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«محله تاریخی- فرهنگی حسینیه»، به عنوان خاستگاه اولیه شهر زنجان، دارای جایگاه منحصربه فردی در ساختار فضایی و کارکردی است اما امروزه به دلیل فرسودگی در ابعاد کالبدی، یکپارچگی و اصالت آن در معرض خطر قرارگرفته است. تحقیق حاضر باهدف بررسی وضعیت احیاء و بازآفرینی این محله به ارزیابی میزان تحقق پذیری اصول، ابعاد و معیارهای بازآفرینی و حفاظت یکپارچه در آن می پردازد. این تحقیق ازنظر هدف، کاربردی و ازنظر روش تحلیلی – مقایسه ای است. جامعه آماری آن را ساکنین بالای 20 سال محله حسینیه تشکیل می دهند. ارزیابی ها بر پایه دو اصل «برجستگی» و «سرزندگی اقتصادی» در قالب 6 بعد و 22 معیار، از طریق آزمون های آماری تی تک نمونه ای و رگرسیون چند متغیره انجام پذیرفته است. بررسی ها نشان می دهد ازنظر جامعه آماری، میزان تحقق پذیری اصول بازآفرینی یکپارچه در این محله در وضعیت موجود، در سطح متوسطی قرار دارد؛ به طوری که اصل «سرزندگی اقتصادی» با میانگین 058/3 نسبت به اصل «برجستگی» با میانگین 97/2 دارای تحقق پذیری بیشتری است. در میان ابعاد موردمطالعه نیز، ابعاد «کارکردی» و «ارزش نسبی» با میانگین 256/3 و 74/2 به ترتیب بیشترین و کمترین میزان تحقق پذیری را دارند. نتایج تحقیق بیانگر این موضوع است که در طرح های بازآفرینی بافت های تاریخی – فرهنگی صرف توجه به یک اصل و یک بعد خاص نمی تواند موفقیت در آن ها را به همراه داشته باشد بلکه نیازمند مطالعات همه جانبه در تمامی ابعاد و معیارهای بازآفرینی است. در این راستا با تکیه بر سیستم یکپارچه و منسجم مدیریتی می توان بازآفرینی و احیای بافت را به صورت توأمان، یکپارچه و جامع فراتر از رویکردها و سیاست های منطقه ای به مرحله اجرا درآورد.

Assess the Feasibility of Integrated Regeneration and Conservation Projects in Historical-Cultural Urban Area (Case study: Hosseinieh District of Zanjan)

Extended IntroductionThe historical-cultural district of "Hosseiniyeh," as the primary origin of Zanjan, has a unique place in the spatial and functional structure. However, due to the physical deterioration, its integrity and originality have been endangered despite its numerous reconstruction efforts in this district. This study aims to evaluate the revitalization and recreation situation of Hosseiniyeh district to evaluate the feasibility of the principles, dimensions, and criteria of recreation and integrated protection in this district. "Integrated Recreation" is based on the conceptual framework presented by Hanachi and Fadaei Nejad (2011); it includes various types of physical, functional, and socio-cultural regeneration that, in order to achieve integration and balance, must be related to the criterion of "economic vitality." Effective and determining factors in "integrated protection" also include originality, which is the integrity and relative value concerning the criterion of "prominence" in relation to the interaction. As a result, in order to form an "integrated conservation and regeneration framework," the criteria of "prominence" and "economic viability" must be interacted and balance with each other. MethodologyThis research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-survey and inferential in terms of nature and method. The statistical population is residents over 20 years old in Hosseiniyeh district who were randomly selected from 180 people for sampling. The number of samples is determined using Cochran's formula and according to the research time constraints. The descriptive section is done in a historical background by studying the sources, documents, and plans above, as well as field studies and navigation of the study area. Evaluations were done by completing a questionnaire, and in order to ensure the proper reliability of the questionnaire questions, Cronbach's alpha (0.7 <0.782) was calculated. In the analytical section, after confirming the validity of the questionnaire by experts and specialists in urban remediation, the correlation of research criteria has been estimated through a one-sample t-test and multivariate regression. Results and discussionThe results of field studies and their adaptation to the goals of regeneration projects in Hosseiniyeh district show the fact that the unique requirements and conditions of this district and the particular identity of its social, economic, and physical structures prevent the full realization of the principles of regeneration and integrated protection in this district. In other words, the measures taken to recreate the Hosseiniyeh district have yet to meet the residents' demands at the expected level due to differences in objectives. The results of a one-sample t-test to examine the status of the principles of prominence and economic vitality in the historical-cultural district of Zanjan Hosseiniyeh show that the level of significance obtained for all criteria is less than 0.05, and the results can be generalized to the statistical community. Surveys show that from the statistical community point of view, the feasibility of the principles of integrated regeneration in this district is in the current situation at a moderate level so that the principle of economic vitality with an average of 3.058 has more feasibility than the principle of prominence with an average of 2.97. Among the studied dimensions, functional and relative values with an average of 3.256 and 2.74 have the highest and lowest feasibility, respectively.According to the citizens' opinion analysis, among the criteria related to the principle of prominence, the criterion of originality in performance, with an average of 3.19, has the highest score, and the criterion of visual integrity, with an average of 2.98, has the lowest score among other criteria. Examination of the obtained values shows that the average scores of most criteria are lower than the average level of 3; in other words, from the citizens' point of view in the process of recreating this district, the principle of prominence at the intermediate level and even lower than the average level needs to be reconsidered. Among the dimensions studied, the functional dimension, with an average of 3.256, has the highest score, and the physical dimension, with an average of 2.851, has the lowest score.Table. 1: Evaluation of dimensions of the principle of prominence in Hosseiniyeh districtMean differenceThe average score (5>t>1)Dimensions- 0/1193/19Originality-0/1262/98Integrity-0/1022/74Relative value-0/0922/851Physical-0/1073/068Socio-semantic-0/1483/256Functional ConclusionDespite the protection measures and urban management done in the regeneration plans in line with the plans of the worn-out texture headquarters in Hosseiniyeh District, the feasibility of integrated regeneration principles and criteria in this district is moderate and, in some dimensions, is below average. The results of one-sample t-tests in assessing the status of principles, dimensions, and criteria of regeneration and integrated protection also confirm the unfavorable situation of this district in terms of success and achievability of the goals of regeneration projects. Although the mentioned principles and criteria have been observed to some extent in these projects and attempts have been made to observe the principle of reversibility, minimal intervention, and preservation of originality and integrity, studies show its lack of compliance with the principles and criteria of regeneration and integrated protection and failure of projects in dimensions. It has a physical and textural integrity that has been implemented in a purely protective manner without regard to other dimensions and indicators of regeneration. In this regard, strategies such as strengthening indigenous architectural elements and patterns in the surrounding texture, preserving the urban landscape in accordance with the environment and district, preservation of the body and the historical structure of the texture, defining the historical-cultural axis as a part of the historical-tourism axis of Hosseiniyeh and integrating, regeneration and restoring the historical structure of the district, can have the most significant impact on maintaining and counting the originality and integrity of this historical district. FundingThere is no funding support. Authors’ ContributionAuthors contributed equally to the conceptualization and writing of the article. All of the authors approved thecontent of the manuscript and agreed on all aspects of the work declaration of competing interest none. Conflict of InterestAuthors declared no conflict of interest. Acknowledgments We are grateful to all the scientific consultants of this paper.
