to highlight any challenges and risks in the early stage of requirement understanding under agile software development methodology, if any. This paper primarily focuses to introduce a robust requirement understanding evaluation process in agile methodology. The research results were found to be motivating and were analyzed by comparing the data-points using time-series for performing agile query analysis, agile team velocity analysis and agile team involvement analysis for two agile teams where one team delivered the sprint output using agile traditional method while another team opted for proposed approach. A considerable decrease of 33.07% was observed in the number of queried raised and a significant increase of 26.36% in agile velocity was observed for agile sprint under proposed approach when compared to agile traditional approach. Also, a significant shift from 40%-80% team involvement under traditional agile method was uplifted to 80%-90% team involvement under proposed approach.
A secure and robust stereo image encryption algorithm based on DCT and Schur decomposition(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Security solutions of stereo images are always a major concern during the transmission and communication. In this manuscript, a simple yet efficient framework for encrypting stereo images is formulated using discrete cosine transform (DCT), generalized logistic map, Schur decomposition and magic square method. The framework initiated with the integration of DCT and generalized logistic map to unify both pair of images. This unified image is then encrypted using the Schur decomposition and magic square method. The various experiments and analysis have been done to explore the validity, proficiency and performance of the purport framework.
STCP: A Novel Approach for Congestion Control in IoT Environment(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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The main idea of IoT is to connect several objects to each other through Internet. In the field of Computer Network the main problem identified by researchers is network congestion. Now a day’s network congestion is increasing very rapidly because IoT connect a huge number of devices to internet. A transport layer protocol TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) is accountable for network congestion control. The behavior of TCP is not stable as it takes long time to fill the available capacity of the network. It also continuously keeps assessing the capacity of data transmission through increasing the limits.TCP drops its data transmission rate aggressively when packets are dropped, which significantly reduces the throughput. This paper suggests a new approach, stable transmission control protocol for IoT applications. The experimental results show that stable transmission control protocol achieves better performance in terms of goodput.
Mapping Grayscale Images to Colour Space Using Deep Learning(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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People are used to exploring grayscale images in their family albums but it is difficult to grasp the reality without colours. Luckily, with advancements in Machine Learning it has been possible to solve problems previously thought impossible. The authors aim to automatically colourize grayscale images using a subset of Machine Learning called Deep Learning. The system will be trained on an image dataset and given an input grayscale image the model will be able to assign aesthetically believable colours. A grayscale photograph has been provided; our approach solves the problem of visualizing a reasonable colour version of the grayscale picture. This issue is undoubtedly under controlled; therefore earlier methods to this problem have either counted majorly on user interaction or it leads to in unsaturated colourizations. The authors put forward a completely automatic approach that will try to produce realistic and vibrant colourizations as much as possible. The proposed system has been applied as a feed-forward in a Convolutional Neural Network and has been trained on over twenty thousand colour images currently.
Epidemiological Model for Stability Analysis of Wireless Sensor Network under Malware Attack(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Malware attack is growing day by day in cyberspace. And Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is also facing a hazardous type of situation due to attack of malware (malicious code, virus, worm etc.). Malwares target sensor nodes easily because, nodes are equipped with limited resources. Hence, security of WSN against malware attack is one of the imperative requisite. Malware spreads in the entire network wirelessly, which initiates from single infectious node and spread in the whole WSN. In this way the complete network comes under the security threat. Therefore, it is mandatory to apply the security technique through which to secure WSN against malware attacks. To secure WSN due to malware attacks a quarantine based model has been proposed. The proposed model consists of various epidemic states namely: Susceptible Carrier - Infectious - Quarantine - Recovered - Susceptible (SCIQRS). The model explained the propagation dynamics of malware in WSN and proposed a technique to prevent its propagation. The technique of quarantine along with recovery is to much effective in prevailing of malware propagation in WSN. For the determination of WSN stability and equilibrium points the expression of basic reproduction number has been obtained. Malware propagation is affected by different network parameters, which has been also discussed. The comparative investigation of proposed model has been carried out with existing model. The proposed model has been substantiated by simulation outcomes
Energy Consumption Analysis of Iot-Manet Based Systems with Anova Assessment for Tackling Covid-19(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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The epidemic situation generated as a result of COVID -19 crossways the sphere observed the practices of various emerging technology like Internet of Thing (IoT) along with norm of dynamic fields. The wireless communication based on networks such as wireless mesh networks (WMN) and Mobile Ad-hoc networks (MANETS) proven to be very successful for monitoring of patients remotely. The MANET protocols that are simulated in this study are Ad-hoc On Demand Vector (AODV), Secure AODV (SAODV) and Hybrid Wireless Mesh Protocol (HWMP). In this investigation work, most appropriate routing protocols to knob DDoS attacks are simulated using NS-2 and assessed in terms of average energy consumption in the state of changing speed connections among devices called mesh nodes. Further ANOVA test is utilized for further accessing for the best suited routing protocol for handling the data packets, which is HWMP , considerable less susceptible for DDoS assaults dominant in healthcare field.
