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کیفیت محیطی از اساسی ترین بخش های کیفیت زندگی در جامعه شهری محسوب می شود. یکی از عواملی که در کیفیت شرایط زیست شهری نقش مهمی دارد، بحث مؤلفه ریخت شناسی و کالبدی محلات شهری هست که مسلماً شدت و ضعف این مؤلفه نشان از کیفیت محیطی در هر محله شهر دارد. لذا هدف اصلی این تحقیق بررسی تطبیقی کیفیت محیطی از جنبه مؤلفه ریخت شناسی- کالبدی محله سنتی منجم و محله برنامه ریزی شده باغمیشه کلان شهر تبریز ازلحاظ شاخص های کیفیت بافت و مسکن می باشد.پژوهش حاضر بر اساس هدف از نوع کاربردی است. جمع آوری داده ها از روش مشاهدات میدانی و روش پیمایشی با استفاده از ابزار پرسشنامه اقدام گردید. با استفاده از مدل تحلیلی آلفا کرونباخ میزان اعتبار و روایی سنجی پرسشنامه برآورد شده است. برای مقایسه وضعیت رضایت شهروندان با استفاده از آزمون تی دو نمونه ای و آزمون لون دو محله با هم قیاس گردیده است. درنهایت با استفاده از روش رگرسیون چند متغیره سهم نسبی مؤلفه ریخت شناسی و کالبدی در دو محله مشخص گردید.نتایج پژوهش بیانگر آن است که معیارهای کالبدی- ریخت شناسی محله باغمیشه نسبت به محله منجم از شرایط مناسبی برخوردار می باشد و این نشان از تفاوت در نحوه فرآیند شکل گیری این دو محله در دوره زمانی می باشد.

Comparative assessment of environmental quality in terms of morphological-physical component in traditional and modern neighborhoods(Case study of astronomical neighborhoods - Baghmisheh, Tabriz metropolis)

Extended IntroductionThe quality of the urban environment is the social, cultural, economic, and physical-spatial conditions of the urban environment that indicate the level of satisfaction or dissatisfaction of citizens with the urban environment. In fact, the specific aspects of the environment are known as key elements related to the quality of a person's life. In other words, it can be said that the quality of a city's life is directly related to its quality.In this research, the comparative evaluation of the environmental quality of two neighborhoods is based on the morphological and physical components in the form of two components; 1) the quality of the urban texture, which includes criteria such as permeability, compatibility, scale, and aesthetics, and 2) housing quality is evaluated according to indicators such as building form, building age, and building strength.Tabriz, as a metropolis, is not an exception to this rule and faces many environmental issues. The most critical issue in this field is the fundamental and significant difference in the degree of environmental desirability in different areas of this city. Therefore, one of the components that play a role in measuring the quality of the urban environment of Tabriz city is morphological-anatomical criteria. MethodologyThe current research is based on the purpose of applied type. Data collection was done by field observation method and survey method using a questionnaire tool. The statistical community is the population of 59,560 people in Manjam neighborhood and the population of 41,433 people in Baghmisheh neighborhood; Cochran's formula with a confidence factor of 95% was used to determine the statistical sample, and a total of 382 questionnaires were randomly distributed among the residents of two neighborhoods, based on the percentage share of neighborhoods, 221 questionnaires related to Manjam neighborhood and 161 questionnaires related to Baghmisheh neighborhood. Using Cronbach's alpha analytical model, the validity and reliability of the questionnaire have been estimated, and its value is 0.72, which shows that the questionnaire has acceptable reliability.In order to compare the satisfaction status of the citizens, two neighborhoods were compared using the two-sample t-test and Lon's test. Finally, the relative contribution of the two neighborhoods' morphological and physical components was determined using the multivariate regression method. Results and discussionMorphological indicators of Manjem and Baghmisheh neighborhoods from two dimensions, the texture quality of the neighborhoods from four dimensions (permeability, compatibility, scale, aesthetics) and the housing quality dimension from three factors (aesthetics, building construction age, building strength level) using The observation method and questionnaire results were investigated, described and evaluated. In the following, in order to describe the research findings, the comparison of the environmental quality criteria in both neighborhoods was discussed. Then, the relative contribution of each sub-index affecting the environmental quality was stated.The results of the questionnaires collected at the level of Monajem neighborhood show that among the existing indicators, the aesthetic index has a medium to high rank in this neighborhood. The rest of the indicators are evaluated as medium and medium to low, and the average satisfaction The neighborhood population is estimated to be 2.53 from the morphological and physical criteria.The questionnaires collected at the level of Baghmisheh neighborhood show that the two indices of compatibility and scale have a good rank, and the rest of the indices are also evaluated as medium to high. Finally, the average satisfaction of residents with the morphological and physical criteria in the neighborhood is 3.9.In a preliminary comparison, the level of satisfaction of the residents of Baghmisheh neighborhood is higher than that of the residents of Monajem neighborhood. This high level of satisfaction is noticeable in the indicators of building age and strength, scale, compatibility, and permeability and less in the indicators of form and aesthetics. Of course, regarding aesthetics, the two neighborhoods have almost the same rank.According to the averages obtained from all morphological and anatomical criteria, it can be said that the satisfaction of the residents of Baghmisheh is about 35% more than that of the residents of Manjem neighborhood. ConclusionThe research results indicate that in Baghmisheh neighborhood, due to the planned structure and the block-blocked neighborhoods, there is a connection between the neighborhoods by local streets, and most of the buildings in Monajem neighborhood have old facades. Therefore, it does not have the harmony of Hedgewar buildings. However, contrary, in the new neighborhood of Baghmisheh, there is good harmony due to the new constructions.In terms of scale, Monajem neighborhood is due to its old construction and is usually one or two stories, and as a result, it has proportionality and scale. Nevertheless, in Baghmisheh neighborhood, due to the new construction, the apartments are harmonious in terms of scale. From the aesthetic side of Monajem neighborhood, there is no eye-catching design due to its historical age, and wall painting in these old neighborhoods has caused visual pollution in this type of neighborhood. However, in Baghmisheh neighborhood of Nobnayad, has a good view, and the painting on the wall is seen a lot in these neighborhoods.In general, it can be said that Monajem neighborhood faces physical, visual, and functional challenges due to its traditional texture in terms of morphological and physical parameters. However, due to the new urban planning, the Baghmisheh neighborhood has fewer weak points from the morphological aspect; it is relative to the Astronomer neighborhood. FundingThere is no funding support. Authors’ Contribution Authors contributed equally to the conceptualization and writing of the article. All of the authors approved thecontent of the manuscript and agreed on all aspects of the work declaration of competing interest none. Conflict of Interest Authors declared no conflict of interest. Acknowledgments We are grateful to all the scientific consultants of this paper. 
