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پژوهش حاضر با اتکا به نظریات تحلیل و گفتمان لاکلاو و موفه و نظریه تحلیل گفتمان انتقادی فرکلاف و همچنین مفاهیم نظری چون «بازنمایی» به بررسی چهار مستند از شبکه من وتو پرداخته است. (مستند 124،مستند پرواز 752، مستند شهبانو و مستند شاهد تاریخ). نتایج پژوهش نشان می دهد که این شبکه با بازنمایی مثبت حکومت پهلوی، دال مرکزی گفتمان پهلویسم را حول «حکومت پادشاهی» ایجاد و با مقوله هایی چون آزادی بیان و عناصر آن شامل، آزادی های فردی و اجتماعی، آزادی عقیده، آزادی مطبوعات و آزادی رسانه ها، اصالت بخشیدن به احزاب و تکثرگرایی، استقلال قوا و روابط سیاسی دوستانه با جوامع بین المللی، گفتمان خود را «مفصل بندی» می کند؛ این شبکه در مقابل به بازنمایی منفی حکومت جمهوری اسلامی و «غیریت سازی» ارکان آن از جمله، ولی فقیه، سپاه پاسداران و شورای نگهبان می پردازد. به طورکلی «مردم» و به طور خاص «اقلیت های مذهبی و زنان» به عنوان «زنجیره هم ارزی» و مشارکت سیاسی اثرگذار و واقعی مردم در تعیین سرنوشت کشور را به عنوان «دال خالی» گفتمان خود در نظر می گیرد و درنهایت این شبکه درصدد بوده تا هویت شهروند ایرانی را به عنوان سوژه ای برساخته شده معرفی کند که محصول فرهنگ و تمدن ایرانی - باستانی است که به اجبار و به وسیله دستگاه های ایدئولوژیک گفتمان جمهوری اسلامی، هویت جعلی ایرانی- اسلامی را به عنوان هویتی بیگانه و تحمیلی پذیرفته است .

Representation of the political system of the Islamic Republic and the Pahlavi government on Manoto TV

Introduction The media does not act as a mirror to reflect reality, but rather affects the social construction of reality. Media representations are important in the sense that they shape public knowledge and belief, so media representation is not a neutral and neutral meaning-making, because any representation is rooted in discourse and ideology from which the representation takes place. What is meant in this research is the role of "Manoto" Tv in representing the discourse of Pahlavi and the Islamic Republic of Iran, because the researcher believes that after the Islamic Revolution in 1357, Iranian society is facing various threats and sanctions from the West, and now this situation is due to various reasons. including economic pressures, recent social events, sanctions, embezzlements and social inequalities and factors such as the events of 1996, the events of November 1998, the crash of the Ukrainian plane, the summer and autumn protests of 1400 in Isfahan and Khuzestan, the dissatisfaction of businesses and unions such as workers, environmental activists, teachers And... it has continued until it has put the Iranian government and society in a fragile and critical historical situation. In the meantime, the Farsi-language "Manoto" Tv  in addition to directing public opinion, has simultaneously focused on the negative representation of the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the positive representation and introduction of the Pahlavi government as the savior of Iran and Iranians from the current situation.  Purpose  and research questionsthe main topic of this research revolves around how Pahlavism and the Islamic Republic are represented from the discourse positions of Menuto TV, and the purpose of this research is to identify the discourse positions of  Manoto TV to identify the methods of marginalizing the discourse of the Islamic Republic and to identify the methods of highlighting the Pahlavi discourse. It's on Manoto TV. Also, the central questions of this article are:How does Manoto TV represent the discourses of the Islamic Republic and Pahlaviism? Who are "self" and "other" in "Manoto" TV and how are they represented? And how do the discourse conflict mechanisms of the Islamic Republic and Pahlavi take place on "Manoto" TV?  MethodologyThis research uses "Manoto" TV documentaries and qualitative analysis method and Fairclough's critical discourse analysis methodology. After identifying the desired signifiers, they are placed in the three levels of description, interpretation and explanation in the critical discourse analysis of Fairclough, and then a summary is made. Considering that the documentaries of this TV are in the categories of science, culture and art, wildlife, political/social, historical, comedy, series and entertainment, we select the sample with the method of deliberate, targeted or judgmental sampling; But the question is, how have we identified the documents that directly or implicitly represent the discourse of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the discourse of Pahlaviism? The answer is that by clicking on any document, a summary of the topic of that document will be displayed. In this way, four documentaries that had the desired characteristics were selected as samples.FindingsEmphasizing the destruction of the country's financial and human resources by the government of the Islamic Republic, Manoto TV has negatively represented the Revolutionary “seppah Pasdaran” and its commanders, statesmen, the presidential institution, the leader of the revolution, and the revolutionaries as elements and pillars of the government of the Islamic Republic. According to the issues raised and the issues mentioned below, "Manoto" tv has been trying to represent the discourse of the Islamic Republic in a negative way. also  By emphasizing the positive actions of the first and second Pahlavi kings, the wife of the second king and its statesmen, and emphasizing the influential and powerful political position of Iran in international communities during the Pahlavi rule, this television has represented this government in a positive way. ConclusionIn the last decade, Manoto TV has become a sub-discussion against the discourse of the Islamic Republic and its actions, which, according to the research conducted, by making attractive and entertaining production programs, in addition to the audience's media consumption, due to the production of political, discursive, cultural, scientific, and historical content. and... has been able to attract the audience and influence them; This influence not only changes the discourse environment of the society but also leads to instability, crisis and gap between the government and the nation, which results in the reduction of the social capital of real and legal persons, including statesmen, and the loss of credibility or even the discrediting of the domestic media; Therefore, it is suggested that the national media, having sufficient knowledge of the economic, social, political and cultural conditions of the society, should make a fundamental revision in the policies related to the production of its programs so that its influence becomes deeper compared to similar media. Also, by adopting a suitable approach and away from the political point of view and specific ideology, it will attract different sections of the society to the national media. What is of fundamental importance is reducing the gap between the state and the nation to reduce the effect of negative representations.Novelty According to the conducted research, although the general and explicit result of the present research is similar to other researches in the positive representation of the Pahlavi regime and the negative representation of the Islamic Republic, but what distinguishes this research from other researches is dealing with two new documentaries centered on two recent controversial events. which occurs after the assassination of General Soleimani and the crash of the Ukrainian 752 plane, which have not been addressed in any research so far. Also, in previous researches, the focus is on the production programs of "Manoto" TV and emphasis on the representation of Iran and Iranian identity, politics and entertainment, news, press and media; However, in the current research, the way of representing the two discourses of Pahlavi and the Islamic Republic has been studied and investigated with the method of Norman Fairclough.