Q-Learning Enabled Green Communication in Internet of Things(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Limited energy capacity, physical distance between two nodes and the stochastic link quality are the major parameters in the selection of routing path in the internet of things network. To alleviate the problem of stochastic link quality as channel gain reinforcement based Q-learning energy balanced routing is presented in this paper. Using above mentioned parameter an optimization problem has been formulated termed as reward or utility of network. Further, formulated optimization problem converted into Markov decision problem (MDP) and their state, value, action and reward function are described. Finally, a QRL algorithm is presented and their time complexity is analyses. To show the effectiveness of proposed QRL algorithm extensive simulation is performed in terms of convergence property, energy consumption, residual energy and reward with respect to state-of-art-algorithms.
Moving Vehicles Detection and Tracking on Highways and Transportation System for Smart Cities(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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The real-time video surveillance system has become an integral part of our life and Highways play a very crucial role in transportation. For a transportation system to work, the management of highways are necessary. It also prevents accident and other challenging issues on highways. Various machine learning and artificial intelligence based techniques are evolving with numerous advancement in this domain. These algorithms are efficient and very less time consuming. So the use of machine learning and artificial intelligence in transportation systems and highways could be very beneficial. In this paper, various approaches related to moving vehicle detection for the transportation system especially for highways are considered. The literature also reveals for existing research for the machine learning and AI based methodologies to resolve more complex real-time problems. The proposed work is also compared with the existing peer methods and demonstrated better performance achieved experimentally.
Internet of Things Care Device for Visually Impaired and Old People(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Focusing on the problems faced by blind people, this paper has come up with the technology solution for the assistance of blind people. The solution is based on the intelligent data transmission to the earphone of a person based on task associated. The solution consists of a jacket to detect the obstacles along with a wearable box with task priority switchs. The system helps in detection of the obstacle and its height, one-touch cab booking and support of relatives, Ambulance services, Police services, etc. in the case of emergency. Either wired and wireless headphones or speakers can be interfaced with the device (box) to get audio notifications. The various tasks are triggered using multiple switches. The system will use a definitive SOC (System on Chip) platform recognized as Rasp-Pi-Pi along with ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04, Neo-6M GPS (Global Positioning System) module, and different switches. The system uses a 20,000 mAh lion battery for the power supply. The voice signals can be provided in more than fifty languages. A fall detection system is also discussed in this paper. This system will be beneficial not only for blind but also for care of old aged people
Multi Trust-based Secure Trust Model for WSNs(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Trust establishment (TE) among sensor nodes has become a vital requirement to improve security, reliability, and successful cooperation. Existing trust management approaches for large scale WSN are failed due to their low cooperation (i.e., dependability), higher communication and memory overheads (i.e., resource inefficient). This paper provides a new and comprehensive hybrid trust estimation approach for large scale WSN employing clustering to improve cooperation, trustworthiness, and security by detecting selfish sensor nodes with reduced resource (memory, power) consumption. The proposed scheme consists of unique features like authentication based data trust, scheduler based node trust, and attack resistant by giving the high penalty and minimum reward during node misbehavior. A task scheduling mechanism is employed for scheduling the significant task to reduce computation overhead. The proposed trust model would be capable to provide security against blackhole attack, grey hole attack, and badmouthing attack. Moreover, the proposed trust model feasibility has been tested with MATLAB. Simulation results exhibit the great performance of our proposed approach in terms of trust evaluation cost, prevention, and detection of malicious nodes with the help of analyzing consistency in trust values and communication overhead.
