Journal of System Management(JSM)
Journal of System Management, Volume 6, Issue 1, spring 2020 (مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
Modern banks have shifted their function as purely administrative, economic and industrial entities into socio-political institutions that must be sensitive to the surrounding environment. This function has always been neglected. This study was conducted based on primary, secondary, and tertiary data and reviews the full text of 75 studies selected from more than 245 studies. The selected elected papers and studies addressed the following issues: (1) business models, (2) banking business models, (3) sustainability and sustainable development, and (4) business models adopting a sustainable development approach. Investigations on banking business models show that most studies have focused on the categorization of banking activities at the multi-bank level, and finally, using clustering techniques, have provided some general categorization for business models.
Marketing Strategy Evaluation by Integrating Dynamic Systems Modeling and Network Data Envelopment Analysis(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Nowadays, the service industries play an essential role in the economic development of countries, and among the various fields of insurance, life insurance is of particular importance because it covers its cover directly to humans. Increased competition in the insurance industry has led managers to seek marketing strategies that, in addition to increasing insurance sales, reduce costs and gain competitive advantage. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to develop appropriate marketing strategies in the form of scenario-based strategic planning in the life insurance market of Mellat Insurance Company. For this purpose, system dynamics and network data envelopment analysis tools have been used. In order to formulate marketing strategies, the causal-loop diagram and then the flow-stock diagram were simulated for scenario-based strategic planning. Then the operation was performed for different scenarios and the simulated results were put as input to the data envelopment analysis model and based on the obtained results, the best and most efficient scenario was selected. It should be noted that in this study, different scenarios play the role of marketing models and strategies, and their performance has been analyzed.
IT - Business Strategic Alignment and Organizational Agility: The Moderating Role of Environmental Uncertainty(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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This study investigates the effect of IT-business strategic alignment on organizational agility by considering the effects of IT flexibility and IT capability on strategic alignment. Also this study investigates the moderating role of environmental uncertainty on the relationship between strategic alignment and organizational agility. This research is an applied research based on purpose and descriptive-survey in terms of data collection. The statistical population consists of 330 people who work in Telecommunication Company. In this research, library method and researcher-made questionnaire were used for data collection. Its validity was confirmed by content related validity and using confirmatory factor analysis. Also Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used for its reliability. AMOS software was used to examine the relationships between the structures that formed the research hypotheses. For analyzing the moderator, Hierarchical regression analysis was used by SPSS. Finally, the results stated that IT capability and IT flexibility have a significant impact on IT-Business strategic alignment and IT-business strategic alignment has a significant impact on organizational agility, but hypothesis 4, which related to the moderating role of environmental uncertainty on the relationship between strategic alignment and organizational agility, was not confirmed.
Designing the Model of Factors Affecting the Customer Based Brand Equity on Brand Performance in the Cosmetics Market(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Over the past few years, many organizations have come to believe that the brand of their products and services is one of their most valuable assets. Therefore, it must be said that the brand is an asset that has a significant part of the value of the property of institutions and organizations. In this research, the building brand equity (BBE) from the customer's perspective and brand market performance (BMP) have been investigated and identified, selected, eventually reached the operational stage, and then evaluated how the impacts and their relationship with each other resulted in the presentation of a model that the model has been tested in the cosmetics industry in Tehran. The statistical population of this study was all customers of cosmetic products in Tehran city in 2018 who were selected by random cluster sampling method. A sample of 550 customers from ten brands, which has about 80% of the market share, was selected. In this research, the obtained data were collected through a questionnaire as well as secondary information and then tested using structural equation modeling and focal correlation analysis. Finally, all proposed structures of the research were confirmed after analyzing the factor. According to the path analysis conducted at the customer level, only two hypotheses were not approved. At the brand level, all four hypotheses were confirmed by the focal correlation analysis. Based on the findings of the research, the proposed model was confirmed by the researcher and practical and research suggestions were submitted for managers and researchers.
Designing, Evaluating and Prioritizing Sepah Bank's Marketing Strategies in the Banking Industry(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Increasing competition is one of the characteristics for the market environment in the last few decades. As competition intensifies, decision making and policy making become more complicated for survival or victory in the market, and managers are noticing that short-term plans and incoherent efforts is not enough to solve complex organizational issues. Nowadays, the organizational space, working methods, individual’s relationships, communication-information systems and the adapting unpredictable requirements of the future years must be considered for programming. In this research, 30 Sepah Bank’s marketing strategies explained by experts were evaluated by customers and staff with two separated questionnaires in two stages. The results show that the views of customers and employees are different on the prioritization of strategies.
