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اهمیت بخش کشاورزی به عنوان یکی از ارکان اصلی اقتصاد یک کشور تاحدی است که در سند چشم انداز وظیفه بسیار سنگین امنیت غذایی و کمک در حفظ محیط زیست بعهده بخش کشاورزی گذاشته شده است.باتوجه به اینکه برای سنجش قابلیتهای کشاورزی کمتربه معیارهای انسانی توجه شده است وتحقیقات انجام شده بیشتر عوامل طبیعی را برای سنجش قابلیتهای کشاورزی در نظر گرفته اند،در این تحقیق سعی بر سنجش قابلیتهای کشاورزی با دو مدل اکولوژیکی که عبارت است از: سنجش قابلیتهای کشاورزی فقط با معیار های طبیعی ومدل مبتنی برآمایش سرزمین که یک دید جامع تر دارد وعلاوه بر معیارهای طبیعی، معیار های انسانی را نیز در نظر میگیرد.روش گردآوری اطلاعات کتابخانه ای ومراجعه به موسسات مختلف میباشد، ازنظر ماهیت کاربردی، روش از نظر هدف توصیفی- تحلیلی: پتانسیل کشاورزی استان ک.ب براساس معیار های مدل مخدوم ،عوامل طبیعی همچون: شیب ،جهت ،میزان آب، باران، اقلیم،عمق، بافت، حاصلخیزی، زهکشی خاک بااستفاده ازمدل توان اکولوژیکی مورد ارزیابی قرار گرفته ودر مرحله بعد قابلیت کشاورزی استان ک.ب، براساس مدل آمایش سرزمین: معیارهای طبیعی: درصد شیب، جهت شیب، خاک(عمق، بافت، حاصلخیزی، فرسایش، زهکشی )، میزان آب، باران و آب وهوا و معیارهای انسانی: راههای دسترسی، جمعیت، بیکاری، فقر، و مناطق روستایی بعد از ارزیابی معیارها توسط بیست متخصص در این زمینه، معیارها بعد از صحت سنجی در محیط (SPSS) ومیانگینگیری با استفاده از AHP))وزندهی شده. ودر محیط سیستم اطلاعات جغرافیایی با هم ترکیب شده. بااستفاده ازنرم افزار اردس وباتطبیق دادن نقشه های ساخته شده بادر نظر گرفتن وضع موجود، مشاهدات میدانی وگوگل ارث، نتایج حاکی از این است که سنجش قابلیتهای کشاورزی استان ک.ب براساس مدل آمایش سرزمین ( که عدد 87.62با توجه به 400نقطه ای که مشخص شده بدست آمده ) به نتایج واقع بینانه تری نسبت به مدل اکولوژیکی ( که عدد73.58با توجه به 400نقطه ای که مشخص شده بدست آمده )منجر میشود.

Comparative evaluation of models for measuring farmer's capabilities (ecological model and model based on land use)

Extended Abstract Introduction The agricultural sector is one of the main pillars of a country's economy to such an extent that in the vision document, the very heavy task of food security and helping to preserve the environment is assigned to the agricultural sector. Most of the conducted research has considered natural factors to measure agricultural qualities; in this research, an attempt was made to measure agricultural capabilities with two ecological models, such as measuring agricultural capabilities with natural qualities and a land preparation model with a view more comprehensive. In addition to natural criteria, it also considers human characteristics. For this reason, by using models of land use, which consists of measuring the power of a region or region, or in other words, the land, along with paying attention to the population living in the region, to reach a balance, the capabilities of any part of the earth can be measured, and anywhere on the earth is proportional to the capabilities of the land natural and human-provided facilities.  After the era of hunting and barbarism, the early man thought of a better life outside the hunting era, where he could continue his life without the troubles and dangers of the hunting era. It was there that they started agriculture by planting in the early era. The first period has passed primitive agriculture, the same as traditional agriculture. Due to the small number of early humans and less use of such a capability, the issue of land development should have been considered. Gradually, with the increase in human population, more and more limited lands were cultivated. On the one hand, numerous hectares were under construction, and on the other hand, the importance of paying attention to these limited-quality lands has increased. Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad, one of the deprived provinces, rely on an agriculture-based economy and are no exception. Evaluation of the ecological potential means that the land in question is capable of what type of use, such as agriculture, forestry, residential, industrial, etc. Considering the world's increasing population and the increasing pressure on land resources, it requires using technology such as geographic information systems as one of the analytical models to help identify areas in the most suitable sustainable agricultural production communities for food supply, according to environmentalists.   Methodology The study area is Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad province. According to the census of Statistical Centre in 2013 has an area of ​​15,504.073 square kilometers, seven cities, a population of 658,629 people, and an average annual growth rate of 0.76%. The research is of an applied type, the method of collecting library information and referring to Statistical Center's website and to Itis different organizations. In terms of practical nature, the method is descriptive-analytical in terms of purpose; firstly, based on the criteria of the Makhdoom model, natural factors such as slope, direction, water level, climate, depth, texture, fertility, soil structure, and human factors that the authors of the model definition. The opinion placed in the geographic information system environment of the agricultural situation of the province has been evaluated. Finally, two models have been evaluated in ARDES software.   Results and discussion In this research, an attempt was made to measure the agricultural capabilities of the province with an ecological model, which consists of measuring the agricultural capabilities only with natural criteria, and a model based on land use, which has a more comprehensive view. In addition to natural criteria, it also includes human criteria. The method of collecting library information and referring to different institutions, in terms of practical nature, is descriptive-analytical in terms of purpose. To measure the agricultural capability of the province based on the ecological model, only natural criteria slope percentage, slope direction, soil (depth, texture, fertility, erosion, drainage), amount of water, rain, and weather, according to Mr. Makhdoom model in the geographic system environment is combined and after betting, the final map of Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad province is divided into seven layers; and the next stage is the agricultural capability of the province, based on the land use model, natural criteria include the percentage of slope, the direction of slope, soil (depth, texture, fertility, erosion, drainage), amount of water, rain, and weather and human criteria include roads access, population, unemployment, poverty, protected areas, and rural areas are combined after evaluation by experts in this field in the environment of the geographic information system, and after betting, they are divided into three categories.   Conclusion The agricultural potential of Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad province has been evaluated based on the criteria of the Makhdoom model, natural factors such as slope, direction, water level, rain, climate, depth, texture, fertility, soil drainage using the ecological power model, and the next stage is the agricultural capability of the province based on land use model, natural criteria include the percentage of slope, direction of slope, soil (depth, texture, fertility, erosion, drainage), amount of water, rain, and climate and human criteria: access roads, population, unemployment, poverty protected areas, and rural areas are combined after evaluation by experts in this field in the geographic information system environment. Using ARDES software and adapting the maps made, considering the existing situation of Google Earth, the results indicate that the assessment of the agricultural capabilities of the province based on the land use model (which number is 87.62 according to the 400 points that have been determined) lead to more realistic results than the ecological model which is 73.58 according to the 400 points that have been specified.   Funding There is no funding support.   Authors’ Contribution Authors contributed equally to the conceptualization and writing of the article. All of the authors approved thecontent of the manuscript and agreed on all aspects of the work declaration of competing interest none.     Conflict of Interest Authors declared no conflict of interest.   Acknowledgments We are grateful to all the scientific consultants of this paper.