Detection of Wormhole Attack in Vehicular Ad-hoc Network over Real Map using Machine Learning Approach with Preventive Scheme(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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VANET (Vehicular Ad-hoc Network) is a developing technology, which is a combination of cellular technology, ad-hoc network & wireless LAN to improve the safety of vehicle as well as driver. VANET communication can be of two types, first one is broadcast and second one is unicast. Either communication may be broadcast or unicast both are sensitive to different types ofassaults, for example message forgery, (DOS) denial of service, Sybil assault, Greyhole, Blackhole & Wormhole assault. In this paper machine learning method is used to detect the wormhole assault in VANET’s multi-hop communication. We have created a scenario of VANET by using AODV routing protocol on NS-3.24.1 simulator, which utilizes the overall mobility traces generated by the simulator SUMO-0.32.0 to model the wormhole assault. The simulation is performed by using NS-3.24.1 simulator, and the statistics created by flow monitor are collected. The collected data is pre-processed and the k-NN & Random Forest algorithms are applied on this data, to make the model such type so that it can memorize the wormhole attack. The novelty of this research work is that with the help of proposed detection & prevention technique, vehicular ad-hoc network can be made free from wormhole assault by using ML approach. The performance of proposed machine learning models is compared with existing work. In this way it is clear that our proposed approach by using ML is powerful tool by which the wormhole assaults can be detected in VANETs. A scheme based on packet lease and cryptographic techniques is used to prevent the wormhole attack in VANET
Enhanced Method of Object Tracing Using Extended Kalman Filter via Binary Search Algorithm(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Day by day demand for object tracing is increasing because of the huge scope in real-time applications. Object tracing is one of the difficult issues in the computer vision and video processing field. Nowadays, object tracing is a common problem in many applications specifically video footage, traffic management, video indexing, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and many other related fields. In this paper, the Enhanced Method of Object Tracing Using Extended Kalman Filter via Binary Search Algorithm is proposed. Initially, the background subtraction method was used for merge sort and binary search algorithm to identify moving objects from the video. Merge sort is to divide the regions and conquer the algorithm that arranges the region in ascending order. After sorting, the binary search algorithm detects the position of noise in sorted frames and then the next step extended the Kalman Filter algorithm used to predict the moving object. The proposed methodology is linear about the valuation of mean and covariance parameters. Finally, the proposed work considered less time as compared to the state of art methods while tacking the moving objects. Its shows less absolute error and less object tracing error while evaluating the proposed work.
Technical Assessment of Various Image Enhancement Techniques using Finger Vein for personal Authentication(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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The most important aspects of image processing are image enhancement. The visual form of an image can be enhanced by using image enhancement techniques for better human interpretation. In this research paper we discuss an outline and analysis of commonly used image enhancement techniques using finger vein image or personal authentication. Also, experiments are carried out to compare performance of various types of filters for removal of noise from the noisy images through evaluation performance parameter such as mean square error (MSE), peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) values and structural similarity (SSIM). It was found that application of max filter technique ensures an improved quality of the finger vein image. The mean filter is most advanced in de-noising the images. Mean filter is most efficient in eliminating the salt and pepper noise. From the experiments performed on finger vein image using SDUMLA-HMT database, it is proven that Weiner filters are outstanding for elimination of Gaussian Speckle and Poisson noises and thus, Weiner filter is found to be most appropriate and well-suited for eliminating nearly all types of noise.
Enhanced Lightweight and Secure Session Key Establishment Protocol for Smart Hospital Inhabitants(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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In the era of internet technologies, to provide wireless communication and transfer the information in seconds from one place to another has arrived because of the need to consume information technologies. All users desire to quickly access the smart world’s life and interact with the entire world socially. This paper proposed an environment for the safe and secure smart patient’s room connected to the WSN, BAN, and RFID. All the data will be transferred to the session key, secure and contains the patient’s information. The network connected through WSN and data will be sent through the session key to make an smart hospital’s patient cabin. The small token is there that will be transferred throughout the network to get authenticated by each network. This proposed scheme is secure enough to overcome the drawbacks of the other protocol in such a way as to make the protocol more secure from the entire adversary’s attack may occur.
Reconstruction of Simple and Complex Three Dimensional Images Using Pattern Recognition Algorithm(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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The reconstruction of 3D images is always a difficult task for the researchers. The 3D reconstruction of the image is a core technique of various fields such as Computer graphics, computer vision, CAD systems, medical science, computer application, etc. Reconstruction of the 3D image allows us to gather the quantitative features of the objects such as the shape, size, and volume of the objects. The existing computer algorithms need spatial dimension information to make the distinguished inference from the given 3D image which is not always possible. This paper simplifies the 3D reconstruction of the image. This research paper introduced a novel algorithm for the representation of the Three Dimensional images into a textual form. The syntactic approach is used for the extraction of the features of the image and these are called knowledge vectors. The knowledge vector consists of the direction information and length information. This a new approach in the field of image processing where images can be represented as a knowledge vector and it could be a great contribution in the field where security is a major concern. Further, the knowledge vector is used for the reconstruction of the 3D image. The performance of the algorithm is evaluated on the PASCAL 3D + and example-based Synthesis of the 3D Object Arrangements dataset. According to the obtained results, the proposed methodology is having better accuracy, and the processing time of reconstruction of the original 3D image is 1.02 Seconds. Single-pass is sufficient for reconstructing the original image