Designing the Attitude toward Advertising Model through Mobile Social Networks(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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The aim of this research is to help advance a better understanding of digital advertising innovation adoption, consumer acceptance of customized advertising, and the influence of customized advertising on product purchase intent via a mobile social network. To this end, two types of questionnaires, including an open questionnaire filled up by 16 experts and university professors was designed to identify the indicators and sub-indicators of advertising acceptance determinants through mobile-based cyberspace networks. The other questionnaire was a 5-point Likert questionnaire designed based on the identified indicators of the open questionnaire, which was filled by 234 cyber-space users who were chosen using simple random sampling method in order to verify the identified factors. The results of the study led to the identification of seven main indicators namely revenue generating, legalization, Awareness at social levels, Family and friends, Advertiser owners, monitoring and Advertising quality and the identification of 44 sub-indicators for seven three main determinants.
Presenting an Entrepreneurial Brand Building Model to Knowledge-Based Firms(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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According to the matter of knowledge-based businesses development in economic development and job creation of the state, it is so important to identify effective strategies and factors in developing entrepreneurship, supporting commercializing and branding of knowledge-based businesses and the environment in which these businesses fare formed. The purpose of the present research is offering an entrepreneurial branding model to knowledge-based firms. This is a qualitative research with the grounded theory approach. In this research, 20 experts of marketing, branding fields and managing directors of knowledge-based firms were studied through semi structured interviews by using purposive sampling method. Interviews were continued up to reach theoretical saturation point and after analyzing extracted codes in triple coding stages, 165 primary conceptual propositions were identified from open coding, 5 categorical propositions from axial coding and 23 main factors from selective coding and then the final model were extracted. In paradigm model of grounded theory, the pivotal phenomenon of the research has been considered the entrepreneurial branding process in the knowledge-based firms of the state and the casual, demographic and intervening conditions of this phenomenon were identified after fulfilling research stages. It was also offered the results and consequences of branding in these types of institutes in the model.
Designing and Explaining the Impact Pattern of Online Advertising on Actual Purchasing (Case Study: Atieh Saba Holding)(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
The purpose of this study is to design and explain the impact pattern of online advertising on actual purchasing (Case Study: Atieh Saba Holding). The study is qualitative based on the objective and data collection process. The population of the study were all marketing and sales experts at Atieh Saba Holding, and among these experts, 10 were selected as the sample. In this study, data were collected through interview. The study is applied as it investigates the impact of online advertising on actual purchasing. After analyzing the open and structured interviews, the similar and related concepts were grouped into one category through comparative process and open coding, axial coding, and selective coding were employed to analyze the responses. The results of experts' responses showed that indicators such as print media and television advertising, social media, search engine advertising, banner ads, advertising websites, online text ads, advertising panels, online video ads, mobile ads, email ads, and online video ads have an impact on actual purchasing.
A System Dynamics Approach to Designing Technological Innovation Management Model in Downstream Petrochemical Industries(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Special attention to the relative advantages of the economy is the best way toward economic development in every country. Owing to its considerable natural oil and gas resources, Iran has a high potential for the development of these industries. In the value chain process of these God-given resources, a wide diversity of final downstream petrochemical products has a significant charm and scope for technological innovation and development. In the absence of a systematic perspective, all the planning and costs in this field will fail. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to design and analyze the dynamic model of technological innovation management in petrochemical downstream industries in Iran. A questionnaire was designed by analyzing the research literature and the opinions of the experts; then, the factors were investigated using verification factor analysis and structural equations with Smart PLS; the final 26 indicators were categorized in four domains including firm, industry, national, and international. Next, using system thinking and Vensim PLE 6.4, the technology innovation management structure was designed in the downstream industries. The behavior of key variables was also predicted for a 7-year time horizon. Finally, it was used to formulate the technology innovation management scenario.
Designing and Identifying the Variables of the Pricing Model for the Company’s Brand Value in Merger and Acquisition Strategies(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
Strong brands bring numerous benefits for both the companies and their customers such as decreasing purchasing risk and searching cost and increasing the likelihood of repurchasing. It is not presented an applied model for determining the price of this asset in Iran, especially in terms of merger and acquisition. The purpose of this study is to develop a model for pricing brand value in Iran’s capital supply companies in terms of marketing strategies of merger and acquisition. The current study is qualitative research which is done by conducting grounded theory in MAXQDA software. Needed data were gathered from interviews and panel sessions with all the 21 pricing experts in capital supply companies during the year 2018, and were analyzed to extract the variables of the model of brand pricing to Rial. After that, open codes were categorized into 5 main categories and 2 sub-categories titled as: communication and performance environmental factors, marketing, brand, performance (financial and non-financial), and corporate audit reports. Research findings; in addition, has developed an operational brand pricing model for Iran’s semi-public economy that is unprecedented in other studies.
