Journal of System Management(JSM)
Journal of System Management, Volume 6, Issue 3, Autumn 2020 (مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
This study aims to explain and elaborate a new model for the business environmental hostility in small and medium enterprises in the science and technology park in Kermanshah (Iran). The research method is a mixed method. Content analysis was used in the qualitative part, and a confirmatory factor analysis was used in the quantitative section. In the qualitative section for the environmental hostility dimension of the environmental turbulence, two components of competitive turbulence and regulatory turbulence, as well as seven sub-components were identified and validated. As a consequence, the conceptual model was extracted. This study proposed a conceptual model of business environmental hostility and the researcher-made questionnaire of environmental hostility confirmed with high validity and reliability. The model was verified based on the small and medium-sized enterprises in Kermanshah (Iran), and it is suggested that this new environmental hostility model can be used in practice to improve managing the small and medium-sized enterprises.
Evaluation of Failure Causes in Employing Hospital Information Systems(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
Today, the information systems play a critical role in business for each organization. Like other organizations, hospitals use information systems for data collection, data storage, data processing and the like to have long-term and short-term achievements. Despite the very benefits of implementing HIS and its costly implementation, the HIS project sometimes fails. The importance of the HIS failure and preventive practices in this regard have led researchers investigate the causes of failure for information systems in hospitals. In this paper, an FMEA-based model is presented in an intuitionistic fuzzy environment to evaluate the HIS failure factors. For this purpose, Data required to implement the proposed model were collected in 5 hospital, in Kerman (Iran). Based on research studies and survey of hospital academic experts, a total number of 27 failure modes were determined for the implementation HIS. The results of the proposed approach indicated that 8 factors are of paramount importance in terms of HIS failure causes: Individuals' lack of skill/knowledge, lack of integration between system and organizational activities, unrealistic planning, lack of IT management or weak project team (information system), improper software development, lack of managerial skills, misdiagnosis of roles and responsibilities, inconsistency between corporate culture and change requirements (compatibility).
PRFM Model Developed for the Separation of Enterprise Customers Based on the Distribution Companies of Various Goods and Services(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
In this study , a new model of combining variables affecting the classification of customers is introduced which is based on a distribution system of goods and services. Given the problems that the RFM model has in various distribution systems, a new model for resolving these problems is presented. The core of this model is the older RFM. The new model that has been proposed as PRFM, consists of four dimensions: Profit margins (P), time period from customer's last purchase (R), Frequency of transactions (F) and the Monetary Value (M). Adding variable (P) makes a huge change in customer clustering and classification systems and makes it more optimized for future planning. For review and approval, the model was implemented in one of the largest and most diversified distribution companies in Iran. Using Ward's clustering, the optimal number of clusters was prepared and entered by hierarchical clustering and based on Euclidian distance customers are clustered and separated. One of the most important results of this study is introducing a new model and resolving the problems of the old RFM model in determining customer's value.
A System Model for Technological Capabilities Assessment in High-Speed Train Industries(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
The purpose of this study is to provide a model with a dynamic system method to investigate the factors affecting the technological capabilities enhancement in the high-tech industries of high-speed train of the rail transportation system. For this purpose, after reviewing the literature and conducting several meetings with experts in the rail transportation industry, a conceptual and qualitative structure of the subsystems and how they relate in this area were obtained. Then, in order to identify the effective dynamics in upgrading technological capabilities in high-tech industries in high-speed rail transportation, causal loops were drawn and the model was simulated with VENSIM software. Then, using a simulation model, the technology development process was modeled based on the developed structure. Finally, in order to consider the uncertainty space, based on the expert’s opinions, two scenarios of optimism and pessimism were considered. Based on the obtained results, variables such as having a suitable vision for technology development, recognizing basic technological priorities, ability to use and control technology effectively in main and support processes, ability to learn from one technology to another, ability to identify, evaluate, negotiate and finalize the terms of technology acquisition and support facilities, the ability to identify customers, announce auction prices and negotiate terms of sale, the ability to plan, monitor and control research and development projects and having a proper system for evaluating technological projects, have great impact.
Futurology of Multi-Criteria Decision Making Techniques Using Philosophical Assumptions of Paradigms in Scenario Writing(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
There are many opportunities and threats in the decision-making environment for managers, and an organization must use research and information systems to change, monitor, and anticipate this environment. Futurism reflects how tomorrow reality gives birth to tomorrow's reality is. The purpose of this research; Analyzing the role of futures studies in the existing patterns of critical factors of multi-criteria decision-making techniques in operations research using the philosophical assumptions of the classical and critical paradigms and finally determining the appropriate strategy based on these components, to increase success and life expectancy. The present study intends to formulate exploratory scenarios of this knowledge by using the critical uncertainty approach. To develop credible scenarios of knowledge of decision techniques, the opinions of 15 experts in this field were collected using the fuzzy Delphi approach and through the critical uncertainty questionnaire. After extracting the most important uncertainties, plausible scenarios of decision-making techniques were determined with the help of experts. According to the results obtained from the opinion of experts from the critical uncertainty questionnaire, four research uncertainties were identified, identified and the scenario design criteria were used. Each of the four cases, which includes low attention to social issues versus high attention to social issues, low attention to ethical models versus high attention to ethical models, low attention to soft approaches versus high attention to soft approaches, Low attention to complex issues versus high attention to complex issues indicates a specific dual situation in the future. Each of these dual situations indicates uncertainty about the future of multi-criteria decision making. Based on these uncertainties, three scenarios were identified. These scenarios include Achilles heel, phoenix, and heel. Also, semi-structured interviews with the theme analysis approach were used, and the philosophy of past and future approaches in this field was reviewed and critiqued.
