
براساس ماده 302 قانون مجازات اسلامی مصوب 1392، اگر کسی مرتکب جنایت علیه مهدورالدم و مستحق جنایت شود، از قصاص و دیه معاف است و براساس ماده 303 قانون مجازات اسلامی، اگر مرتکب با اعتقاد به مهدورالدم بودن قربانی به وی جنایتی وارد سازد و بتواند این اعتقاد را ثابت کند، قصاص ساقط و به دیه و مجازات تعزیری محکوم خواهد شد. این پژوهش به بررسی موارد تعارض تجویز جنایت علیه مهدورالدم به اشخاص عادی از سوی مقنن پرداخته و به این نتیجه رسیده است که مقرره ماده 302 و 303 قانون مجازات اسلامی با برخی از اصول و قواعد فقه اسلامی از جمله؛ اصل برائت، اصل احتیاط در دماء و اعراض و نوامیس مردم، اصل اقامه مجازات توسط حاکم و اشخاص مأذون از طرف وی، قاعده لایبطل دم امر المسلم در مفهوم عام و اصل کرامت انسانی در تعارض است. این مقاله با بهره گیری از شیوه تحلیلی-توصیفی با رویکرد انتقادی، به دنبال این هدف است که به کنشگران سیاست جنائی تقنینی ایران پیشنهاد کند تا برای رفع تعارض و جلوگیری از دادگستری خصوصی و حفظ نظم و امنیت شهروندان این ماده را حذف یا به گونه ای اصلاح شود که امکان توسل به آن برای رهایی از مجازات آسان نباشد.

The Conflict of Legal Permission of Crime against the Unprotected Outlaw (Mahdūr al-Dam) with the Teachings of Islamic Jurisprudence

According to Article 302 of the Islamic Penal Code of Iran (April 21, 2013), if someone commits an offence against an unprotected outlaw (mahdūr al-dam) and someone who deserves death, she/he is exempted from retaliation (qiṣᾱṣ) and paying blood money (dῑya). Article 303 also stipulates that if the perpetrator commits a crime believing that the victim is mahdūr al-dam and can prove this belief, qiṣᾱṣ will not be applicable and he/she will be convicted of dῑya and ta‘azīrī (discretionary) punishment. This research investigates the conflicting cases of legislators prescribing crimes against mahdūr al-dam by normal people. The corollary is that the provisions of articles 302 and 303 of the Islamic Penal Code are in conflict with some of the principles and rules of Islamic jurisprudence such as the principle of the presumption of innocence, the principle of caution in issuing death penalty and peoples honor (precautionary principle in blood and peoples' honor), the principle of legality of offences and punishment (the principle of execution of punishment by Imam (or Judge) and authorized persons on his behalf), the jurisprudential principle of respecting Muslims' blood in general sense, and the principle of human dignity. To resolve not only the existing conflicts but also preventing private justice and maintain the order and security of citizens, this research uses the analytical-descriptive research method with a critical approach to propose to the activists of legislative criminal policy of Iran that the aforementioned articles should be omitted from Islamic Penal Code or amended in such a way that no one can easily resort to them in order to get rid of punishment. To resolve not only the existing conflicts but also preventing private justice and maintain the order and security of citizens, the authors seek to propose to the activists of legislative criminal policy of Iran that the aforementioned articles should be deleted from Islamic Penal Code or amended in such a way that no one can easily resort to get rid of punishment. This paper has been performed based on the descriptive-analytical research method with a critical approach.
