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طرح جامع شهر تهران در سال 1386 مصوب و طرح تفصیلی شهر تهران در سال 1392 مصوب شده است و طبیعتاً می بایست طرح تفصیلی شهر در قالب طرح جامع و با حداقل تغییرات پهنه های اصلی تهیه می شده است. اما بررسی های انجام شده حاکی از تغییر نزدیک به 20 درصدی پهنه های طرح جامع در طرح تفصیلی مصوب شهر تهران است. این تغییرات باعث پیامدهای مختلف از جمله افزایش جمعیت، کاهش سرانه های خدماتی، افزایش ترافیک و.. خواهد شد. مقایسه میزان عدم انطباق بین طرح تفصیلی و طرح جامع، در بین مناطق شهر تهران نشان داده است که منطقه 4 با 2052 هکتار تغییر (33% پهنه های طرح جامع) بیشترین میزان تغییرات را دارا بوده است. در همین راستا تحقیق حاضر به دنبال بررسی وضعیت تغییرات پهنه ها و زیر پهنه های طرح جامع در طرح تفصیلی منطقه 4 و پیامدهای آن می باشد. نتایج تحقیق نشان داده است که در بین پهنه های چهارگانه منطقه 4؛ پهنه مختلط با 996 هکتار بیشترین میزان تغییر را داشته است. از طرفی بیشترین تغییرات نیز با 824 هکتار به پهنه مسکونی منجر شده است. این تغییر و تحولات درمجموع نزدیک به 470 هزار نفر به ظرفیت سکونتی منطقه افزوده اند (صرفاً ظرفیت سکونت و بدون تأمین خدمات). در مقیاس کلان تر میزان پهنه مسکونی در طرح جامع 2243.4 بوده است که این میزان در طرح تفصیلی به 2517.3 هکتار رسیده است. این افزایش ظرفیت جمعیت پذیری در آینده باعث سکونت افراد زیادی در منطقه 4 با کمترین میزان سرانه های خدماتی خواهد شد. علاوه بر تراکم جمعیت، کاهش سرانه ها، ترافیک، آلودگی هوا و سخت شدن مدیریت بحران در این منطقه خواهد شد که همگی پیامد تغییر پهنه و ضوابط طرح جامع در طرح تفصیلی می باشد.

Analysis of the effects of the non-compliance of the detailed plan with the master plan (case study: Tehran's 4 district)

Extended Introduction In the past decades, due to the rapid increase in urbanization, special attention has been paid to urban land use changes so that human activities strongly influence the ecosystem in urban areas, and the life of half of the world's population is closely dependent on human activities in urban areas. Urban land use planning in Iran is done through Master and Detailed plans. The experience of more than half a century of land use planning in this country, which has been evaluated in numerous studies, shows its failure and what we are witnessing today is the crisis caused by the lack of implementation and realization of land use planning in the master and detailed projects. The proposed uses of future urban plans are not implemented in Iran for various reasons or they are changed. In the planning and management of cities, the plans that are prepared must be in line with the approved plans and have the least differences, with their proposals, criteria and zoning, unless with the agreement of the employer and decision-making bodies، the said plans do not comply with the above plans   Methodology In terms of type, this research is part of applied research and in terms of method, it is part of descriptive-analytical research. In this research، the amount and manner of non-compliance of the detailed plan with the third master plan were extracted. Then the impact of the non-compliance of the detailed plan with the master plan in each of the sub-areas will be investigated and then by considering the criteria of each of the sub-areas of the master and detailed plan and the changes that have occurred، the increase in population capacity (residential and not service provision) has been investigated.   Results and discussion Region 4 has the highest discrepancy with 2052 hectares، followed by Tehran's 22nd region with 1277 hectares, while Region 13 has the lowest amount of discrepancies with 159.8 hectares and Region 9 with 208.9 hectares. In total, about 33% of the areas defined in the master plan have been changed in the detailed plan. In total, out of 2052 hectares changed, the mixed zone had the largest share and about 996 hectares of it were changed to green zone (80 hectares), residential zone (713 hectares) and activity zone (202 hectares). Among the transformed (changed from the comprehensive zone), the residential zone had the largest share with 842 hectares so that 58.97 hectares of it were changed from the green zone, 713.25 hectares from the mixed zone and 70.4 hectares from the activity zone. The average growth of the population of the district 4 of Tehran is nearly 4 times the average (3.78 times) of the growth of the population in the city of Tehran. This can be due to various factors. Naturally there must be residential capacity in this area for the population to settle in this area. However part of the current residential capacity of the district 4 of Tehran where the population currently resides and has been approved as residential in the detailed plan. has been in the form of a mixed zone, green zone or activity zone in the master plan. In the changed mixed zone in the district 4 of Tehran according to the considered population loading criteria, about 133 thousand people could live. However, with the implementation of these changes in the detailed plan. the population load of these zones has greatly increased and increased to about 430 thousand people, which is more than 3 times the loading capacity determined in the master plan (without considering sub-zone R231). The highest amount of changes in the green zone is related to the R122 subzone. where 51.24 hectares have been converted from the green zone to a residential zone. About 35438 people have been added to the population of district 4.   Conclusion Among the regions of Tehran the most significant amount of changes with a volume of 2052 hectares has been related to the District 4 of Tehran. In other words about 33% of the zoning of the master plan has changed in this region. Investigations have shown that the largest volume of changes was related to the mixed zone which has changed nearly 996 hectares of which 713 hectares have been changed to a residential zone. But the important issue in this change of zones is changing the criteria and increasing the living capacity in the region and finally the increase in population and the need of this population for services per capita. Surveys have shown that with the change of zones nearly 430 thousand people have been added to the population capacity of the city (only the residential capacity and not the provision of services).   Funding There is no funding support.   Authors’ Contribution Authors contributed equally to the conceptualization and writing of the article. All of the authors approved thecontent of the manuscript and agreed on all aspects of the work declaration of competing interest none.   Conflict of Interest Authors declared no conflict of interest.   Acknowledgments  We are grateful to all the scientific consultants of this paper.
