Journal of Money and Economy
Journal of Money and Economy, Vol. 17, No. 1, Winter 2022 (مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
Over the last decades the research on monetary policy has largely concentrated on the impact of monetary authorities’ decisions on inflation and the fine-tuning of the macroeconomic, so that distributional effects of monetary policy which are non-trivial has been ignored. A view that has become increasingly popular since the financial crisis 2008 is that expansionary monetary policy can exacerbate inequality. There is some recent empirical evidence that even in an era of low inflation rates; monetary policy shocks have persistent effects on the distribution of income and consumption across households. However, there has been little formal analysis of “winners" and “losers" from monetary policy. This paper investigates the distributional impact of monetary policy using the data of the Iranian economy based on the Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Models (DSGE) approach. In this framework, the monetary shock via heterogeneous earnings channel effects two typical household’s income and consumption distribution. As the monetary shock have different effects on the consumption and income of each of typical households relying on model’s results, so the distributional effect of monetary policy is confirmed, the reason that monetary authorities must consider distributional effects of their policy besides other goals. The micro-based approach of study is the paper innovation which has been done for the first time in Iran
Bank Health and Cash Flow Sensitivity of Cash: Evidence from TSE Listed Firms(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
Achieving a strong and efficient monetary cycle is of great importance and necessity due to the dependency of corporates on banks in Iran. Owing to the importance of cash management in firms, this study assesses the impact of bank health on Cash flow sensitivity of cash of listed corporates on Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE) by analyzing 102 firms which have received facilities from 20 active Iranian banks during 2015 to 2019. To calculate bank health, CAMELS indicators have been used. Two main hypotheses along with related sub hypotheses have been considered and tested by estimating panel data models. Results show that the quality of assets, as an indicator of Bank health, has a negative effect on sensitivity of cash held which is consistent with the bank power hypothesis ؛and the liquidity index as another bank health indicator negatively affects the sensitivity of the cash held, which is consistent with the hypothesis of financial constraint
The Relationship between Corporate Governance Factors and Accounting Conservatism (Based on Basu's Model Evaluation)(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of corporate governance, the ownership percentage of major and institutional shareholders, auditor change, audit committee independence, and information asymmetry on accounting conservatism. Basu's model (1997) has been used to evaluate the relationship among variables. The present study is a post-event study, and the research sample includes 165 companies during eleven years from 2010 until 2020. Panel data and fixed effects model have been used to analyze the relationship between research variables. The results of the Basu's model test in measuring accounting conservatism show that in the sample companies, variables of board independence, the ownership percentage of institutional investors have a positive and significant relationship with accounting conservatism and the CEO duality has a negative and significant relationship with accounting conservatism. On the other hand, variables of board size, ownership concentration, auditor rotation, auditor tenure, independence of audit committee, and information asymmetry have no significant relationship with accounting conservatism. Also, among these variables, the separation of the CEO from the board's chairman has the most significant impact on accounting conservatism
The Impact of Financial Sanctions on Capital Inflow and Outflow (case of Iran)(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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The paper aims to examine the impact of financial sanctions on capital inflow and outflow in Iran. The research question is about examining the effect of financial sanctions on FDI inflow and capital outflow in Iran. We used the intervention model as an econometric method to estimate the impact during 2005-2019. The paper discussed three periods. From 2005 to 2010, severe financial sanctions negatively affected FDI, and capital outflow was positive. From 2011 to 2015, severe and multilateral financial sanctions were implemented, adversely affecting FDI. There is a positive relationship between financial sanctions and capital outflow. In the third period, i.e., 2016-2019, when financial sanctions and implementation of JCPOA and the withdrawal of the United States happened, the overall effect on FDI inflow is negative. Although Iran absorbed about $2 billion of FDI, with the withdrawal of the United States from JCPOA and the return of secondary U.S. sanctions, the reduction of FDI happened again. On capital outflow, the sanction has a positive effect on capital outflow. Altogether, during 2005-2019, financial sanctions adversely affected FDI inflow and increased capital outflow in Iran
Exchange Rate Pass-Through on Non-Oil Trade Balance in Iran(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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This article investigates the relationship between the exchange rate and non-oil trade balance in Iran between 1981 and 2014. A structural vector auto-regression model is built. The results indicated that the increasing effect of the real effective exchange rate worsens the non-oil trade balance in the short term. In contrast, the increasing effect of the real effective exchange rate improves the non-oil trade balance in the long term. In addition, the increase in the effective real exchange rate has two effects: the price effect can overcome the quantity effect leading to the deterioration of the non-oil trade balance in the short term. However, the quantity effect overcame the price effect and improved the non-oil trade balance in the long term. On the other hand, the J-curve and S-curve phenomena were confirmed
The Impact of Exchange Rate and Investor Confidence Uncertainty on Monetary and Economic Uncertainty in Iran(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
Failure to timely identify the occurrence of various shocks in the foreign exchange market due to the close relationship with the monetary, macroeconomic, and financial uncertainty can lead to crises and imbalances. In this paper, the effect of exchange rate and investor confidence on monetary and economic uncertainty in Iran is investigated, specifying a Multivariate GARCH model and the Granger-causality method over 2001-2018. The research findings have shown a significant positive correlation between exchange rate and macroeconomic uncertainty in the short run. But, there is no two-way Granger relationship between the real exchange rate, investor confidence in financial markets, and money growth uncertainty. Exchange rate uncertainty affects the real economy through a channel other than the capital market. Also, there is a significant effect of Investor confidence on monetary uncertainty in the short run. As a result, monetary uncertainty is affected by investor confidence uncertainty just through movements in money growth