Supplier’s Selection Based on Lean-Green Production Indicators by Goal Programming, Fuzzy DEMATEL and Fuzzy Quality Function Development(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
One of the most important parts of the green supply chain management (GSCM) is the green supplier. The green supplier selection process has a vague nature. Therefore, specific approaches, such as fuzzy, are necessary during their evaluation. On the other hand, the choice of a coherent and integrated strategy is vital to achieve lean and green production. Accordingly, the present study aimed to select suppliers based on lean green production indicators by goal programming, fuzzy DEMATEL and quality performance expansion. The statistical population of this study consisted of personnel (managers, assistants and experts) with 16 managers and assistants and 46 experts. In this research, the Cochran formula (including error percentage of 5%) was used to determine the number of statistical samples. Accordingly, 53 experts from Pars Khodro Company participated as a sample (by simple random sampling method). In order to analyze the data, fuzzy DEMATEL methods, expansion of fuzzy performance quality and goal programming were used. According to the findings of the present study, continuous improvement to achieve lean green indicators is the main element of the production system at Pars Khodro Company. The important aspect of determining how much damage would be bestowed on the best supplier, so that it would be possible to determine the least amount of damage in sum, was reviewed in this section. In other words, the lowest possible losses are based on the suffering of the current losses, the supplier and in which level of losses it has the most optimal status.
A Paradigmatic Model on the Role of Electronic Marketing Capabilities in Promoting Iranian Carpet Export Capacity(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of e-commerce marketing capabilities in enhancing Iranian carpet export capabilities via a paradigmatic model. In fact, the present study seeks to identify various factors that may influence the role of electronic marketing capabilities in promoting Iranian carpet export capacity. The identified strategies obtained from the paradigmatic model in this study are ranked in order to develop an understanding of the strength of their effects on the outcomes of e-marketing at the international level. In terms of research philosophy, the present study is based on interpretive paradigm and is considered an applied-developmental research in terms of research orientation. The data were collected using semi-structured interviews and a standardized questionnaire. The study population consisted of experts and managers of the carpet industry in Iran, who were selected using purposive sampling. Data analysis was carried out using theme analysis approach in MAXQDA software, and quantitative data were analyzed using interpretive structural modeling in Excel software. The main finding of the present study is to introduce a paradigmatic model of the role of e-commerce marketing capabilities in promoting Iranian carpet export capability. This model identifies and introduces contextual, causal, strategic, and intervening factors as well as the implications of developing e-marketing capabilities with the primary concern of promoting the country's carpet export capabilities. In addition, in the quantitative phase of the study, thirteen strategies affecting two categories of short-term and long-term outcomes were ranked based on the strength of their impact on outcomes.
The Effects of Information System Integration on Financial Performance Mediated by Cost Performance and Quality Performance: An SEM-based Analysis(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
This study investigated the effects of information system (IS) integration on financial performance in Tehran Stock Exchange with an emphasis on the mediating role of cost performance and quality performance. This survey was carried out in 2018 by distributing 300 questionnaires among all CEOs, financial administrative vice-presidents, accounting managers, and accountants of manufacturing companies listed in the Tehran Stock Exchange. A total of 250 questionnaires were returned, and the data were analyzed in SmartPLS using structural equation modeling (SEM).The results confirmed the significant positive relationships of flexibility, completeness, and knowledge sharing with IS integration. In addition, IS integration affected corporate financial performance both directly and through the mediating variables of cost performance and quality performance. In other words, any increase in each of these three variables led to an improvement in corporate financial performance.
CO-Active Neuro- Fuzzy Inference System Application in Supply Chain Sustainability Assessment Based on Economic, Social, Environmental, and Governance Pillars(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
The main aim of this study is proposing an assessment model for evaluating the supply chain sustainability across the automotive sector. In this study, through reviewing the sustainability indicators in the economic, social, environmental, and governance pillars, the fuzzy Delphi is applied. Then, survey method is used to implement the model designed in CANFIS to evaluate the sustainability indicators. In this research, the proposed model was used for evaluating the sustainability in four pillars which is more inclusive than previous research. To improve the sustainability, it must be evaluated and measured so that after the improvement measures, the results are determined through measurement. According to the findings, it was concluded that the model designed in CANFIS was a reliable tool for assessing the sustainability .