Identification and Prioritization of Effective Organizational Structure Components (Case Study of Regional Electric Companies of Iran)(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
The present research identifies and prioritizes the effective organizational structure components using content (theme) analysis and Delphi technique and hierarchical analysis (Case Study of Regional Electric Companies of Iran). The present study is applied based on purpose and is exploratory-survey based on the nature and method of data collection. The statistical population of this study includes 36 experts selected from Iranian regional electricity companies. They were identified through targeted sampling. To analyze the research data, statistical software MAXQDA2012, SPSS and EXPERT CHOICE were used. Using these statistical software, in order to test research questions, Kendall test have been investigated. In the qualitative phase, we analyzed and interpreted (coding) of concepts expressed by the experts of the regional electricity companies of Iran, including open, axial and selective coding. The Delphi method was then used to localize and screen the indices obtained. In the content (theme) analysis phase, 20 factors were identified and after gathering the experts 'responses in Delphi periods, the members' concordance was assessed through SPSS software and by calculating the Kendall's coefficient of concordance for the questionnaires, and the investigation and concordance among the experts was obtained 81.9%. The results showed that 15 components were agreed upon by the experts. In the final step, the components were prioritized using the hierarchical analysis approach. The results of the hierarchical analysis showed that among the criteria, the complexity criterion was of the highest importance. The next priorities from the experts' point of view are the inhibitor or developer factors and the technology criterion.
Designing a Comprehensive Human Resources Model Based on ISO34000 Standard(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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The aim of this study is to present a comprehensive human resources model based on ISO34000 standard at Khorasan Razavi Electricity Distribution Company. This study is mixed, sequential exploratory, and applied. The qualitative population was the experienced and scientific experts. The quantitative population was 153 managers, deputies and experts responsible for the electricity company selected with convenient random sampling method and a researcher made tool on human resources and based on ISO34000 standard in 2018-2019. In the qualitative section, open coding was used to analyze the texts to develop human resources indices based on ISO34000 standard. The results show four main components have a positive and direct impact on human resources.
The Role of Multisensory Environmental Stimuli in Enhancing Hyper Customers in Store Experience(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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In recent years, by population expansion and consequently expansion in service industries, competition has grown in retailing industry more than ever. Retailers can overcome competition in retailing industry by creating attractive, enjoyable, and even more exciting store environment. The purpose of this study is to help marketers, managers and retailers to create an enjoyable and memorable experience for their customers by employing the right multi-sensory environmental stimuli. This study is descriptive in terms of aim, and is applied in terms of path, survey research and of the correlative type.The sample size of this study was 384 customers of chain stores which were selected by simple random sampling method. In analysing the data, inferential statistics topics including structural equation modelling that includes confirmatory factor analysis and path analysis was used.
Optimal Strategies of Increasing Business Alignment, in Social Security Organization, with Quality Function Deployment (QFD) Approach(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Considering the importance of the concept of strategic alignment of information technology (IT) in today economic organizations, this study attempted to extract the organization's IT strategies in order to increase the degree of strategic alignment and consequently the optimal strategies in the field of marketing and service delivery for social security organization. Using QFD technique and hierarchical analysis, the results of the study showed that among the IT strategies collected, three strategies of introducing the application of new technologies to operation department employees of the organization, standardizing software problem solving methods in the organization, and increase the organization users' sense of responsibility for IT costs were the top three priorities of IT strategy in the Social Security Organization to increase strategic alignment. Also based on the other results of the study, three strategies of forming a specialist team for emerging technologies, increasing the share of not-in-person services and enhancing the quality of information in the organization's electronic port are among the most desirable marketing strategies, and three strategies for improving the quality of electronic services, create a unity of working procedure among the employees and review and updating of services delivery processes, have been among three most desirable strategies of the organization in the field of service delivery.
Independent Organization Model Based on Managers' Economic and Organizational Policies(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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The costs of credit and accountability are good incentives for the Central Bank to increase independence. Independence of power and attention to economic policymaking in monetary decision-making can have a positive effect on the level of economic organization independence. The independent organization of the Central Bank has provided a plan for controlling inflation due to the importance of independent and appropriate banking policies in strengthening manufacturing firms. In this study, the sources of balanced power, paying attention to the upstream laws in macroeconomic decisions of economic elites and experts in banking field, and paying attention to organizational values in terms of independent decisions of economic elites, as well as the excellence of the organization in monetary and exchange rate policies have shown the consistency of the components of balanced power resources.